variable value
G1 1
G1 2
G2 3
G2 4
G3 5
G3 6
How can I calculate sum of squared between groups ? For example;
SSB = ((G1)**2/n +(G2)**2/n + (G3)**2/n) - (21)**2/6
I'm interpreting your formula as wanting the following:
SSB = (
sum(G1)**2/len(G1) +
sum(G2)**2/len(G2) +
sum(G3)**2/len(G3) +
) - sum(Gall)**2/len(Gall)
I assume df is your DataFrame:
Gn = df.groupby('variable').value.agg(['sum', 'size'])
Gall = df.value.agg(['sum', 'size'])
SSB = (Gn['sum']**2/Gn['size']).sum() - Gall['sum']**2/Gall['size']
If I understand correctly, then SSB should contain the result you are interested in.
I have this dataframe:
record = {
'F1': ['x1', 'x2','x3', 'x4','x5','x6','x7'],
'F2': ['a1', 'a2','a3', 'a4','a5','a6','a7'],
'Sex': ['F', 'M','F', 'M','M','M','F'] }
# Creating a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(record)
I would like to create for example 2 samples of this dataframe while keeping a fixed ratio of 50-50 on the Sex column.
I tried like this:
df_dict ={}
for i in range(2):
df_dict['df{}'.format(i)] = df.sample(frac=0.50, random_state=123)
But the output I get does not seem to match my expectation:
# Output:
F1 F2 Sex
1 x2 a2 M
3 x4 a4 M
4 x5 a5 M
0 x1 a1 F
Any help ?
Might not be the best idea, but I believe it might help you to solve your problem somehow:
n = 2
fDf = df[df["Sex"] == "F"].sample(frac=0.5, random_state=123).iloc[:n]
mDf = df[df["Sex"] == "M"].sample(frac=0.5, random_state=123).iloc[:n]
F1 F2 Sex
0 x1 a1 F
2 x3 a3 F
5 x6 a6 M
1 x2 a2 M
This should also work
n = 2
df.groupby('Sex', group_keys=False).apply(lambda x: x.sample(n))
Don't use frac that will give your a fraction of each group, but n that will give you a fixed value per group:
example output:
F1 F2 Sex
2 x3 a3 F
0 x1 a1 F
3 x4 a4 M
4 x5 a5 M
using a custom ratio
ratios = {'F':0.4, 'M':0.6} # sum should be 1
# total number desired
total = 4
# note that the exact number in the output depends
# on the rounding method to convert to int
# round should give the correct number but floor/ceil might
# under/over-sample
# see below for an example
s = pd.Series(ratios)*total
# convert to integer (chose your method, ceil/floor/round...)
s = np.ceil(s).astype(int)
df.groupby('Sex').apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=s[])).droplevel(0)
example output:
F1 F2 Sex
0 x1 a1 F
6 x7 a7 F
4 x5 a5 M
3 x4 a4 M
1 x2 a2 M
My problem is kind of a bit tricky (similar to sql merge/update), and not understanding how to fix: ( I am giving a small sample of the dataframes below)
I have two dataframes :
x1 x2 g h r
q1 q2 x y s
t1 t2 h j u
p1 p2 r s t
x1 x2 a b c
s1 s2 p q r
t1 t2 h j u
q1 q2 x y z
We want to merge the dataframes with the following rule : ( we can think Col A & ColB as keys)
For any ColA & ColB combination if C/D/E are exact match then it takes value from any dataframe, however if any value has changed in Col C/D/E , it takes the value from new dataframe and if a new ColA/Col B combination is in DfNew then it takes those values and if the ColA/ColB combination does not exist in dfNew then it takes the value from dfOld:
So my OutPut should be like:
x1 x2 a b c
q1 q2 x y z
t1 t2 h j u
p1 p2 r s t
s1 s2 p q r
I was trying :
mydfL = (df.merge(df1,indicator = True, how='left').loc[lambda x : x['_merge']!='both'])
mydfR = (df1.merge(df,indicator = True, how='left').loc[lambda x : x['_merge']!='both'])
dfO = pd.concat([mydfL,mydfR])
dfO.drop("_merge", axis=1, inplace=True)
My output looks like: ( I kept the index for clarity)
0 x1 x2 a b c
2 s1 s2 p q r
3 q1 q2 x y z
0 x1 x2 g h r
2 q1 q2 x y s
3 p1 p2 r s t
However, this output does not serve my purpose. First and foremost it does not include the totally identical row (between dfOld & dfnew) which consists of :
t1 t2 h j u
and next it includes all the rows where for the ColA/Col x, y and q1, q2, where I just wanted the updated values in ColC/D/E in the new data frame ( dfNew). It includes data from both.
So can I get some help as to what am I missing and what may be a better and elegant way to do this. Thanks in advance.
You can use combine_first using A/B as temporary index:
out = (dfNew.set_index(['A', 'B'])
.combine_first(dfOld.set_index(['A', 'B']))
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(product(range(10), range(10)))
df = df.sample(90)
df.columns = "c1 c2".split()
df = df.sort_values(df.columns.tolist()).reset_index(drop=True)
# c1 c2
# 0 0 0
# 1 0 1
# 2 0 2
# 3 0 3
# 4 0 4
# .. .. ..
# 85 9 4
# 86 9 5
# 87 9 7
# 88 9 8
# 89 9 9
# [90 rows x 2 columns]
How do I quickly find, identify, and remove the last duplicate of all symmetric pairs in this data frame?
An example of symmetric pair is that '(0, 1)' is equal to '(1, 0)'. The latter should be removed.
The algorithm must be fast, so it is recommended to use numpy. Converting to python object is not allowed.
You can sort the values, then groupby:
a= np.sort(df.to_numpy(), axis=1)
df.groupby([a[:,0], a[:,1]], as_index=False, sort=False).first()
Option 2: If you have a lot of pairs c1, c2, groupby can be slow. In that case, we can assign new values and filter by drop_duplicates:
a= np.sort(df.to_numpy(), axis=1)
(df.assign(one=a[:,0], two=a[:,1]) # one and two can be changed
.drop_duplicates(['one','two']) # taken from above
.reindex(df.columns, axis=1)
One way is using np.unique with return_index=True and use the result to index the dataframe:
a = np.sort(df.values)
_, ix = np.unique(a, return_index=True, axis=0)
print(df.iloc[ix, :])
c1 c2
0 0 0
1 0 1
20 2 0
3 0 3
40 4 0
50 5 0
6 0 6
70 7 0
8 0 8
9 0 9
11 1 1
21 2 1
13 1 3
41 4 1
51 5 1
16 1 6
71 7 1
mask = pd.Series(map(frozenset, zip(df.c1, df.c2))).duplicated()
I will do
From pandas and numpy tri
s=s.mask(np.triu(np.ones(s.shape)).astype(np.bool) & s==0).stack().reset_index()
Here's one NumPy based one for integers -
def remove_symm_pairs(df):
a = df.to_numpy(copy=False)
b = np.sort(a,axis=1)
idx = np.ravel_multi_index(b.T,(b.max(0)+1))
sidx = idx.argsort(kind='mergesort')
p = idx[sidx]
m = np.r_[True,p[:-1]!=p[1:]]
a_out = a[np.sort(sidx[m])]
df_out = pd.DataFrame(a_out)
return df_out
If you want to keep the index data as it is, use return df.iloc[np.sort(sidx[m])].
For generic numbers (ints/floats, etc.), we will use a view-based one -
# #Divakar
def view1D(a): # a is array
a = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
void_dt = np.dtype((np.void, a.dtype.itemsize * a.shape[1]))
return a.view(void_dt).ravel()
and simply replace the step to get idx with idx = view1D(b) in remove_symm_pairs.
If this needs to be fast, and if your variables are integer, then the following trick may help: let v,w be the columns of your vector; construct [v+w, np.abs(v-w)] =: [x, y]; then sort this matrix lexicographically, remove duplicates, and finally map it back to [v, w] = [(x+y), (x-y)]/2.
I have a pandas dataframe of over 1000 lines that looks somewhat like this:
Copy name type ntv
G1 BA X 0.45
G1 BB X 0.878
G1 C Z 0.19
G1 LA1 Y 1.234
G1 L Y 0.09
G1 LB Y 1.056
F2 BA1 X -7.890
F2 BB X 2.345
F2 MA Y -0.871
F2 LB1 Y 0.737
In the example above (df1), there are two sets of the 'Copy' column, G1 and F2, with various names, and three types X,Y and Z.
I would like to create another data frame (df2) that looks like the one below, where they are grouped together in the form X-Y or Z-Y.
Model ntv_1 ntv_2
G1BA-LA1 0.45 1.234
G1BB-LB 0.878 1.056
G1C-L 0.19 0.09
F2BA1-MA -7.890 -0.871
F2BB-LB1 2.345 0.737
For group X-Y, they have the second character of df1['name'] in common. So, I decided to approach it this way:
c = df1[(df1['name'].str[0]=='B' & (df1['ntv'] != 0.0)]
h = df1[((df1['name'].str[0]=='L')|(df1['name'].str[0]=='M')) & (df['ntv'] != 0.0)]
b = (c.loc[:,c['name'].str[1]] == h.loc[:,h['name'].str[1]]).groupby('Copy')
df2['Model'] = c['Copy'].astype(str) + c['name'].astype(str) + '-' + h['name'].astype(str)
df2['ntv_1'] = c['ntv']
df2['ntv_2'] = h['ntv']
I got a KeyError message. So I decided to do this:
ca = c['name'].str[1].dropna()
ha = h['name'].str[1].dropna()
if ca == ha:
df2['Model'] = c['Copy'].astype(str) + c['name'].astype(str) + '-' + h['name'].astype(str)
df2['ntv_1'] = c['ntv']
df2['ntv_2'] = h['ntv']
But I got a ValueError: "Series length must match to compare."
Please how can I group the dataframe into the form X-Y or Z-Y? Thanks in advance!
There is problem c and h are not aligned, because different indices and possible different lenght:
#added condition for remove all rows with no second value in name
c = df1[(df1['name'].str[0]=='B') & (df1['ntv'] != 0.0) &
#created MultiIndex for align with Counter duplicates
ca = c['name'].str[1]
c.index = [ca, c.groupby(ca).cumcount()]
#added condition for remove all rows with no second value in name
h = df1[((df1['name'].str[0]=='L')|(df1['name'].str[0]=='M')) &
(df1['ntv'] != 0.0) & (df1['name'].str[1].notnull())].copy()
#created MultiIndex for align with Counter duplicates
ha = h['name'].str[1]
h.index = [ha, h.groupby(ha).cumcount()]
print (c)
copy name type ntv
A 0 G1 BA X 0.450
B 0 G1 BB X 0.878
A 1 F2 BA1 X -7.890
B 1 F2 BB X 2.345
print (h)
copy name type ntv
A 0 G1 LA1 Y 1.234
B 0 G1 LB Y 1.056
A 1 F2 MA Y -0.871
B 1 F2 LB1 Y 0.737
#join together DataFrames
df2 = pd.concat([c, h.add_suffix('_2')], axis=1)
#with real data is possible data are not aligned and get NaNs
#for remove all NaNs rows use
#df2 = df2.dropna()
df2['Model'] = df2['copy'].astype(str)+df2['name'].astype(str)+'-'+ df2['name_2'].astype(str)
#filter columns and remove MultiIndex
df2 = df2[['Model','ntv','ntv_2']].reset_index(drop=True)
print (df2)
Model ntv ntv_2
0 G1BA-LA1 0.450 1.234
1 G1BB-LB 0.878 1.056
2 F2BA1-MA -7.890 -0.871
3 F2BB-LB1 2.345 0.737
I would like to compare two parts of two different columns from an Excel file that have a different number of elements. The comparison should be made between a part of Column 3 and a part of Column 2. Column 3 part has a length of j elements and Column 2 has a length of k elements(k>j). Column 2 part starts from row "j+1" and column 3 part starts from row 1. If an element from column 3 part is matching an element from column 2 part, then should check if the element from column1, before the j row, which has the same index as matched item from column 3 part is matching with the element from Column 1 part between j+1 and k, which has the same index as matched item from column 2 part. If yes, then should be written the element from Column 4 with the same index as matched element from column 2 part in a new Excel sheet.
Example: Column3[1]==Column2[2](which represents element 'A') => Column1[1]==Column1[j+2](which represents element 'P') => Column4[j+2] should be written in a new sheet.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
D E J k
For reading the Excel sheet cells from original sheet, I have used the df27.ix[:j-1,1].
One part of the code which reads the values of the mention part from column 3 and column 2 might be:
for j in range(1,j):
for k in range(j,j+k):
Any hint how I can accomplish this?
I have tried a new code which takes in consideration that we have '-', like joaquin mentioned in his example.
Joaquin's example:
C1 C2 C3 C4
0 P - A -
1 B - X -
2 C - K -
3 D - M -
4 P B - B
5 P A - D
6 C D - E
7 D E - k
8 E M - W
9 F F - Q
10 Q F - Q
New code:
from pandas import DataFrame as df
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl
for s in range(2, sheet.max_row+1):
C1=[x.encode('UTF8') for x in C1]
for y in C2:
if y is not None:
C2=[x.encode('UTF8') if x is not None else None for x in C2]
for z in C3:
if z is not None:
C3=[x.encode('UTF8') if x is not None else None for x in C3]
for x in C1:
for x in C3:
for x in C1:
for x in C2:
tosave = pd.DataFrame()
for item in df[C13]:
if '-' in item: continue
new = df[df[C12] == item]
tosave = tosave.append(new)
But I still get the following error: df[C13]=pd.DataFrame(C13) TypeError: 'type' object does not support item assignment. Any idea what is wrong?
Many thanks in advance,
Given your df is
C1 C2 C3 C4
0 P - A -
1 B - X -
2 C - K -
3 D - M -
4 P B - B
5 P A - D
6 C D - E
7 D E - k
8 E M - W
9 F F - Q
10 Q F - Q
then, I combine C1 and C3 and C1 and C2
df['C13'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['C1'] + x['C3'], axis=1)
df['C12'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['C1'] + x['C2'], axis=1)
and compare which rows have the same pair of characters in columns C13 and C12, and save them in tosave
tosave = p.DataFrame()
for item in df['C13']:
if '-' in item: continue
new = df[df['C12'] == item]
tosave = tosave.append(new)
this gives you a tosave dataframe with the rows matching:
C1 C2 C3 C4 C13 C12
5 P A - D P- PA
That can be directly saved as it is or you can save just column C4
UPDATE: If you have data on each row, then you can not use the '-' detection (or any other kind of detection based on the differences between empty and filled columns). On the other hand, if j,k are not defined (for any j and k), your problem is actually reduced to find, for each row, identical pairs below that row. In consecuence, this:
tosave = p.DataFrame()
for idx, item in enumerate(df['C13']):
new = df[df['C12'] == item]
tosave = tosave.append(new.loc[idx+1:])
solves the problem given your labels and data is like:
C1 C2 C3 C4
0 P F A S
1 B G X T
2 C H K V
3 D I M W
4 P B R B
5 P A R D
6 C D H E
7 D E J k
8 E M K W
9 F F L Q
10 Q F K Q
This code also produces the same output as before:
C1 C2 C3 C4 C13 C12
Note this probably needs some refinenment (p.e when a row produces 2 matches, the second row with produce 1 match, and you will need to remove replicates from the final output).