python tweeter api search any tweets - python

I'd like to search tweet without a matching word but only with a condition. i.e. search all tweet that has hastags. I'm using twitter api according to the doc here. I built my query like so:
endpoint = ""
And I received an error:
"message": "There were errors processing your request: is/has/lang cannot be used as a standalone operator (at position 1)"
How do I search query any tweets that contains a hashtag?


How to get the number of tweets from a hastag in python?

I am trying to get the number of tweets containing a hashtag (let's say "#kitten") in python.
I am using tweepy.
However, all the codes I have found are in this form :
query = "kitten"
for i, status in enumerate(tweepy.Cursor(, q=query).items(50)):
print(i, status)
I have this error : 'API' object has no attribute 'search'
Tweepy seemed to not cointain this object anymore. Is there any way to answer my problem ?
Sorry for my bad english.
After browsing the web and twitter documentation I found the answer.
If you want the historic of all tweet counts from 2006 you need Academic authorization. This is not my case so I can only get 7 days tracking which is enough in my case. Here is the code :
import tweepy
query = "kitten -is:retweet"
client = tweepy.Client(bearer_token)
counts = client.get_recent_tweets_count(query=query, granularity='day')
for i in
The "-is:retweet" is here to not count the retweets. You need to remove it if you want to count them.
Since we're not pulling any tweets (only the volume of them) we are not increasing our MONTHLY TWEET CAP USAGE.
Be carefull when using symbols in your query such as "$" it might give you an error. For a list of valid operators see : list of valid operators for query
As said here Twitter counts introduction, you only need "read only" authorization to perform a recent count request. (see Recent Tweet counts)

Is it possible to set multiple strings in query for search method of tweepy? python

What I want is to search tweets that have multiple words I choose on twitter with python.
The official doc dose not say anything but it seems that the search method only takes 1 query.
source code
import tweepy
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CK, CS)
auth.set_access_token(AT, AS)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
for status in'word',count=100,): # I want to set multiple words in q but when I do.
What I have tried is below it didn't get any error but it searched only with the last word in the query in this case, the results were only tweets with the word "Python" it did not get tweets with both words.
for status in'Java' and 'Python',count=100,)
Official doc
So my questions is that is it possible to set multiple words in query.
Is the way I wrote is simply wrong?
If so, please let me know.
If it can't set multiple words, I would appreciate if you could share simple python code that works for what I want to do.
Thank you in advance.
for status in'Java Python', count=100)
From the Search Tweets: Standard v1.1 section Standard search operators:
watching now - containing both “watching” and “now”. This is the default operator.
As explained by Vlad Siv, just put each word you wish to look for in the speech marks for the query param. This should in turn look for tweets containing these words.

How to get many returned tweets from Twitter search API

I'm looking into the Twitter Search API, and apparently, it has a count parameter that determines "The number of tweets to return per page, up to a maximum of 100." What does "per page" mean, if I'm for example running a python script like this:
import twitter #python-twitter package
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key="mykey",
results = api.GetSearch(raw_query="q=%23myHashtag&geocode=59.347937,18.072433,5km")
This will only give me 15 tweets in results. I want more, preferably all tweets, if possible. So what should I do? Is there a "next page" option? Can't I just specify the search query in a way that gives me all tweets at once? Or if the number of tweets is too large, some maximum number of tweets?
Tweepy has a Cursor object that works like this:
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, q="#myHashtag&geocode=59.347937,18.072433,5km", lang='en', tweet_mode='extended').items():
# handle tweets here
You can find more info in the Tweepy Cursor docs.
With TwitterAPI you would access pages this way:
pager = TwitterPager(api,
{'q':'#myHashtag', 'geocode':'59.347937,18.072433,5km'})
for item in pager.get_iterator():
print(item['text'] if 'text' in item else item)
A complete example is here:

how to return all tweets without providing a search query

I am working on a text mining project that deals with analyzing tweets.
I would like to get all tweets tweeted in english during a short period of time(not more than a day), without having the result matching to a specific search query, trend, or user criteria.
I am familiar with tweepy's function. However, when i try to run it without a search query:, since_id=str(since_id),lang='en', max_id=str(max_id-1))
i get the following message: "exception raised, waiting 15 minutes".
You can get all the tweet by giving * to the query parameter:
tweets ='*', lang='en', count=200, since_id=since_id, max_id=max_id)
If you need a specific number of tweets, you could use tweepy Cursor like this:
# Get 1000 English tweets from max_id
tweets = [tweet for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, q='*', lang='en', count=200, max_id=max_id).items(1000)]

how to get English tweets alone using python?

Here is my current code
from twitter import *
query=raw_input("enter the query \n")
data =
for i in range (0,1000):
print data['statuses'][i]['text']
print '\n'
Here, I fetch tweets from all the languages. Is there a way to restrict myself to fetching tweets only in English?
There are at least 4 ways... I put them in the order of simplicity.
After you collect the tweets, the json output has a key/value pair that identifies the language. So you can use something like this to take all language tweets and select only the ones that are from English accounts.
for i in range (0,1000):
if data['statuses'][i][u'lang']==u'en':
print data['statuses'][i]['text']
print '\n'
Another way to collect only tweets that are identified in English, you can use the optional 'lang' parameter to request from the API only English (self-idenfitied) tweets. See details here. If you are using the python-twitter library, you can set the 'lang' parameter in
Use a language recognition package like guess-language.
Or if you want to recognize English text without using the self-identified twitter data (i.e. a chinese account that is writing in English), then you have to do Natural Language Processing. One option. This method will recognize common English words and then mark the text as English.
I try this for farsi:
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
res ='lang','fa')
for i in res:
print( i.lang)

