I am creating a menu for a billing program with tuples inside lists, how would you do to delete a data requested by the user deleting all its values?
menu = """
(1) Añadir Cliente
(2) Eliminar Cliente
(3) Añadir Factura
(4) Procesar facturacion del mes
(5) Listar todos los clientes
(6) Terminar
lista_nom =[]
list_borra2 = []
ventas = []
while True:
opc = input("Escriba una opcion: ")
opc = int(opc)
if opc == 1:
nombre = input("Escribe el nombre del cliente: ")
cif = input('Escribe el cif de cliente: ')
direccion = input("Escribe el direccion de cliente: ")
lista_nom1 = (nombre,cif,direccion)
#print(lista_nom1)mismo dato en tupla
if opc == 2:
nombre = input('Escriba el nombre del cliente a borrar: ')
for nombre in lista_nom[0]:
print('No existe el cliente con el nombre', nombre)
# for nom in range(len(lista_nom)):
# for eli in range(len(lista_nom[nom])):
# if lista_nom[nom][eli][0] == nombre:
# del lista_nom[nom:nom+1]
# print(lista_nom)
I have tried to access the element with nested for but it simply does nothing.
try to create a new list to store the deleted data and then install it in the first list with the main values to be deleted
# list_borra2.append(nombre)
# for nom in range(len(lista_nom)):
# for eli in range(len(lista_nom[nom])):
# if lista_nom[nom][eli][0] == nombre:
# del lista_nom[nom:nom+1]
# print(lista_nom)
# lista_nom.remove(nombre)
# list_borra2 += lista_nom
# # print(list_borra2)
# print(list_borra2)
Instead of deleting an element, what is not possible inside of tuples, you could define a new tuple by doing
nom_remove = lista_nom[:nom] + lista_nom[(nom+1):]
At the end I resolved the problem with this, like the other guy tell me the tuples are immutable so I need to go inside the list and i can access to the tuple:
if opc == 2:
nombre = input('Escriba el nombre del cliente a borrar: ')
vivo = 0
for kilo in ventas:
vivo = ventas[kilo].count(nombre)
if vivo == 0:
for nom in range(len(lista_nom)):
if lista_nom[nom].count(nombre)>0:
del lista_nom[nom:nom+1]
so i have this script but i dont know how it worsk can someone please explain it to me , all what i know is that we have two types pf used super user and normal user each one got many taskss
that we excecute after extracting from a file.txt
# Permet de mieux gérer le typing (définition des types lors de la signature fonction)
from future import annotations
# Permet de créer des classes héritant d'énum pour réaliser des énumérations
from enum import Enum
# Gère le multithreading
import threading
# Mise en pause du programme via time.sleep()
import time
# Lecture de la mémoire utilisée
import os, psutil
# Interface graphique
import turtle
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
# Shuffle permet de mélanger une liste (utilisé pour la liste des story)
from random import shuffle
__FILENAME__ = "stories.txt"
__KO_SIZE_BYTE__ = 1024
__TIME_TASK_S__ = 5
# Booléen permettant de savoir si un super utilisateur a pris la main (mise en pause automatique des utilisateurs normaux)
is_locked_for_super_user = False
### Définition de la classe Block ###
# number_of_block : Nombre de block alloué
# state : status du block (Block.State.FREE ou Block.State.BUSY)
# data : data que le block va stocker (story)
# next_block : reférence du prochaine block
class Block:
_SIZE_ = 512 * __KO_SIZE_BYTE__
class State(Enum):
FREE = 0
BUSY = 1
def __init__(self, number_of_blocks : int, state : Block.State, data : str, next_block : Block = None):
self.number_of_blocks = number_of_blocks
self.state = state
self.data = bytearray(data, encoding="utf-8")
self.data.extend(bytearray(int((Block._SIZE_ * number_of_blocks )- len(data)), ))
self.next_block = next_block
def add(self,next_block : Block, index : int = 1) -> int:
if self.next_block:
return self.next_block.add(next_block, index + 1)
self.next_block = next_block
return index
### Définition d'une classe MemoryBlock qui représente une liste chainée ###
# block : premier block de la liste chainée
class MemoryBlock:
def __init__(self, block : Block = None ):
self.block = block
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 0:
return self.block
item = self.block.next_block
for _ in range(1, key):
item = item.next_block
return item
def add(self, block : Block) -> int:
# manage empty block
if not self.block:
self.block = block
return 0
return self.block.add(block)
def remove(self, key):
if key == 0:
self.block = self.block.next_block
self[key - 1].next_block = self[key].next_block
def size(self) -> int:
if not self.block:
return 0
size = 1
current_block = self.block
while current_block.next_block:
current_block = current_block.next_block
size+= 1
return size
### Classe Task ###
# lib_task : Libellé de la tache
# time_task : Temps d'éxécution de la tache en seconde
# mem_task : taille allouée à la tache
# level_task : Priorité de la tache (Task.Priority.HIGH ou Task.Priority.LOW)
# state_task : Etat de la tache (Task.State.ACTIVE ou Task.State.SLEEPING)
# treeView : arbre de l'interface graphique qui affiche l'éxécution des taches
# story : Chaine de caractère à afficher par la tâche en time_task secondes
# block_memory : liste chainée de block
class Task(threading.Thread):
class Priority(Enum):
HIGH = 0
LOW = 1
class State(Enum):
def __init__(self, lib_task : str, time_task : int, mem_task : int, level_task : Priority, state_task : State, treeview : ttk.Treeview, story : str, block_memory : MemoryBlock):
self.lib_task = lib_task
self.time_task = time_task
self.index_block = block_memory.add(Block(number_of_blocks=int(mem_task / Block._SIZE_), state= Block.State.BUSY, data = story))
self.story = story
self.block_memory = block_memory
self.level_task = level_task
self.state_task = state_task
self.treeview = treeview
self.block_memory = block_memory
def run(self):
self.state_task = Task.State.ACTIVE
data_to_display = self.block_memory[self.index_block].data.decode()[0:len(self.story)]
nb_to_display_each_sec = int(len(data_to_display) / self.time_task)
self.treeview.insert("",'end', text=self.lib_task, values = (self.lib_task, ""))
total_display_chars = nb_to_display_each_sec
global is_locked_for_super_user
for i in range(0, self.time_task + 1):
while self.level_task == Task.Priority.LOW and is_locked_for_super_user:
for item in self.treeview.get_children():
if self.treeview.item(item)["text"] == self.lib_task:
self.treeview.item(item, values = (self.lib_task, data_to_display[0:total_display_chars]))
total_display_chars += nb_to_display_each_sec
self.treeview.item(item, values = (self.lib_task, data_to_display))
self.state_task = Task.State.SLEEPING
self.block_memory[self.index_block].state = Block.State.FREE
### Thread permettant de gérer l'éxécution de toutes les taches ###
# memoryBlock : liste chainée de block
# stories : liste de chaine de caractères que les taches executerons
# treeView : arbre de l'interface graphique qui affiche l'éxécution des taches
class TaskManager(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, memoryBlock: MemoryBlock, stories, priority : Task.Priority, treeView : ttk.Treeview):
self.memoryBlock = memoryBlock
self.stories = stories
self.priority = priority
self.treeView = treeView
def run(self):
global is_locked_for_super_user
while self.priority == Task.Priority.LOW and is_locked_for_super_user:
# launch tasks
tasks = []
for index, story in enumerate(self.stories):
task = Task(lib_task="task " + str(index), time_task=__TIME_TASK_S__, mem_task=Block._SIZE_ * __NUMBER_BLOCKS_BY_TASK__, level_task=self.priority, state_task=Task.State.SLEEPING, treeview=self.treeView, story=story, block_memory=self.memoryBlock)
# une tache dormante, une fois arrivé son tour d’exécution, elle donne la main à la suivante.
while task.state_task == Task.State.SLEEPING:
# Wait until tasks are finished
for t in tasks:
### Récupère la mémoire utilisée ###
# Retourne la mémoire utilisée en Mo
def get_memory_usage():
return psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / __KO_SIZE_BYTE__ / 1024 # Mo
### Lancée par Thread dans le but de superviser le lancement des taches ###
# memoryBlock : liste chainée de block
# stories : liste de chaine de caractères que les taches executerons
# treeView : arbre de l'interface graphique qui affiche l'éxécution des taches
def launch_task_manager(memoryBlock : MemoryBlock, stories, priority : Task.Priority, treeView : ttk.Treeview):
# Clear treeview
for row in treeView.get_children():
global is_locked_for_super_user
if priority == Task.Priority.HIGH:
is_locked_for_super_user = True
taskManager = TaskManager(memoryBlock, stories, priority, treeView)
# garbage collector
for i in range(memoryBlock.size() -1, -1, -1):
if memoryBlock[i].state == Block.State.FREE:
if priority == Task.Priority.HIGH:
is_locked_for_super_user = False
### Extrait toutes les lignes à partir d'un fichier ###
# filename : chemin vers le fichier à lire
# Retourne une liste des lignes lues
def read_stories(filename : str):
story = open(filename, 'r')
return [line.rstrip("\n") for line in story.readlines()]
### Supervise la mémoire utilisée et de met à jour l'interface ###
# memory_bar : Jauge de mémoire de l'interface
# memory_desc : Champs label de l'interface descrivant la mémoire utilisé
def monitor_interface(memory_bar : ttk.Progressbar, memory_desc : tk.Text):
max_bar = 0
memory_bar["maximum"] = int(get_memory_usage())
while True:
memory_usage = memory_usage = int(get_memory_usage())
memory_bar["value"] = memory_usage
if memory_usage >= max_bar:
max_bar = memory_usage
memory_bar["maximum"] = max_bar
memory_desc["text"] = str(memory_usage) + ' Mo utilisés / ' + str(max_bar) + ' Mo maximum utilisés'
except Exception:
def main():
# initialize head list empty
memoryBlock = MemoryBlock()
# Read story file
stories = read_stories(__FILENAME__)
turtle.title("Garbage Collector")
window = turtle.getscreen()
window.setup(800, 600)
# Create Super user Tasks field
canvas = window.getcanvas()
super_tasks_field = ttk.Treeview(canvas.master, columns=["Label", "Execution"], show="headings", height=20)
super_tasks_field.heading('Label', text='Label')
super_tasks_field.heading('Execution', text='Execution')
canvas.create_window(-200, 0, window=super_tasks_field)
# Create super user button
canvas = window.getcanvas()
button = tk.Button(canvas.master, text="Super utilisateur", command=lambda: threading.Thread(target=launch_task_manager, args= (memoryBlock, stories, Task.Priority.HIGH, super_tasks_field)).start(), height=2, width=30)
canvas.create_window(-200, -250, window=button)
# Create user Tasks field
canvas = window.getcanvas()
tasks_field = ttk.Treeview(canvas.master, columns=["Label", "Execution"], show="headings", height=20)
tasks_field.heading('Label', text='Label')
tasks_field.heading('Execution', text='Execution')
canvas.create_window(200, 0, window=tasks_field)
# Create user button
canvas = window.getcanvas()
button = tk.Button(canvas.master, text="Utilisateur ordinaire", command=lambda: threading.Thread(target=launch_task_manager, args= (memoryBlock, stories, Task.Priority.LOW, tasks_field)).start(), height=2, width=30)
canvas.create_window(200, -250, window=button)
# Create progress bar for memory usage
canvas = window.getcanvas()
memory_usage = ttk.Progressbar(canvas.master, orient='horizontal',mode='determinate', length=750, value=get_memory_usage(), maximum=100)
canvas.create_window(0,250, window=memory_usage)
# Create text description for memory usage
canvas = window.getcanvas()
memory_usage_description = tk.Label(canvas.master, text="", background="white")
canvas.create_window(0,275, window=memory_usage_description)
# Lancement d'un thread permettant de supervisier la mémoire utilisée
interface_monitoring_th = threading.Thread(target=monitor_interface, args=(memory_usage, memory_usage_description), daemon= False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm trying to register an user and then read the data I just appended. It looks like the csv file is appending the value, but it's not saving it. But this is awkward, because I used the "with open" function at the "registered" function.
def is_registered(ID): #OK
df = read_any_csv(users_path)
x = df.loc[df["ID"] == ID]
if x.empty:
return False
return True
#faz o cadastro do usuario
def register(ID): #OK
x = str(input("Escreva seu nome: "))
name = x.title()
section = int(input("Digite seu setor(111/112/113): "))
data = [name,ID,section]
with open (users_path,'a') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
def start():
#Se o usuario estiver registrado, da as boas vindas a ele, caso nao, registra ele e depois da as boas vindas
if is_registered(ID) == True: #OK
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
name = current_user["NAME"]
name2 =(name.to_string(index=False))
section = current_user["SECTION"]
print(f"Ola, {name2}, bem vindo ao programa de treinamento Mercedes Benz Brasil!\n")
videos = videos_to_watch(section)
print("Esses sao os videos que faltam serem assistidos:\n")
print(*videos,sep = '\n')
else: #OK
users_df.to_csv("Users.csv",index = False)
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
But the csv can't find the data, the result that I got is that:
Digite o ID: aaaaa
Escreva seu nome: leo
Digite seu setor(111/112/113): 113
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [NAME, ID, SECTION]
Index: []
What I actually want is:
Digite o ID: 5DBEF04B
Escreva seu nome: Raul Lopes Camina
Digite seu setor(111/112/113): 113
Ola, Raul Lopes Camina, bem vindo ao programa de treinamento Mercedes Benz Brasil!
You write new data to file but this can't change original users_df and you would have to read it again (instead of write again)
users_df = pd.read_csv("Users.csv") # <-- read instead of write
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
Or you should first add to users_df and later save it with to_csv - and then you don't have to read it again.
def register(ID): # OK
global users_df # need it to add to external variable
name = str(input("Escreva seu nome: "))
name = name.title()
section = int(input("Digite seu setor(111/112/113): "))
data = pd.DataFrame({'NAME': [name], 'ID': [ID], 'SECTION': [section]})
users_df = pd.concat([users_df, data]) # <-- add to original `users_df`
users_df.to_csv("Users.csv", index=False)
and later
# without `to_csv()` and `read_csv()`
current_user = users_df.loc[users_df["ID"] == ID]
I need to set the resolution of a photo taken with SimpleCV using the result returned by a function, this would be the code:
def resolutionselection():
Ahora tenemos que escoger el formato y resolución de las fotos:
1 - 10x15.
2 - 15x20.
answer = raw_input("→")
if answer == "1":
print("Has seleccionado hacer las fotos en 10x15.\n")
resolution = ['2304', '1536']
return resolution
elif answer == "2":
print("Has seleccionado hacer las fotos en 15x20.\n")
resolution = ['2048', '1536']
return resolution
print("No estamos colaborando...")
px = resolutionselection()
cam = Camera(prop_set={'width':px[0], 'height':px[1]})
But it gives me error:
TypeError: Expected CvCapture for argument 'capture'
I'm posting the full code, to clarify:
# -- coding: utf-8 --
import time
from SimpleCV import Camera
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from sys import exit
sequence = 001 # Starts the sequence number for the photos.
event_name = "Event" # Indicates the name of the event, used in the filename of the photos.
kiosk = "./" # Without choosing, same folder as the program.
cam = Camera(prop_set={'width':2304, 'height':1536}) # Initializes the camera with HR 3:2 format.
GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
def kioskselection():
Primero, tenemos que escoger el Kiosco que va a imprimir:
1 - Kodak Wedding.
2 - Kodak Voyage.
answer = raw_input("→\t")
if answer == "1":
print("Has seleccionado Kodak Wedding.\n")
kiosk = "/media/kodakwedding/"
return kiosk
elif answer == "2":
print("Has seleccionado Kodak Voyage. \n")
kiosk = "/media/kodakvoyage/"
return kiosk
print("No estamos colaborando...")
def resolutionselection():
Ahora tenemos que escoger el formato y resolución de las fotos:
1 - 10x15.
2 - 15x20.
answer = raw_input("→\t")
if answer == "1":
print("Has seleccionado hacer las fotos en 10x15.\n")
resolution = [2304, 1536]
return resolution
elif answer == "2":
print("Has seleccionado hacer las fotos en 15x20.\n")
resolution = [2048, 1536]
return resolution
print("No estamos colaborando...")
kiosk = kioskselection()
px = resolutionselection()
cam = Camera(prop_set={'width':px[0], 'height':px[1]})
print("PUSH DA BUTTON!")
while True:
input_state = GPIO.input(17)
if input_state == False:
img = cam.getImage()
img.save("%s%s - %d.jpg" % (kiosk, event_name, sequence))
print("Foto '%s - %d.jpg', guardada." % (event_name, sequence))
sequence += 1
I'm fairly new to python, and I'm with some problems with encoding.
Please see the code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import config # Ficheiro de configuracao
import twitter
import random
import sqlite3
import time
import bitly_api #https://github.com/bitly/bitly-api-python
import feedparser
class TwitterC:
def logToDatabase(self, tweet, timestamp):
# Will log to the database
database = sqlite3.connect('database.db') # Create a database file
cursor = database.cursor() # Create a cursor
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS twitter(id_tweet INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tweet TEXT, timestamp TEXT);") # Make a table
# Assign the values for the insert into
msg_ins = tweet
timestamp_ins = timestamp
values = [msg_ins, timestamp_ins]
# Insert data into the table
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO twitter(tweet, timestamp) VALUES(?, ?)", values)
database.commit() # Save our changes
database.close() # Close the connection to the database
def shortUrl(self, url):
bit = bitly_api.Connection(config.bitly_username, config.bitly_key) # Instanciar a API
return bit.shorten(url) # Encurtar o URL
def updateTwitterStatus(self, update):
short = self.shortUrl(update["url"]) # Vou encurtar o URL
update_str = update["msg"] + " " + short['url'] # Mensagem em bruto, sem tratamento de contagem de caracteres
# I will see how much characters have the message, if more than 140, delete some chars
length_message = len(update_str)
if length_message > 140:
length_url = len(short['url'])
count_message = 136 - length_url
shorten_msg = update["msg"][0:count_message] + '... '
update_str = shorten_msg + short['url']
# Will post to twitter and print the posted text
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=config.consumer_key,
status = api.PostUpdate(update_str) # Fazer o update
msg = status.text # Vou gravar o texto enviado para a variavel 'msg'
# Vou gravar p a Base de Dados
self.logToDatabase(msg, time.time())
print msg # So p mostrar o texto enviado. Comentar esta linha de futuro.
# Exemplo base
#x = TwitterC()
#x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com/?cat=28", "msg": "Some tips about PostgreSQL Administration?"})
# Solucao para um misto de feeds e frases feitas
# Vou escolher uma fonte ao acaso
p = range(2) # tem o 0 e o 1
p = random.choice(p)
if p == 0: # Escolhe TEXT UPDATES
# Vou escolher um text update ao acaso
text_a_enviar = random.choice(config.text_updates)
update_to_send = text_a_enviar
elif p == 1: # Escolhe FEEDS UPDATES
'''# Vou escolher um feed ao acaso
feed_a_enviar = random.choice(config.feeds_updates)
# Vou apanhar o conteudo do feed
d = feedparser.parse(feed_a_enviar["feedurl"])
# Vou definir quantos feeds quero ter no i
i = range(8)
# Vou meter para "updates" 10 entradas do feed
updates = []
for i in range(8):
updates.append([{"url": feed_a_enviar["linktoourpage"], "msg": d.entries[i].summary + ", "}])
# Vou escolher ums entrada ao acaso
update_to_send = random.choice(updates)'''
# Vou postar p o Twitter
x = TwitterC()
x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com/", "msg": "favoritos à distancia"})
The code have some lines but the problem is in this line:
x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com/", "msg": "favoritos à distancia"})
This line have a character with an accent "à" and this causes the problem here:
def updateTwitterStatus(self, update):
short = self.shortUrl(update["url"]) # Vou encurtar o URL
update_str = update["msg"] + " " + short['url'] # Mensagem em bruto, sem tratamento de contagem de caracteres
More precisely in this line:
update_str = update["msg"] + " " + short['url'] # Mensagem em bruto, sem tratamento de contagem de caracteres
The output of the error is this:
x.updateTwitterStatus({"url": "http://xyz.com", "msg": "favoritos à distancia"})
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 48: ordinal not in range(128)
Any clues on how to solve this?
Try adding from __future__ import unicode_literals at the top if your file. Alternatively you can prefix every string with a ´u´, ie u"favoritos à distancia"
Make sure your file is actually saved as utf-8 too!