I am new to sqlalchemy and I have a question regarding my code:
query = db.query(Purchase.name,
if date_start and date_end:
query = query.filter(Purchase.date >= date_start,
Purchase.date <= date_end)
query = query.group_by(Purchase.name)\
result = [ItemDict(name=item.name, total=item.total,
count=item.count) for item in query]
Do I understand correctly that:
In this program there will be only one query to the database?
When we work with Query objects, we do NOT make additional queries to the database (i.e. the expression in the list does not make additional queries)?
Ad. 1: Yes, there should be only one query (there may also be a small query that does the "ping" command depending on your pool configuration)
Ad. 2: Additional queries depends on joining strategy. If you filter only one model without joining, you should always have single query. However, if you join other models and use lazy joining strategy, you can have many implicit additional queries (my short post about it)
You can use this smart context manager to count number of queries: How to count sqlalchemy queries in unit tests.
I'm following the tutorial here: https://github.com/Jastor11/phresh-tutorial/tree/tutorial-part-11-marketplace-functionality-in-fastapi/backend/app and I had a question: I want to filter a model by different parameters so how would I do that?
The current situation is that I have a list of doctors and so I get all of them. Then depending on the filter query parameters, I filter doctors. I can't just do it all in one go because these query parameters are optional.
so I was thinking something like (psuedocode):
all_doctors = await self.db.fetch_all(query=GET_ALL_DOCTORS)
if language_id:
all_doctors = all_doctors.filter(d => doctor.language_id = language_id)
if area:
all_doctors = all_doctors.xyzabc
I'm trying out FastAPI according to that tutorial and couldn't figure out how to do this.
I have defined a model file for different models and am using SQLAlchemy.
One way I thought of is just getting the ids of all the doctors then at each filtering step, passing in the doctor ids from the last step and funneling them through different sql queries but this is filtering using the database and would result in one more query per filter parameter. I want to know how to use the ORM to filter in memory.
EDIT: So basically, in the tutorial I was following, no SQLAlchemy models were defined. The tutorial was using SQL statements. Anyways, to answer my own question: I would first need to define SQLAlchemy models before I can use them.
The SQLAlchemy query object (and its operations) returns itself, so you can keep building out the query conditionally inside if-statements:
query = db_session.query(Doctor)
if language_id:
query = query.filter(Doctor.language_id == language_id)
if area_id:
query = query.filter(Doctor.area_id == area_id)
return query.all()
The query doesn't run before you call all at the end. If neither argument is given, you'll get all the doctors.
I have a kinda unusual scenario but in addition to my sql parameters, I need to let the user / API define the table column name too. My problem with the params is that the query results in:
SELECT device_id, time, 's0' ...
instead of
SELECT device_id, time, s0 ...
Is there another way to do that through raw or would I need to escape the column by myself?
queryset = Measurement.objects.raw(
SELECT device_id, time, %(sensor)s FROM measurements
WHERE device_id=%(device_id)s AND time >= to_timestamp(%(start)s) AND time <= to_timestamp(%(end)s)
''', {'device_id': device_id, 'sensor': sensor, 'start': start, 'end': end})
As with any potential for SQL injection, be careful.
But essentially this is a fairly common problem with a fairly safe solution. The problem, in general, is that query parameters are "the right way" to handle query values, but they're not designed for schema elements.
To dynamically include schema elements in your query, you generally have to resort to string concatenation. Which is exactly the thing we're all told not to do with SQL queries.
But the good news here is that you don't have to use the actual user input. This is because, while possible query values are infinite, the superset of possible valid schema elements is quite finite. So you can validate the user's input against that superset.
For example, consider the following process:
User inputs a value as a column name.
Code compares that value (raw string comparison) against a list of known possible values. (This list can be hard-coded, or can be dynamically fetched from the database schema.)
If no match is found, return an error.
If a match is found, use the matched known value directly in the SQL query.
So all you're ever using are the very strings you, as the programmer, put in the code. Which is the same as writing the SQL yourself anyway.
It doesn't look like you need raw() for the example query you posted. I think the following queryset is very similar.
measurements = Measurement.objects.filter(
for measurement in measurements:
print(getattr(measurement, sensor)
If you need to optimise and avoid loading other fields, you can use values() or only().
What is the preferred way to filter query set with '__in' in Django?
providers = Provider.objects.filter(age__gt=10)
consumers = Consumer.objects.filter(consumer__in=providers)
providers_ids = Provider.objects.filter(age__gt=10).values_list('id', flat=True)
consumers = Consumer.objects.filter(consumer__in=providers_ids)
These should be totally equivalent. Underneath the hood Django will optimize both of these to a subselect query in SQL. See the QuerySet API reference on in:
This queryset will be evaluated as subselect statement:
SELECT ... WHERE consumer.id IN (SELECT id FROM ... WHERE _ IN _)
However you can force a lookup based on passing in explicit values for the primary keys by calling list on your values_list, like so:
providers_ids = list(Provider.objects.filter(age__gt=10).values_list('id', flat=True))
consumers = Consumer.objects.filter(consumer__in=providers_ids)
This could be more performant in some cases, for example, when you have few providers, but it will be totally dependent on what your data is like and what database you're using. See the "Performance Considerations" note in the link above.
I Agree with Wilduck. However couple of notes
You can combine a filter such as these into one like this:
consumers = Consumer.objects.filter(consumer__age__gt=10)
This would give you the same result set - in a single query.
The second thing, to analyze the generated query, you can use the .query clause at the end.
print Provider.objects.filter(age__gt=10).query
would print the query the ORM would be generating to fetch the resultset.
In the following code every amount = u.filter(email__icontains=email) django performs another query for my filter, how can I avoid these queries?
u = User.objects.all()
shares = Share.objects.all()
for o in shares:
email = o.email
type = "CASH"
amount = u.filter(email__icontains=email).count()
This whole piece of code is very inefficient and some more context could help.
What do you need u = User.objects.all() for?
calling QuerySet.filter() triggers a query. By calling filter() you just specify some criteria for recordset you want to obtain. How else are you supposed to get the records matching your conditions if not via running a DB query? If you want Django not to run a DB query then you probably dont know what are you doing.
filtering with filter(email__icontains=email) is very inefficient - database cant use any index and your query will be very slow. Cant you just replace that by filter(email=email)?
calling a bunch of queries in a loop is suboptimal.
So again - some context of what are you trying to do would be helpful as someone could find a better solution for your problem.
I have a general ledger table in my DB with the columns: member_id, is_credit and amount. I want to get the current balance of the member.
Ideally that can be got by two queries where the first query has is_credit == True and the second query is_credit == False something close to:
credit_amount = session.query(func.sum(Funds.amount).label('Debit_Amount')).filter(Funds.member_id==member_id, Funds.is_credit==True)
debit_amount = session.query(func.sum(Funds.amount).label('Debit_Amount')).filter(Funds.member_id==member_id, Funds.is_credit==False)
balance = credit_amount - debit_amount
and then subtract the result. Is there a way to have the above run in one query to give the balance?
From the comments you state that hybrids are too advanced right now, so I will propose an easier but not as efficient solution (still its okay):
(session.query(Funds.is_credit, func.sum(Funds.amount).label('Debit_Amount')).
What will this do? You will recieve a two-row result, one has the credit, the other the debit, depending on the is_credit property of the result. The second part (Debit_Amount) will be the value. You then evaluate them to get the result: Only one query that fetches both values.
If you are unsure what group_by does, I recommend you read up on SQL before doing it in SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy offers very easy usage of SQL but it requires that you understand SQL as well. Thus, I recommend: First build a query in SQL and see that it does what you want - then translate it to SQLAlchemy and see that it does the same. Otherwise SQLAlchemy will often generate highly inefficient queries, because you asked for the wrong thing.