Google Cloud BigQuery WRITE_APPEND duplicate issue - python

I keep multiple data with similar name in Google Cloud Storage. My data comes here daily via API and I want to add them to my table in BigQuery, which is refreshed daily, and I do this via Python. When I do WRITE_TRUNCATE, it deletes the table and creates a new table with all the files in the storage, but I need to protect my table because I have historical data in it and they are not in the storage. When I WRITE_APPEND, I have a duplicate problem because it adds all the files in the storage. Anyone here have a suggested solution?
here is a piece of my code:
job_config.write_disposition = bigquery.WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE
job_config.skip_leading_rows = 1
# The source format defaults to CSV, so the line below is optional.
job_config.source_format = bigquery.SourceFormat.CSV
job_config.autodetect = True
job_config.max_bad_records = 5
uri = "gs://" + gcsbucket + "/" + tableprefix ```

#AhmetBuğraBUĞA, As you have mentioned in the comment, Date names were written at the end of the data and the problem can be solved by adding dates in the BigQuery as below which takes a single day from the dates.
( - dt.timedelta(day=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")


Referencing Databricks Tables in Notebooks

I'm curious if there's a way to reference Databricks tables without importing them to every Databricks notebook.
Here's what I normally do:
# Load the required tables
df1 ="dbfs:/hive_metastore/cadors_basic_event")
# Convert the dataframe to a temporary view for SQL processing
# Perform join to create master table
master_df = spark.sql(f'''
FROM Occ_Events O INNER JOIN Event E\
However, I also remember in SQL Server Management Studio, you could easily reference these tables and their fields without having to "import" the table into each notebook like I did above. For example:
SELECT occ.cadorsnumber,\
occ_evt.event_seq_num, occ_evt.event_cd,\
evt.event_name_enm, evt.event_group_type_cd,\
FROM cadorsstg.occurrence_information occ\
JOIN cadorsstg.occurrence_events occ_evt ON (occ_evt.cadorsnumber = occ.cadorsnumber)\
JOIN cadorsstg.ta003_event evt ON (evt.event_cd = occ_evt.event_cd)\
JOIN cadorsstg.ta012_event_group_type evt_grp ON (evt_grp.event_group_type_cd = evt.event_group_type_cd)\
WHERE occ.date_deleted_dte IS NULL AND occ_evt.date_deleted_dte IS NULL\
ORDER BY occ.cadorsnumber, occ_evt.event_seq_num;
The way I do it currently is not really scalable and gets very tedious when I'm working with multiple tables. If there's a better way to do this, I'd highly appreciate any tips/advice.
I've tried using SELECT/USE SCHEMA (database name), but that didn't work.
I agree with David there are several ways to do this and you are confusing the concepts. I am going to add some links for you to study.
1 - Data is stored in files. The storage can be either remote or local storage. To use remote storage, I suggest mounting since it allows older python libraries access to the storage. Only utilities such as dbutils.fs() understand urls.
2 - Data engineering is used to join and transform input files into a new output file. The and spark.write() are key to reading and writing files using the power of the cluster.
This same processing can be done with python's libraries but it will not leverage the power of the worker nodes. It will run at the executor node. Please look into the high level design of a cluster.
3 - Data engineering can be done with dataframes. But this means you have to get very good at the methods associated with the object.
In the example below, I read in two data sample data files. I join the files, remove a duplicate column and save as a new file.
A - Read files code is the same for both design patterns (dataframes + pyspark)
# read in low temps
path1 = "/databricks-datasets/weather/low_temps"
df1 = (
.option("sep", ",")
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
# read in high temps
path2 = "/databricks-datasets/weather/high_temps"
df2 = (
.option("sep", ",")
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
B - The data engineering code uses methods when dealing with data frames.
# rename columns - file 1
df1 = df1.withColumnRenamed("temp", "low_temp")
# rename columns - file 2
df2 = df2.withColumnRenamed("temp", "high_temp")
df2 = df2.withColumnRenamed("date", "date2")
# join + drop col
df3 = df1.join(df2, df1["date"] == df2["date2"]).drop("date2")
# show top 5 rows
C - Write files code is the same for both design patterns (dataframes + pyspark)
Now that data frame (df3) has our data, we write to storage. The /lake/bronze directory is on local storage. It is a make believe data lake.
# How many partitions?
# Write out csv file with 1 partition
dst_path = "/lake/bronze/weather/temp"
4 - Data engineering can be done with Spark SQL. But this means you have to expose the datasets as temporary views. Both steps A + C are the same.
B.1 - This code exposes the dataframes as temporary views.
# create temp view
# create temp view
B.2 - This code replaces the methods with Spark SQL (pyspark).
# make sql string
sql_stmt = """
select as obs_date,
h.temp as obs_high_temp,
l.temp as obs_low_temp
tmp_high_temps as h
tmp_low_temps as l
on =
# execute
df3 = spark.sql(sql_stmt)
5 - Last but not least, who wants to always query the data using a data frame. We can create a HIVE database and TABLE to expose the stored file on the storage.
I have a utility function that finds the save file and renames it from a temporary subdirectory.
# create single file
unwanted_file_cleanup("/lake/bronze/weather/temp/", "/lake/bronze/weather/temperature-data.parquet", "parquet")
Last but not least, we create a database and table. Look into the concepts of managed and unmanaged tables as well as a remote meta store. I usually use unmanaged table with the default hive meta store.
CREATE TABLE talks.weather_observations
LOCATION '/lake/bronze/weather/temperature-data.parquet'
In short, I hope you now have a good understanding of data processing using either data frames or pyspark.
John Miner ~ The Crafty DBA ~ Data Platform MVP
PS: I have a couple videos out on you tube somewhere on this topic.

How to combine multiple files in GCS bucket with Cloud Function trigger

I have 3 files per date per name in this format:
'nameXX_date', here's an example:
where 'name' can be anything, and the date is whatever day the file was uploaded (almost every day).
I need to write a cloud function that triggers whenever a new file lands in the bucket, that combines the 3 XX,XY,XZ files into one file with filename = "name_date".
Here's what I've got so far:
bucket_id = 'bucketname'
client = gcs.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_id)
name =
date =
outfile = f'bucketname/{name}_{date}.CSV'
blobs = []
for shard in ('XX', 'XY', 'XZ'):
sfile = f'{name}{shard}_{date}'
blob = bucket.blob(sfile)
if not blob.exists():
# this causes a retry in 60s
raise ValueError(f'branch {sfile} not present')
bucket.blob(outfile).compose(blobs)'Successfullt created {outfile}')
for blob in blobs:
blob.delete()'Deleted {} blobs'.format(len(blobs)))
The issue I'm facing is that I'm not sure how to get the name and date of the new file that landed in the bucket, so that I can find the other 2 matching files and combine them
Btw, I've got this code from this article and I'm trying to implement it here:
As I understand, the cloud function is triggered by a event on an object in the specific GCS bucket.
In that case your cloud function "signature" looks like (taken from the "medium" article you mentioned):
def compose_shards(data, context):
The data is a dictionary with plenty of details about the object (file) has been finalized. See some details here: Google Cloud Storage Triggers
For example, the data["name"] - is the name of the object under discussion.
If you know the pattern/template/rule according to which those objects/shards are named, you can extract the relevant elements from an object/shard name, and use it to compose the target object/file name.

Extracting "data" from Amazon Ion file

Has anyone worked with the Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) Amazon ion files? If so, do you know how to extract the "data" part to formulate tables? Maybe use python to scrape the data?
I am trying to get the "data" information from these files which are stored in s3 (I don't have access to QLDB so I cannot query directly) and then upload the results to Glue.
I am trying to perform an ETL job using GLue, but Glue doesn't like Amazon Ion files so I need to either query data from these files or scrape the files for relevant information.
PS : by "data" information I mean this:
ref :
Have you tried working with the Amazon Ion library ?
Assuming the data mentioned in the question is present in a file called "myIonFile.ion" and if the file has only ion objects in it, we can read the data from the file as follows:
from amazon.ion import simpleion
file = open("myIonFile.ion", "rb") # opening the file
data = # getting the bytes for the file
iondata = simpleion.loads(data, single_value=False) # Loading as ion data
print(iondata['PersonId']) # should print "4tPW8xtKSGF5b6JyTihI1U"
Further guidance on using the ion library is provided in the Ion Cookbook
Besides, I'm unsure about your use-case but interacting with QLDB can also be done via the QLDB Driver which has a direct dependency on the Ion library.
AWS Glue is able to read Amazon Ion input. Many other services and applications can't, though, so it's a good idea to use Glue to convert the Ion data to JSON. Note that Ion is a super-set of JSON, adding some data types to JSON, so converting Ion to JSON may cause some down-conversion.
One good way to get access to your QLDB documents from the QLDB S3 export is to use Glue to extract the document data, store it in S3 as JSON, and query it with Amazon Athena. The process would go as follows:
Export your ledger data to S3
Create a Glue crawler to crawl and catalog the exported data.
Run a Glue ETL job to extract the revision data from the export files, convert it to JSON, and write it out to S3.
Create a Glue crawler to crawl and catalog the extracted data.
Query the extracted document revision data using Amazon Athena.
Take a look at the PySpark script below. It extracts just the revision metadata and data payload from the QLDB export files.
The QLDB export maps the table for each document, but separately from the revisions data. You'll have to do some extra coding to include the table name in your revision data in the output. The code below doesn't do this, so you'll end up with all of your revisions in one table in the output.
Also note that you'll get whatever revisions happen to be in the exported data. That is, you might get multiple document revisions for a given document ID. Depending on your intended use of the data, you may need to figure out how to grab just the latest revision of each document ID.
from awsglue.transforms import *
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame
# Initializations
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
glueContext = GlueContext(sc)
# Load data. 'vehicle-registration-ion' is the name of your database in the Glue catalog for the export data. '2020' is the name of your table in the Glue catalog.
dyn0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog(database = "vehicle-registration-ion", table_name = "2020", transformation_ctx = "datasource0")
# Only give me exported records with revisions
dyn1 = dyn0.filter(lambda line: "revisions" in line)
# Now give me just the revisions element and convert to a Spark DataFrame.
df0 = dyn1.select_fields("revisions").toDF()
# Revisions is an array, so give me all of the array items as top-level "rows" instead of being a nested array field.
df1 =
# Now I have a list of elements with "col" as their root node and the revision
# fields ("data", "metadata", etc.) as sub-elements. Explode() gave me the "col"
# root node and some rows with null "data" fields, so filter out the nulls.
df2 = df1.where(col("").isNotNull())
# Now convert back to a DynamicFrame
dyn2 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df2, glueContext, "dyn2")
# Prep and send the output to S3
applymapping1 = ApplyMapping.apply(frame = dyn2, mappings = [("", "struct", "data", "struct"), ("col.metadata", "struct", "metadata", "struct")], transformation_ctx = "applymapping1")
datasink0 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(frame = applymapping1, connection_type = "s3", connection_options = {"path": "s3://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME_HERE/YOUR_DESIRED_OUTPUT_PATH_HERE/"}, format = "json", transformation_ctx = "datasink0")
I hope this helps!

Reading Data From Cloud Storage Via Cloud Functions

I am trying to do a quick proof of concept for building a data processing pipeline in Python. To do this, I want to build a Google Function which will be triggered when certain .csv files will be dropped into Cloud Storage.
I followed along this Google Functions Python tutorial and while the sample code does trigger the Function to create some simple logs when a file is dropped, I am really stuck on what call I have to make to actually read the contents of the data. I tried to search for an SDK/API guidance document but I have not been able to find it.
In case this is relevant, once I process the .csv, I want to be able to add some data that I extract from it into GCP's Pub/Sub.
The function does not actually receive the contents of the file, just some metadata about it.
You'll want to use the google-cloud-storage client. See the "Downloading Objects" guide for more details.
Putting that together with the tutorial you're using, you get a function like:
from import storage
storage_client = storage.Client()
def hello_gcs_generic(data, context):
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(data['bucket'])
blob = bucket.blob(data['name'])
contents = blob.download_as_string()
# Process the file contents, etc...
This is an alternative solution using pandas:
Cloud Function Code:
import pandas as pd
def GCSDataRead(event, context):
bucketName = event['bucket']
blobName = event['name']
fileName = "gs://" + bucketName + "/" + blobName
dataFrame = pd.read_csv(fileName, sep=",")

ETL load from google cloud storage to biquery

I want to load data from hundreds of CSV files on Google cloud Storage and append them to a single table on Bigquery on a daily basis using cloud dataflow (preferable using python SDK). Can you please let me know how I Can accomplish that?
We can do it through Python as well.
Please find the below code snippet.
def format_output_json(element):
:param element: is the row data in the csv
:return: a dictionary with key as column name and value as real data in a row of the csv.
:row_indices: I have hard-coded here, but can get it at the run time.
row_indices = ['time_stamp', 'product_name', 'units_sold', 'retail_price']
row_data = element.split(',')
dict1 = dict()
for i in range(len(row_data)):
dict1[row_indices[i]] = row_data[i]
return [dict1]

