Unsupported: ONNX export of convolution for kernel of unknown shape. [Caused by the value 'x.47 defined in (%x.47 : Float(*, *, *, *, strides=[12168000, 67600, 260, 1], requires_grad=0, device=cpu) = onnx::Slice(%874, %875, %876, %877, %878), scope: torch_utils.persistence.persistent_class..Decorator::/torch_utils.persistence.persistent_class..Decorator::synthesis/torch_utils.persistence.persistent_class..Decorator::first_stage/torch_utils.persistence.persistent_class..Decorator::enc_conv.1/torch_utils.persistence.persistent_class..Decorator::conv # /Users/QSoft019/Documents/ai-image-research/MAT/torch_utils/ops/
)' (type 'Tensor') in the TorchScript graph. The containing node has kind 'onnx::Slice'.]
there is no error when running with pretrained file, but when converting to onnx, there are many warnings
finally, it stoped at line
assert isinstance(groups, int) and (groups >= 1)
in file MAT/torch_utils/ops/
I had commented that line, but it still stopped at file venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/onnx/ because weight_size (kernel_shape) variable was full of None value
I found that many integer variable -when converting to onnx- became tensors
this caused warnings, groups variable became a tensor, too
Am I in error at some where ?
My fuction:
def convert_torch_to_onnx_(onnx_path, image_path, model=None, torch_path=None):
Coverts Pytorch model file to ONNX
:param torch_path: Torch model path to load
:param onnx_path: ONNX model path to save
:param image_path: Path to test image to use in export progress
from datasets.mask_generator_512 import RandomMask
if torch_path is not None:
pytorch_model = get_torch_model(torch_path)
pytorch_model = model
device = torch.device('cpu')
# image, _, torch_image = get_example_input(image_path)
image = read_image(image_path)
torch_image = (torch.from_numpy(image).float().to(device) / 127.5 - 1).unsqueeze(0)
label = torch.zeros([1, pytorch_model.c_dim], device=device)
resolution = 512
mask = RandomMask(resolution) # adjust the masking ratio by using 'hole_range'
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().to(device).unsqueeze(0)
z = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn(1, pytorch_model.z_dim)).to(device)
truncation_psi = 1
noise_mode = 'const'
(torch_image, mask, z, label, truncation_psi, noise_mode),
# do_constant_folding=False,
# input_names=['input'],
# output_names=['output']
and generate_images function provided by author (default values of input variable were edited)
def generate_images(
# network_pkl: str = 'pretrained/CelebA-HQ_512.pkl',
network_pkl: str = '/Downloads/MAT/models/Places_512_FullData.pkl',
dpath: str = 'test_sets/CelebA-HQ/images',
# mpath=None,
mpath: str = 'test_sets/CelebA-HQ/masks',
resolution: int = 512,
truncation_psi: float = 1,
noise_mode: str = 'const',
outdir: str = 'samples',
model: bool = False,
Generate images using pretrained network pickle.
seed = 240 # pick up a random number
print(f'Loading data from: {dpath}')
img_list = sorted(glob.glob(dpath + '/*.png') + glob.glob(dpath + '/*.jpg'))
if mpath is not None:
print(f'Loading mask from: {mpath}')
mask_list = sorted(glob.glob(mpath + '/*.png') + glob.glob(mpath + '/*.jpg'))
assert len(img_list) == len(mask_list), 'illegal mapping'
print(f'Loading networks from: {network_pkl}')
device = torch.device('cpu')
# device = torch.device('cuda')
with dnnlib.util.open_url(network_pkl) as f:
G_saved = legacy.load_network_pkl(f)['G_ema'].to(device).eval().requires_grad_(False) # type: ignore
net_res = 512 if resolution > 512 else resolution
G = Generator(z_dim=512, c_dim=0, w_dim=512, img_resolution=net_res, img_channels=3).to(device).eval().requires_grad_(False)
copy_params_and_buffers(G_saved, G, require_all=True)
if model:
return G
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
# no Labels.
label = torch.zeros([1, G.c_dim], device=device)
if resolution != 512:
noise_mode = 'random'
with torch.no_grad():
for i, ipath in enumerate(img_list):
iname = os.path.basename(ipath).replace('.jpg', '.png')
print(f'Prcessing: {iname}')
image = read_image(ipath)
image = (torch.from_numpy(image).float().to(device) / 127.5 - 1).unsqueeze(0)
if mpath is not None:
mask = cv2.imread(mask_list[i], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().to(device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
mask = RandomMask(resolution) # adjust the masking ratio by using 'hole_range'
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).float().to(device).unsqueeze(0)
z = torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn(1, G.z_dim)).to(device)
output = G(image, mask, z, label, truncation_psi=truncation_psi, noise_mode=noise_mode)
output = (output.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) * 127.5 + 127.5).round().clamp(0, 255).to(torch.uint8)
output = output[0].cpu().numpy()
Iam trying to implement DDPG algorithm that take a state of 8 values and output action of size=4.
The actions are lower bounded by [5,5,0,0] and upper bounded by [40,40,15,15].
When I train my DDPG it always choose one of the boundaries for example [5,40,0,15] or [40,40,0,0].
I implemented SAC algorithm after that and it works, knowing that I tried my DDPG agent on a gym game and it works. Maybe the problem is with upscaling the actions in the policy agent.
here have a look on the model I have
class Buffers:
def __init__(self, buffer_capacity=100000, batch_size=64):
# Number of "experiences" to store at max
self.buffer_capacity = buffer_capacity
num_states = 8
num_actions = 4
# Num of tuples to train on.
self.batch_size = batch_size
# Its tells us num of times record() was called.
self.buffer_counter = 0
# Instead of list of tuples as the exp.replay concept go
# We use different np.arrays for each tuple element
self.state_buffer = np.zeros((self.buffer_capacity, num_states))
self.action_buffer = np.zeros((self.buffer_capacity, num_actions))
self.reward_buffer = np.zeros((self.buffer_capacity, 1))
self.next_state_buffer = np.zeros((self.buffer_capacity, num_states))
# Takes (s,a,r,s') obervation tuple as input
def record(self, obs_tuple):
# Set index to zero if buffer_capacity is exceeded,
# replacing old records
index = self.buffer_counter % self.buffer_capacity
self.state_buffer[index] = obs_tuple[0]
self.action_buffer[index] = obs_tuple[1]
self.reward_buffer[index] = obs_tuple[2]
self.next_state_buffer[index] = obs_tuple[3]
self.buffer_counter += 1
import random
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.callbacks import History
from keras.layers import Dense
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import keras.backend as K
import import_ipynb
from Noise import OUActionNoise
import tensorflow as tf
keras = tf.keras
class DQLearningAgent:
def __init__(self, seed ,discount_factor =0.95):
self.tau = 0.05
self.gamma = discount_factor
self.critic_lr = 0.002
self.actor_lr = 0.001
self.std_dev = [0.7,0.7,0.2,0.2]
self.buffer = Buffers(50000, 64)
self.M = 16
self.upper_bound = [40,40,self.M-1 ,self.M-1 ]
self.lower_bound = [5,5,0,0]
self.action_scale = (np.array(self.upper_bound) - np.array(self.lower_bound)) / 2.0
self.action_bias = (np.array(self.upper_bound) + np.array(self.lower_bound)) / 2.0
self._state_size = 8 # unchange
self._action_size = 4
self.seed = seed
# random.seed(self.seed)
# np.random.seed(self.seed)
self.actor_model = self.get_actor()
self.critic_model = self.get_critic()
self.target_actor = self.get_actor()
self.target_critic = self.get_critic()
# Making the weights equal initially
self.critic_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(self.critic_lr)
self.actor_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(self.actor_lr)
self.ou_noise = OUActionNoise(mean=np.zeros(self._action_size ), std_deviation=np.array(self.std_dev))
def get_actor(self):
# Initialize weights between -3e-3 and 3-e3
last_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.003, maxval=0.003)
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(self._state_size,))
out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(inputs)
# out = layers.Dense(28,activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(out)
# out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(out)
out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(out)
outputs = layers.Dense(self._action_size, activation="tanh", kernel_initializer=last_init)(out)
def antirectifier(x):
outputs = self.action_scale*x + self.action_bias
return outputs
outputs = layers.Lambda(antirectifier )(outputs)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
return model
def get_critic(self):
# State as input
state_input = layers.Input(shape=(self._state_size))
# state_out = layers.Dense(28, activation="relu")(state_input)
# Action as input
action_input = layers.Input(shape=(self._action_size))
# action_out = layers.Dense(16, activation="relu")(action_input)
# Both are passed through seperate layer before concatenating
concat = layers.Concatenate()([state_input, action_input])
out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(concat)
# out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(out)
# out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(out)
out = layers.Dense(28, activation=keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.01))(out)
outputs = layers.Dense(1)(out)
# Outputs single value for give state-action
model = tf.keras.Model([state_input, action_input], outputs)
return model
def learn(self):
# Get sampling range
record_range = min(self.buffer.buffer_counter, self.buffer.buffer_capacity)
# Randomly sample indices
batch_indices = np.random.choice(record_range, self.buffer.batch_size)
# print(self.buffer.action_buffer[batch_indices].shape)
# Convert to tensors
state_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.buffer.state_buffer[batch_indices])
action_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.buffer.action_buffer[batch_indices])
reward_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.buffer.reward_buffer[batch_indices])
reward_batch = tf.cast(reward_batch, dtype=tf.float32)
next_state_batch = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.buffer.next_state_buffer[batch_indices])
return self.update(state_batch, action_batch, reward_batch, next_state_batch)
def update(self, state_batch, action_batch, reward_batch, next_state_batch):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
target_actions_new = self.target_actor(next_state_batch)
y = reward_batch + self.gamma * self.target_critic([next_state_batch,target_actions_new])
q = self.critic_model([state_batch,action_batch])
critic_loss = tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.square(y - q))
critic_grad = tape.gradient(critic_loss, self.critic_model.trainable_variables)
self.critic_optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(critic_grad, self.critic_model.trainable_variables))
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
actions = self.actor_model(state_batch)
critic_value = self.critic_model([state_batch , actions])
actor_loss = -tf.math.reduce_mean(critic_value)
actor_grad = tape.gradient(actor_loss , self.actor_model.trainable_variables)
self.actor_optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(actor_grad, self.actor_model.trainable_variables))
self.update_target(self.target_actor.variables , self.actor_model.variables)
self.update_target(self.target_critic.variables , self.critic_model.variables)
return actor_loss,critic_loss
def update_target(self,target_weights, weights):
for (a, b) in zip(target_weights, weights):
a.assign(b * self.tau + a * (1 - self.tau))
def policy(self,state):
sampled_actions = tf.squeeze(self.actor_model(state))
noise = self.ou_noise()
# Adding noise to action
sampled_actions = sampled_actions.numpy() + noise
# We make sure action is within bounds
legal_action = np.clip(sampled_actions, self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound)
return [np.squeeze(legal_action)]
The following training curve is generated using the same Tensorflow + Keras script written in Python:
RED line uses five features.
GREEN line uses seven features.
BLUE line uses nine features.
Can anyone tell me the probable cause of the oscillation of the GREEN line so that I can troubleshoot my script?
Source code:
import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2"
#os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID"
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" # Use both gpus for training.
import sys, random
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
import numpy as np
from lxml import etree, objectify
# <editor-fold desc="GPU">
# resolve GPU related issues.
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
for gpu_instance in physical_devices:
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu_instance, True)
except Exception as e:
# END of try
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="Lxml helper">
class LxmlHelper:
def objectify_xml(cls, input_path_dir):
file_dom = etree.parse(input_path_dir) # parse xml and convert it into DOM
file_xml_bin = etree.tostring(file_dom, pretty_print=False, encoding="ascii") # encode DOM into ASCII object
file_xml_text = file_xml_bin.decode() # convert binary ASCII object into ASCII text
objectified_xml = objectify.fromstring(file_xml_text) # convert text into a Doxygen object
return objectified_xml
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="def encode(letter)">
def encode(letter: str):
if letter == 'H':
return [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
elif letter == 'E':
return [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
elif letter == 'C':
return [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
elif letter == '-':
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# END of function
def encode_string_1(pattern_str: str):
# Iterate over the string
one_hot_binary_str = []
for ch in pattern_str:
one_hot_binary_str = one_hot_binary_str + encode(ch)
except Exception as e:
print(pattern_str, one_hot_binary_str, ch)
# END of for loop
return one_hot_binary_str
# END of function
def encode_string_2(pattern_str: str):
# Iterate over the string
one_hot_binary_str = []
for ch in pattern_str:
temp_encoded_vect = [encode(ch)]
one_hot_binary_str = one_hot_binary_str + temp_encoded_vect
# END of for loop
return one_hot_binary_str
# END of function
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="def load_data()">
def load_data_k(fname: str, class_index: int, feature_start_index: int, **selection):
"""Loads data for training and validation
:param fname: (``string``) - name of the file with the data
:param selection: (``kwargs``) - see below
:return: four tensorflow tensors: training input, training output, validation input and validation output
:Keyword Arguments:
* *top_n_lines* (``number``) --
take top N lines of the input and disregard the rest
* *random_n_lines* (``number``) --
take random N lines of the input and disregard the rest
* *validation_part* (``float``) --
separate N_lines * given_fraction of the input lines from the training set and use
them for validation. When the given_fraction = 1.0, then the same input set of
N_lines is used both for training and validation (this is the default)
i = 0
file = open(fname)
if "top_n_lines" in selection:
lines = [next(file) for _ in range(int(selection["top_n_lines"]))]
elif "random_n_lines" in selection:
tmp_lines = file.readlines()
lines = random.sample(tmp_lines, int(selection["random_n_lines"]))
lines = file.readlines()
data_x, data_y, data_z = [], [], []
for l in lines:
row = l.strip().split() # return a list of words from the line.
x = [float(ix) for ix in row[feature_start_index:]] # convert 3rd to 20th word into a vector of float numbers.
y = encode(row[class_index]) # convert the 3rd word into binary.
z = encode_string_1(row[class_index+1])
data_x.append(x) # append the vector into 'data_x'
data_y.append(y) # append the vector into 'data_y'
data_z.append(z) # append the vector into 'data_z'
# END for l in lines
num_rows = len(data_x)
given_fraction = selection.get("validation_part", 1.0)
if given_fraction > 0.9999:
valid_x, valid_y, valid_z = data_x, data_y, data_z
n = int(num_rows * given_fraction)
data_x, data_y, data_z = data_x[n:], data_y[n:], data_z[n:]
valid_x, valid_y, valid_z = data_x[:n], data_y[:n], data_z[:n]
# END of if-else block
tx = tf.convert_to_tensor(data_x, np.float32)
ty = tf.convert_to_tensor(data_y, np.float32)
tz = tf.convert_to_tensor(data_z, np.float32)
vx = tf.convert_to_tensor(valid_x, np.float32)
vy = tf.convert_to_tensor(valid_y, np.float32)
vz = tf.convert_to_tensor(valid_z, np.float32)
return tx, ty, tz, vx, vy, vz
# END of the function
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="def create_model()">
def create_model(n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2, num_classes, num_features):
# create the model
model = Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(n_hidden_1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(n_hidden_2, activation='sigmoid'))
###model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(n_hidden_3, activation='sigmoid'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))
# instantiate the optimizer
opt = keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE)
# compile the model
# return model
return model
# </editor-fold>
if __name__ == "__main__":
# <editor-fold desc="(input/output parameters)">
my_project_routine = LxmlHelper.objectify_xml("my_project_evaluate.xml")
# input data
INPUT_DATA_FILE = str(my_project_routine.input.input_data_file)
INPUT_PATH = str(my_project_routine.input.input_path)
CLASS_INDEX = int(my_project_routine.input.class_index)
FEATURE_INDEX = int(my_project_routine.input.feature_index)
# output data
OUTPUT_PATH = str(my_project_routine.output.output_path)
MODEL_FILE = str(my_project_routine.output.model_file)
TRAINING_PROGRESS_FILE = str(my_project_routine.output.training_progress_file)
# Learning parameters
LEARNING_RATE = float(my_project_routine.training_params.learning_rate)
EPOCH_SIZE = int(my_project_routine.training_params.epoch_size)
BATCH_SIZE = int(my_project_routine.training_params.batch_size)
INPUT_LINES_COUNT = int(my_project_routine.input.input_lines_count)
VALIDATION_PART = float(my_project_routine.training_params.validation_part)
SAVE_PERIOD = str(my_project_routine.output.save_period)
# NN parameters
HIDDEN_LAYER_2_NEURON_COUNT = int(my_project_routine.hidden_layers.two)
###HIDDEN_LAYER_3_NEURON_COUNT = int(my_project_routine.hidden_layers.three)
CLASS_COUNT = int(my_project_routine.class_count)
FEATURES_COUNT = int(my_project_routine.features_count)
input_file_path_str = os.path.join(INPUT_PATH, INPUT_DATA_FILE)
training_progress_file_path_str = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, TRAINING_PROGRESS_FILE)
model_file_path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, MODEL_FILE)
# command-line arg processing
input_file_name_str = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
input_file_name_str = sys.argv[1]
input_file_name_str = input_file_path_str
# END of if-else
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="(load data from file)">
# load training data from the disk
train_x, train_y, _, validate_x, validate_y, _ = \
print("training data size : ", len(train_x))
print("validation data size : ", len(validate_x))
# </editor-fold>
### STEPS_PER_EPOCH = len(train_x) // BATCH_SIZE
### VALIDATION_STEPS = len(validate_x) // BATCH_SIZE
# <editor-fold desc="(model creation)">
# load previously saved NN model
model = None
model = keras.models.load_model(model_file_path)
print("Loading NN model from file.")
except Exception as ex:
print("No NN model found for loading.")
# END of try-except
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="(model run)">
# # if there is no model loaded, create a new model
if model is None:
csv_logger = keras.callbacks.CSVLogger(training_progress_file_path_str)
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(
callbacks_vector = [
# Set mirror strategy
#strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy(devices=["/device:GPU:0","/device:GPU:1"])
#with strategy.scope():
print("New NN model created.")
# create sequential NN model
model = create_model(
# Train the model with the new callback
history =
train_x, train_y,
validation_data=(validate_x, validate_y),
# END of ... with
# END of ... if
# </editor-fold>
Plotting Script
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import random
from typing import List
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
import datetime
class Quad:
def __init__(self, x_vector, y_vector, color_char, label_str):
self.__x_vector = x_vector
self.__y_vector = y_vector
self.__color_char = color_char
self.__label_str = label_str
def get_x_vector(self):
return self.__x_vector
def get_y_vector(self):
return self.__y_vector
def get_color_char(self):
return self.__color_char
def get_label_str(self):
return self.__label_str
class HecaPlotClass:
def __init__(self):
self.__x_label_str: str = None
self.__y_label_str: str = None
self.__title_str: str = None
self.__trio_vector: List[Quad] = []
self.__plotter = plt
def x_label_str(self):
return self.__x_label_str
def x_label_str(self, t):
self.__x_label_str = t
def y_label_str(self):
return self.__y_label_str
def y_label_str(self, t):
self.__y_label_str = t
def title_str(self):
return self.__title_str
def title_str(self, t):
self.__title_str = t
def add_y_axes(self, trio_obj: Quad):
def generate_plot(self):
for obj in self.__trio_vector:
x_vector = obj.get_x_vector()
y_vector = obj.get_y_vector()
label_str = obj.get_label_str()
# print(label_str)
# print(len(x_vector))
# print(len(y_vector))
# END of ... for loop
# Naming the x-axis, y_1_vector-axis and the whole graph
# Adding legend, which helps us recognize the curve according to it's color
# To load the display window
def save_png(self, output_directory_str):
output_file_str = os.path.join(output_directory_str, self.__title_str + '.png')
def save_pdf(self, output_directory_str):
output_file_str = os.path.join(output_directory_str, self.__title_str + '.pdf')
class MainClass(object):
__colors_vector = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'orange', 'lightgreen', 'crimson']
__working_dir = r"."
__file_names_vector = ["training_progress-32.txt", "training_progress-64.txt", "training_progress-128.txt"]
__input_files_vector = []
__output_directory = None
__column_no_int = 0
__split_percentage_at_tail_int = 100
__is_pdf_output = False
__is_png_output = False
# <editor-fold desc="def load_data()">
def __load_data(cls, fname: str, percetage_int:int, column_no_int:int):
np_array = np.loadtxt(
# usecols=range(1,11),
size_vector = np_array.shape
array_len_int = size_vector[0]
rows_count_int = int(percetage_int * array_len_int / 100)
np_array = np_array[-rows_count_int:]
x = np_array[:, 0]
y = np_array[:, column_no_int]
return x, y
# END of the function
# </editor-fold>
# <editor-fold desc="(__parse_args())">
def __parse_args(cls):
# initialize argument parser
my_parser = ArgumentParser()
my_parser.add_argument("-c", help="column no.", type=int)
my_parser.add_argument('-i', nargs='+', help='a list of input files', required=True)
my_parser.add_argument("-o", help="output directory", type=str)
my_parser.add_argument("-n", help="percentage of data to split from tail", type=float)
my_parser.add_argument("--pdf", help="PDF output", action='store_true')
my_parser.add_argument("--png", help="PNG output", action='store_true')
# parse the argument
args = my_parser.parse_args()
cls.__input_files_vector = args.i
cls.__output_directory = args.o
cls.__split_percentage_at_tail_int = args.n
cls.__column_no_int = args.c
cls.__is_pdf_output = args.pdf
cls.__is_png_output = args.png
# </editor-fold>
def main(cls):
if cls.__input_files_vector is None:
cls.__input_files_vector = cls.__file_names_vector
if cls.__output_directory is None:
cls.__output_directory = cls.__working_dir
if cls.__split_percentage_at_tail_int is None:
cls.__split_percentage_at_tail_int = 100
if cls.__column_no_int is None:
cls.__column_no_int = 1
my_project_plot_obj = HecaPlotClass()
i = 0
for file_path_str in cls.__input_files_vector:
x_vector, y_vector = cls.__load_data(os.path.join(cls.__working_dir, file_path_str), cls.__split_percentage_at_tail_int, cls.__column_no_int)
my_project_plot_obj.x_label_str = "Epoch"
my_project_plot_obj.y_label_str = "Accuracy"
my_project_plot_obj.title_str = "training_plot-{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S}".format(
my_project_plot_obj.x_axis_vector = x_vector
if i == 0:
random_int = 0
random_int = i % (len(cls.__colors_vector)-1)
# END of ... if
print("random_int : ", random_int)
my_project_plot_obj.add_y_axes(Quad(x_vector, y_vector, cls.__colors_vector[random_int], file_path_str))
i = i + 1
# END of ... for loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
The primary reason could be improper (non-random ~ ordered) distribution of data.
If you notice the accuracy beyond epoch 180, there is a orderly switching between the accuracy between ~0.43 (approx.) and ~0.33 (~approx.), and occasionally ~0.23 (approx.). The more important thing to notice is that the accuracy is decreasing (there's no improvement in validation accuracy) as we increase the epochs.
The accuracy can increase in such cases if you (1) reduce batch size, or (2) use a better optimizer like Adam. And check the learning rate.
These changes can help the shift and oscillation, as well.
Additionally, Running average of the accuracy can be plotted to avoid the oscillation. This is again a mitigation scheme rather than a correction scheme. But, what it does is removes the order (partition of the data) and mixes the nearby data.
Lastly, I would also reshuffle the data and normalize after each layer. See if that helps.
Generally, sharp jumps and flat lines in the accuracy usually mean that a group of examples is classified as a given class at a same time. If your dataset contains, say, 50 examples with the same combination of 7 features then they would go into the same class at the same time. This is what probably causes sharp jumps - identical or similar examples clustered together.
So for example, if you have 50 men aged 64, and a decision boundary to classify them as more prone to an illness shifts from >65 to >63, then accuracy changes rapidly as all of them change classification at the same time.
Regarding the oscillation of the curve - due to the fact above, oscillation will be amplified by small changes in learning. Your network learns based on cross entropy, which means that it minimizes the difference between target and your predictions. This means that it operates on the difference between probability and target (say, 0.3 vs class 0) instead of class and target like accuracy (so, 0 vs 0) in the same example. Cross entropy is much more smooth as it is not affected by the issue outlined above.
I am training a custom Encoder-Decoder network but the training gets stuck at Epoch 3. Nothing happens for about 2 hours. I will share the Dataset class and the DataLoader object. The version if CUDA and GPU can be seen in the pic below.
Training stuck here:
nvidia-smi output looks like this:
The __getitem__ method of the dataset class looks like this:
def __init__(self,
img_size=(512, 1536),
:param root: dataset directory
:param filenames: filenames inside the root directory
:param labels: Object Detection Labels
self.images_dir = images_dir
self.annots_dir = annots_dir
self.train = train
self.image_size = img_size
self.stride = stride
self.transforms = transforms
self.model = model
# Load the image and annotation files from the dataset
# self.image_files, self.annot_files = self._load_image_and_annot_files()
self.image_files = [os.path.join(self.images_dir, idx) for idx in os.listdir(self.images_dir)]
self.annot_files = [os.path.join(self.annots_dir, idx) for idx in os.listdir(self.annots_dir)]
def __getitem__(self, index):
:param index: index...0 to N
:return: tensor_image and tensor_label
# Image filename from _load_image_files()
# Load Image with _read_matrix() and label
curr_image_filename = self.image_files[index]
curr_annot_filename = self.annot_files[index]
# curr_image_filename = self.image_files[index]
# curr_annot_filename = self.annot_files[index]
np_image = self._read_matrix(raw_img=curr_image_filename)
np_image_normalized = np.squeeze(self._normalize_raw_img(np_image))
# label = self.labels[index]
boxes, classes, depths, tgts = self._load_annotations(curr_annot_filename)
# Normalize bounding boxes: range [0, 1]
targets_normalized = self._normalize_bbox(np_image_normalized, tgts)
# image and the corresponding label should be a tensor
torch_image = torch.from_numpy(np_image).reshape(1, 512, 1536).float() # dtype: torch.float64
torch_boxes = torch.from_numpy(boxes).type(torch.FloatTensor)
torch_depths = torch.from_numpy(depths)
if self.model == 'fasterrcnn':
# For FasterRCNN: As COCO format
area = (torch_boxes[:, 3] - torch_boxes[:, 1]) * (torch_boxes[:, 2] - torch_boxes[:, 0])
iscrowd = torch.zeros((boxes.shape[0],), dtype=torch.int64)
image_id = torch.Tensor([index])
torch_classes = torch.from_numpy(classes)
target = {'boxes': torch_boxes, 'labels': torch_classes.long(),
'area': area, 'iscrowd': iscrowd, 'image_id': image_id}
return torch_image, target
elif self.model == 'custom':
if self.train:
if self.transforms:
tr = self.transforms()
transform_image, transform_boxes, labels = tr.__call__(np_image, tgts, tgts[:, :4], tgts[:, 4:])
transform_targets = np.hstack((np.array(transform_boxes), labels))
gt_tensor = gt_creator(img_size=self.image_size,
return torch.from_numpy(transform_image).float(), gt_tensor
except IndexError:
gt_tensor = gt_creator(img_size=self.image_size,
return torch_image, gt_tensor
return torch_image, targets_normalized
And in the script the DataLoader object is:
train_loader =,
Why does the training get stuck? Is there an issue with the __getitem__ method? Or the DataLoader?
Thank You.
This happens because torch doesnt restart your dataset, if your data runs out it stops and waits for more input so cycling has to be done manually.
I used something along the lines of
from itertools import cycle
class Dataloader():
#init and whatever
return cycle(get_sample()) # get_sample is your current getitem
I have images of [64,512,5] stored in *.npy files which I convert into *.tfrecords files.
I have verified that the reading of said records corresponds correctly with what is present in the *.npy files. However, when I perform some operation on the parser, like adding 1 to each pixel of the image, the result is not the expected one. The result should be 65*512*5 = 163840 but it is 163839.99980013957 (not always the same)
I have tried to perform different operations like tf.subtract, but the results are the same.
Could someone tell me what is wrong?
import re
import ast
import sys, select
import random as rn
from glob import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
from configparser import SafeConfigParser
import numpy as np
import as ma
import scipy.misc
import os.path
from os import mkdir, stat
from os.path import exists, dirname, abspath
from os.path import join as dir_join
import tensorflow as tf
''' File hierarchy
_code_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
_python_dir = dirname(_code_dir)
_model_dir = dirname(_python_dir)
_project_dir = dirname(_model_dir)
_ml_dir = dirname(_project_dir)
_srv_dir = dirname(_ml_dir)
_root_datasets_dir = dir_join(_srv_dir,'machine_learning','data_sets/ssd_prepared')
_config_dir = dir_join(_python_dir, 'config')
'''Data sets directories
THIS_DATA_SET_DIR = 'Sph_50m' #WARNING: Global variable also used in
_data_dir = dir_join(_root_datasets_dir, THIS_DATA_SET_DIR)
_data_set_dir = dir_join(_data_dir,'ImageSet')
_data_npy_dir = dir_join(_data_dir,'data')
_data_tfRecord_dir = dir_join(_data_dir,'tfRecord')
''' Configuration parser
cfg_parser = SafeConfigParser(),'cfg_model.ini'))
''' Private variables
_batch_size = cfg_parser.getint(section='train', option='batch_size')
_max_epoch = cfg_parser.getint(section='train', option='max_epoch')
_standarize = cfg_parser.getboolean(section='train', option='standarize_input')
_input_shape = ast.literal_eval(cfg_parser.get(section='data_shape', option='input_shape'))
_label_channel = cfg_parser.getint(section='data_shape', option='label_channel')
_track_channel = cfg_parser.getint(section='data_shape', option='track_channel')
_mask_channel = cfg_parser.getint(section='data_shape', option='mask_channel')
_data_train = cfg_parser.get(section='data_set', option='data_train')
_data_val = cfg_parser.get(section='data_set', option='data_val')
_data_test = cfg_parser.get(section='data_set', option='data_test')
def _int64_feature(value):
return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=value.reshape(-1)))
def _bytes_feature(value):
return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value]))
def _floats_feature(value):
return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=value.reshape(-1)))
def numpy_to_TFRecord():
if not exists(_data_tfRecord_dir): mkdir(_data_tfRecord_dir)
for dataset in [_data_train, _data_val, _data_test]:
tfRecord_folder = dir_join(_data_tfRecord_dir, dataset)
if not exists(tfRecord_folder): mkdir(tfRecord_folder)
#Retrieve list of files
file_ = open(dir_join(_data_set_dir, dataset+'.txt'), 'r')
for x in file_.readlines():
file_nat = x.strip()+'.npy'
filename = dir_join(_data_npy_dir, file_nat)
assert exists(filename), "{} doesn't exist".format(filename)
totaltfRecordSize = 0
numFile = 0
for projection_dir in tqdm(projections_dir, ncols= 100, desc = 'TFRecord {}'.format(dataset)):
scanName = projection_dir.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
if totaltfRecordSize > 100*(10**6) or totaltfRecordSize == 0:
# address to save the TFRecords file
train_filename = dir_join(tfRecord_folder, \
str(numFile) + '_' + dataset +'.tfrecords')
# open the TFRecords file
writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(train_filename)
numFile += 1
totaltfRecordSize = 0
# Load the image
projection = np.load(projection_dir)
image = projection[:,:,:_label_channel]
label = projection[:,:,_label_channel].astype(int)
mask = projection[:,:,_mask_channel].astype(int)
track = projection[:,:,_track_channel].astype(int)
# Create a feature
feature = {'image': _floats_feature(image),
'label': _int64_feature(label),
'mask' : _int64_feature(mask),
'track': _int64_feature(track),
'scanName': _bytes_feature(tf.compat.as_bytes(scanName))}
# Create an example protocol buffer
example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature))
# Serialize to string and write on the file
fileSize = stat(train_filename).st_size
totaltfRecordSize += fileSize
def readTFRecord():
# Transforms a scalar string `example_proto` into a pair of a scalar string and
# a scalar integer, representing an image and its label, respectively.
image_dim = _input_shape[0] * _input_shape[1] * _label_channel
label_dim = _input_shape[0] * _input_shape[1]
mean = np.load(dir_join(_data_dir,'mean.npy'))
std = np.load(dir_join(_data_dir,'std.npy'))
mean_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(mean, dtype=tf.float32, name='mean')
std_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(std, dtype=tf.float32, name='std')
with tf.variable_scope('TFRecord'):
def _parse_function(example_proto):
with tf.variable_scope('parser'):
features = {'image': tf.FixedLenFeature([image_dim], tf.float32),
'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([label_dim], tf.int64),
'mask' : tf.FixedLenFeature([label_dim], tf.int64),
'track': tf.FixedLenFeature([label_dim], tf.int64),
'scanName': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)}
parsed_features = tf.parse_single_example(example_proto, features)
# Reshape image data into the original shape
image = tf.reshape(parsed_features['image'], [_input_shape[0], _input_shape[1], _label_channel], name='image')
label = tf.reshape(parsed_features['label'], _input_shape, name='lable_reshape')
mask = tf.reshape(parsed_features['mask'], _input_shape, name='mask_reshape')
track = tf.reshape(parsed_features['track'], _input_shape, name='track_reshape')
scanName = parsed_features['scanName']
image = image + tf.constant(1., dtype=tf.float32)
return image, label, mask, track, scanName
training_filenames = glob(dir_join(_data_tfRecord_dir, _data_train, '*.tfrecords'))
validation_filenames = glob(dir_join(_data_tfRecord_dir, _data_val, '*.tfrecords'))
filenames = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[None], name='filenames')
dataset =
dataset =, num_parallel_calls=20) # Parse the record into tensors.
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10000)
dataset = dataset.batch(_batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=10)
iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
next = iterator.get_next()
sess = tf.Session()
while True:, feed_dict={filenames: training_filenames})
img, _, _, _, scanX =
for i, scan in enumerate(scanX):
projection = np.load(dir_join(_data_npy_dir, scan.decode("utf-8") + '.npy'))
imagenp = projection[:,:,:_label_channel]
if np.abs(np.sum(img[i,...] - imagenp)) > 0.:
print(np.sum(img[i,...] - imagenp))
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
return training_filenames, validation_filenames, filenames, iterator
if __name__ == '__main__':
The test I'm doing in the previous code is to convert the *.npy files to *.tfrecords. Then, I compare the *.trecords with the *.npy. The value should be 0 if both images were identical.
img, _, _, _, scanX =
for i, scan in enumerate(scanX):
projection = np.load(dir_join(_data_npy_dir, scan.decode("utf-8") + '.npy'))
imagenp = projection[:,:,:_label_channel]
print(np.sum(img[i,...] - imagenp))
If the data is not preprocessed, these images are the same, however, if we perform some kind of transformation, the results do not match what was expected. In this case we are adding 1 to each pixel of the image, so the total difference should be 64 * 512 * 5.
image = image + tf.constant(1., dtype=tf.float32)
I would like to solve this error, since so far I have not been able to obtain the results obtained by my neural network using feed_dict instead of Tensorflow Dataset API, and this is the only point where I can observe a difference in the input data.