Pyrogram, problem [400 PEER_ID_INVALID] on Linux - python

I wrote a simple script on python to copy messages in one chat to the other. The destination chat is a chat with a telegram bot.
It works perfectly on my computer, but I wanted it to work on my Raspberry Pi (not to keep my Windows computer ON). When I started the script on Raspberry it started to place the error:
Telegram says: [400 PEER_ID_INVALID] - The peer id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the peer before interacting with it
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyrogram/methods/advanced/", line 60, in resolve_peer
return await
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pyrogram/storage/", line 148, in get_peer_by_id
raise KeyError(f"ID not found: {peer_id}")
KeyError: 'ID not found: 1321800342'
So I checked all didgets, everything is right, checked the chat id again. I have an idia, that the problem is that exactly that device (Raspberry Pi) didn't write to that bot itself. But maybe I am wrong.
Did anyone has the same issue? Do you have any idias how to solve it?
Thanks a lot.
from pyrogram import Client, filters
# Target chat. Can also be a list of multiple chat ids/usernames
TARGET = -730374088
app = Client("my_account")
# Filter in only new_chat_members updates generated in TARGET chat
#app.on_message( & filters.text)
async def welcome(client, message):
await app.send_message(1321800342, message.text) # Automatically start() and idle()

The new session on your Pi likely hasn't seen the chat/channel, and thus doesn't know what to associate the ID to. Make sure the new session receives any kind of update from the chat/channel and read Pyrogram's FAQ section on the error.

Worked well when I changed chat id to the bot's username.


I keep getting same errors when trying to rerun Telethon script

so i`m trying to learn Telethon and wrote some script from tutorial. It works fine for the first time, when i have to confirm authorization.
from telethon import TelegramClient
api_id = 1234567
api_hash = ''
client = TelegramClient('anon', api_id, api_hash)
async def main():
me = await client.get_me()
with client:
but when i try to run it again with the same .session file i keep getting same error, which doesn`t help to understand the problem.
Server sent a very new message with ID 7144059125492611077, ignoring
Server sent a very new message with ID 7144059125964561409, ignoring
Also, program doesn`t stop running after this error.
After a couple of days searching for a fix, i just switched to pyrogram, which works perfectly fine. So if someone got the same problem I recommend just to change Telethon to something else.
Make sure your system time is correct. If the issue persists, it may be a bug you which you should report to However recent versions of the library (v1.25.2) should not have this issue.

Telegram Bot Api / Python: Trying to send voice message via my telegram bot

so im playing a little bit around with my telegram bot, now im already able to send normal messages and pictures. But now i want to be able to send pre recorded voice messages as an answer. In the documentation it says to use send_voice for this matter and it recommends using the file_id of a file thats already on the telegram servers. So thats what i did i send a voice message to the #RawDataBot and he returned to me the file_id of the voice message.
Problem is: When i try to trigger it i get the following error: telebot.apihelper.ApiTelegramException: A request to the Telegram API was unsuccessful. Error code: 400. Description: Bad Request: wrong file identifier/HTTP URL specified
Any ideas here on what i might be doing wrong? Here is the relevant code:
import telebot
bot = telebot.TeleBot(API_KEY)
def start (message):
def start (photo):
bot.send_photo(, "")
#here is the part where he is supposed to send the voice message if someone types in /audio
def start (voice):
There are multiple reasons, but I think it is because of these:
file_id is unique for each individual bot and can't be transferred from one bot to another.
file_id uniquely identifies a file, but a file can have different valid file_ids even for the same bot.
See here.

How can I fix this pygooglevoice googlevoice.util.LoginError error?

I was trying to make a program with the google pygooglevoice python module so I could send messages with my PC without having to open the google voice website, when I got this error RIGHT when I started. The only code I have so far is:
from googlevoice import Voice
from googlevoice.util import *
voice = Voice()
And I get this error:
File "C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\googlevoice\", line 101, in login
raise util.LoginError
It is a HUGE problem if I can't access my account through this for my program will not work.
Any help is appreciated.

Basic Python Echo Bot not addressable through Bot Framework Emulator (Post 500) after linking to Azure QnA Maker

I have followed the official instructions (Docs) on how to create a python echo bot with the SDKv4 and as soon as the described init function is added my bot ceases to work. The echo bot by itself, without the connection to the Azure QnA Maker works perfectly within the Bot Framework Emulator.
The Error displayed in the Bot Framework Emulator:
POST500directline/conversations//activities. Also it doesn't display the welcoming message any more and when I send a message the bot apparently does not receive that message (send failed, retry is displayed below the message).
This problem occurs after adding the init function from the guide to the MyBot class from the file. The function reads:
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self.qna_maker = QnAMaker(
When following the guide, I had to move the bot instance creation to the very bottom of the file, below:
APP = web.Application(middlewares=[aiohttp_error_middleware])
APP.router.add_post("/api/messages", messages)
if __name__ == "__main__": (...)`
as the code otherwise doesn't run: BOT = MyBot(APP.config) causes: NameError: name 'APP' is not defined
Also I get the problem in the file: No name 'DefaultConfig' in module 'config' - even though exists and is obviously used as the ports change when I change them in the config file.
Aside from that I followed the guide precisely. I would be very thankful for any help or resource recommendations, over the past two days I've tried to everything I could find online. Thank you!

How do you get authenticated with steam in a websocket connection?

I'm trying to automate interaction with a website that uses websockets. In theory all I need to do is get authenticated with steam and then send 1 piece of data, but I'm having trouble getting authenticated.
I manage to get the connection set up. But after I send my steam token (replicating what I see happens in the devtools of my browser), it replies that I am not logged in.
Below is the code I currently have. Locally it doesn't work at all. But on (an online editor) it has the effect it's supposed to have but the websocket still replies that I am not logged in.
The code:
import asyncio
import websockets
import json
import time
import sys
adress = 'wss://'
authtemplate = '42["authenticate",{{"token":{0}}}]'
rolesupdatetemplate = '42["updateAvailability",{0}]'
async def add(roles):
async with websockets.connect(adress) as websocket:
await websocket.send(authtemplate.format(token))
roles_string = json.dumps(roles)
await websocket.send(rolesupdatetemplate.format(roles_string))
asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(add({'roles': ['roamer', 'pocket'], 'captain': False})
Some extra info:
When on the site normally, the websocket I'm connected to according to the developer tools has an extra argument compared to the one I use in my code. The extra argument being: sid=....
However, adding this manually gives me error code 400.
I've tried looking up how to do this but I can't find the answer anywhere. Do I need to send cookies?
Do I need to get the websocket address in another way rather than manually?
What am I missing?

