How to append JSON fields in sqlalchemy statements - python

How to update JSON field in sqlalchemy appending another json?
stmt = pg_insert(Users).values(,
"product1": user.product1,
"product2": user.product2,
"product3": user.product3
stmtUpsert = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(index_elements=[Users.userid],
set_={'pricesjson': cast({"product1": user.product1,
"product2": user.product2,
"product3": user.product3
} +
cast(stmt.excluded.pricesjson, JSONB),
, 'tsvar':})
In that way i don't receive errors but overwrite json field without append.
Thank you ;)

Solved: After altered the field on table from json to jsonb, that's the working code:
stmtUpsert = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(index_elements=[Users.userid],
set_={'pricesjson': cast([{"product1": user.product1,
"product2": user.product2,
"product3": user.product3
], JSONB) + Users.pricesjson
, 'tsvar':})
That's the relative sample query:
insert into users (userid, pricesjson) values('1', '{"product1": "test1", product2": "test2"}')
on conflict (userid)
do update set pricesjson =cast('[{"productX": "testX"}]' as jsonb) || securitiesprices.pricesjson


SQLAlchemy insert values into reflected table results in NULL entries all across

The following code results in None () across the row in every attempt. The query.values() code below is just a shortened line so as to keep things less complicated. Additionally I have problems inserting a dict as JSON in the address fields but that's another question.
CREATE TABLE public.customers (
email character varying(255) NULL,
name character varying(255) NULL,
phone character varying(16) NULL,
address jsonb NULL,
shipping jsonb NULL,
currency character varying(3) NULL,
metadata jsonb[] NULL,
created bigint NULL,
uuid uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
# Create engine, metadata, & session
engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:password#database/db', future=True)
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
session = Session(engine)
# Create Table
customers = Table('customers', metadata, autoload_with=engine)
query = customers.insert()
query.values(email="", \
name="testy testarosa", \
phone="+12125551212", \
address='{"city": "Cities", "street": "123 Main St", \
"state": "CA", "zip": "10001"}')
# Now to see results
stmt = text("SELECT * FROM customers")
response = session.execute(stmt)
for result in response:
# Results in None in the fields I explicitly attempted
(1, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, 1, None, None, None, None, UUID('9112a420-aa36-4498-bb56-d4129682681c'))
Calling query.values() returns a new insert instance, rather than modifying the existing instance in-place. This return value must be assigned to a variable otherwise it will have no effect.
You could build the insert iteratively
query = customers.insert()
query = query.values(...)
or chain the calls as Karolus K. suggests in their answer.
query = customers.insert().values(...)
Regarding the address column, you are inserting a dict already serialised as JSON. This value gets serialised again during insertion, so the value in the database ends up looking like this:
test# select address from customers;
"{\"city\": \"Cities\", \"street\": \"123 Main St\", \"state\": \"CA\", \"zip\": \"10001\"}"
(1 row)
and is not amenable to being queried as a JSON object (because it's a JSONified string)
test# select address->'state' AS state from customers;
(1 row)
You might find it better to pass the raw dict instead, resulting in this value being stored in the database:
test# select address from customers;
{"zip": "10001", "city": "Cities", "state": "CA", "street": "123 Main St"}
(1 row)
which is amenable to being queried as a JSON object:
test# select address->'state' AS state from customers;
(1 row)
I am not sure what do you mean with
The query.values() code below is just a shortened line so as to keep
things less complicated.
So maybe I am not understanding the issue properly.
At any case the problem here is that you execute the insert() and the values() separately, while it is meant to be "chained".
Doing something like:
query = customers.insert().values(email="", name="testy testarosa", phone="+12125551212", address='{"city": "Cities", "street": "123 Main St", "state": "CA", "zip": "10001"}')
will work.
PS: I did not faced any issues with the JSON field as well. Perhaps something with PG version?

insert json data into postgresql table using python

I need to write an automated python code to create database table having column names as the keys from the json file and column data should be the values of those respective key.
My json looks like this:
"Table_1": [
"Name": "B"
"BGE3": [
"Trans": []
"Art": [
My table name should be: Table_1.
So my column name should look like: Name | BGE3 | Trans | Art.
And data should be its respected values.
Creation of table and columns has to be dynamic because I need to run this code on multiple json file.
So far I have managed to connect to the postgresql database using python.
So please help me with the solutions.Thankyou.
Postgres version 13.
Existing code:
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE Table_1(Name varchar, BGE3 varchar, Trans varchar, Art varchar)")
for d in data: cur.execute("INSERT into B_Json_3(Name, BGE3, Trans , Art) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s,)", d)
Where data is a list of arrays i made which can only be executed for this json. I need a function that will execute any json i want that can have 100 elements of list in the values of any key.
The table creation portion, using Python json module to convert JSON to Python dict and psycopg2.sql module to dynamically CREATE TABLE:
import json
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import sql
tbl_json = """{
"Table_1": [
"Name": "B"
"BGE3": [
"Trans": []
"Art": [
# Transform JSON string into Python dict. Use json.load if pulling from file.
# Pull out table name and column names from dict.
tbl_dict = json.loads(tbl_json)
tbl_name = list(tbl_dict)[0]
col_names = [list(col_dict)[0] for col_dict in tbl_dict[tbl_name]]
# Result of above.
['Name', 'BGE3', 'Trans', 'Art']
# Create list of types and then combine column names and column types into
# psycopg2 sql composed object. Warning: sql.SQL() does no escaping so potential
# injection risk.
type_list = ["varchar", "varchar", "varchar"]
col_type = []
for i in zip(map(sql.Identifier, col_names), map(sql.SQL,type_list)):
col_type.append(i[0] + i[1])
# The result of above.
[Composed([Identifier('Name'), SQL('varchar')]),
Composed([Identifier('BGE3'), SQL('varchar')]),
Composed([Identifier('Trans'), SQL('varchar')])]
# Build psycopg2 sql string using above.
sql_str = sql.SQL("CREATE table {} ({})").format(sql.Identifier(tbl_name), sql.SQL(',').join(col_type) )
con = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test host=localhost user=aklaver")
cur = con.cursor()
# Shows the CREATE statement that will be executed.
CREATE table "Table_1" ("Name"varchar,"BGE3"varchar,"Trans"varchar)
# Execute statement and commit.
# In psql client the result of the execute:
\d "Table_1"
Table "public.Table_1"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
Name | character varying | | |
BGE3 | character varying | | |
Trans | character varying | | |

Query SQL Server JSON columns using SQLAlchemy

I'm looking for a way to replicate the functionality of SQL Server's JSON_VALUE function using a SQLAlchemy query. I'm using metadata.reflect to define my existing db tables in SQLAlchemy.
FROM BankData
SQLAlchemy Model:
db = SQLAlchemy()
class BankData(db.Model):
__table__ = db.Model.metadata.tables['BankData']
Endpoint / Query:
def get_cust_accts():
custId = request.args.get('custId')
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
BankData = models.bank_data.BankData
BankAccounts = models.bank_accounts.BankAccounts
qry = db.session.query(BankAccounts.Id, BankAccounts.AccountNumber, BankAccounts.BankName,
BankData.AppId, BankData.CustomerId, BankAccounts.Filename, BankData.BankDataJSON) \
and_(BankData.Id == BankAccounts.BankDataId, BankData.CustomerId == custId)
engine = app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']
df = pd.read_sql(qry.statement, engine)
df['BankDataJSON'] = df['BankDataJSON'].apply(json.loads) # convert string representation of JSON
df['BankDataJSON'] = df['BankDataJSON'].map(lambda x:[x[i] for i in x if i=='AccountName'][0])
df = df.rename(columns={'BankDataJSON':'BusinessName'})
response = json.loads(df.to_json(orient="records"))
Using this method, I have to manually serialize the JSON object (BankDataJSON) to a Python dict, and parse it to get the value I want ('AccountName'). If I were to use SQL Server's JSON_VALUE function, this is all done for you.
JSON response:
"Id": 3003,
"AccountNumber": "111111111",
"BankName": "Wells Fargo",
"AppId": 111111,
"CustomerId": "555555",
"Filename": "some filename.pdf",
"BusinessName": "Some BusinessName"
"Id": 3004,
"AccountNumber": "22222222",
"BankName": "Wells Fargo",
"AppId": 111111,
"CustomerId": "555555",
"Filename": "Some filename",
"BusinessName": "Some Businessname"
How can I go about doing this? I walso want to be able to replicated SQL Server's CROSS APPLY OPENJSON functionality for working with array of JSON objects in the future. Do I need to define the BankDataJSON column as a JSON type in my model? When I do this, I get an error regarding pyodbcs inability to deserialize JSON in the MSSQL dialect
may be you can try to implement the server's function in your query, something like this
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
BankData = models.bank_data.BankData
qry = db.session.query(BankData.Id,

Structuring request JSON for API

I'm building a small API to interact with our database for other projects. I've built the database and have the API functioning fine, however, the data I get back isn't structured how I want it.
I am using Python with Flask/Flask-Restful for the API.
Here is a snippet of my Python that handles the interaction:
class Address(Resource):
def get(self, store):
print('Received a request at ADDRESS for Store ' + store )
conn = sqlite3.connect('store-db.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
addresses = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Sites WHERE StoreNumber like ' + store)
for adr in addresses:
return(adr, 200)
If I make a request to the /sites/42 endpoint, where 42 is the site id, this is what I'll receive:
"5000 Robinson Centre Drive",
"(412) 787-1330",
"(412) 249-9161",
"Dick's Sporting Goods"
Here is how it is structured in the database:
Ultimately I'd like to use the column name as the Key in the JSON that's received, but I need a bit of guidance in the right direction so I'm not Googling ambiguous terms hoping to find something.
Here is an example of what I'd like to receive after making a request to that endpoint:
"StoreNumber": "42",
"Street": "5000 Robinson Centre Drive",
"StreetSecondary": "",
"City": "Pittsburgh",
"State": "PA",
"ZipCode": "15205",
"ContactNumber": "(412) 787-1330",
"XO_TN": "(412) 249-9161",
"RelocationStatus": "",
"StoreType": "Dick's Sporting Goods"
I'm just looking to get some guidance on if I should change how my data is structured in the database (i.e. I've seen some just put the JSON in their database, but I think that's messy) or if there's a more intuitive method I could use to control my data.
Updated Code using Accepted Answer
class Address(Resource):
def get(self, store):
print('Received a request at ADDRESS for Store ' + store )
conn = sqlite3.connect('store-db.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
addresses = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM Sites WHERE StoreNumber like ' + store)
for r in res:
column_names = ["StoreNumber", "Street", "StreetSecondary","City","State", "ZipCode", "ContactNumber", "XO_TN", "RelocationStatus", "StoreType"]
data = [r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]]
datadict = {column_names[itemindex]:item for itemindex, item in enumerate(data)}
return(datadict, 200)
You could just convert your list to a dict and then parse it to a JSON string before passing it back out.
// These are the names of the columns in your database
>>> column_names = ["storeid", "address", "etc"]
// This is the data coming from the database.
// All data is passed as you are using SELECT * in your query
>>> data = [42, "1 the street", "blah"]
// This is a quick notation for creating a dict from a list
// enumerate means we get a list index and a list item
// as the columns are in the same order as the data, we can use the list index to pull out the column_name
>>> datadict = {column_names[itemindex]:item for itemindex, item in enumerate(data)}
//This just prints datadict in my terminal
>>> datadict
We now have a named dict containing your data and the column names.
{'etc': 'blah', 'storeid': 42, 'address': '1 the street'}
Now dump the datadict to a string so that it can be sent to the frontend.
>>> import json
>>> json.dumps(datadict)
The dict has now been converted to a string.
'{"etc": "blah", "storeid": 42, "address": "1 the street"}'
This would require no change to your database but the script would need to know about the column names or retrieve them dynamically using some SQL.
If the data in the database is in the correct format for passing to the frontend then you shouldn't need to change the database structure. If it was not in the correct format then you could either change the way it was stored or change your SQL query to manipulate it.

MongoDB - Upsert with increment

I am trying to run the following query:
data = {
'text':'Lorem ipsum',
self.db.collection('collection').update({'user_id':1}, data, upsert=True)
but the two '$' queries cause it to fail. Is it possible to do this within one statement?
First of all, when you ask a question like this it's very helpful to add information on why it's failing (e.g. copy the error).
Your query fails because you're mixing $ operators with document overrides. You should use the $set operator for the user_id and text fields as well (although the user_id part in your update is irrelevant at this example).
So convert this to pymongo query:
{$set:{text:"Lorem ipsum", updated:new Date()}, $inc:{count:1}},
I've removed the user_id in the update because that isn't necessary. If the document exists this value will already be 1. If it doesn't exist the upsert will copy the query part of your update into the new document.
If you're trying to do the following:
If the doc doesn't exist, insert a new doc.
If it exists, then only increment one field.
Then you can use a combo of $setOnInsert and $inc. If the song exists then $setOnInsert won't do anything and $inc will increase the value of "listened". If the song doesn't exist, then it will create a new doc with the fields "songId" and "songName". Then $inc will create the field and set the value to be 1.
let songsSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
songId: String,
songName: String,
listened: Number
let Song = mongoose.model('Song', songsSchema);
let saveSong = (song) => {
return Song.updateOne(
{songId: song.songId},
$inc: {listened: 1},
$setOnInsert: {
songId: song.songId,
songName: song.songName,
{upsert: true}
.then((savedSong) => {
return savedSong;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('ERROR SAVING SONG IN DB', err);

