I have a dictionary of lists like
source = {"name":["hans","james","mat"],"country":["spain"],"language":["english","french"]}
and another list like
data_not_avail = ["hans","spain","mat"]
How is it possible to reformat source dictionary into the following format
"exist":{"name":["james"], "language":["english","french"]},
"not_exist":{"name":["hans","mat"], "country":["spain"]}
I was trying to solve by finding the key of item which are present in list but it was not a success
data_result = {}
keys_list = []
for v in data_not_avail:
keys = [key for key, value in source.items() if v in value]
This is a approach, you can use a list comprehension (or python built in filter) to filter every element within source lists with the content of data_not_avail.
data = {"exist": {}, "not_exist": {}}
for key, value in source.items():
data["exist"][key] = [v for v in value if v not in data_not_avail]
data["not_exist"][key] = [v for v in value if v in data_not_avail]
# if you dont need empty list in the result
if not data["exist"][key]:
del data["exist"][key]
if not data["not_exist"][key]:
del data["not_exist"][key]
Naive way of solving it is this, check it out.
values = list(source.values())
exist_values = []
not_values = []
for l in values:
temp_exist = []
temp_not = []
for item in l:
if item not in data_not_avail:
exist = {}
not_exist = {}
keys = ['name', 'language', 'country']
for i,key in enumerate(keys):
if len(exist_values[i]) != 0:
exist[key] = exist_values[i]
if len(not_values[i]) != 0:
not_exist[key] = not_values[i]
print(exist, not_exist)
#{'name': ['james'], 'country': ['english', 'french']}
#{'name': ['hans', 'mat'], 'language': ['spain']}
I have a list with elements that contain values separated by "_" and I need to take the 4th as the values and the 5 and 6th as keys of a dictionary
My list:
I am trying to get a dictionary like this
thisdict = {
"34_H08": "NGS",
"Michael_Jordan_A10": "W2205770",
"Michael_Jordan_B10": "W2205770",
"DNA_F12": "No",
Optimised way of creating same dictionary
thisdict = dict(
(lambda x: ('_'.join(x[4:6]), x[3]))(s.split('_'))
for s in lst
Using reduce function
reduce(lambda x, y: x.update({ '_'.join(y.split('_')[4:6]): y.split('_')[3] }) or x, lst, {})
Try this:
lst = ['MLID_D_08_NGS_34_H08.fsa',
dic = {}
for name in lst:
name = name.split(".")[0].split("_")
dic["_".join(name[4:])] = name[3]
This code may help you.
lst = ['MLID_D_08_NGS_34_H08.fsa',
lst = [a.split('.') for a in lst] # split by .
dict_ = {}
for l in lst:
k = '_'.join(l[0].split('_')[4:]) # make key
v = l[0].split('_')[3] # make value
dict_[k]=v # add value to dict
{'34_H08': 'NGS',
'Michael_Jordan_A10': 'W2205770',
'Michael_Jordan_B10': 'W2205770',
'Maradona_Guti_C10': 'W2205768',
'Maradona_Guti_D10': 'W2205768',
'DNA_F12': 'No'}
As #matszwecja indicated s.split('_') is the way to go.
You can access different parts of the split as follows:
lst = ['MLID_D_08_NGS_34_H08.fsa',
thisdict = {s.split('_')[4] + '_' + s.split('_')[5].split('.')[0]: s.split('_')[3] for s in lst}
I am trying to make a list of dictionaries in python. Why don't these three methods produce the same results?
A = [{}]*2
A[0]['first_name'] = 'Tom'
A[1]['first_name'] = 'Nancy'
print A
B = [{},{}]
B[0]['first_name'] = 'Tom'
B[1]['first_name'] = 'Nancy'
print B
C = [None]*2
C[0] = {}
C[1] = {}
C[0]['first_name'] = 'Tom'
C[1]['first_name'] = 'Nancy'
print C
this is what I get:
[{'first_name': 'Nancy'}, {'first_name': 'Nancy'}]
[{'first_name': 'Tom'}, {'first_name': 'Nancy'}]
[{'first_name': 'Tom'}, {'first_name': 'Nancy'}]
Your first method is only creating one dictionary. It's equivalent to:
templist = [{}]
A = templist + templist
This extends the list, but doesn't make a copy of the dictionary that's in it. It's also equivalent to:
tempdict = {}
A = []
All the list elements are references to the same tempdict object.
Barmar has a very good answer why. I say you how to do it well :)
If you want to generate a list of empty dicts use a generator like this:
A = [{}for n in range(2)]
A[0]['first_name'] = 'Tom'
A[1]['first_name'] = 'Nancy'
print (A)
I am having trouble converting a 2d list into a 2d dictionary. I haven't worked much with 2d dictionaries prior to this so please bear with me. I am just wondering why this keeps pulling up a KeyError. In this quick example I would want the dictionary to look like {gender: { name: [food, color, number] }}
2dList = [['male','josh','chicken','purple','10'],
dict = {}
for i in range(len(2dList)):
dict[2dList[i][0]][2dList[i][1]] = [2dList[i][2], 2dList[i][3], 2dList[i][4]]
I keep getting the error message: KeyError: 'male'. I know this is how you add keys for a 1d dictionary, but am unsure regarding 2d dictionaries. I always believed it was:
dictionary_name[key1][key2] = value
You can try this :) It will also work if you have more than one male or female in your List
List = [['male','josh','chicken','purple','10'],
d = {}
for l in List:
gender = l[0]
name = l[1]
food = l[2]
color = l[3]
number = l[4]
if gender in d: # if it exists just add new name by creating new key for name
d[gender][name] = [food,color,number]
else: # create new key for gender (male/female)
d[gender] = {name:[food,color,number]}
You are attempting to build a nested dictionary. But are not explicitly initializing the second-layer dictionaries. You need to do this each time, a new key is encountered. Btw, 2dlist is an erroneous way to declare variables in python. This should work for you:
dList = [['male','josh','chicken','purple','10'],
dict = {}
for i in range(len(dList)):
if not dList[i][0] in dict.keys():
dict[dList[i][0]] = {}
dict[dList[i][0]][dList[i][1]] = [dList[i][2], dList[i][3], dList[i][4]]
To get more or less "sane" result use the following (list of dictionaries, each dict is in format {gender: { name: [food, color, number] }}):
l = [['male','josh','chicken','purple','10'], ['female','Jenny','steak','blue','11']]
result = [{i[0]: {i[1]:i[2:]}} for i in l]
The output:
[{'male': {'josh': ['chicken', 'purple', '10']}}, {'female': {'Jenny': ['steak', 'blue', '11']}}]
You are getting a KeyError because you are trying to access a non-existing entry on the dictionary with male as the key
You can use defaultdict instead of dict.
from collections import defaultdict
2dList = [['male','josh','chicken','purple','10'],
dict = defaultdict(list)
for i in range(len(2dList)):
dict[2dList[i][0]][2dList[i][1]] = [2dList[i][2], 2dList[i][3], 2dList[i][4]]
Try this
twodList = [['male','josh','chicken','purple','10'],
dic = {twodList[i][0]: {twodList[i][1]: twodList[i][2:]} for i in range(len(twodList))}
As someone mentioned in the comments, you cannot have a variable starting with a number.
dict = {}
for i in range(len(list1)):
if list1[i][0] in dict:
if list1[i][1] in dict[list1[i][0]]:
dict[list1[i][0]][list1[i][1]] = [list1[i][2], list1[i][3], list1[i][4]]
dict[list1[i][0]][list1[i][1]] = {}
dict[list1[i][0]][list1[i][1]] = [list1[i][2], list1[i][3], list1[i][4]]
dict[list1[i][0]] = {}
if list1[i][1] in dict[list1[i][0]]:
dict[list1[i][0]][list1[i][1]] = [list1[i][2], list1[i][3], list1[i][4]]
dict[list1[i][0]][list1[i][1]] = {}
dict[list1[i][0]][list1[i][1]] = [list1[i][2], list1[i][3], list1[i][4]]
print dict
Above one gives below output:
I've a list with master keys and a list of list of lists, where the first value of each enclosed list (like 'key_01') shall be a sub key for the corresponding values (like 'val_01', 'val_02'). The data is shown here:
master_keys = ["Master_01", "Master_02", "Master_03"]
data_long = [[['key_01','val_01','val_02'],['key_02','val_03','val_04'], ['key_03','val_05','val_06']],
[['key_04','val_07','val_08'], ['key_05','val_09','val_10'], ['key_06','val_11','val_12']],
[['key_07','val_13','val_14'], ['key_08','val_15','val_16'], ['key_09','val_17','val_18']]]
I would like these lists to be combined into a dictionary of dictionaries, like this:
master_dic = {
"Master_01": {'key_01':['val_01','val_02'],'key_02': ['val_03','val_04'], 'key_03': ['val_05','val_06']},
"Master_02": {'key_04': ['val_07','val_08'], 'key_05': ['val_09','val_10'], 'key_06': ['val_11','val_12']},
"Master_03": {'key_07': ['val_13','val_14'], ['key_08': ['val_15','val_16'], 'key_09': ['val_17','val_18']}
What I've got so far is the sub dict:
import itertools
master_dic = {}
servant_dic = {}
keys = []
values = []
for line in data_long:
for item in line:
servant_dic = dict(itertools.izip(keys, values))
Which puts out a dictionary, as expected.
servant_dic = {
'key_06': ['val_11','val_12'], 'key_04': ['val_08','val_07'], 'key_05': ['val_09','val_10'],
'key_02': ['val_03','val_04'], 'key_03': ['val_05','val_06'], 'key_01': ['val_01','val_02']
The problem is, that if I want to add the master_keys to this dictionary, so I get the wanted result, I'd have to do this in a certain order, which would be possible, if each line had a counter like this:
enumerated_dic =
0: {'key_01':['val_01','val_02'],'key_02': ['val_03','val_04'], 'key_03': ['val_05','val_06']},
1: {'key_04': ['val_07','val_08'], 'key_05': ['val_09','val_10'], 'key_06': ['val_11','val_12']},
2: {'key_07': ['val_13','val_14'], ['key_08': ['val_15','val_16'], 'key_09': ['val_17','val_18']}
I'd love to do this with enumerate(), while each line of the servant_dic is build, but can't figure out how. Since afterwards, i could simply replace the counters 0, 1, 2 etc. with the master_keys.
Thanks for your help.
master_keys = ["Master_01", "Master_02", "Master_03"]
data_long = [[['key_01','val_01','val_02'],['key_02','val_03','val_04'], ['key_03','val_05','val_06']],
[['key_04','val_07','val_08'], ['key_05','val_09','val_10'], ['key_06','val_11','val_12']],
[['key_07','val_13','val_14'], ['key_08','val_15','val_16'], ['key_09','val_17','val_18']]]
_dict = {}
for master_key, item in zip(master_keys, data_long):
_dict[master_key] = {x[0]: x[1:] for x in item}
print _dict
Hope this will help:
{master_key: {i[0]: i[1:] for i in subkeys} for master_key, subkeys in zip(master_keys, data_long)}
My functional approach:
master_dic = dict(zip(master_keys, [{k[0]: k[1::] for k in emb_list} for emb_list in data_long]))
You can also use pop and a dict comprehension:
for key, elements in zip(master_keys, data_long):
print {key: {el.pop(0): el for el in elements}}
{'Master_01': {'key_02': ['val_03', 'val_04'], 'key_03': ['val_05', 'val_06']}}
{'Master_02': {'key_06': ['val_11', 'val_12'], 'key_04': ['val_07', 'val_08'], 'key_05': ['val_09', 'val_10']}}
{'Master_03': {'key_07': ['val_13', 'val_14'], 'key_08': ['val_15', 'val_16'], 'key_09': ['val_17', 'val_18']}}