Modify multiprocess function to accept a list of args - python

How do I update the multi_proc_parallel_functions function below to accept a list of args. This is using the multiprocess module.
Please note I will be using this with AWS Lambda and other multiprocessing modules can have issues on Lambda.
adder functions below are simply toy functions used to demo the issue.
import multiprocess as mp
def parallel_functions(function,send_end):
def multi_proc_parallel_functions(function_list,target_func):
jobs = []
pipe_list = []
for function in function_list:
recv_end, send_end = mp.Pipe(False)
p = mp.Process(target=target_func, args=(function,send_end))
result_list = [x.recv() for x in pipe_list]
for proc in jobs:
return result_list
def adder10():
return np.random.randint(5) + 10
def adder1000():
return np.random.randint(5) + 1000
Create a list of functions
function_list = [adder10,adder10,adder10,adder1000]
Run all functions
[13, 13, 13, 1003]
How do I update the multi_proc_parallel_functions to accept a varied length list of args which will vary per function as follows:
def adder10(x,y):
return np.random.randint(5) + 10 + x * y
def adder1000(a,b, c):
return np.random.randint(5) + 1000 -a + b +c
I think this will require *args.

This would be one way of doing it (with positional argument support):
import multiprocessing as mp
def parallel_functions(function, send_end, *args):
def multi_proc_parallel_functions(function_list, target_func):
jobs = []
pipe_list = []
for (function, *args) in function_list:
recv_end, send_end = mp.Pipe(False)
p = mp.Process(target=target_func, args=(function, send_end, *args))
result_list = [x.recv() for x in pipe_list]
for proc in jobs:
return result_list
import numpy as np
def adder10(x, y):
return np.random.randint(5) + 10 + x * y
def adder1000(a, b, c):
return np.random.randint(5) + 1000 -a + b +c
[ (adder10, 5, 4),
(adder10, 1, 2),
(adder1000, 5, 6, 7) ],
Note that how the multiprocessing module works will depend on whether you are on Windows, macOS or Linux.
On Linux, the default way of creating a mp.Process is by using the fork-syscall, which means the function/its arguments does not need to be serializable/possible to pickle. The child process will inherit memory from the parent. macOS supports fork, Windows doesn't.
On Windows/macOS, the spawn syscall is used by default instead. This requires that everything sent to the child process is serializable/possible to pickle. This means you won't be able to send lambda expressions or dynamically created functions for example.
Example of something that would work on Linux (with your original implementation), but not on Windows (or macOS by default):
[ lambda: adder10(5, 4),
lambda: adder10(1, 2),
lambda: adder1000(5, 6, 7) ],
# spawn: _pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x7fce7cc43010>: attribute lookup <lambda> on __main__ failed
# fork: [30, 12, 1008]

I would suggest using the operator module, which has functions for the math operations. This way, you can send a list of operators and values to modify the initial value in a flexible way.
Example where each argument is a tuple of (operator, value):
import operator
import numpy as np
def adder(*args):
x = np.random.randint(5)
for operator, value in args:
x = operator(x, value)
return x
adder((operator.add, 5), (operator.mul, 10))
This operation (2 + 5 * 10) outputs:


Python concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() not executing methods inside objects

I am trying to concurrently execute methods from two objects concurrently for a computer vision task. My idea is to use two different feature detectors to compute their respective feature descriptions inside a base class.
In this regard, I built the following toy example to understand python concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor class.
When executed, the first part of the code runs as expected with 20 Heartbeat (10 from each method executed 10 times in total) strings printed out with the sum for two objects coming out correctly as 100, -100.
But in the second half of the code, it appears the ProcessPoolExecutor is not running the do_math(self, numx) method at all. What am I doing wrong here?
With best,
import numpy as np
import concurrent.futures as cf
import time
def current_milli_time():
# Function that returns a time tick in milliseconds
return round(time.time() * 1000)
class masterClass(object):
super_multiplier = 1 # Class variable
def __init__(self, ls):
# Attributes of masterClass
self.var1 = ls[0]
self.sumx = ls[1]
def __rep__(self):
print(f"sumx value -- {self.sumx}")
def apply_sup_mult(self, var_in):
self.sumx = self.sumx + (var_in * masterClass.super_multiplier)
# This is a regular method
def do_math(self, numx):
ls = [10,0]
ls2 = [-10,0]
numx = 10
obj1 = masterClass(ls)
obj2 = masterClass(ls2)
t1 = current_milli_time()
# Run methods one by one
for _ in range(numx):
t2 = current_milli_time()
print(f"Time taken -- {t2 - t1} ms")
## Using multiprocessing to concurrently run two methods
# Intentionally reinitialize objects
obj1 = masterClass(ls)
obj1 = masterClass(ls2)
t1 = current_milli_time()
resx = []
with cf.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
for i in range(numx):
#fs = [executor.submit(obj3.do_math, ls[0]), executor.submit(obj4.do_math, ls2[0])]
f1 = executor.submit(obj1.do_math, ls[0])
f2 = executor.submit(obj2.do_math, ls2[0])
# for i,f in enumerate(cf.as_completed(fs)):
# print(f"Done with {f}")
# # State of sumx
t2 = current_milli_time()
print(f"Time taken -- {t2 - t1} ms")

Converting from ThreadPool to ProcessExecutorPool

I have the following code which I would like to convert from using ThreadPool to use of ProcessPoolExecutor since it is all CPU intensive calculations and when i observe the CPU monitor I note that my 8 core processor is only using a single thread.
import datetime
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
def thread_run(q, clients_credit_array, clients_terr_array,
freq_small_list, freq_large_list, clients, year, admin):
claim_id = []
claim_client_id = []
claim_company_id = []
claim_year = []
claim_type = []
claim_closed = []
claim_cnt = []
claim_amount = []
i = 0
client_cnt = 1000
loop_incr = 8
while i < client_cnt:
ind_rng = range(i, min((i + loop_incr), (client_cnt)), 1)
call_var = []
for q in ind_rng:
pool = ThreadPool(len(call_var))
results =, call_var)
for result in results:
if result[0] == []:
r = 0
if r < len(result[0]):
claim_index += 1
r += 1
i += loop_incr
The difficulty I am having, however, is that when I modify the code as follows, I get error messages:
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor as PThreadPool
pool = PThreadPool(max_workers=len(call_var))
#pool = ThreadPool(len(call_var))
results =, call_var)
I had to remove the pool.close() and pool.join() as it generated errors. But when I removed them, my code was not utilizing parallel processors and it ran much longer and slower than originally. What am I missing?
As was pointed out in the comments, it is common to see Executor used as part of a context manager and without the need for join or close operations. Below is a simplified example to illustrate the concepts.
import concurrent.futures
import random
import time
import os
values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def times_two(n):
time.sleep(random.randrange(1, 5))
print("pid:", os.getpid())
return n * 2
def main():
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
results =, values)
for one_result in results:
if __name__ == "__main__":
pid: 396
pid: 8904
pid: 25440
pid: 20592
pid: 14636

Python multiprocessing context switching of CPU's

I have created this simple code to check multiprocessing reading from a global dictionary object:
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import psutil
from itertools import repeat
def computations_x( max_int ):
#random selection
mask_1 = np.random.randint( low=0, high=max_int, size=1000 )
mask_2 = np.random.randint( low=0, high=max_int, size=1000 )
exponent_1 = np.sqrt( np.pi )
vector_1 = np.array( [ read_obj[ k ]**( exponent_1 ) for k in mask_1 ] )
vector_2 = np.array( [ read_obj[ k ]**np.pi for k in mask_2 ] )
result = []
for j in range(100):
res_col = []
for i in range(100):
c = np.multiply( vector_1, vector_2 ).sum( axis=0 )
res_col = np.array( res_col )
result.append( res_col )
result = np.array( result )
return result
global read_obj
total_items = 40000
max_int = 1000
keys = np.arange(0, max_int)
number_processors = psutil.cpu_count( logical=False )
#number_used_processors = 1
number_used_processors = number_processors - 1
number_tasks = number_used_processors
read_obj = { k: np.random.rand( 1000 ) for k in keys }
pool = mp.Pool( processes = number_used_processors )
args = list( repeat( max_int, number_tasks ) )
results = computations_x, args )
However, when looking at CPU performance, I see that the CPU's are being switched by the OS when performing the computations. I am running on Ubuntu 18.04, is this normal behaviour when using Python's MP module? Here is what I observe in the system monitor when debugging the code (I am using Eclipse2019 for debugging)
Any help is appreciated, as in my main project I need to share a global "read only" object through processes in the same spirit as is done here, and I want to be sure this is not affecting performance really badly; I also want to make sure all tasks are executed concurrently within the Pool class. thanks.
I'd say that is the normal behaviour as the OS has to make sure that other processes are not starving for CPU time.
Here's a nice article on the OS scheduler basics:
It's focusing on Golang but the first part is pretty general.

Python multiprocessing not working as intended with fuzzywuzzy

Either my processes kicking off one after another finishes or they start (simultaneously) but without calling the pointing function. I tried many variants somehow it will not act like many tutorials teach.
My Goal is to fuzzywuzzy String match a 80k item list of text sentences, droping unneccessary 90%+ matches while keeping the String with the most information (scorer=fuzz.token_set_ratio).
Thank you!
IDE is Anaconda Spyder 4.0, IPython 7.10.1, Python 3.7.5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pandas as pd
import multiprocessing
import time
from datetime import datetime
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from fuzzywuzzy import process
preparedDF = []
df1 = []
df2 = []
df3 = []
df4 = []
df5 = []
df6 = []
df7 = []
df8 = []
xdf1 = []
xdf2 = []
xdf3 = []
xdf4 = []
xdf5 = []
xdf6 = []
xdf7 = []
xdf8 = []
def fuzzyPrepare():
#load data do some easy cleaning
global preparedDF
df = pd.read_csv("newEN.csv")
df = df["description"].fillna("#####").tolist()
df = list(dict.fromkeys(df))
df = df.remove("#####")
except ValueError:
def fuzzySplit(df=preparedDF):
#split data to feed processes
global df1, df2, df3, df4, df5, df6, df7, df8
df1 = df[:100]
df2 = df[100:200]
df3 = df[200:300]
df4 = df[300:400]
df5 = df[400:500]
df6 = df[500:600]
df7 = df[600:700]
df8 = df[700:800]
def fuzzyMatch(x):
#process.dedupe returns dict_keys object so pass it to a list()
global xdf1, xdf2, xdf3, xdf4, xdf5, xdf6, xdf7, xdf8
if x == 1:
elif x == 2:
elif x == 3:
elif x == 4:
elif x == 5:
elif x == 6:
elif x == 7:
elif x == 8:
return "error in fuzzyCases!"
#if __name__ == '__main__':
#UNHEEDED MULTIPROCESSING, ONLY THIS LINE TRIGGERS THE ACTUAL FUNCTION -> p1 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p1",target=fuzzyMatch(1), args=(1,))
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p1",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(1,))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p2",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(2,))
p3 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p3",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(3,))
p4 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p4",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(4,))
p5 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p5",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(5,))
p6 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p6",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(6,))
p7 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p7",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(7,))
p8 = multiprocessing.Process(name="p8",target=fuzzyMatch, args=(8,))
jobs = []
for j in jobs:
print("process "+ +" started at "+'%H:%M:%S'))
for j in jobs:
print ("processing complete at "'%H:%M:%S'))
Ok, you are dealing with a non-trivial problem here. I have taken the liberty
to DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
your code a bit. I also dont have your data or pandas installed so I have simplified
the inputs and outputs. The principles however are all the same and with few changes
you should be able to make your code work!
Attempt #1
I have an array of 800 int elements and each process is going to calculate the
sum of 100 of them. Look for # DRY: comments
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import multiprocessing
import time
from datetime import datetime
number_of_proc = 8
preparedDF = []
# DRY: This is now a list of lists. This allows us to refer to df1 as dfs[1]
dfs = []
# DRY: A dict of results. The key will be int (the process number!)
xdf = {}
def fuzzyPrepare():
global preparedDF
# Generate fake data
preparedDF = range(number_of_proc * 100)
def fuzzySplit(df):
#split data to feed processes
global dfs
# DRY: Loop and generate N lists for N processes
for i in range(number_of_proc):
from_element = i * 100
to_element = from_element + 100
print("Packing [{}, {})".format(from_element, to_element))
def fuzzyMatch(x):
global xdf
# DRY: Since we now have a dict, all the if-else is not needed any more...
xdf[x] = sum(dfs[x])
print("In process: x={}, xdf[{}]={}".format(x, x, xdf[x]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# DRY: Create N processes AND append them
jobs = []
for p in range(number_of_proc):
p = multiprocessing.Process(name="p{}".format(p),target=fuzzyMatch, args=(p,))
for j in jobs:
print("process "+ +" started at "+'%H:%M:%S'))
for j in jobs:
print ("processing complete at "'%H:%M:%S'))
for x in range(number_of_proc):
print("In process: x={}, xdf[{}]={}".format(x, x, xdf[x]))
Packing [0, 100)
Packing [100, 200)
Packing [200, 300)
Packing [300, 400)
Packing [400, 500)
Packing [500, 600)
Packing [600, 700)
Packing [700, 800)
process p0 started at 19:12:00
In process: x=0, xdf[0]=4950
process p1 started at 19:12:00
In process: x=1, xdf[1]=14950
process p2 started at 19:12:00
In process: x=2, xdf[2]=24950
process p3 started at 19:12:01
In process: x=3, xdf[3]=34950
process p4 started at 19:12:01
In process: x=4, xdf[4]=44950
process p5 started at 19:12:01
In process: x=5, xdf[5]=54950
process p6 started at 19:12:01
In process: x=6, xdf[6]=64950
process p7 started at 19:12:02
In process: x=7, xdf[7]=74950
processing complete at 19:12:02
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./tmp/", line 58, in <module>
print("In process: x={}, xdf[{}]={}".format(x, x, xdf[x]))
KeyError: 0
What happened? I printed the values in the processing function and they were there?!
Well, I am not an expert but a python process works much like fork().
The basic principle is that it will spawn and initialize a new child process. The
child process will be having a COPY(!) of the parents memory. This means that
the parent and child processes do not share any data/memory!!!
So in our case:
We prepare our data
We create N processes
Each process has a COPY of dfs and xdf variables
While for dfs we do not care too much (since they are used for input), each
process now has it own xdf and not the parent's one! You see why the KeyError?
How to fix this (Attempt #2)
It is now obvious that we need to return data back from the process to the parent.
There are many ways of doing this but the simpest (code-wise) is to use a
multiprocessing.Manager to share data between your child processes (look for # NEW:
tag in the code - Note I have only changed 2 lines!):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import multiprocessing
import time
from datetime import datetime
# NEW: This can manage data between processes
from multiprocessing import Manager
number_of_proc = 8
preparedDF = []
dfs = []
# NEW: we create a manager object to store the results
manager = Manager()
xdf = manager.dict()
def fuzzyPrepare():
global preparedDF
# Generate fake data
preparedDF = range(number_of_proc * 100)
def fuzzySplit(df):
#split data to feed processes
global dfs
# DRY: Loop and generate N lists for N processes
for i in range(number_of_proc):
from_element = i * 100
to_element = from_element + 100
print("Packing [{}, {})".format(from_element, to_element))
def fuzzyMatch(x):
global xdf
# DRY: Since we no have a dict, all the if-else is not needed any more...
xdf[x] = sum(dfs[x])
print("In process: x={}, xdf[{}]={}".format(x, x, xdf[x]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# DRY: Create N processes AND append them
jobs = []
for p in range(number_of_proc):
p = multiprocessing.Process(name="p{}".format(p),target=fuzzyMatch, args=(p,))
for j in jobs:
print("process "+ +" started at "+'%H:%M:%S'))
for j in jobs:
print ("processing complete at "'%H:%M:%S'))
for x in range(number_of_proc):
print("Out of process: x={}, xdf[{}]={}".format(x, x, xdf[x]))
And the output:
Packing [0, 100)
Packing [100, 200)
Packing [200, 300)
Packing [300, 400)
Packing [400, 500)
Packing [500, 600)
Packing [600, 700)
Packing [700, 800)
process p0 started at 19:34:50
In process: x=0, xdf[0]=4950
process p1 started at 19:34:50
In process: x=1, xdf[1]=14950
process p2 started at 19:34:50
In process: x=2, xdf[2]=24950
process p3 started at 19:34:51
In process: x=3, xdf[3]=34950
process p4 started at 19:34:51
In process: x=4, xdf[4]=44950
process p5 started at 19:34:51
In process: x=5, xdf[5]=54950
process p6 started at 19:34:52
In process: x=6, xdf[6]=64950
process p7 started at 19:34:52
In process: x=7, xdf[7]=74950
processing complete at 19:34:52
Out of process: x=0, xdf[0]=4950
Out of process: x=1, xdf[1]=14950
Out of process: x=2, xdf[2]=24950
Out of process: x=3, xdf[3]=34950
Out of process: x=4, xdf[4]=44950
Out of process: x=5, xdf[5]=54950
Out of process: x=6, xdf[6]=64950
Out of process: x=7, xdf[7]=74950
Read more about this here and
note the warning about Manager being slower than a multiprocessing.Array (which actually also solves your problem here)

CUDA/pycuda - Implement GPU "map" function on a classical function with a vector of parameters

I show you below an example of code using pycuda with "kernel" code included in itself (with SourceModule)
import pycuda
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import threading
import numpy
class GPUThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, number, some_array):
self.number = number
self.some_array = some_array
def run(self): = cuda.Device(self.number)
self.ctx =
self.array_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(some_array.nbytes)
cuda.memcpy_htod(self.array_gpu, some_array)
print "successful exit from thread %d" % self.number
del self.array_gpu
del self.ctx
def test_kernel(input_array_gpu):
mod = SourceModule("""
__global__ void f(float * out, float * in)
int idx = threadIdx.x;
out[idx] = in[idx] + 6;
func = mod.get_function("f")
output_array = numpy.zeros((1,512))
output_array_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(output_array.nbytes)
cuda.memcpy_dtoh(output_array, output_array_gpu)
return output_array
some_array = numpy.ones((1,512), dtype=numpy.float32)
num = cuda.Device.count()
gpu_thread_list = []
for i in range(num):
gpu_thread = GPUThread(i, some_array)
I would like to use the same method but instead of using a "kernel code", I would like to do multiple calls of a function which is external (not a function like "kernel code"), i.e a classical function defined in my main program and which takes in argument different parameters shared by all the main program. Is it possible ?
People who have practiced Matlab may know the function arrayfun where B = arrayfun(func,A) is a vector of results given by applying function funcfor each element of vector A.
Actually, it is a version of what is commonly called the map function: I would like to do the same but with GPU/pycuda version.
Update 1
Sorry, I forgot from the beginning of my post to say what I call an extern and classical function. Here is below an example of function which is used in main section :
def integ(I1):
function_A = aux_fun_LU(way, ecs, I1[0], I1[1])
integrale_A = 0.25*delta_x*delta_y*np.sum(function_A[0:-1, 0:-1] + function_A[1:, 0:-1] + function_A[0:-1, 1:] + function_A[1:, 1:])
def g():
for j in range(6*i, 6*i+6):
for l in range(j, 6*i+6):
yield j, l
## applied integ function to g() generator.
## Here I a using simple map function (no parallelization)
if __name__ == '__main__':
map(integ, g())
Update 2
Maybe a solution would be to call the extern function from a kernel code, benefiting as well of the high GPU power of multiple calls on kernel code. But how to deal with the returned value of this extern function to get it back into main program?
Update 3
Here is below what I have tried:
# Class GPUThread
class GPUThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, number, some_array):
self.number = number
self.some_array = some_array
def run(self): = cuda.Device(self.number)
self.ctx =
self.array_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(some_array.nbytes)
cuda.memcpy_htod(self.array_gpu, some_array)
print "successful exit from thread %d" % self.number
del self.array_gpu
del self.ctx
def test_kernel(input_array_gpu):
mod1 = SourceModule("""
__device__ void integ1(int *I1)
function_A = aux_fun_LU(way, ecs, I1[0], I1[1]);
integrale_A = 0.25*delta_x*delta_y*np.sum(function_A[0:-1, 0:-1] + function_A[1:, 0:-1] + function_A[0:-1, 1:] + function_A[1:, 1:]);
func1 = mod1.get_function("integ1")
# Calling function
# Define couples (i,j) to build Fisher matrix
def g1():
for j in range(6*i, 6*i+6):
for l in range(j, 6*i+6):
yield j, l
# Cuda init
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Input gTotal lists
some_array1 = np.array(list(g1()))
print 'some_array1 = ', some_array1
# Parameters for cuda
num = cuda.Device.count()
gpu_thread_list = []
for i in range(num):
gpu_thread = GPUThread(i, some_array1)
#gpu_thread = GPUThread(i, eval("some_array"+str(j)))
I get the following error at the execution:
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mike/anaconda2/envs/py2cuda/lib/python2.7/", line 801, in __bootstrap_inner
File "", line 1232, in run
self.array_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(some_array.nbytes)
NameError: global name 'some_array' is not defined`
I can't see what's wrong with the variable 'some_array' and the line
self.array_gpu = cuda.mem_alloc(some_array.nbytes)
What can I try next?

