Getting a series of Normal Distributions from a Least Squares regression - python

I am not particularly good at math. I would like to get some breadcrumbs about how to solve the following formula using python code.
Assume an [m,n] matrix M and a [1,n] vector y.
Solve for the least squares using scipy.linalg.lstsq(M, y).
The output will be an [m,1] vector of coefficients a in the equation Ma=y.
As per this question, any vector of solutions like a in a regression is basically a series of single points each taken from a normal distribution that describes the error of every point on the regression. In effect, every single digit in the solution vector a is the mean of a normal distribution of errors centred on zero.
I would like to find those normal distributions rather than the scalar value for every single point in the solution. Apologies for the poor description of the mathy bits, I was never trained in math in Uni.

Here is a hint. Let me know if you want more.
scipy.linalg.lstsq(M, y) returns four things:
x : (N,) or (N, K) ndarray
Least-squares solution.
residues : (K,) ndarray or float
Square of the 2-norm for each column in b - a x, if M > N and ndim(A) == n
(returns a scalar if b is 1-D). Otherwise a (0,)-shaped array is returned.
rank : int
Effective rank of a.
s : (min(M, N),) ndarray or None
Singular values of a. The condition number of a is s[0] / s[-1].
residues is going to be of interest to you!


Questions on logistic and linear regression

I'm trying to understand logistic and linear regression and was able to understand the theory behind it (doing andrew ng course).
We have X -> given features -> matrix of (m , n+1) where m - no. of cases and n- features given (excluding x0)
We have y - > the label to predict -> matrix of (m,1)
Now while I'm implementing it from scratch in python, I'm confused as to why we use transpose of theta in the sigmoid function.
Also we use theta transpose X for linear regression too.
We do not have to perform matrix multiplication anywhere while coding, its straight element to element coding, what's the need for the transpose or is my understanding wrong and we need to take matrix multiplication during implementation.
My main concern is that I'm very confused as to where we do matrix multiplication and where we do element wise multiplication in logistic and linear regression
You are a bit off topic for this area, but the piece you appear to be hung up on is the treatment of x and Theta.
In the use cases you describe, x is a vector of inputs, or the "feature vector". The Theta vector is the vector of coefficients. Both are usually expressed as column vectors and of course, must be of the same dimension.
So to "make a prediction" you need the inner product of these two, and the output needs to be a scalar (by definition for inner product) so you need to transpose the theta vector in order to properly express that operation, which is a matrix multiplication of two vectors. Make sense?
For matrix multiplication, the number of Columns in the first element must equal the number of rows in the second element. Since one of the elements your multiplying has either one column or one row, it does not appear to be matrix multiplication due to it's simplicity. But it still is matrix multiplication
Let me provide an example,
Let A be (m,n) matrix
We can perform scalar multiplication, for some fixed a in the real numbers
If we want to multiply A to some vector, x, we need to meet some restrictions. Here it is common to mistake the dot product for matrix multiplication, but they serve completely different purposes.
So our restrictions for multiplying an (m,n) matrix, A by a vector x is that x has the same number of entries as A has columns To do this in your example, one of the elements needed to be transposed.

How to find A in a Matrix multiplication Ax=b, with some Values of A known, and A being left stochastic

I have been trying to find an answer to this problem for a couple of hours now, but i can't find anything so far...
So I have two vectors let's call them b and x, of which i know all values. They add up to be the same amount, so sum(b) = sum(x).
I also have a Matrix, let's call it A, of which i know what values are 0, all the other values are unknown (but are different from 0).
Furthermore, the the elements of each column of A has the sum of 1 (I think that's called it's a left stochastic matrix)
Generally the Equation can be written in the form A*x = b.
Now I'm trying to find the missing values of A.
I have found one answer to the general problem here:
Furthermore i looked at the documentation of numpy.linalg
:, but i just can't figure out how to do it.
It looks similar to a multi linear regression problem, but also on sklearn, i couldn't find anything:
Not a complete answer, but a bit of a more formal statement of the problem.
I think this can be solved as just a system of linear equations. Let
NZ = {(i,j)|a(i,j) is not fixed to zero}
Then write:
sum( j | (i,j) ∈ NZ, a(i,j) * x(j) ) = b(i) ∀i
sum( i | (i,j) ∈ NZ, a(i,j)) = 1 ∀j
This is just a system of linear equations in a(i,j). It may be under- (or over-) determined and it may be sparse. I think it depends a bit on this how to solve it. It may possible to think about these as constraints in a linear (or quadratic) programming problem. That would allow you to add an objective (in case of an underdetermined system or overdetermined -- in that case minimize sum of squared deviations, or 1-norm of deviations). In addition we can add bounds on a(i,j) (e.g. lower bounds of zero and upper bounds of one). So a linear programming approach may be what you are looking for.
This problem looks a bit like matrix balancing. This is used a lot for economic data sets that come from different sources and where we want to reconcile the data to get a consistent data set usable for subsequent modeling.

Calculating eigen values of very large sparse matrices in python

I have a very large sparse matrix which represents a transition martix in a Markov Chain, i.e. the sum of each row of the matrix equals one and I'm interested in finding the first eigenvalue and its corresponding vector which is smaller than one. I know that the eigenvalues are bounded in the section [-1, 1] and they are all real (non-complex).
I am trying to calculate the values using python's scipy.sparse.eigs function, however, one of the parameters of the functions is the number of eigenvalues/vectors to estimate and every time I've increased the number of parameters to estimate, the numbers of eigenvalues which are exactly one grew as well.
Needless to say, I am using the which parameter with the value 'LR' in order to get the k largest eigenvalues, with k being the number of values to estimate.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem (finding the first eigenvalue smaller than one and its corresponding vector)?
I agree with #pv. If your matrix S was symmetric, you could see it as a laplacian matrix of the matrix I - S. The number of connected components of I - S is the number of zero-eigenvalues of this matrix (i.e, the dimension of the space associated to eigenvalue 1 of S). You could check the number of connected components of the graph whose similarity matrix is I - S*S' for a start, e.g. with scipy.sparse.csgraph.connected_components.

scipy / numpy linalg.eigval result interpretation

I am a newbie when it comes to using python libraries for numerical tasks. I was reading a paper on LexRank and wanted to know how to compute eigenvectors of a transition matrix. I used the eigval function and got a result that I have a hard time interpreting:
a = numpy.zeros(shape=(4,4))
print LA.eigval(a)
and the eigenvalue is:
[ 0.99943032+0.j
0.18214242+0.j ]
Can anyone please explain what j is doing here? Isn't the eigenvalue supposed to be a scalar quantity? How can I interpret this result broadly?
j is the imaginary number, the square root of minus one. In math it is often denoted by i, in engineering, and in Python, it is denoted by j.
A single eigenvalue is a scalar quantity, but an (m, m) matrix will have m eigenvalues (and m eigenvectors). The Wiki page on eigenvalues and eigenvectors has some examples that might help you to get your head around the concepts.
As #unutbu mentions, j denotes the imaginary number in Python. In general, a matrix may have complex eigenvalues (i.e. with real and imaginary components) even if it contains only real values (see here, for example). Symmetric real-valued matrices are an exception, in that they are guaranteed to have only real eigenvalues.

pseudo inverse of sparse matrix in python

I am working with data from neuroimaging and because of the large amount of data, I would like to use sparse matrices for my code (scipy.sparse.lil_matrix or csr_matrix).
In particular, I will need to compute the pseudo-inverse of my matrix to solve a least-square problem.
I have found the method sparse.lsqr, but it is not very efficient. Is there a method to compute the pseudo-inverse of Moore-Penrose (correspondent to pinv for normal matrices).
The size of my matrix A is about 600'000x2000 and in every row of the matrix I'll have from 0 up to 4 non zero values. The matrix A size is given by voxel x fiber bundle (white matter fiber tracts) and we are expecting maximum 4 tracts to cross in a voxel. In most of the white matter voxels we expect to have at least 1 tract, but I will say that around 20% of the lines could be zeros.
The vector b should not be sparse, actually b contains the measure for each voxel, which is in general not zero.
I would need to minimize the error, but there are also some conditions on the vector x. As I tried the model on smaller matrices, I never needed to constrain the system in order to satisfy these conditions (in general 0
Is that of any help? Is there a way to avoid taking the pseudo-inverse of A?
Update 1st June:
thanks again for the help.
I can't really show you anything about my data, because the code in python give me some problems. However, in order to understand how I could choose a good k I've tried to create a testing function in Matlab.
The code is as follow:
for k=1:150000
while a<=0 || b<=0
for s=1:k
if S(s,s)~=0
Do you have any idea of what should be k compare to the size of F? I've taken 250 (over 1000) and the results are not satisfactory (the waiting time is acceptable, but not short).
Also now I can compare the results with the known solution, but how could one choose k in general?
I also attached the plot of the 250 single values that I get and their squares normalized. I don't know exactly how to better do a screeplot in matlab. I'm now proceeding with bigger k to see if suddently the value will be much smaller.
Thanks again,
You could study more on the alternatives offered in scipy.sparse.linalg.
Anyway, please note that a pseudo-inverse of a sparse matrix is most likely to be a (very) dense one, so it's not really a fruitful avenue (in general) to follow, when solving sparse linear systems.
You may like to describe a slight more detailed manner your particular problem (dot(A, x)= b+ e). At least specify:
'typical' size of A
'typical' percentage of nonzero entries in A
least-squares implies that norm(e) is minimized, but please indicate whether your main interest is on x_hat or on b_hat, where e= b- b_hat and b_hat= dot(A, x_hat)
Update: If you have some idea of the rank of A (and its much smaller than number of columns), you could try total least squares method. Here is a simple implementation, where k is the number of first singular values and vectors to use (i.e. 'effective' rank).
from scipy.sparse import hstack
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
def tls(A, b, k= 6):
"""A tls solution of Ax= b, for sparse A."""
u, s, v= svds(hstack([A, b]), k)
return v[-1, :-1]/ -v[-1, -1]
Regardless of the answer to my comment, I would think you could accomplish this fairly easily using the Moore-Penrose SVD representation. Find the SVD with scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, replace Sigma by its pseudoinverse, and then multiply V*Sigma_pi*U' to find the pseudoinverse of your original matrix.

