ModuleNotFoundError after installing PyUpSet - python

Hello! I have installed pyupset via both pip, pip3, and the source directly, as described in the link above. The terminal is saying that I have it completely downloaded. However, when I go to spyder and type "Import pyupset", I get the ModuleNotFoundError. After some research, it seems as though there's a discrepancy between the Python 3.8 library it is downloading to and the Python 3.9.5 I am using in Spyder, and that is the reason it doesn't show up. Does anyone know how to access the Python 3.8 downloads or generally have a way to access the script? I've also tried with a script updated for the recent Python iterations ( that does a similar function, but I'm getting the same error. Thank you!

Inside spyder try using import pip then run !pip install py-upset which should add it to your 3.9.5 environment.


Installed selenium with pip, folder is in site-packages, using correct interpreter, but still cannot import (Win10, Python 3.10.9)

I'm trying to use selenium, but can't get python to recognize it.
I installed it first using "pip install selenium" and "pip install webdriver-manager". It is in the folder "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib\site-packages\selenium", but I get the error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'selenium'" when I try to import it.(
Here it is shown as installed with the command "pip list"
I also tried uninstalling it and reinstalling with flags that I saw some people say worked, but it didn't make a difference.
I only have one python interpreter version installed, 3.10 (so only one python folder, "Python310"). I have pandas in the same site-packages folder which I can import and use no problem.
If anyone knows what the issue might be, please let me know. I can't figure it out for the life of me.
Okay, I solved the issue by completely uninstalling the interpreter which I got from the Microsoft Store and reinstalling it from the official Python website. Now "from selenium import webdriver" works.
Somehow selenium installed in the global scope is not getting recognized within the Virtual Environment of VS Code / PyCharm.
You need to install Selenium within the Virtual Environment.
Within the Terminal execute the command:
pip install -U selenium

No module named 'odf' due to wrong Python version

I have many different versions of Python, but a version that I use and that terminal show me if use command Python – version is 3.10.0.
When I use command pip list I got a big list of library, including the one I recently installed odfpy.
I open VsCode, choose Python version 3.10.0 and try to import odf but...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'odf'
For sure I need to set something on VsCode or change some configuration in Linux but I cannot find a normal explanation of how to solve this issue.
If I change the Python version in VsCode with 3.8.10, odfpy (and also Django just installed) is recognized. So I suppose that, even if the Python version selected on the terminal is 3.10.0, when I pip install something, is installed on version 3.8.10. How do you manage this?
Please check which pip you are using through the command of pip --version.
After you switch the python interpreter in the VSCode, please create a new terminal, and make sure it has activated the environment you have selected.
I also use VS code and use Python 3.10 and i had try to download the odfpy which has gone alright, i use the command python -m pip install odfpy
try and see if it work for you though.
If it does not work, maybe try and create a virtual environment if you haven't created it yet.
In my case i was getting same error while using import-export django module. Installing odf library didn't worked got same error. I resolve this issue by simply pip install tablib==0.14.0.

Installing and using npTDMS with Spyder - anaconda3

I have successfully installed npTDMS as seen here:
If I try to install with command line using either pip or conda I get a message confirming it is already installed, and I see the package at D:\Users\username\anaconda3\pkgs.
On Spyder I have tried using the PYTHON path manager (in the tools menu) to add both:
As far as I understand this should be enough to use the npTDMS package, however when I try to import I get a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nptdms'.
I'm fairly new to python overall so maybe there is a simple thing I am missing.
This issue comes when there are multiple versions of python or any package you are running at current time. The same issue was with me too when the IDLE was not able to detect the position of where the package is installed.
My suggestion is that uninstall all the versions of python and the module you are using and install them again. Otherwise shift to any other IDLE, in my recommendation - Visual Studio Code.

Name and other errors

I'm running into a few weird errors using my python environment. It appears I was able to set up pip and python correctly in python 3.4.
I tried to follow a tutorial for hotkeys. I installed pynput in C:\Python34\Scripts using pip install.
Tried 'import pynput' in Idle, worked fine without errors.
I then tried to install keyboard.
This time I got an error in Idle. Is there a strange reason why this module wouldn't go through without errors in Idle? Another weird error I'm getting is:
'pip not recognized as internal or external command' in C:\Python34
Any idea why this is happening? If I installed it in a higher directory like C:\, would this fix the issue?
Thanks for your help.

Installing modules in Python 3.5.2 error

Sorry if I will sound really dumb but I get an error while trying to install python 3.5.2 modules using pip. The whole error screen is the following:
The same thing happens when I try to update pip and as far as I understand pip comes by default with python 3.5. What I am missing or is there a simpler way to get modules to work?
Running windows 10
Also I am new to python
Do you have administrator privileges? Looks like you don't have privileges to access files

