is there any way how I can scroll inside 'help' window in ptpython repl? When I type the name of a function a help opens at the bottom, but I don't know how i can scroll it up/down (or search inside it). Is this possible? I know about the repl.enable_mouse_support = True in which case i can scroll it via mouse. But this has also effect on copy/paste functionality and other behaviour related to mouse. I would like to just focus on the 'main' window and 'help' window and have the ability to scroll in it via keyboard.
In my program I am using QtTabWidget in which the user can dynamically add tabs as per their needs. I think that the norm of an "Add Tab (+)" Button is now defined by the way we see it in our web browsers like chrome. Which is why I would like to replicate such a button in my program. Please find an example image of what I want my button to look like.
I have found a few people asking this question but not a solid solution to it yet. An example solution is "" however the main problem with this is that the new tab button is a corner widget which appears at the top right hand corner of my screen (see image below). Although I would prefer it to be dynamically positioned on the tab bar where it is just adjacent to the final tab that is open.
I want to make a click through window. A window which I click but the click pass to the window below it.
I've found this two solutions for windows:
How to make click-through windows PyQt
I have a form that can "click through", i.e. direct clicks to the window below. How can I undo my changes after the event?
But I want it to work in linux. I study the xlib mechanisms but cannot understand how the window stack works. Actually I can get all the windows with XQueryTree() and found the ones under my window. But I don't know witch one are above.
In my python GTK project, I have a popup menu which pop-ups while typing in a particular text area. But, when type a letter popup menu get the focus and I can't type anymore in the text area until I click on the text area and grab the focus manually. I want to keep the focus to the text area as I type regularly while popup menu comes. Can anyone give tell me a way to do this. I tried widget.grab_focus() method. But it didn't solve my problem.
Also I want to know how to set the position of the popup menu. It always appears near by mouse pointer. I want it to appear near by my application.
Thanks all.
I ran into the same problem using the C API, the solution was to invoke the following functions, I presume they're approximately similar to the python equivalents:
I have a wx.toolbar with some buttons. One of the buttons makes pan left!
I want to click on the button and while I keep it pressed, the pan left is made.
For now I only saw that the wx.EVT_TOOL only works when mouse left is up.
Is there a way to do what I intend ?
In the toolbar button's event, you should be able to get the state of the mouse via wx.GetMouseState.
Alternatively, you can make your own toolbar with a panel and some wx.Buttons (or other button widgets).
I am using wxPython to create a taskbar menu. The menu contains some menu items (obviously).
Now I would like to update/change some of these items when a particular item is clicked, while still displaying the menu.
How can I prevent the taskbar menu from disappearing after clicking an item?
The only method I've found that could be useful is wxMenu.UpdateUI(), but that doesn't prevent the menu from disappearing.
Although I never got around to trying it myself, I remember attempting a similar effect with a popup menu & textctrl. You might want to consider trying wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuBar, it provides an event handler OnMenuDismissed(self, event), as well as a few others, which by name appear to be what you need. You would need to create your own OnMenuDismissed() and override the event.