Word2vec is not getting better with the number of epoch increasing - python

Running this code give me back loss values that cycle not really decreasing. Could you explain me why ?
from gensim.test.utils import common_texts, get_tmpfile
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from gensim.models.callbacks import CallbackAny2Vec
class callback(CallbackAny2Vec):
'''Callback to print loss after each epoch.'''
def __init__(self):
self.epoch = 0
self.previous_loss = 0
def on_epoch_end(self, model):
loss = model.get_latest_training_loss()
print('Loss after epoch {}: {}'.format(self.epoch, loss-self.previous_loss))
self.epoch += 1
self.previous_loss = loss
model = Word2Vec(datapath('lee_background.cor'),epochs=10000,
compute_loss=True, callbacks=[callback()])

Loss can't decrease forever, unless:
the model can perfectly memorize the training set; and
every input – in the case of word2vec, context skip-gram or CBOW word(s) – should always generate the exact same outputs
The latter definitely isn't the case in natural-language: neither one skip-gram word X, nor a window of CBOW words X1, X2, ... Xn, will always exactly predict a target word. Hence, there will always be loss-against-training-examples.
All that you're doing with training (stochastic-gradient-descent optimization) is driving loss to the smallest that's practical given the mechanism/size of the chosen model.
At some point, at a still non-zero loss, changing the model to be better on some training-examples necessarily worsens it on others.
At this point, often called 'convergence', further training can only cause measured loss to jitter up-and-down around some range-of-approximately-best-value. Which seems to be what you're describing.
Related: a model with lower loss is better at the training task – mechanistically predicting words among the texts of the training set. But it won't necessarily be better at all the other downstream things you want to use word-vectors for.
At a certain point, being superficially better at the training-set – memorizing every detail, even the idiosyncratic non-generalizable things – can make things worse for other out-of-training-set tasks. That's 'overfitting'.
Especially with small training-sets, you can see this for yourself by expanding the vector_size. Some size will do best for specific other tasks – creating word-vectors that reflect what you want about the word's relationships – but an ever-larger size will do worse.
(It'll also, at some point, make the model larger than the training-data – an imbalance that practically ensures overfitting, because all 'learning' typically needs to have some aspect of compression: boiling a smaller number of useful compact lessons from a larger amount of suggestive/noisy data.)
That's why assessing model fitness for your project requires evaluations other than just looking-at-loss. Ideally these evaluations are even project-specific, though often more generic ones – like say the analogy-solving often applied to word2vec models – may point in the roughly right direction to match human-salient word senses. Still: on any project-specific goal, like classification or info-retrieval, the word-vectors 'best' at analogy-solving might not be best for the project's purposes.


Is it necessary to mitigate class imbalance problem in multiclass text classification?

I am performing multi-class text classification using BERT in python. The dataset that I am using for retraining my model is highly imbalanced. Now, I am very clear that the class imbalance leads to a poor model and one should balance the training set by undersampling, oversampling, etc. before model training.
However, it is also a fact that the distribution of the training set should be similar to the distribution of the production data.
Now, if I am sure that the data thrown at me in the production environment will also be imbalanced, i.e., the samples to be classified will likely belong to one or more classes as compared to some other classes, should I balance my training set?
Should I keep the training set as it is as I know that the distribution of the training set is similar to the distribution of data that I will encounter in the production?
Please give me some ideas, or provide some blogs or papers for understanding this problem.
Class imbalance is not a problem by itself, the problem is too few minority class' samples make it harder to describe its statistical distribution, which is especially true for high-dimensional data (and BERT embeddings have 768 dimensions IIRC).
Additionally, logistic function tends to underestimate the probability of rare events (see e.g. https://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/0s.pdf for the mechanics), which can be offset by selecting a classification threshold as well as resampling.
There's quite a few discussions on CrossValidated regarding this (like https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/357466). TL;DR:
while too few class' samples may degrade the prediction quality, resampling is not guaranteed to give an overall improvement; at least, there's no universal recipe to a perfect resampling proportion, you'll have to test it out for yourself;
however, real life tasks often weigh classification errors unequally: resampling may help improving certain class' metrics at the cost of overall accuracy. Same applies to classification threshold selection however.
This depends on the goal of your classification:
Do you want a high probability that a random sample is classified correctly? -> Do not balance your training set.
Do you want a high probability that a random sample from a rare class is classified correctly? -> balance your training set or apply weighting during training increasing the weights for rare classes.
For example in web applications seen by clients, it is important that most samples are classified correctly, disregarding rare classes, whereas in the case of anomaly detection/classification, it is very important that rare classes are classified correctly.
Keep in mind that a highly imbalanced dataset tends to always predicting the majority class, therefore increasing the number or weights of rare classes can be a good idea, even without perfectly balancing the training set..
P(label | sample) is not the same as P(label).
P(label | sample) is your training goal.
In the case of gradient-based learning with mini-batches on models with large parameter space, rare labels have a small footprint on the model training. So, your model fits in P(label).
To avoid fitting to P(label), you can balance batches.
Overall batches of an epoch, data looks like an up-sampled minority class. The goal is to get a better loss function that its gradients move parameters toward a better classification goal.
I don't have any proof to show this here. It is perhaps not an accurate statement. With enough training data (with respect to the complexity of features) and enough training steps you may not need balancing. But most language tasks are quite complex and there is not enough data for training. That was the situation I imagined in the statements above.

Checking model overfit of doc2vec with infer_vector()

my aim is to create document embeddings from the column df["text"] as a first step and then as a second step plug them along with other variables into a XGBoost Regressor model in order to make predictions. This works very well for the train_df.
I am currently trying to evaluate my trained Doc2Vec model by inferring vectors with infer_vector() on the unseen test_df and then again make predictions with it.However, the results are super bad. I got a very large error (RMSE).
I assume, this means that Doc2Vec is massively overfitting?
I am actually not sure if this is the correct way to evaluate my doc2vec model (by infer_vector)?
What to do to prevent doc2vec from overfitting?
Please find my code below for infering vectors from a model:
for i in range(0, len(test_df)):
vectors_test= pd.DataFrame(vectors_test)
test_df = pd.concat([test_df, vectors_test], axis=1)
I then make predictions with my XGBoost model:
test_df= test_df.reindex(np.random.permutation(test_df.index))
y = test_df['target'].values
X = test_df.drop(['target'], axis=1).values
y_pred = mod.predict(X)
pred = pd.DataFrame()
pred["Prediction"] = y_pred
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y,y_pred))
Please see also the training of my doc2vec model:
doc_tag = train_df.apply(lambda train_df: TaggedDocument(words=tokenize(train_df["text"]), tags= [train_df.Tag]), axis = 1)
# initializing model, building a vocabulary
model = Doc2Vec(dm=0, vector_size=200, min_count=1, window=10, workers= cores)
model.build_vocab([x for x in tqdm(doc_tag.values)])
# train model for 5 epochs
for epoch in range(5):
model.train(utils.shuffle([x for x in tqdm(doc_tag.values)]), total_examples=len(doc_tag.values), epochs=1)
Without knowing what your XGBoost model is being trained to predict, or more about the type/quantity of your training data for certain steps, it's hard to speculate why one particular set of inputs are performing poorly. (For example, it could equally be the XGBoost model's data, parameters, or training that's mismatched to the task.)
But, some observations:
You generally shouldn't be calling train() multiple times in your own loop. See My Doc2Vec code, after many loops of training, isn't giving good results. What might be wrong? for discussion of common problems here. (Yours isn't quite as stark, but the learning-rate isn't being handled properly in your 5 separate train()s - indeed there should even be some error in your log output.)
Similarly: it's often a bad idea to use a min_count so small as 1 in these kinds of models: such rare words, without enough varied examples to be truly understood, just inject idiosyncratic noise which dilutes the influence of other, surrounding tokens which are meaningful.
Most published work trains a Doc2Vec model for 10-20 epochs – you're only using 5. (And, for smaller datasets or smaller texts, often even more epochs help.) Inference will also default to the epochs configured when the model was created – here only 5 – but more epochs are often beneficial.
It's unclear the size of your training texts and their unique vocabulary, but Doc2Vec overfitting will be most likely if the model is relatively large – in terms of vector_size or total surviving vocabulary – compared to the training data. Then, the model has lots of opportunity to essentially 'memorize' idiosyncracies of the training set, instead of more-generalizable patterns that will still be useful for out-of-training data. (For example, min_count=1, if it's preserving many singleton words which appear in only one text each, gives the model lots of "nooks and crannies" in which to improve its training target results in ways unlikely to help on other examples.) If your training data is "small", you likely need to use a smaller vector_size and a larger min_count to avoid overfitting, and then perhaps more epochs to ensure adequate training.
infer_vector essentially ignores any words not in its vocabulary - so you should take a look at some of the specific texts in the set performing poorly, and check whether most of their words are present, or not. But note also: as Doc2Vec is an unsupervised method, a plausible case can be made for training it to learn textual patterns on all available data, including the texts in your 'test' set. Then, it is more likely to have some word data, top at least the min_count threshold, for words across all examples. (Of course the actual supervised predictor itself can only be fairly evaluated on test examples whose desired answers weren't provided during the predictor's training. But it still can receive its features from an unsupervised step that used all text data.)
a crude check of a Doc2Vec model for overfitting or other training problems (but not overall quality) is to re-infer doc-vectors from the same texts it was trained on, and checking the model's set of bulk-trained vectors (model.docvecs) for the nearest-neighbors to these re-inferred vectors. If the re-inferred vector's nearest neighbor isn't usually the same text's bulk-trained vector – or if more generally, re-inferring the same text multiple times doesn't yield vectors that are 'close' to each other – then something about the model training or inference is deficient: overfitting, or undertraining, or insufficient data, or unwise parameters.

Does the gensim `Word2Vec()` constructor make a completely independent model?

I'm testing feeding gensim's Word2Vec different sentences with the same overall vocabulary to see if some sentences carry "better" information than others. My method to train Word2Vec looks like this
def encode_sentences(self, w2v_params, sentences):
model = Word2Vec(sentences, **w2v_params)
idx_order = torch.tensor([int(i) for i in model.wv.index2entity], dtype=torch.long)
X = torch.zeros((idx_order.max()+1, w2v_params['size']), dtype=torch.float)
# Put embeddings back in order
X[idx_order] = torch.tensor(model.wv.vectors)
return X, y
What I'm hoping for here, is each time w2v runs, it starts with a fresh model and trains from scratch. However, I'm testing 3 kinds of sentences, so my test code looks like this:
def test(sentence):
w2v = {'size': 128, 'sg': 1}
X = encode_sentences(w2v, sentence)
evaluate(X) # Basic cluster analysis stuff here
# s1, s2 and s3 are the 3 sets of sentences with the same vocabulary in different order/frequency
[print(test(s) for s in [s1, s2, s3]]
However, I noticed if I remove one of the test sets, and only test s1 and s2 (or any combination of 2 sets of the three), the overall quality of the clusterings decreases. If I go back into encode_sentences and add del model before the return call, the overall cluster quality also goes down but remains consistent no matter how many datasets are tested.
What gives? Is the constructor not actually building a fresh model each time with new weights? The docs and source code give no indication of this. I'm quite sure it isn't my evaluation method, as everything was fixed after the del model was added. I'm at a loss here... Are these runs actually independent, or is each call to Word2Vec(foo, ...) equivalent to retraining the previous model with foo as new data?
And before you ask, no model is nowhere outside of the scope of the encode_sentence variable; that's the only time that variable name is used in the whole program. Very odd.
Edit with more details
If it's important, I'm using Word2Vec to build node embeddings on a graph the way Node2Vec does with different walk strategies. These embeddings are then fed to a Logistic Regression model (evaluate(X)) and which calculates area under the roc.
Here is some sample output of the model before adding the del model call to the encode_sentences method averaged over 5 trials:
Random walks: 0.9153 (+/-) 0.002
Policy walks: 0.9125 (+/-) 0.005
E-greedy walks: 0.8489 (+/-) 0.011
Here is the same output with the only difference being del model in the encoding method:
Random walks: 0.8627 (+/-) 0.005
Policy walks: 0.8527 (+/-) 0.002
E-greedy walks: 0.8385 (+/-) 0.009
As you can see, in each case, the variance is very low (the +/- value is the standard error) but the difference between the two runs is almost a whole standard deviation. It seems odd that if each call to Word2Vec was truly independent that manually freeing the data structure would have such a large effect.
Each call to the Word2Vec() constructor creates an all-new model.
However, runs are not completely deterministic under normal conditions, for a variety of reasons, so results quality for downstream evaluations (like your unshown clustering) will jitter from run-to-run.
If the variance in repeated runs with the same data is very large, there are probably other problems, such an oversized model prone to overfitting. (Stability from run-to-run can be one indicator that your process is sufficiently specified that the data and model choices are driving results, not the randomness used by the algorithm.)
If this explanation isn't satisfying, try adding more info to your question - such as the actual magnitude of your evaluation scores, in repeated runs, both with and without the changes that you conjecture are affecting results. (I suspect the variations from the steps you think are having effect will be no larger than variations from re-runs or different seed values.)
(More generally, Word2Vec is generally hungry for as much varies training data as possible; only if texts are non-representative of the relevant domain are they likely to result in a worse model. So I generally wouldn't expect being choosier about which subset of sentences is best to be an important technique, unless some of the sentences are total junk/noise, but of course there's always a change you'll find some effects in your particular data/goals.)

Is there any rules of thumb for the relation of number of iterations and training size for lightgbm?

When I train a classification model using lightgbm, I usually use validation set and early stopping to determine the number of iterations.
Now I want to combine training and validation set to train a model (so I have more training examples), and use the model to predict the test data, should I change the number of iterations derived from the validation process?
As you said in your comment, this is not comparable to the Deep Learning number of epochs because deep learning is usually stochastic.
With LGBM, all parameters and features being equals, by adding 10% up to 15% more training points, we can expect the trees to look alike: as you have more information your split values will be better, but it is unlikely to drastically change your model (this is less true if you use parameters such as bagging_fraction or if the added points are from a different distribution).
I saw people multiplying the number of iterations by 1.1 (can't find my sources sorry). Intuitively this makes sense to add some trees as you potentially add information. Experimentally this value worked well but the optimal value will be dependent of your model and data.
In a similar problem in deep learning with Keras: I do it by using an early stopper and cross validation with train and validation data, and let the model optimize itself using validation data during trainings.
After each training, I test the model with test data and examine the mean accuracies. In the mean time after each training I save the stopped_epoch from EarlyStopper. If CV scores are satisfying, I take the mean of stopped epochs and do a full training (including all data I have) with the number of mean stopped epochs, and save the model.
I'm not aware of a well-established rule of thumb to do such estimate. As Florian has pointed out, sometimes people rescale the number of iterations obtained from early stopping by a factor. If i remember correctly, typically the factor assumes a linear dependence of the data size and the optimal number of trees. I.e. in the 10-fold cv this would be a rescaling 1.1 factor. But there is no solid justification for this. As Florian also pointed out, the dependence around the optimum is typically reasonably flat, so +- a bit of trees will not have a dramatic effect.
Two suggestions:
do k-fold validation instead of a single train-validation split. This will allow to evaluate how stable the estimate of the optimal number of trees is. If this fluctuates a lot between folds- do not rely on such estimate :)
fix the size of the validation sample and re-train your model with early stopping using gradually increasing training set. This will allow to evaluae the dependence of the number of trees on the sample size and approximate it to the full sample size.

How can I test my classifier for overfitting?

I have a set of data in a .tsv file available here. I have written several classifiers to decide whether a given website is ephemeral or evergreen.
Now, I want to make them better. I know from speaking with people that my classifier is 'overfitting' the data; what I am looking for is a solid way to prove this so that the next time I write a classifier I will be able to run a test and see if I am overfitting or underfitting.
What is the best way of doing this? I am open to all suggestion!
I've spent literally weeks googling this topic and found no canonical or trusted ways to do this effectively, so any response will be appreciated. I will be putting a bounty on this question.
Let's assume my clasifier spits out a .tsv containing :
the website UID<tab>the likelihood it is to be ephemeral or evergreen, 0 being ephemeral, 1 being evergreen<tab>whether the page is ephemeral or evergreen
The most simple way to check your classifier "efficiency" is to perform a cross validation:
Take your data, lets call them X
Split X into K batches of equal sizes
For each i=1 to K:
Train your classifier on all batches but i'th
Test on i'th
Return the average result
One more important aspect - if your classifier uses any parameters, some constants, thresholds etc. which are not trained, but rather given by the user you cannot just select the ones giving the best results in the above procedure. This has to be somehow automatized in the "Train your classifier on all batches but i'th". In other words - you cannot use the testing data to fit any parameters to your model. Once done this, there are four possible outcomes:
Training error is low but is much lower than testing error - overfitting
Both errors are low - ok
Both errors are high - underfitting
Training error is high but testing is low - error in implementation or very small dataset
There are many ways that people try to handle overfitting:
Cross-validation, you might also see it mentioned as x-validation
see lejlot's post for details
choose a simpler model
linear classifiers have a high bias because the model must be linear but lower variance in the optimal solution because of the high bias. This means that you wouldn't expect to see much difference in the final model given a large number of random training samples.
Regularization is a common practice to combat overfitting.
It is generally done by adding a term to the minimization function
Typically this term is the sum of squares of the model's weights because it is easy to differentiate.
Generally there is a constant C associated with the regularization term. Tuning this constant will increase / decrease the effect of regularization. A high weight applied to regularization generally helps with overfitting. C should always be greater or equal to zero. (Note: some training packages apply 1/C as the regularization weight. In this case, the close C gets to zero the greater weight is applied to regularization)
Regardless of the specifics, regularization works by reducing the variance in a model by biasing it to solutions with low regularization weight.
Finally, boosting is a method of training that mysteriously/magically does not overfit. Not sure if anyone has discovered why, but it is a process of combining high bias low variance simple learns into a high variance low bias model. Its pretty slick.

