import file as module in Python - python

I wanted to make a cmd tool. I created two files, one named, and the other named
there are in the same directory
import os
def pyVersion():
os.system("python --version")
import version
I think it should work, but when I run, it prints:
File "C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\cmd tool\", line 1, in <module>
import version
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'version'

Normally Python should use folder C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\cmd tool\ to search imported modules and you may have this folder even on list sys.path
But if it doesn't have this folder on list then you may add it manually before importing module.
import sys
# add at the end of list
#sys.path.append(r'C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\cmd tool\')
# add at the beginning of list
sys.path.insert(0, r'C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\cmd tool\')
import version
# ... code ...
To make it more universal you can use os to get this folder without hardcoding
import os
BASE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
print('BASE:', BASE)
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, BASE)
import version
# ... code ...

Just import file without the .py extension.
A folder can be marked as a package, by adding an empty file.
You can use the __import__ function, which takes the module name (without extension) as a string extension.

change please the class name , and make the first letters uppercase
def pyVersion():
os.system("python --version")
import Version
and the code must work and he will give you a result Python version


Python Import functions from own file

I have a problem. I created a script that uses a few functions, but now I have moved those functions in a folder named: include. The file is called:, but when I use the following code:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, 'include/')
import mylib
It gives an error: No module named 'mylib'. The main code is in the windows directory: Desktop/Python/ and the include file in: Desktop/Python/include/.
What am I doing wrong?
add an empty file to the include folder to make it a package.
then import from it with:
from include import mylib
Replace the second line with this one:
sys.path.insert(0, '/Desktop/Python/include')

How to import Python file?

Sorry, this is definitely a duplicate, but I can't find the answer. I'm working in Python 3 and this is the structure of my app:
I am in the home/ directory, running How can I import functions from in that script?
I've set up as follows:
from common import writeFile
But I get the following error:
File "australia/new-south-wales/", line 8, in <module>
from common import writeFile
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'common'
If I just do python -c "from common import writeFile" I don't see an error.
Shouldn't the interpreter look in the current directory for modules?
before import your directories that need to be imported must have file in that folder
#solution 1 (import in runtime)
To import a specific Python file at 'runtime' with a known name:
import os
import sys
script_dir = "/path/to/your/code/directory"
# Add the absolute directory path containing your
# module to the Python path
import filename
#solution 2(add files to one of python libraries)
also as you have a common library for you can run
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.path
and see what directories you can put your code and use in every can move your common package to one of this directories and treat it like a normal package.for example for if you put it in one root directory of one of this directory you can import like import common
#solution 3(use relative import)
# from two parent above current directory import common
# every dot for one parent directory
from ... import common
and then go to parent directory and run
python -m
From the description I'm assuming you're not running this as complete python package, just as separate files.
What you can do is use complete modules. This means adding empty to directories with your code. You'll also have to change the name of new-south-wales to new_south_wales, since it needs to be a valid module name.
Assuming home is the name of your app, you should end up with:
Next, you'll need a startup script for your app - this means either something simple like:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from australia.new_south_wales import fetch
Or you can add a with a full package description. If you specify entry points and the script will be automatically created.
Now that you're starting your code in context of a package, your can do:
from ..common import writeFile

python, import file under current folder from a file under other directory

I have a package which intends to import a file that user (me) provides
In c:\lib\
# some codes to find which file to import
filename = "A"
And I have a file c:\scripts\
Note is in a different folder than Now I'm supposed to do this under command window
cd C:\scripts
python c:\lib\
but I get an error message
No module named A is in the current folder, why does python fail to find it? How can I make available?
You can add the path to your scripts directory in your script so it can find the module.
import sys
If you are on Python version 2.7 or newer you can use the importlib package. The import_module function can accept an absolute path which, IIRC, does not need to be on your PYTHONPATH.
import importlib
mod = importlib.import_module(filepath)
Or, if you wanted to manually do the work yourself (or if you are using Python 2.6 or earlier), you can use the imp package directly:
import imp
mod = imp.load_module(imp.find_module(filename, filepath))

weird python3 import issue, No module named <module>

I write some python files like this:
view/ #empity file
And in each file I wrote those imports:
from view.MainWindow import MainWindow
from view.ListEditor import ListEditor
and don't import any files.
Each or defines a class that named same as the file name.
when I run the program from, it works. But when I run from I got ImportError: No module named 'view'
If I write
from ListEditor import ListEditor
in, python will be OK. but python will get error:
ImportError: No module named 'ListEditor'
So, is there a way to make both python and python get right at the same time?
I'm using python3.4
I think I have figured out the problem here. The import command searches a module in sys.path. The sys.path is a group of predefined paths plus the running script path. When I run the code from, the code import ListEditor just works, but when I run from, the current path is set to the parent path. So I need import view.ListEditor.
Well, there are couple ways to deal with it. #Vincent Beltman's answer is one of it. Or just put these code in the file:
import os, sys
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
Finally, I'm new to python. And I think the import command is quite strange. I thought it should search the files relative to the path of the source file that containing the command, not just relative to the starter file. A starter file may varying and cause troubles like this one.
Try this:
from view.ListEditor import ListEditor # If this one fails
from ListEditor import ListEditor # It will try this one

python unable to import module

I have my program set up using packages as followed:
When I do the import statement from base.base_class import BaseClass in the I get this error when running it:
from base.base_class import BaseClass
ImportError: No module named base.base_class
How can I import this module?
at the top of add
import sys
base is not a folder on the path...once you change this it should work
or put in the same folder as base. or move base to somewhere that is on your path
you nee to have an file in each folder you import from
You have to create a file called "" at python directories, then "the Python" will understand that directory as a Python package.
there are 3 things you can do:
add an file to each folder
add sys.path.append("Folder") to the top
or use imp and do;
import imp
foo = imp.load_source('filename', 'File\Directory\')
then foo will be the name of the module for example foo.method()

