I monitor with python directory to get an alert when file created.
Sometimes I get an exception while file created in this folder:
File .....watchdog\utils\patterns.py , line 30 in <genexpr>
return (any(path(match(p) for p in include_patterns)
File"c:\python3\lib\pathlib.py", line 921, in match
raise ValueError("empty pattern")
ValueError: empty pattern
This is the code in python .
import time
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler
def on_created(event):
with open(event.src_path,'r') as f:
print(f"hey, {event.src_path} has been created!")
def on_deleted(event):
print(f"what the f**k! Someone deleted {event.src_path}!")
def on_modified(event):
print(f"hey buddy, {event.src_path} has been modified")
def on_moved(event):
print(f"ok ok ok, someone moved {event.src_path} to {event.dest_path}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
patterns = "*.csv"
ignore_patterns = ""
ignore_directories = False
case_sensitive = True
my_event_handler = PatternMatchingEventHandler(patterns, ignore_patterns, ignore_directories, case_sensitive)
my_event_handler.on_created = on_created
my_event_handler.on_deleted = on_deleted
my_event_handler.on_modified = on_modified
my_event_handler.on_moved = on_moved
path = "t/"
go_recursively = True
my_observer = Observer()
my_observer.schedule(my_event_handler, path, recursive=go_recursively)
How do I fix the exception?
You need to pass in lists of patterns, not a single string. And None, not an empty string.
my_event_handler = PatternMatchingEventHandler(
ignore_patterns=None, # pass in `None` in case of no ignores
I'm trying to call the extract function and the extract_url function within a function. I get name error: name 'endpoint' and name 'agg_key' is not defined. I'm doing this so I can call a script from another script so I don't need to run the command line. How would I go about doing this?
Function I'm trying to call:
def scrape_all_products(URL):
extract(endpoint, agg_key, page_range=None)
Functions I'm calling:
def extract(endpoint, agg_key, page_range=None):
r_list = list(range(page_range[0], page_range[1]+1)) if page_range else []
page = 1
agg_data = []
while True:
page_endpoint = endpoint + f'?page={str(page)}'
response = requests.get(page_endpoint, timeout=(
int(os.environ.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT', 0)) or 10))
if response.url != page_endpoint: # to handle potential redirects
p_endpoint = urlparse(response.url) # parsed URL
endpoint = p_endpoint.scheme + '://' + p_endpoint.netloc + p_endpoint.path
if not response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json; charset=utf-8':
raise Exception('Incorrect response content type')
data = response.json()
page_has_products = agg_key in data and len(
data[agg_key]) > 0
page_in_range = page in r_list or page_range is None
# break loop if empty or want first page
if not page_has_products or not page_in_range:
agg_data += data[agg_key]
page += 1
return agg_data
Other function:
def extract_url(args):
p = format_url(args.url, scheme='https', return_type='parse_result')
formatted_url = p.geturl()
agg_key = 'products'
if args.collections:
agg_key = 'collections'
fp = os.path.join(
args.dest_path, f'{p.netloc}.{agg_key}.{args.output_type}')
if args.file_path:
fp = os.path.join(
args.dest_path, f'{args.file_path}.{args.output_type}')
endpoint = f'{formatted_url}/{agg_key}.json'
ret = {
'endpoint_attempted': endpoint,
'collected_at': str(datetime.now()),
'success': False,
'error': ''
data = extract(endpoint, agg_key, args.page_range)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
ret['error'] = str(err)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err:
ret['error'] = str(err)
except Exception as err:
ret['error'] = str(err)
ret['success'] = True
ret[agg_key] = data
if ret['success']:
ret['file_path'] = str(fp)
save_to_file(fp, data, args.output_type)
return ret
The scrape_all_products function only knows about variables created inside of that function and variables passed to it (which in this case is URL). endpoint and agg_key were both created inside of a different function. You have to pass those variables to scrape_all_products the same way you are passing URL. So do:
def scrape_all_products(URL, endpoint, agg_key, args):
And then you would have to appropriately modify anywhere scrape_all_products is called.
There is a python code which reads from a field xls file
The script works, but there are problems when there are empty fields in the file
The script does not read the field if the file has an empty field
My code, for example, here the NORD field is empty:
from msexcel8com import *
def convert(dsIn, dsOut):
import sys
import msexcel8com
xlsApp = msexcel8com.Application()
xlsWorkbook = xlsApp.Workbooks.Item(1)
xlsWorksheet = xlsWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
xlsWorksheet.Cells.SpecialCells(11, None).Activate()
rowsCount = xlsApp.ActiveCell.Row
import msxml2
outXML = msxml2.DOMDocument()
RootNode = outXML.createElement("MSG")
RootNode.setAttribute("FORMAT", "IMPORT_LN")
ChildNodes = outXML.appendChild(RootNode)
i, k, c = 1, 1, 2
while i < rowsCount:
i = i + 1
if k > c:
k = 0
dsOut["XML_OUT"] = unicode.encode(outXML.xml, "utf-8")
outXML = msxml2.DOMDocument()
RootNode = outXML.createElement("MSG")
RootNode.setAttribute("FORMAT", "IMPORT_LN")
ChildNodes = outXML.appendChild(RootNode)
TMPNode = outXML.createElement("CLIENT")
TMPNode.setAttribute("NCODE", xlsWorksheet.Cells.Item(i, 1).Value)
TMPNode.setAttribute("NORD", xlsWorksheet.Cells.Item(i, 2).Value)
k = k + 1
except Exception as e:
dsOut["XML_OUT"] = unicode.encode(outXML.xml, "utf-8")
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
How to make sure that even if there is an empty field, return as null and the rest of the values?
I couldn't resist the temptation of writing this without all that Excel automation.
Assuming an Excel file that looks something like this called so59715137.xls:
import xlrd # assuming it's an .xls, not .xlsx
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
def read_rows(xls_filename, column_labels):
book = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_filename)
sh = book.sheet_by_index(0)
for rx in range(sh.nrows):
yield dict(zip(column_labels, sh.row_values(rx)))
def convert(xls_filename):
xml_root = et.Element("MSG", {"FORMAT": "IMPORT_LN"})
for row in read_rows(xls_filename, ("NCODE", "NORD")):
print(row) # for debugging
if row.get("NCODE") and row.get("NORD"): # both attributes must be truthy
et.SubElement(xml_root, "CLIENT", attrib=row) # just use the dict as attributes
return et.tostring(xml_root, encoding="unicode")
xml_content = convert("so59715137.xls")
# TODO: write to file
outputs (with debugging output included, so you see it reads but elides the rows that are missing data)
{'NCODE': 'foo', 'NORD': 'faa'}
{'NCODE': 'blep', 'NORD': 'blop'}
{'NCODE': 'missing', 'NORD': ''}
{'NCODE': '', 'NORD': 'other-missing'}
From there on out, it's easy to read/write your dsIn/dsOut structures.
I'm trying to make application using PyQt5, and I'm using QWebEngine for the user interface.
I have successfully made the application but now I want to make a plugin mechanism for this application so that later it will be easier to add features. I have tried doing it using Yapsy, but then I realized that I could not use the relative import from the plugin i made
So i decide to create it on my own by using importlib module, then i found this question
Using importlib to dynamically import module(s) containing relative imports
while the answer itself is not wrong, but it doesn't work in my case where i want to load a module outside of my package directory
my source code can be found here
As you can see in my source code there is 2 plugins directory, plugins inside myapp package and outside myapp package. The plugins directory inside myapp package is there so that it won't gave me any ImportError when it try to import myapp.plugins
Now the problem is when i run it using python3 -m myapp it will give me ImportError $No module named 'myapp.plugins.extras'. This is where i'm stuck.
After googling for a while i found this article
Dependency Injection with Import Hooks in Python 3
while the concept itself is exactly what i need, but the way he provide the module is not what i'm expecting cuz he use a class to provide the module instead of file.
So i change it to fulfill what i need
import os
import io
import sys
import _imp
import marshal
import types
import importlib
import importlib._bootstrap as _bootstrap
from importlib.abc import Loader
_PYCACHE = '__pycache__'
_OPT = 'opt-'
SOURCE_SUFFIXES = ['.py'] # _setup() adds .pyw as needed.
MAGIC_NUMBER = (3394).to_bytes(2, 'little') + b'\r\n'
_RAW_MAGIC_NUMBER = int.from_bytes(MAGIC_NUMBER, 'little') # For import.c
def _r_long(int_bytes):
"""Convert 4 bytes in little-endian to an integer."""
return int.from_bytes(int_bytes, 'little')
def _w_long(x):
"""Convert a 32-bit integer to little-endian."""
return (int(x) & 0xFFFFFFFF).to_bytes(4, 'little')
def _calc_mode(path):
"""Calculate the mode permissions for a bytecode file."""
mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
except OSError:
mode = 0o666
# We always ensure write access so we can update cached files
# later even when the source files are read-only on Windows (#6074)
mode |= 0o200
return mode
def _write_atomic(path, data, mode=0o666):
# id() is used to generate a pseudo-random filename.
path_tmp = '{}.{}'.format(path, id(path))
fd = os.open(path_tmp,
os.O_EXCL | os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, mode & 0o666)
with io.FileIO(fd, 'wb') as file:
os.replace(path_tmp, path)
except OSError:
except OSError:
_code_type = type(_write_atomic.__code__)
def cache_from_source(path, debug_override=None, *, optimization=None):
if debug_override is not None:
print('the debug_override parameter is deprecated; use '
"'optimization' instead", DeprecationWarning)
if optimization is not None:
message = 'debug_override or optimization must be set to None'
raise TypeError(message)
optimization = '' if debug_override else 1
path = os.fspath(path)
head, tail = os.path.split(path)
base, sep, rest = tail.rpartition('.')
tag = sys.implementation.cache_tag
if tag is None:
raise NotImplementedError('sys.implementation.cache_tag is None')
almost_filename = ''.join([(base if base else rest), sep, tag])
if optimization is None:
if sys.flags.optimize == 0:
optimization = ''
optimization = sys.flags.optimize
optimization = str(optimization)
if optimization != '':
if not optimization.isalnum():
raise ValueError('{!r} is not alphanumeric'.format(optimization))
almost_filename = '{}.{}{}'.format(almost_filename, _OPT, optimization)
return os.path.join(head, _PYCACHE, almost_filename + BYTECODE_SUFFIXES[0])
def _classify_pyc(data, name, exc_details):
magic = data[:4]
if magic != MAGIC_NUMBER:
message = f'bad magic number in {name!r}: {magic!r}'
_bootstrap._verbose_message('{}', message)
raise ImportError(message, **exc_details)
if len(data) < 16:
message = f'reached EOF while reading pyc header of {name!r}'
_bootstrap._verbose_message('{}', message)
raise EOFError(message)
flags = _r_long(data[4:8])
# Only the first two flags are defined.
if flags & ~0b11:
message = f'invalid flags {flags!r} in {name!r}'
raise ImportError(message, **exc_details)
return flags
def _validate_timestamp_pyc(data, source_mtime, source_size, name,
if _r_long(data[8:12]) != (source_mtime & 0xFFFFFFFF):
message = f'bytecode is stale for {name!r}'
_bootstrap._verbose_message('{}', message)
raise ImportError(message, **exc_details)
if (source_size is not None and
_r_long(data[12:16]) != (source_size & 0xFFFFFFFF)):
raise ImportError(f'bytecode is stale for {name!r}', **exc_details)
def _validate_hash_pyc(data, source_hash, name, exc_details):
if data[8:16] != source_hash:
raise ImportError(
f'hash in bytecode doesn\'t match hash of source {name!r}',
def _compile_bytecode(data, name=None, bytecode_path=None, source_path=None):
code = marshal.loads(data)
if isinstance(code, _code_type):
_bootstrap._verbose_message('code object from {!r}', bytecode_path)
if source_path is not None:
_imp._fix_co_filename(code, source_path)
return code
raise ImportError('Non-code object in {!r}'.format(bytecode_path),
name=name, path=bytecode_path)
def _code_to_timestamp_pyc(code, mtime=0, source_size=0):
data = bytearray(MAGIC_NUMBER)
return data
def _code_to_hash_pyc(code, source_hash, checked=True):
data = bytearray(MAGIC_NUMBER)
flags = 0b1 | checked << 1
assert len(source_hash) == 8
return data
class DependencyInjectorFinder(importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder):
def __init__(self, loader):
# we'll write the loader in a minute, hang tight
self._loader = loader
def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None):
if self._loader.provides(fullname):
return self._gen_spec(fullname)
def _gen_spec(self, fullname):
spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(fullname, self._loader)
return spec
class DependencyInjectorLoader(Loader):
_COMMON_PREFIX = "myapp.plugins."
path = None
def __init__(self):
self._services = {}
self._dummy_module = types.ModuleType(self._COMMON_PREFIX[:-1])
self._dummy_module.__path__ = []
def path_stats(self, path):
st = os.stat(path)
return {'mtime': st.st_mtime, 'size': st.st_size}
def _cache_bytecode(self, source_path, bytecode_path, data):
mode = _calc_mode(source_path)
return self.set_data(bytecode_path, data, _mode=mode)
def set_data(self, path, data, *, _mode=0o666):
parent, filename = os.path.split(path)
path_parts = []
# Figure out what directories are missing.
while parent and not os.path.isdir(parent):
parent, part = os.path.split(parent)
# Create needed directories.
for part in reversed(path_parts):
parent = os.path.join(parent, part)
except FileExistsError:
# Probably another Python process already created the dir.
except OSError as exc:
# Could be a permission error, read-only filesystem: just forget
# about writing the data.
_bootstrap._verbose_message('could not create {!r}: {!r}',
parent, exc)
_write_atomic(path, data, _mode)
_bootstrap._verbose_message('created {!r}', path)
except OSError as exc:
# Same as above: just don't write the bytecode.
_bootstrap._verbose_message('could not create {!r}: {!r}', path,
def get_filename(self, fullname):
"""Return the path to the source file as found by the finder."""
if fullname in self._services:
module = self._services[fullname]
return module.__path__
return None
def get_code(self, fullname):
"""Concrete implementation of InspectLoader.get_code.
Reading of bytecode requires path_stats to be implemented. To write
bytecode, set_data must also be implemented.
source_path = self.get_filename(fullname)
source_mtime = None
source_bytes = None
source_hash = None
hash_based = False
check_source = True
bytecode_path = cache_from_source(source_path)
except NotImplementedError:
bytecode_path = None
st = self.path_stats(source_path)
except OSError:
source_mtime = int(st['mtime'])
data = self.get_data(bytecode_path)
except OSError:
exc_details = {
'name': fullname,
'path': bytecode_path,
flags = _classify_pyc(data, fullname, exc_details)
bytes_data = memoryview(data)[16:]
hash_based = flags & 0b1 != 0
if hash_based:
check_source = flags & 0b10 != 0
if (_imp.check_hash_based_pycs != 'never' and
(check_source or
_imp.check_hash_based_pycs == 'always')):
source_bytes = self.get_data(source_path)
source_hash = _imp.source_hash(
_validate_hash_pyc(data, source_hash, fullname,
except (ImportError, EOFError):
_bootstrap._verbose_message('{} matches {}', bytecode_path,
return _compile_bytecode(bytes_data, name=fullname,
if source_bytes is None:
source_bytes = self.get_data(source_path)
code_object = self.source_to_code(source_bytes, source_path)
_bootstrap._verbose_message('code object from {}', source_path)
if (not sys.dont_write_bytecode and bytecode_path is not None and
source_mtime is not None):
if hash_based:
if source_hash is None:
source_hash = _imp.source_hash(source_bytes)
data = _code_to_hash_pyc(
code_object, source_hash, check_source)
data = _code_to_timestamp_pyc(code_object, source_mtime,
self._cache_bytecode(source_path, bytecode_path, data)
_bootstrap._verbose_message('wrote {!r}', bytecode_path)
except NotImplementedError:
return code_object
def source_to_code(self, data, path, *, _optimize=-1):
"""Return the code object compiled from source.
The 'data' argument can be any object type that compile() supports.
return _bootstrap._call_with_frames_removed(compile, data, path, 'exec',
dont_inherit=True, optimize=_optimize)
def get_data(self, path):
"""Return the data from path as raw bytes."""
# TODO: raise error if the file is not found
# if it's a directory try to get the __init__.py file inside this folder
if os.path.isdir(path):
init_path = os.path.join(path, '__init__.py')
if os.path.exists(init_path):
with io.FileIO(init_path, 'r') as file:
return file.read()
with io.FileIO(path, 'r') as file:
return file.read()
def provide(self, service_name, module):
"""Register a service as provided via the given module
A service is any Python object in this context - an imported module,
a class, etc."""
self._services[service_name] = module
def provides(self, fullname):
if self._truncate_name(fullname) in self._services:
return True
# this checks if we should return the dummy module,
# since this evaluates to True when importing myapp and
# myapp.virtual
return self._COMMON_PREFIX.startswith(fullname)
def create_module(self, spec):
"""Create the given module from the supplied module spec
Under the hood, this module returns a service or a dummy module,
depending on whether Python is still importing one of the names listed
service_name = self._truncate_name(spec.name)
if service_name not in self._services:
# return our dummy module since at this point we're loading
# *something* along the lines of "myapp.virtual" that's not
# a service
return self._dummy_module
module = self._services[service_name]
return module
def exec_module(self, module):
"""Execute the given module in its own namespace
This method is required to be present by importlib.abc.Loader,
but since we know our module object is already fully-formed,
this method merely no-ops.
if hasattr(module, "__path__"):
self.path = module.__path__
code = self.get_code(module.__name__)
exec, code, module.__dict__)
def _truncate_name(self, fullname):
"""Strip off _COMMON_PREFIX from the given module name
Convenience method when checking if a service is provided.
truncated_name = fullname
if truncated_name.startswith(self._COMMON_PREFIX):
truncated_name = fullname[len(self._COMMON_PREFIX):]
return truncated_name
def is_package(self, fullname):
return self.provides(fullname)
most of the source code above was taken from importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader
import os
import re
import ast
import sys
import types
import typing
import importlib
import configparser
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineScript
from .utils import Signal, findFiles
from .config import change_filter, getInstance
from .DependencyInjector import DependencyInjectorFinder, DependencyInjectorLoader
class PluginInjector:
Convenience wrapper for DependencyInjectorLoader and DependencyInjectorFinder.
def __init__(self):
self._loader = DependencyInjectorLoader()
self._finder = DependencyInjectorFinder(self._loader)
self.installed = False
def install(self):
if not self.installed:
self.installed = True
def provide(self, service_name, module):
self._loader.provide(service_name, module)
class PluginInfo(configparser.ConfigParser):
def __init__(self, filepath):
self._filepath = filepath
self.read(self._filepath, encoding='utf-8')
def isValid(self) -> bool:
return self.has_section("plugin") and self.has_option("plugin", "Module")
class PluginManager(QObject):
pluginAdded = Signal()
pluginRemoved = Signal()
pluginActivated = Signal()
pluginDeactivated = Signal()
loadStarted = Signal()
loadFinished = Signal()
beforeLoad = Signal()
bridgeInitialize = Signal()
def __init__(self, pluginDirs: typing.List[str] = [], parent=None):
app = QApplication.instance()
from .MyApplication import MyApplication
assert isinstance(app, MyApplication)
self._injector = PluginInjector()
self._plugins = {}
self._loadedPlugins = {}
self._pluginsResources = {}
self._pluginDirs = pluginDirs
def _bridgeInitialize(self, page):
for name, resources in self._pluginsResources.items():
for resource in resources:
scriptName = name + "_" + os.path.basename(resource)
if resource.endswith(".js"):
injectionPoint = QWebEngineScript.DocumentReady
page.injectScript(resource, scriptName, injectionPoint)
elif resource.endswith(".css"):
injectionPoint = QWebEngineScript.DocumentReady
resource, scriptName, injectionPoint)
def _beforeLoad(self, channel, page):
for name, plugin in self._plugins.items():
if 'beforeLoad' in dir(plugin):
plugin.beforeLoad(channel, page)
elif 'before_load' in dir(plugin):
plugin.before_load(channel, page)
def _loadStarted(self, page):
for name, plugin in self._plugins.items():
if 'loadStarted' in dir(plugin):
elif 'load_started' in dir(plugin):
def _loadFinished(self, page):
for name, plugin in self._plugins.items():
if 'loadFinished' in dir(plugin):
elif 'load_finished' in dir(plugin):
def addPluginPath(self, path: str):
assert os.path.isabs(path)
if not path in self._pluginDirs:
def _loadPlugin(self, pluginName):
if pluginName in self._loadedPlugins.keys():
return self._loadedPlugins[pluginName]
identities_paths = []
for directory in self._pluginDirs:
identities_paths += findFiles("*.plugin", directory)
module = None
for f in identities_paths:
info = PluginInfo(f)
name = f
if info.has_section("plugin") and info.has_option("plugin", "Name"):
name = info.get("plugin", "Name")
if name == pluginName:
if not info.isValid():
print(f"Plugin identity {name} is not valid, please read documentation "
"about how to write plugin.")
parentdir = os.path.dirname(f)
module_path = os.path.join(
parentdir, info.get("plugin", "Module"))
if(not module_path.endswith(".py")):
module_path += ".py"
if os.path.exists(module_path):
module_name = info.get(
"plugin", "Module").replace(".py", "")
parentdir = os.path.dirname(module_path)
print(f"creating namespace for plugin {name}")
# create a fake module for this plugin namespace
package = f"{name}"
module = types.ModuleType(package)
module.__path__ = parentdir
self._injector.provide(package, module)
# try to load all python file except for the main file and __init__.py
for f in findFiles("*.py", parentdir):
basename = os.path.splitext(
if basename == module_name or basename == '__init__':
tail = f[len(
parentdir + '/'):].replace(os.path.sep, '.').replace('.py', '')
package = f"{name}.{tail}"
m_path = f
f"load external module for plugin {name} with name {module.__name__}")
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
package, m_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
module.__path__ = m_path
self._injector.provide(package, module)
package = f"{name}.{module_name}"
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
package, module_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
module.__path__ = module_path
self._injector.provide(package, module)
self._loadedPlugins[name] = module
except ImportError:
f"Unable to load plugin module {name}")
f"module specified in {name} doesn't exists, it will be ignored.")
return module
def _loadPlugins(self):
identities_paths = []
for directory in self._pluginDirs:
identities_paths += findFiles("*.plugin", directory)
plugins: typing.List[PluginInfo] = []
for f in identities_paths:
info = PluginInfo(f)
name = f
if info.has_section("plugin") and info.has_option("plugin", "Name"):
name = info.get("plugin", "Name")
# if it's already exists it means that user just add a new plugins directory
if name in self._loadedPlugins.keys():
if not info.isValid():
print(f"Plugin identity {name} is not valid, please read documentation "
"about how to write plugin.")
parentdir = os.path.dirname(f)
module_path = os.path.join(
parentdir, info.get("plugin", "Module"))
if(not module_path.endswith(".py")):
module_path += ".py"
if os.path.exists(module_path):
info.set("plugin", "Path", module_path)
f"module specified in {f} doesn't exists, it will be ignored.")
print(f"{len(plugins)} plugins found.")
for plugin in plugins:
name = plugin.get("plugin", "Name")
module_name = plugin.get("plugin", "Module").replace(".py", "")
module_path = plugin.get("plugin", "Path")
parentdir = os.path.dirname(module_path)
print(f"creating namespace for plugin {name}")
# create a fake module for this plugin namespace
# create a fake module for this plugin namespace
package = f"{name}"
module = types.ModuleType(package)
module.__path__ = parentdir
self._injector.provide(package, module)
# try to load all python file except for the main file and __init__.py
for f in findFiles("*.py", parentdir):
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]
if basename == module_name or basename == '__init__':
tail = f[len(parentdir + '/'):].replace(os.path.sep, '.').replace('.py', '')
package = f"{name}.{tail}"
m_path = f
f"load external module for plugin {name} with name {module.__name__}")
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
package, m_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
module.__path__ = m_path
self._injector.provide(package, module)
print(f"importing main plugin module for plugin {name}")
package = f"{name}.{module_name}"
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
package, module_path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
module.__path__ = module_path
self._injector.provide(package, module)
self._loadedPlugins[name] = module
By default plugin will be enabled if there was no plugin configuration.
cfg = getInstance().get(f"plugins.{name}")
shouldLoad = True
if cfg is None:
shouldLoad = False
cfg = dict()
cfg['enabled'] = True
getInstance().set(f"plugins.{name}.enabled", True)
# if this is the first time the plugin is registered code above will trigger _pluginStateChange
# and activate it, so we don't need to activate it again here
if cfg['enabled'] and shouldLoad:
if 'activate' in dir(module):
self._plugins[name] = module
if plugin.has_option("plugin", "Resources"):
resources = ast.literal_eval(
plugin.get("plugin", "Resources"))
base_path = os.path.dirname(module_path)
def to_abspath(path: str):
if not os.path.isabs(path):
return os.path.join(base_path, path)
return path
resources = list(map(to_abspath, resources))
self._pluginsResources[name] = resources
except ImportError as e:
name = plugin.get("plugin", "Name")
f"Unable to load plugin module {name} : ${e.msg}")
def _pluginsStateChanged(self, key: str, value):
"""We only interested with the name and the value"""
res = re.findall("plugins\\.(.*)\\.enabled", key)
if key.endswith("enabled") and len(res) > 0:
name = res[0]
if not value:
elif value:
def enablePlugin(self, name: str):
print(f"enabling plugin {name}")
if not name in self._plugins.keys():
module = self._loadPlugin(name)
if module is not None:
if "activate" in dir(module):
self._plugins[name] = module
print(f"Unable activate plugin {name}")
def disablePlugin(self, name: str):
print(f"disabling plugin {name}")
if name in self._plugins.keys():
module = self._plugins[name]
if "deactivate" in dir(module):
self._plugins.pop(name, None)
while the code above is not yet perfect, but at least it's already fulfill what i need.
code is given below
import time
import unittest
import logging as log
from loggenerator import set_log_params,move_latest_log_to_persistent_file
from parse_test_json import get_test_params
from scrapping import SC
class ScrapeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setup(self):
def teardown(self):
def test_SC_scrape(self):
test_name="test scrape"
log.info("step1:set all test params")
test_params = get_test_params(self.__class__.__name__, test_name=test_name)
log.info("step 2:set")
log.info("step3:calling scrapper for")
except Exception as e:
raise e
import json, os
from builtins import *
def get_test_params(test_class_name = None, test_name = None):
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
file_path = "/test_param_jsons/" + test_class_name + "params.json"
json_file = dir_path + file_path
with open(json_file) as test_data:
test_json = json.load(test_data)
return test_json[test_class_name][test_name]
this function is raising error key error.
this should work as long as you have a json file available at: <SCRIPT_PATH>/test_param_jsons/MyClass_params.json
Also, in order to avoid KeyError you'll need to ensure that your input json file contains key: value, test_class_name : test_name
import json, os
from builtins import *
class MyClass:
def get_test_params (self, test_class_name = None, test_name = None):
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"test_param_jsons\\params.json"), 'r') as test_data:
test_json = json.load (test_data)
return test_json[test_class_name][test_name]
except KeyError as e:
print ('KeyError: {}'.format (e))
def mymain(self, test_name):
''' mymain is defined to accomodate your requirement to use __class__ as a parameter '''
test_params = self.get_test_params (self.__class__.__name__, test_name = test_name)
return test_params
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_name = 'sth'
myclass = MyClass ()
result = myclass.mymain (test_name)
print (result)