Get all prediction values for each CV in GridSearchCV - python

I have a time-dependent data set, where I (as an example) am trying to do some hyperparameter tuning on a Lasso regression.
For that I use sklearn's TimeSeriesSplit instead of regular Kfold CV, i.e. something like this:
tscv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=5)
model = GridSearchCV(
param_distributions= {"estimator__alpha": np.linspace(0.05, 1, 50)},
), y_train)
With this I get a model, which I can then use for predictions etc. The idea behind that cross validation is based on this:
However, my issue is that I would actually like to have the predictions from all the test sets from all cv's. And I have no idea how to get that out of the model ?
If I try the cv_results_ I get the score (from the scoring parameter) for each split and each hyperparameter. But I don't seem to be able to find the prediction values for each value in each test split. And I actually need that for some backtesting. I don't think it would be "fair" to use the final model to predict the previous values. I would imagine there would be some kind of overfitting in that case.
So yeah, is there any way for me to extract the predicted values for each split ?

You can have custom scoring functions in GridSearchCV.With that you can predict outputs with the estimator given to the GridSearchCV in that particular fold.
from the documentation scoring parameter is
Strategy to evaluate the performance of the cross-validated model on the test set.
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_percentage_error
def custom_scorer(clf, X, y):
y_pred = clf.predict(X)
# save y_pred somewhere
return -mean_absolute_percentage_error(y, y_pred)
model = GridSearchCV(estimator=pipeline,
The input X and y in the above code came from the test set. clf is the given pipeline to the estimator parameter.
Obviously your estimator should implement the predict method (should be a valid model in scikit-learn). You can add other scorings to the custom one to avoid non-sense scores from the custom function.


Different results using log_loss/roc_auc_score or performing cross_val_score with scoring='neg_log_loss'/'roc_auc' (Scikit learn)

Exploring some classification models in Scikit learn I noticed that the scores I got for log loss and for ROC AUC were consistently lower while performing cross validation than while fitting and predicting on the whole training set (done to check for overfitting), thing that did not make sense to me.
Specifically, using cross_validate I set the scorings as ['neg_log_loss', 'roc_auc'] and while performing manual fitting and prediction on the training set I used the metric functions log_loss' and roc_auc_score.
To try to figure out what was happening, i wrote a code to perform the cross validation manually in order to be able to call the metric functions manually on the various folds and compare the results with the ones from cross_validate. As you can see below, I got different results even like this!
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
kf = KFold(n_splits=3, random_state=42, shuffle=True)
log_reg = LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000)
for train_index, test_index in kf.split(dataset, dataset_labels):
X_train, X_test = dataset[train_index], dataset[test_index]
y_train, y_test = dataset_labels_np[train_index], dataset_labels_np[test_index], y_train)
pr = log_reg.predict(X_test)
ll = log_loss(y_test, pr)
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
cv_ll = cross_val_score(log_reg, dataset_prepared_stand, dataset_labels, scoring='neg_log_loss',
cv=KFold(n_splits=3, random_state=42, shuffle=True))
[0.409817 0.32309 0.398375]
The output running the same code for ROC AUC are:
[0.925635 0.94032 0.910885]
To be sure to have written the code right, I also tried the code using 'accuracy' as scoring for cross validation and accuracy_score as metric function and the results are instead consistent:
[0.861158 0.867973 0.83816 ]
Can someone explain me why the results in the case of the log loss and the ROC AUC are different? Thanks!
Log-loss and auROC both need probability predictions, not the hard class predictions. So change
pr = log_reg.predict(X_test)
pr = log_reg.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
(the subscripting is to grab the probabilities for the positive class, and assumes you're doing binary classification).

Model Fitting and Cross-Validation

I'm training a dataset and then testing it on some other dataset.
To improve performance, I wanted to fine-tune my parameters with a 5-fold cross validation.
However, I think I'm not writing the correct code as when I try to fit the model to my testing set, it says it hasn't fit it yet. I though the cross-validation part fitted the model? Or maybe I have to extract it?
Here's my code:
svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', probability=True, random_state=42)
accuracies = cross_val_score(svm, data_train, lbs_train, cv=5)
pred_test = svm.predict(data_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(lbs_test, pred_test)
That is correct, the cross_validate_score doesn't return a fitted model. In your example, you have cv=5 which means that the model was fit 5 times. So, which of those do you want? The last?
The function cross_val_score is a simpler version of the sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate. Which doesn't only return the scores, but more information.
So you can do something like this:
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', probability=True, random_state=42)
cv_results = cross_validate(svm, data_train, lbs_train, cv=5, return_estimator=True)
# cv_results is a dict with the following keys:
# 'test_score' which is what cross_val_score returns
# 'train_score'
# 'fit_time'
# 'score_time'
# 'estimator' which is a tuple of size cv and only if return_estimator=True
accuracies = cv_results['test_score'] # what you had before
svms = cv_results['estimator']
print(len(svms)) # 5
svm = svms[-1] # the last fitted svm, or pick any that you want
pred_test = svm.predict(data_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(lbs_test, pred_test)
Note, here you need to pick one of the 5 fitted SVMs. Ideally, you would use cross-validation for testing the performance of your model. So, you don't need to do it again at the end. Then, you would fit your model one more time, but this time with ALL the data which would be the model you will actually use in production.
Another note, you mentioned that you want this to fine tune the parameters of your model. Perhaps you should look at hyper-parameter optimization. For example: here you will see how to use cross-validation and define a parameter search space.

Getting probabilities of best model for RandomizedSearchCV

I'm using RandomizedSearchCV to get the best parameters with a 10-fold cross-validation and 100 iterations. This works well. But now I would like to also get the probabilities of each predicted test data point (like predict_proba) from the best performing model.
How can this be done?
I see two options. First, perhaps it is possible to get these probabilities directly from the RandomizedSearchCV or second, getting the best parameters from RandomizedSearchCV and then doing again a 10-fold cross-validation (with the same seed so that I get the same splits) with this best parameters.
Edit: Is the following code correct to get the probabilities of the best performing model? X is the training data and y are the labels and model is my RandomizedSearchCV containing a Pipeline with imputing missing values, standardization and SVM.
cv_outer = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=0)
y_prob = np.empty([y.size, nrClasses]) * np.nan
best_model =, y).best_estimator_
for train, test in cv_outer.split(X, y):
probas_ =[train], y[train]).predict_proba(X[test])
y_prob[test] = probas_
If I understood it right, you would like to get the individual scores of every sample in your test split for the case with the highest CV score. If that is the case, you have to use one of those CV generators which give you control over split indices, such as those here:
If you want to calculate scores of a new test sample with the best performing model, the predict_proba() function of RandomizedSearchCV would suffice, given that your underlying model supports it.
import numpy
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, random_state=0, shuffle=True)
scores = cross_val_score(svc, X, y, cv=skf, n_jobs=-1)
max_score_split = numpy.argmax(scores)
Now that you know that your best model happens at max_score_split, you can get that split yourself and fit your model with it.
train_indices, test_indices = k_fold.split(X)[max_score_split]
X_train = X[train_indices]
y_train = y[train_indices]
X_test = X[test_indices]
y_test = y[test_indices], y_train) # this is your model object that should have been created before
And finally get your predictions by:
I haven't tested the code myself but should work with minor modifications.
You need to look in cv_results_ this will give you the scores, and mean scores for all of your folds, along with a mean, fitting time etc...
If you want to predict_proba() for each of the iterations, the way to do this would be to loop through the params given in cv_results_, re-fit the model for each of then, then predict the probabilities, as the individual models are not cached anywhere, as far as I know.
best_params_ will give you the best fit parameters, for if you want to train a model just using the best parameters next time.
See cv_results_ in the information page

Using cross validation and AUC-ROC for a logistic regression model in sklearn

I'm using the sklearn package to build a logistic regression model and then evaluate it. Specifically, I want to do so using cross validation, but can't figure out the right way to do so with the cross_val_score function.
According to the documentation and some examples I saw, I need to pass the function the model, the features, the outcome, and a scoring method. However, the AUC doesn't need predictions, it needs probabilities, so it can try different threshold values and calculate the ROC curve based on that. So what's the right approach here? This function has 'roc_auc' as a possible scoring method, so I'm assuming it's compatible with it, I'm just not sure about the right way to use it. Sample code snippet below.
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
features = ['a', 'b', 'c']
outcome = ['d']
X = df[features]
y = df[outcome]
crossval_scores = cross_val_score(LogisticRegression(), X, y, scoring='roc_auc', cv=10)
Basically, I don't understand why I need to pass y to my cross_val_score function here, instead of probabilities calculated using X in a logistic regression model. Does it just do that part on its own?
All supervised learning methods (including logistic regression) need the true y values to fit a model.
After fitting a model, we generally want to:
Make predictions, and
Score those predictions (usually on 'held out' data, such as by using cross-validation)
cross_val_score gives you cross-validated scores of a model's predictions. But to score the predictions it first needs to make the predictions, and to make the predictions it first needs to fit the model, which requires both X and (true) y.
cross_val_score as you note accepts different scoring metrics. So if you chose f1-score for example, the model predictions generated during cross-val-score would be class predictions (from the model's predict() method). And if you chose roc_auc as your metric, the model predictions used to score the model would be probability predictions (from the model's predict_proba() method).
cross_val_score trains models on inputs with true values, performs predictions, then compares those predictions to the true values—the scoring step. That's why you pass in y: it's the true values, the "ground truth".
The roc_auc_score function that is called by specifying scoring='roc_auc' relies on both y_true and y_pred: the ground truth and the predicted values based on X for your model.

Model help using Scikit-learn when using GridSearch

As part of the Enron project, built the attached model, Below is the summary of the steps,
Below model gives highly perfect scores
cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits = 100, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 42)
gcv = GridSearchCV(pipe, clf_params,cv=cv),labels) ---> with the full dataset
for train_ind, test_ind in cv.split(features,labels):
x_train, x_test = features[train_ind], features[test_ind]
y_train, y_test = labels[train_ind],labels[test_ind]
Below model gives more reasonable but low scores
cv = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits = 100, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 42)
gcv = GridSearchCV(pipe, clf_params,cv=cv),labels) ---> with the full dataset
for train_ind, test_ind in cv.split(features,labels):
x_train, x_test = features[train_ind], features[test_ind]
y_train, y_test = labels[train_ind],labels[test_ind],y_train)
Used Kbest to find out the scores and sorted the features and trying a combination of higher and lower scores.
Used SVM with a GridSearch using a StratifiedShuffle
Used the best_estimator_ to predict and calculate the precision and recall.
The problem is estimator is spitting out perfect scores, in some case 1
But when I refit the best classifier on training data then run the test it gives reasonable scores.
My doubt/question was what exactly GridSearch does with the test data after the split using the Shuffle split object we send in to it. I assumed it would not fit anything on Test data, if that was true then when I predict using the same test data, it should not give this high scores right.? since i used random_state value, the shufflesplit should have created the same copy for the Grid fit and also for the predict.
So, is using the same Shufflesplit for two wrong?
GridSearchCV as #Gauthier Feuillen said is used to search best parameters of an estimator for given data.
Description of GridSearchCV:-
gcv = GridSearchCV(pipe, clf_params,cv=cv),labels)
clf_params will be expanded to get all possible combinations separate using ParameterGrid.
features will now be split into features_train and features_test using cv. Same for labels
Now the gridSearch estimator (pipe) will be trained using features_train and labels_inner and scored using features_test and labels_test.
For each possible combination of parameters in step 3, The steps 4 and 5 will be repeated for cv_iterations. The average of score across cv iterations will be calculated, which will be assigned to that parameter combination. This can be accessed using cv_results_ attribute of gridSearch.
For the parameters which give the best score, the internal estimator will be re initialized using those parameters and refit for the whole data supplied into it(features and labels).
Because of last step, you are getting different scores in first and second approach. Because in the first approach, all data is used for training and you are predicting for that data only. Second approach has prediction on previously unseen data.
Basically the grid search will:
Try every combination of your parameter grid
For each of them it will do a K-fold cross validation
Select the best available.
So your second case is the good one. Otherwise you are actually predicting data that you trained with (which is not the case in the second option, there you only keep the best parameters from your gridsearch)

