I have this sql
SELECT publishers.id, publishers.created_at, publishers.updated_at, publishers.name,
count(case books.is_active when true then 1 else null end) AS is_active,
count(books.id) as book_count
FROM publishers
LEFT OUTER JOIN books ON books.publisher_id = publishers.id
GROUP BY publishers.id
How i can use this on my python-project with sqlalchemy core?
I have this code now
book_count_alias = models.Book.__table__.alias('book_alias')
join = cls._model.__table__.outerjoin(
sa.and_(models.Book.publisher_id == models.Publisher.id, models.Book.is_active == True)
book_count_alias, book_count_alias.c.publisher_id == models.Publisher.id
query = sa.select([cls._model, sa.func.count(models.Book.id).label('is_active'),
if q:
query = query.where(cls._model.name.ilike(f'%{q}%'))
query = query.select_from(join).group_by(cls._model.id)
results = await database.fetch_all(query)
return [cls._get_parsed_object(x, schema=schemas.PublisherWithBookCountAndIsActive) for x in results
i would like translate this query :
SELECT DISTINCT backlinks.Source, indexation.date FROM `backlinks` JOIN `indexation` ON backlinks.id = indexation.id_backlinks JOIN positionnement ON backlinks.keyword = positionnement.keyword WHERE positionnement.keyword = %s AND indexation.indexed = 1", (keyword,)
In SQLAlchemy, but i can't.
I try :
select_indexation = db.session.execute(db.select(Backlinks.Source, Indexation.date).filter(Backlinks.id == Indexation.id_backlinks, Backlinks.keyword == Positionnement.keyword, )).all()
select_indexation = db.session.execute(db.select_from(Backlinks).outerjoin(Indexation).filter(Indexation.indexed == 1).outerjoin(Positionnement).filter(Positionnement.keyword == keyword)).all()
subq_1 = db.session.query(Positionnement).\
filter(Positionnement.keyword == keyword).\
subq_2 = db.session.query(Indexation).\
filter(Indexation.indexed == 1).\
select_indexation = db.session.execute(db.select(Backlinks.Source, Indexation.date).outerjoin(
subq_2, Backlinks.id == subq_2.c.id_backlinks
subq_1, Backlinks.keyword == subq_1.c.keyword
but i never find the solution.
Have you an idea ?
Thank You
I'd like to do a and clause with two lists of multiple or clauses from the same table.
The problem with the following code is, that the query result is empty. If I just select 'indices' or 'brokers', the result is fine.
query = query.join(StockGroupTicker, on=(Ticker.id == StockGroupTicker.ticker))
# indices
if "indices" in filter:
where_indices = []
for f in filter["indices"]:
where_indices.append(StockGroupTicker.stock_index == int(f))
if len(where_indices):
query = query.where(peewee.reduce(peewee.operator.or_, where_indices))
# broker
if "brokers" in filter:
where_broker = []
for f in filter["brokers"]:
where_broker.append(StockGroupTicker.stock_index == int(f))
if len(where_broker):
query = query.where(peewee.reduce(peewee.operator.or_, where_broker))
return query.distinct()
SQL Querie (update)
# index and brocker
DISTINCT `t1`.`id`,
`t2`.`invest_score` AS `invest_score`
`ticker` AS `t1`
INNER JOIN `tickerstats` AS `t2` ON
(`t1`.`id` = `t2`.`ticker_id`)
INNER JOIN `stockgroupticker` AS `t3` ON
(`t1`.`id` = `t3`.`ticker_id`)
(((((`t1`.`disused` IS NULL)
OR (`t1`.`disused` = 0))
AND (`t2`.`volume_mean_5` > 10000.0))
AND (`t3`.`stock_index_id` = 1))
AND (`t3`.`stock_index_id` = 10)
Thanks to #coleifer, the peewee solution is quite simple. I had to use an alias.
if "indices" in filter and filter["indices"]:
query = query.join(
StockGroupTicker, peewee.JOIN.INNER, on=(Ticker.id == StockGroupTicker.ticker)
where_indices = []
for f in filter["indices"]:
where_indices.append(StockGroupTicker.stock_index == int(f))
if len(where_indices):
query = query.where(peewee.reduce(peewee.operator.or_, where_indices))
if "brokers" in filter and filter["brokers"]:
BrokerGroupTicker = StockGroupTicker.alias()
query = query.join(
BrokerGroupTicker, peewee.JOIN.INNER, on=(Ticker.id == BrokerGroupTicker.ticker)
where_broker = []
for f in filter["brokers"]:
where_broker.append(BrokerGroupTicker.stock_index == int(f))
if len(where_broker):
query = query.where(peewee.reduce(peewee.operator.or_, where_broker))
return query.distinct()
I'm trying to make a left outer join relation between two tables using joinedload but it doesn't seems to have the same behavior as using outerjoin method.
Here is an example using outerjoin:
stmt = select(ServerFarm)
stmt = stmt.outerjoin(
(ServerFarm.name == Server.server_farm_id) & (Server.deleted == False)
stmt = stmt.filter(ServerFarm.name == name)
# SELECT ... FROM server_farm
# LEFT JOIN server ON server_farm.name = server.server_farm_id and server.deleted = False
# WHERE server_farm.name = :name
So when I'm using joinedload this is what happens:
stmt = select(ServerFarm)
stmt = stmt.options(
(ServerFarm.name == Server.server_farm_id) & (Server.deleted == False)
stmt = stmt.filter(ServerFarm.name == name)
# SELECT ... FROM server_farm
# LEFT JOIN server ON server_farm.name = server.server_farm_id
# WHERE server_farm.name = :name
On this case, it just ignores the (Server.deleted == False) option. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to add a "custom" filter on a left outer join using joinedload? How?
I have the following SQL statement which works as expected, but I want to do the same thing using the Query API of sqlalchemy, I tried the following but it returns empty. Any idea how I can get this SQL statement by composing the Query API operations?
The raw SQL statement is:
SELECT COUNT(mid), mname
SELECT missions._id AS mid, missions.name AS mname
FROM missions
INNER JOIN mission_ownership
ON missions._id = mission_ownership.mission_id
INNER JOIN mission_agencies
ON mission_agencies._id = mission_ownership.mission_agency_id
WHERE mission_agencies.name = 'Nasa'
What I currently have using the ORM Query API:
nasa_and_esa_missions = session.query(func.count(Mission._id), Mission).\
join(mission_ownership). \
filter(MissionAgency.name == 'Nasa').\
having(func.count(Mission._id) > 1)
If no relationship has been configured between mission_ownership and mission_agency at the ORM level, this can be done by modelling the inner SELECT as a subquery:
subq = (session.query(Mission._id.label('mid'), Mission.name.label('mname'))
.filter(MissionAgency.name == 'Nasa')
q = (session.query(subq.c.mid, Mission)
.having(sa.func.count(subq.c.mid) > 1))
for id_, m in q:
print(id_, m.name)
Which generates this SQL:
SELECT anon_1.mid AS anon_1_mid, missions._id AS missions__id, missions.name AS missions_name
FROM (SELECT missions._id AS mid, missions.name AS mname FROM missions
JOIN mission_ownership ON missions._id = mission_ownership.mission_id
JOIN mission_agencies ON mission_agencies._id = mission_ownership.mission_agency_id
WHERE mission_agencies.name = ?) AS anon_1, missions
GROUP BY anon_1.mid
HAVING count(anon_1.mid) > ?
I have a hybrid_property that returns a string based on some calculations made on a one-to-many relationship.
The raw sql for the hybrid_property expression is:
Here's the raw sql:
WHEN s.quantity_received = 0 THEN "unreceived"
WHEN s.dif = 0.0 THEN "received"
WHEN s.dif > 0.0 THEN "partially_received"
WHEN s.dif < 0.0 THEN "over_received"
END as status
SELECT li.quantity_received, sum(li.quantity - li.received) as 'dif'
FROM line_items as li
WHERE li.o_id = xxx
) as s
The Models
class LineItem(BaseModel):
__table__ = Table('line_items', autoload=True)
order = relationship("Order", backreef="line_itms", primaryjoin="Order.id == foregin(LineItem.o_id)")
class Order(BaseModel):
__table__ = Table('orders', autoload=True)
def status(self):
qty_received, qty_ordered = 0, 0
for li in self.line_items:
if li.status != "cancelled":
qty_ordered += li.quantity
qty_received += li.quantity_received
if qty_received == 0:
status = "unreceived"
elif qty_received == qty_ordered:
status = "received"
elif qty_received < qty_ordered:
status = "partially_received"
elif qty_received > qty_ordered:
status = "over_received"
return status
def status(cls):
line_items_calc = select([LineItem.quantity_received,
func.sum(LineItem.quantity - LineItem.quantity_received).label('dif')]) \
.where(and_(LineItem.o_id == Order.id,
or_(LineItem.fulfillment_status != "cancelled",
LineItem.fulfillment_status == None))) \
qq = select([
(qs.c.quantity_received == 0, "unreceived"),
(qs.c.dif == 0, "received"),
(qs.c.dif > 0, "partially_received"),
(qs.c.dif < 0, "over_received")]
)]) \
.select_from(line_items_calc) \
return qq
I have 2 orders, o1 and o2 with line items:
LineItem(o_id=o1.id, quantity=1, quantity_received=1)
LineItem(o_id=o2.id, quantity=1, quantity_received=0)
LineItem(o_id=o2.id, quantity=2, quantity_received=1)
Order1 should have status "received" and Order2 should have "partially_received".
But when I query for "received" I get nothing and when querying for "partially_received" I get 2 results instead of one.
It looks like it is not filtering the LineItems by Order.id and so it uses all to calculate the status (since total_qty would be 4 and total received would be 2, which will give "partially_received")
Order.query().filter(Order.status == 'received').all() # returns []
Order.query().filter(Order.status == 'partially_received').all() # returns [Order1, Order2]
If add the .correlate_except(LineItem) to line_items_calc query, I get theh following error:
OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1054,
"Unknown column 'orders.id' in 'where clause'") [SQL: u'SELECT
count(*) AS count_1 \nFROM (SELECT * \nFROM orders \nWHERE
orders.account_id = %s AND (SELECT CASE WHEN (a_3.quantity_received =
%s) THEN %s WHEN (a_3.dif = %s) THEN %s WHEN (a_3.dif > %s) THEN %s
WHEN (a_3.dif < %s) THEN %s END AS a_2 \nFROM (SELECT
line_items.quantity_received AS quantity_received,
sum(line_items.quantity - line_items.quantity_received) AS dif \nFROM
line_items \nWHERE line_items.o_id = orders.id AND
(line_items.fulfillment_status != %s OR line_items.fulfillment_status
IS NULL)) AS a_3) = %s) AS a_1'] [parameters: (1L, 0, 'unreceived', 0,
'received', 0, 'partially_received', 0, 'over_received', 'cancelled',
It would seem that you're trying to correlate the expression to the outermost query, but as it turned out the current nested subquery approach is not feasible in MySQL, because it does not allow correlated subqueries in FROM clause at all – compared to some other databases that simply do not allow correlating with previous FROM list items, except if using LATERAL.
On the other hand the nested subquery is redundant, since you can use aggregates in a CASE expression in the SELECT list, but in your current subquery you mix non-aggregate and aggregate expressions:
SELECT li.quantity_received, sum(li.quantity - li.received) as 'dif'
which is more than likely not what you wanted. Some other databases would not even allow such a query to execute, but MySQL silently picks a value for li.quantity_received from an unspecified row in the group, if ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is disabled. It is by default enabled in 5.7.5 and onwards, and you should consider enabling it. Looking at your hybrid property's other half it looks like you probably meant to take the sum of received quantity as well.
Below is a version of status expression that fulfills the 2 test cases you've presented in your question:
def status(cls):
qty_received = func.coalesce(func.sum(LineItem.quantity_received), 0)
qty_ordered = func.coalesce(func.sum(LineItem.quantity), 0)
return select([case([
(qty_received == 0, "unreceived"),
(qty_received == qty_ordered, "received"),
(qty_received < qty_ordered, "partially_received"),
(qty_received > qty_ordered, "over_received")])]).\
where(and_(func.coalesce(LineItem.fulfillment_status, "") != "cancelled",
LineItem.o_id == cls.id)).\
I believe it's a closer representation of the Python side approach than your original. Note the use of COALESCE for NULL handling.