I have a system VPN (I am using pptp protocol) and I am going to use Selenium to test our website, but since only internal users are able to access that website without using a VPN, I cannot access the website to test. When I am using Selenium in GUI mode (not headless) it works fine without any problems but when I switch to headless mode using this command:
chrome_options = Options()
I get an error because my VPN does not work in the headless mode. Is there any way to use and set my VPN in headless mode in Selenium?
I want to run the default browser, which we normally use for browsing.
I wouldn't want to run it with chrome webdriver.
it would be like opening the default browser pages "Chrome.exe" and not "Chromedriver.exe"
It's possible?
Yes, it is possible. You should learn Chrome DevTool Protocol(CDB). More details are here
It is low-level browser communication protocol. It communicates via WebSocket and you need to learn how to program WS and read CDP API.
Puppeter working in that way, directly communicate with Chrome.
Logic of Webdriver is to standartize some commands across all browsers.
Similarly, Firefox has Gecko protocol.
I need to run proxies that requires authentication on selenium in headless mode.
I think many people are aware of the answer given on this post and it does work very well honestly But only In NON Headless Mode. As extensions are no longer supported in headless mode how to set proxy with authentication in selenium chromedriver python?
Besides that method, another very good method to run proxies that works in headless mode is by using the module selenium-wire. However, selenium-wire can only run in HTTP. To run HTTPS you would need to import a generated certificate into google chrome. So you cant run HTTPS programmatically.
Is there any good options to run proxies with authentication in headless mode? I'm sure many of us are wondering the same thing.
Does running a Python Web-automation script written in Selenium require modifications for running on a VPS (virtual private server)?
One of the problems you can face is the lack of graphical interface on most of VPS servers. You can easily manage using headless mode if you are using chromedriver, for example:
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') # required when running as root user. otherwise you would get no sandbox errors.
driver = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path='/home/dev/chromedriver', chrome_options=chrome_options,
service_args=['--verbose', '--log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log'])
Also, check the anwser to a similar question: How to fix WebDriverException: The browser appears to have exited before we could connect?
I have been trying to do web automation using Selenium. Is there any way to use a browser like Chrome or Firefox without actually installing them, like using some alternate options, or having portable versions of them. If I can use portable versions how do I tell Selenium to use it?
To use the browsers like google-chrome and firefox you have to install the full-blown browser.
You can find a detailed discussion in Is Chrome installation needed or only chromedriver when using Selenium?
As an alternative you can use the headless phantomjs browser as follows:
Code Block:
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=r'C:\WebDrivers\phantomjs.exe', service_args=['--ignore-ssl-errors=true', '--ssl-protocol=tslv1.0'])
driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)
You can find a detailed discussion in PhantomJS can't load correctly web page
A couple of relevent discussions:
Do headless web browser need selenium WebDriver?
Difference of Headless browsers for automation
Install Selenium typing pip install selenium.
It comes with a portable version of Chrome browser, no need to manually install any browser for this.
Chrome will show this message to indicate that it is being 'remote controlled:
"Chrome is controlled by automated test software"
I'm currently working with Jenkins + Selenium Plugin for Jenkins. I have a hub and some nodes. Both Hub and Nodes are in my localhost.
I realized that, when I run my tests locally (That means, using chrome, firefox, IE webdrivers), then the browsers will appear and the tests will be executed.
driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Open Chrome Browser
On the other hand, if I run the tests through a remote webdriver, then the browsers appear to be headless.
capabilities = {"platform" : "VISTA"}
capabilities["browserName"] = "chrome"
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=capabilities)
# Hub and Node are running locally, windows chrome won't open (Headless?)
Are these remote browsers (selenium grid) "headless" by default?
How could I verify if they're really running in headless mode?
If they are not headless, how can I make them headless? (jenkins +
selenium grid)
I've been trying to do some research but can't find any documentation that specifies this. I just found this post:
RemoteWebDriver is not headless by default, it is running where you want it to run, it can run on user account as a normal browser or it can run in background on LocalSystem account.
Which OS are you using? If you are running jenkins as a windows service your test will run in background, it's normal behavior because of windows service 0 policy.