How to implement rigid body rotation math in python - python

I have two sets of three 3d points of the same rigid body that's shape is a (non-perfect) right triangle.
The sets are the initial and final states. The points in each of the sets are corresponding. Both have its first/front points at the origin. The initial state represents when the figures orientation is at (0,0,0) in terms of pitch, roll, yaw. I am trying to find the orientation of the final state in the same format or similar with a different order. I dont want R matrix or quaternions.
I decieded to implement this method of finding the R matrix from two sets of three points. Specifically its the bottom part that starts with "More information, easier computation". I replaced the P's and Q's with I's and F's. In this method he assumes that the "distances between the Pi's and Qi's are the same". I believe I can assert this by doing:
assert round(math.sqrt(sum(a**2 for a in initial_state[1])), 3) == round(math.sqrt(sum(a**2 for a in final_state[1])), 3)
assert round(math.sqrt(sum(a**2 for a in initial_state[2])), 3) == round(math.sqrt(sum(a**2 for a in final_state[2])), 3)
After finding the R matrix I convert it to angles. I'm not sure whats wrong with the implementation but its giving some wacky angles. It may be due to the rotationMatrixToEulerAngles() method as well.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
def rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(R):
sy = math.sqrt(R[0,0] * R[0,0] + R[1,0] * R[1,0])
singular = sy < 1e-6
if not singular :
x = math.atan2(R[2,1] , R[2,2])
y = math.atan2(-R[2,0], sy)
z = math.atan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])
else :
x = math.atan2(-R[1,2], R[1,1])
y = math.atan2(-R[2,0], sy)
z = 0
result = np.array([math.degrees(x)*-1, math.degrees(y)*-1, math.degrees(z)*-1])
# make sure not to return -0
for i, _ in enumerate(result):
if result[i] == -0.0:
result[i] = 0
return result
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
initial_state = np.array(
[[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
[-15.79080794, 0.08799, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, -12.49253637, 0.0 ]])
final_state = np.array(
[[ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
[-15.76038, 0.39484, 0.901 ],
[ -0.28012, -12.47225, -0.6542 ]])
# ------ Implementation of Strategy ------
i4 = np.add(np.cross(np.subtract(initial_state[1], initial_state[0]), np.subtract(initial_state[2], initial_state[0])), initial_state[0])
f4 = np.add(np.cross(np.subtract(final_state[1], final_state[0]), np.subtract(final_state[2], final_state[0])), final_state[0])
I = np.array([np.subtract(initial_state[1], initial_state[0]),
np.subtract(initial_state[2], initial_state[0]),
np.subtract(i4, initial_state[0])])
F = np.array([np.subtract(final_state[1], final_state[0]),
np.subtract(final_state[2], final_state[0]),
np.subtract(f4, final_state[0])])
r_matrix = F # np.linalg.inv(I)
angles = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(r_matrix)
# plot inital vs final state
for o in initial_state:
ax.scatter(o[0], o[1], o[2])
for o in final_state:
ax.scatter(o[0], o[1], o[2])
plt.legend(["1", "2", "3", "a", "b", "c"])
ax.set_ylim3d(-18, 2)
ax.set_xlim3d(-18, 2)
ax.set_zlim3d(-18, 2)
Output angles:
Theres no way its turned 40 and 35 degrees.


Fit a time series in python with a mean value as boundary condition

I have the following boundary conditions for a time series in python.
The notation I use here is t_x, where x describe the time in milliseconds (this is not my code, I just thought this notation is good to explain my issue).
t_0 = 0
t_440 = -1.6
t_830 = 0
mean_value = -0.6
I want to create a list that contains 83 values (so the spacing is 10ms for each value).
The list should descibe a "curve" that starts at zero, has the minimum value of -1.6 at 440ms (so 44 in the list), ends with 0 at 880ms (so 83 in the list) and the overall mean value of the list should be -0.6.
I absolutely could not come up with an idea how to "fit" the boundaries to create such a list.
I would really appreciate help.
It is a quick and dirty approach, but it works:
X = list(range(0, 830 +1, 10))
Y = [0.0 for x in X]
Y[44] = -1.6
b = 12.3486
for x in range(44):
Y[x] = -1.6*(b*x+x**2)/(b*44+44**2)
for x in range(83, 44, -1):
Y[x] = -1.6*(b*(83-x)+(83-x)**2)/(b*38+38**2)
print(f'{sum(Y)/len(Y)=:8.6f}, {Y[0]=}, {Y[44]=}, {Y[83]=}')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
With the code giving following output:
sum(Y)/len(Y)=-0.600000, Y[0]=-0.0, Y[44]=-1.6, Y[83]=-0.0
And showing following diagram:
The first step in coming up with the above approach was to create a linear sloping 'curve' from the minimum to the zeroes. I turned out that linear approach gives here too large mean Y value what means that the 'curve' must have a sharp peak at its minimum and need to be approached with a polynomial. To make things simple I decided to use quadratic polynomial and approach the minimum from left and right side separately as the curve isn't symmetric. The b-value was found by trial and error and its precision can be increased manually or by writing a small function finding it in an iterative way.
Update providing a generic solution as requested in a comment
The code below provides a
meanYboundaryXY(lbc = [(0,0), (440,-1.6), (830,0), -0.6], shape='saw')
function returning the X and Y lists of the time series data calculated from the passed parameter with the boundary values:
def meanYboundaryXY(lbc = [(0,0), (440,-1.6), (830,0), -0.6]):
lbcXY = lbc[0:3] ; meanY_boundary = lbc[3]
minX = min(x for x,y in lbcXY)
maxX = max(x for x,y in lbcXY)
minY = lbc[1][1]
step = 10
X = list(range(minX, maxX + 1, step))
lenX = len(X)
Y = [None for x in X]
sumY = 0
for x, y in lbcXY:
Y[x//step] = y
sumY += y
target_sumY = meanY_boundary*lenX
if shape == 'rect':
subY = (target_sumY-sumY)/(lenX-3)
for i, y in enumerate(Y):
if y is None:
Y[i] = subY
elif shape == 'saw':
peakNextY = 2*(target_sumY-sumY)/(lenX-1)
iYleft = lbc[1][0]//step-1
iYrght = iYleft+2
iYstart = lbc[0][0] // step
iYend = lbc[2][0] // step
for i in range(iYstart, iYleft+1, 1):
Y[i] = peakNextY * i / iYleft
for i in range(iYend, iYrght-1, -1):
Y[i] = peakNextY * (iYend-i)/(iYend-iYrght)
raise ValueError( str(f'meanYboundaryXY() EXIT, {shape=} not in ["saw","rect"]') )
return (X, Y)
X, Y = meanYboundaryXY()
print(f'{sum(Y)/len(Y)=:8.6f}, {Y[0]=}, {Y[44]=}, {Y[83]=}')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
The code outputs:
sum(Y)/len(Y)=-0.600000, Y[0]=0, Y[44]=-1.6, Y[83]=0
and creates following two diagrams for shape='rect' and shape='saw':
As an old geek, i try to solve the question with a simple algorithm.
First calculate points as two symmetric lines from 0 to 44 and 44 to 89 (orange on the graph).
Calculate sum except middle point and its ratio with sum of points when mean is -0.6, except middle point.
Apply ratio to previous points except middle point. (blue curve on the graph)
Obtain curve which was called "saw" by Claudio.
For my own, i think quadratic interpolation of Claudio is a better curve, but needs trial and error loops.
import matplotlib
# define goals
nbPoints = 89
msPerPoint = 10
midPoint = nbPoints//2
valueMidPoint = -1.6
meanGoal = -0.6
def createSerieLinear():
# two lines 0 up to 44, 44 down to 88 (89 values centered on 44)
serie=[0 for i in range(0,nbPoints)]
interval =valueMidPoint/midPoint
for i in range(0,midPoint+1):
return serie
# keep an original to plot
orange = createSerieLinear()
# work on a base
base = createSerieLinear()
# total except midPoint
totalBase = (sum(base)-valueMidPoint)
#total goal except 44
totalGoal = meanGoal*nbPoints - valueMidPoint
# apply ratio to reduce
reduceRatio = totalGoal/totalBase
for i in range(0,midPoint):
base[i] *= reduceRatio
base[nbPoints-1-i] *= reduceRatio
# verify
meanBase = sum(base)/nbPoints
print("new mean:",meanBase)
# draw
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
X =[i*msPerPoint for i in range(0,nbPoints)]
new mean: -0.5999999999999998
Hope you enjoy simple things :)

Improving a numpy implementation of a simple spring network

I wanted a very simple spring system written in numpy. The system would be defined as a simple network of knots, linked by links. I'm not interested in evaluating the system over time, but instead I want to go from an initial state, change a variable (usually move a knot to a new position) and solve the system until it reaches a stable state (last applied force is below a given threshold). The knots have no mass, there's no gravity, the forces are all derived from each link's current lengths/init lengths. And the only "special" variable is that each knot can bet set as "anchored" (doesn't move).
So I wrote this simple solver below, and included a simple example. Jump to the very end for my question.
import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d
np.set_printoptions(linewidth =150)
def solver(kPos, kAnchor, link0, link1, w0, cycles=1000, precision=0.001, dampening=0.1, debug=False):
kPos : vector array - knot position
kAnchor : float array - knot's anchor state, 0 = moves freely, 1 = anchored (not moving)
link0 : int array - array of links connecting each knot. each index corresponds to a knot
link1 : int array - array of links connecting each knot. each index corresponds to a knot
w0 : float array - initial link length
cycles : int - eval stops when n cycles reached
precision : float - eval stops when highest applied force is below this value
dampening : float - keeps system stable during each iteration
kPos = np.asarray(kPos)
pos = np.array(kPos) # copy of kPos
kAnchor = 1-np.clip(np.asarray(kAnchor).astype(float),0,1)[:,None]
link0 = np.asarray(link0).astype(int)
link1 = np.asarray(link1).astype(int)
w0 = np.asarray(w0).astype(float)
F = np.zeros(pos.shape)
i = 0
for i in xrange(cycles):
# Init force applied per knot
F = np.zeros(pos.shape)
# Calculate forces
AB = pos[link1] - pos[link0] # get link vectors between knots
w1 = np.sqrt(inner1d(AB,AB)) # get link lengths
AB/=w1[:,None] # normalize link vectors
f = (w1 - w0) # calculate force vectors
f = f[:,None] * AB
# Apply force vectors on each knot, link0, f), link1, f)
# Update point positions
pos += F * dampening * kAnchor
# If the maximum force applied is below our precision criteria, exit
if np.amax(F) < precision:
# Debug info
if debug:
print 'Iterations: %s'%i
print 'Max Force: %s'%np.amax(F)
return pos
Here's some test data to show how it works. In this case i'm using a grid, but in reality this can be any type of network, like a string with many knots, or a mess of polygons...:
import cProfile
# Create a 5x5 3D knot grid
z = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 5)
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 5)[::-1]
x,z = np.meshgrid(x,z)
kPos = np.array([np.array(thing) for thing in zip(x.flatten(), z.flatten())])
kPos = np.insert(kPos, 1, 0, axis=1)
array([[-0.5 , 0. , 0.5 ],
[-0.25, 0. , 0.5 ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0.5 ],
[ 0. , 0. , -0.5 ],
[ 0.25, 0. , -0.5 ],
[ 0.5 , 0. , -0.5 ]])
# Define the links connecting each knots
link0 = [0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]
link1 = [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]
AB = kPos[link0]-kPos[link1]
w0 = np.sqrt(inner1d(AB,AB)) # this is a square grid, each link's initial length will be 0.25
# Set the anchor states
kAnchor = np.zeros(len(kPos)) # All knots will be free floating
kAnchor[12] = 1 # Middle knot will be anchored
This is what the grid looks like:
If we run my code using this data, nothing will happen since the links aren't pushing or stretching:
print np.allclose(kPos,solver(kPos, kAnchor, link0, link1, w0, debug=True))
# Returns True
# Iterations: 0
# Max Force: 0.0
Now lets move that middle anchored knot up a bit and solve the system:
# Move the center knot up a little
kPos[12] = np.array([0,0.3,0])
# eval the system
new = solver(kPos, kAnchor, link0, link1, w0, debug=True) # positions will have moved
#Iterations: 102
#Max Force: 0.000976603249133
# Rerun with cProfile to see how fast it runs'solver(kPos, kAnchor, link0, link1, w0)')
# 520 function calls in 0.008 seconds
And here's what the grid looks like after being pulled by that single anchored knot:
My actual use cases are a little more complex than this example and solve a little too slow for my taste: (100-200 knots with a network anywhere between 200-300 links, solves in a few seconds).
How can i make my solver function run faster? I'd consider Cython but i have zero experience with C. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your method, at a cursory glance, appears to be an explicit under-relaxation type of method. Calculate the residual force at each knot, apply a factor of that force as a displacement, repeat until convergence. It's the repeating until convergence that takes the time. The more points you have, the longer each iteration takes, but you also need more iterations for the constraints at one end of the mesh to propagate to the other.
Have you considered an implicit method? Write the equation for the residual force at each non-constrained node, assemble them into a large matrix, and solve in one step. Information now propagates across the entire problem in a single step. As an additional benefit, the matrix you construct should be sparse, which scipy has a module for.
Wikipedia: explicit and implicit methods
EDIT Example of an implicit method matching (roughly) your problem. This solution is linear, so it doesn't take into account the effect of the calculated displacement on the force. You would need to iterate (or use non-linear techniques) to calculate this. Hope it helps.
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
# Generate a grid of knots
nX = 10
nY = 10
x = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, nX)
y = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, nY)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
knots = list(zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten()))
# Create links between the knots
links = []
# Horizontal links
for i in range(0, nY):
for j in range(0, nX - 1):
links.append((i*nX + j, i*nX + j + 1))
# Vertical links
for i in range(0, nY - 1):
for j in range(0, nX):
links.append((i*nX + j, (i + 1)*nX + j))
# Create constraints. This dict takes a knot index as a key and returns the
# fixed z-displacement associated with that knot.
constraints = {
0 : 0.0,
nX - 1 : 0.0,
nX*(nY - 1): 0.0,
nX*nY - 1 : 1.0,
2*nX + 4 : 1.0,
# Matrix i-coordinate, j-coordinate and value
Ai = []
Aj = []
Ax = []
# Right hand side array
B = np.zeros(len(knots))
# Loop over the links
for link in links:
# Link geometry
displacement = np.array([ knots[1][i] - knots[0][i] for i in range(2) ])
distance = np.sqrt(
# For each node
for i in range(2):
# If it is not a constraint, add the force associated with the link to
# the equation of the knot
if link[i] not in constraints:
Aj.append(link[not i])
# If it is a constraint add a diagonal and a value
B[link[i]] += constraints[link[i]]
# Create the matrix and solve
A = sp.sparse.coo_matrix((Ax, (Ai, Aj))).tocsr()
X = sp.sparse.linalg.lsqr(A, B)[0]
# Plot the links
fg = pp.figure()
ax = fg.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
for link in links:
x = [ knots[i][0] for i in link ]
y = [ knots[i][1] for i in link ]
z = [ X[i] for i in link ]
ax.plot(x, y, z)

Find a easier way to cluster 2-d scatter data into grid array data

I have figured out a method to cluster disperse point data into structured 2-d array(like rasterize function). And I hope there are some better ways to achieve that target.
My work
1. Intro
1000 point data has there dimensions of properties (lon, lat, emission) whicn represent one factory located at (x,y) emit certain amount of CO2 into atmosphere
grid network: predefine the 2-d array in the shape of 20x20
The code reproduced here:
#### define the map area
xc1,xc2,yc1,yc2 = 113.49805889531724,115.5030664238035,37.39995194888143,38.789235929357105
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=xc1,llcrnrlat=yc1,urcrnrlon=xc2,urcrnrlat=yc2)
#### reading the point data and scatter plot by their position
df = pd.read_csv("xxxxx.csv")
px,py = map(df.lon,
map.scatter(px, py, color = "red", s= 5,zorder =3)
#### predefine the grid networks
lon_grid,lat_grid = np.linspace(xc1,xc2,21), np.linspace(yc1,yc2,21)
lon_x,lat_y = np.meshgrid(lon_grid,lat_grid)
grids = np.zeros(20*20).reshape(20,20)
plt.pcolormesh(lon_x,lat_y,grids,cmap = 'gray', facecolor = 'none',edgecolor = 'k',zorder=3)
2. My target
Finding the nearest grid point for each factory
Add the emission data into this grid number
3. Algorithm realization
3.1 Raster grid
note: 20x20 grid points are distributed in this area represented by blue dot.
3.2 KD-tree
Find the nearest blue dot of each red point
sh = (20*20,2)
grids = np.zeros(20*20*2).reshape(*sh)
sh_emission = (20*20)
grids_em = np.zeros(20*20).reshape(sh_emission)
k = 0
for j in range(0,yy.shape[0],1):
for i in range(0,xx.shape[0],1):
grids[k] = np.array([lon_grid[i],lat_grid[j]])
T = KDTree(grids)
x_delta = (lon_grid[2] - lon_grid[1])
y_delta = (lat_grid[2] - lat_grid[1])
R = np.sqrt(x_delta**2 + y_delta**2)
for i in range(0,len(df.lon),1):
idx = T.query_ball_point([df.lon.iloc[i],[i]], r=R)
# there are more than one blue dot which are founded sometimes,
# So I'll calculate the distances between the factory(red point)
# and all blue dots which are listed
if (idx > 1):
distance = []
for k in range(0,len(idx),1):
distance.append(np.sqrt((df.lon.iloc[i] - grids[k][0])**2 + ([i] - grids[k][1])**2))
pos_index = distance.index(min(distance))
pos = idx[pos_index]
# Only find 1 point
pos = idx
grids_em[pos] += df.so2[i]
4. Result
co2 = grids_em.reshape(20,20)
5. My question
Can someone point out some drawbacks or error of this method?
Is there some algorithms more aligned with my target?
Thanks a lot!
There are many for-loop in your code, it's not the numpy way.
Make some sample data first:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import pylab as pl
xc1, xc2, yc1, yc2 = 113.49805889531724, 115.5030664238035, 37.39995194888143, 38.789235929357105
N = 1000
GSIZE = 20
x, y = np.random.multivariate_normal([(xc1 + xc2)*0.5, (yc1 + yc2)*0.5], [[0.1, 0.02], [0.02, 0.1]], size=N).T
value = np.ones(N)
df_points = pd.DataFrame({"x":x, "y":y, "v":value})
For equal space grids you can use hist2d():
pl.hist2d(df_points.x, df_points.y, weights=df_points.v, bins=20, cmap="viridis");
Here is the output:
Here is the code to use KdTree:
X, Y = np.mgrid[x.min():x.max():GSIZE*1j, y.min():y.max():GSIZE*1j]
grid = np.c_[X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]
points = np.c_[df_points.x, df_points.y]
tree = KDTree(grid)
dist, indices = tree.query(points)
grid_values = df_points.groupby(indices).v.sum()
df_grid = pd.DataFrame(grid, columns=["x", "y"])
df_grid["v"] = grid_values
fig, ax = pl.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
ax.plot(df_points.x, df_points.y, "kx", alpha=0.2)
mapper = ax.scatter(df_grid.x, df_grid.y, c=df_grid.v,
s=100, marker="o")
pl.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax);
the output is:

affine_transform xy coords from gda94

I'm trying to figure out how to convert a polygon whose coordinates are in Spatial Reference GDA94 (EPSG 4283) into xy coordinates (inverse affine transformation matrix).
The following code works:
import sys
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import gdalconst
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.geometry.polygon import LinearRing
# Bounding Box (via App) approximating part of QLD.
poly = Polygon(
(137.8, -10.6),
(153.2, -10.6),
(153.2, -28.2),
(137.8, -28.2),
(137.8, -10.6)
# open raster data
ds = gdal.Open(sys.argv[1], gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly)
# get inverse transform matrix
(success, inv_geomatrix) = gdal.InvGeoTransform(ds.GetGeoTransform())
print inv_geomatrix
# build numpy rotation matrix
rot = np.matrix(([inv_geomatrix[1], inv_geomatrix[2]], [inv_geomatrix[4], inv_geomatrix[5]]))
print rot
# build numpy translation matrix
trans = np.matrix(([inv_geomatrix[0]], [inv_geomatrix[3]]))
print trans
# build affine transformation matrix
affm = np.matrix(([inv_geomatrix[1], inv_geomatrix[2], inv_geomatrix[0]],
[inv_geomatrix[4], inv_geomatrix[5], inv_geomatrix[3]],
[0, 0, 1]))
print affm
# poly is now a shapely geometry in gd94 coordinates -> convert to pixel
# - project poly onte raster data
xy = (rot * poly.exterior.xy + trans).T # need to transpose here to have a list of (x,y) pairs
print xy
Here's the output of the printed matrices:
(-2239.4999999999995, 20.0, 0.0, -199.49999999999986, 0.0, -20.0)
[[ 20. 0.]
[ 0. -20.]]
[ -199.5]]
[[ 2.00000000e+01 0.00000000e+00 -2.23950000e+03]
[ 0.00000000e+00 -2.00000000e+01 -1.99500000e+02]
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
[[ 516.5 12.5]
[ 824.5 12.5]
[ 824.5 364.5]
[ 516.5 364.5]
[ 516.5 12.5]]
Is there a way to do this with scipy.ndimage's affine_transform function?
There are a few options. Not all spatial transformations are in linear space, so they can't all use an affine transform, so don't always rely on it. If you have two EPSG SRIDs, you can do a generic spatial transform with GDAL's OSR module. I wrote an example a while back, which can be adapted.
Otherwise, an affine transform has basic math:
/ a b xoff \
[x' y' 1] = [x y 1] | d e yoff |
\ 0 0 1 /
x' = a * x + b * y + xoff
y' = d * x + e * y + yoff
which can be implemented in Python over a list of points.
# original points
pts = [(137.8, -10.6),
(153.2, -10.6),
(153.2, -28.2),
(137.8, -28.2)]
# Interpret result from gdal.InvGeoTransform
# see
xoff, a, b, yoff, d, e = inv_geomatrix
for x, y in pts:
xp = a * x + b * y + xoff
yp = d * x + e * y + yoff
print((xp, yp))
This is the same basic algorithm used in Shapely's shapely.affinity.affine_transform function.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.affinity import affine_transform
poly = Polygon(pts)
# rearrange the coefficients in the order expected by affine_transform
matrix = (a, b, d, e, xoff, yoff)
polyp = affine_transform(poly, matrix)
Lastly, it's worth mentioning that the scipy.ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform function is intended for image or raster data, and not vector data.

How can an almost arbitrary plane in a 3D dataset be plotted by matplotlib?

There is an array containing 3D data of shape e.g. (64,64,64), how do you plot a plane given by a point and a normal (similar to hkl planes in crystallography), through this dataset?
Similar to what can be done in MayaVi by rotating a plane through the data.
The resulting plot will contain non-square planes in most cases.
Can those be done with matplotlib (some sort of non-rectangular patch)?
Edit: I almost solved this myself (see below) but still wonder how non-rectangular patches can be plotted in matplotlib...?
Edit: Due to discussions below I restated the question.
This is funny, a similar question I replied to just today. The way to go is: interpolation. You can use griddata from scipy.interpolate:
This page features a very nice example, and the signature of the function is really close to your data.
You still have to somehow define the points on you plane for which you want to interpolate the data. I will have a look at this, my linear algebra lessons where a couple of years ago
I have the penultimate solution for this problem. Partially solved by using the second answer to Plot a plane based on a normal vector and a point in Matlab or matplotlib :
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow,show
A=np.empty((64,64,64)) #This is the data array
def f(x,y):
return np.sin(x/(2*np.pi))+np.cos(y/(2*np.pi))
xx,yy= np.meshgrid(range(64), range(64))
for x in range(64):
"""This is the plane we cut from A.
It should be larger than 64, due to diagonal planes being larger.
Will be fixed."""
normal=np.array([-1,-1,1]) #Define cut plane here. Normal vector components restricted to integers
d = -np.sum(point*normal)
def plane(x,y): # Get plane's z values
return (-normal[0]*x-normal[1]*y-d)/normal[2]
def getZZ(x,y): #Get z for all values x,y. If z>64 it's out of range
for i in x:
for j in y:
if plane(i,j)<64:
imshow(N, interpolation="Nearest")
It's not the ultimate solution since the plot is not restricted to points having a z value, planes larger than 64 * 64 are not accounted for and the planes have to be defined at (0,0,0).
For the reduced requirements, I prepared a simple example
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
data = np.arange((64**3))
def get_slice(volume, orientation, index):
orientation2slicefunc = {
"x" : lambda ar:ar[index,:,:],
"y" : lambda ar:ar[:,index,:],
"z" : lambda ar:ar[:,:,index]
return orientation2slicefunc[orientation](volume)
plt.imshow(get_slice(data, "x", 10), vmin=0, vmax=64**3)
plt.imshow(get_slice(data, "x", 39), vmin=0, vmax=64**3)
plt.imshow(get_slice(data, "y", 15), vmin=0, vmax=64**3)
plt.imshow(get_slice(data, "z", 25), vmin=0, vmax=64**3)
This leads to the following plot:
The main trick is dictionary mapping orienations to lambda-methods, which saves us from writing annoying if-then-else-blocks. Of course you can decide to give different names,
e.g., numbers, for the orientations.
Maybe this helps you.
P.S.: I didn't care about "IndexOutOfRange", for me it's o.k. to let this exception pop out since it is perfectly understandable in this context.
I had to do something similar for a MRI data enhancement:
Probably the code can be optimized but it works as it is.
My data is 3 dimension numpy array representing an MRI scanner. It has size [128,128,128] but the code can be modified to accept any dimensions. Also when the plane is outside the cube boundary you have to give the default values to the variable fill in the main function, in my case I choose: data_cube[0:5,0:5,0:5].mean()
def create_normal_vector(x, y,z):
normal = np.asarray([x,y,z])
normal = normal/np.sqrt(sum(normal**2))
return normal
def get_plane_equation_parameters(normal,point):
a,b,c = normal
d =,point)
return a,b,c,d #ax+by+cz=d
def get_point_plane_proximity(plane,point):
#just aproximation
return[0:-1],point) - plane[-1]
def get_corner_interesections(plane, cube_dim = 128): #to reduce the search space
#dimension is 128,128,128
corners_list = []
only_x = np.zeros(4)
min_prox_x = 9999
min_prox_y = 9999
min_prox_z = 9999
min_prox_yz = 9999
for i in range(cube_dim):
# print("pseudo distance x: {0}, point: [{1},0,0]".format(temp_min_prox_x,i))
if temp_min_prox_x < min_prox_x:
min_prox_x = temp_min_prox_x
corner_intersection_x = np.asarray([i,0,0])
only_x[0]= i
# print("pseudo distance y: {0}, point: [{1},{2},0]".format(temp_min_prox_y,i,cube_dim))
if temp_min_prox_y < min_prox_y:
min_prox_y = temp_min_prox_y
corner_intersection_y = np.asarray([i,cube_dim,0])
only_x[1]= i
#print("pseudo distance z: {0}, point: [{1},0,{2}]".format(temp_min_prox_z,i,cube_dim))
if temp_min_prox_z < min_prox_z:
min_prox_z = temp_min_prox_z
corner_intersection_z = np.asarray([i,0,cube_dim])
only_x[2]= i
#print("pseudo distance z: {0}, point: [{1},{2},{2}]".format(temp_min_prox_yz,i,cube_dim))
if temp_min_prox_yz < min_prox_yz:
min_prox_yz = temp_min_prox_yz
corner_intersection_yz = np.asarray([i,cube_dim,cube_dim])
only_x[3]= i
return corners_list
def get_points_intersection(plane,min_x,max_x,data_cube,shape=128):
fill = data_cube[0:5,0:5,0:5].mean() #this can be a parameter
extended_data_cube = np.ones([shape+2,shape,shape])*fill
extended_data_cube[1:shape+1,:,:] = data_cube
diag_image = np.zeros([shape,shape])
min_x_value = 999999
for i in range(shape):
for j in range(shape):
for k in range(int(min_x),int(max_x)+1):
current_value = abs(get_point_plane_proximity(plane,np.asarray([k,i,j])))
#print("current_value:{0}, val: [{1},{2},{3}]".format(current_value,k,i,j))
if current_value < min_x_value:
diag_image[i,j] = extended_data_cube[k,i,j]
min_x_value = current_value
min_x_value = 999999
return diag_image
The way it works is the following:
you create a normal vector:
for example [5,0,3]
normal1=create_normal_vector(5, 0,3) #this is only to normalize
then you create a point:
(my cube data shape is [128,128,128])
point = [64,64,64]
You calculate the plane equation parameters, [a,b,c,d] where ax+by+cz=d
then to reduce the search space you can calculate the intersection of the plane with the cube:
corners1 = get_corner_interesections(plane1,128)
where corners1 = [intersection [x,0,0],intersection [x,128,0],intersection [x,0,128],intersection [x,128,128], min intersection [x,y,z], max intersection [x,y,z]]
With all these you can calculate the intersection between the cube and the plane:
image1 = get_points_intersection(plane1,corners1[-2],corners1[-1],data_cube)
Some examples:
normal is [1,0,0] point is [64,64,64]
normal is [5,1,0],[5,1,1],[5,0,1] point is [64,64,64]:
normal is [5,3,0],[5,3,3],[5,0,3] point is [64,64,64]:
normal is [5,-5,0],[5,-5,-5],[5,0,-5] point is [64,64,64]:
Thank you.
The other answers here do not appear to be very efficient with explicit loops over pixels or using scipy.interpolate.griddata, which is designed for unstructured input data. Here is an efficient (vectorized) and generic solution.
There is a pure numpy implementation (for nearest-neighbor "interpolation") and one for linear interpolation, which delegates the interpolation to scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates. (The latter function probably didn't exist in 2013, when this question was asked.)
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
def slice_datacube(cube, center, eXY, mXY, fill=np.nan, interp=True):
"""Get a 2D slice from a 3-D array.
Copyright: Han-Kwang Nienhuys, 2020.
License: any of CC-BY-SA, CC-BY, BSD, GPL, LGPL
- cube: 3D array, assumed shape (nx, ny, nz).
- center: shape (3,) with coordinates of center.
can be float.
- eXY: unit vectors, shape (2, 3) - for X and Y axes of the slice.
(unit vectors must be orthogonal; normalization is optional).
- mXY: size tuple of output array (mX, mY) - int.
- fill: value to use for out-of-range points.
- interp: whether to interpolate (rather than using 'nearest')
- slice: array, shape (mX, mY).
center = np.array(center, dtype=float)
assert center.shape == (3,)
eXY = np.array(eXY)/np.linalg.norm(eXY, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
if not np.isclose(eXY[0] # eXY[1], 0, atol=1e-6):
raise ValueError(f'eX and eY not orthogonal.')
# R: rotation matrix: data_coords = center + R # slice_coords
eZ = np.cross(eXY[0], eXY[1])
R = np.array([eXY[0], eXY[1], eZ], dtype=np.float32).T
# setup slice points P with coordinates (X, Y, 0)
mX, mY = int(mXY[0]), int(mXY[1])
Xs = np.arange(0.5-mX/2, 0.5+mX/2)
Ys = np.arange(0.5-mY/2, 0.5+mY/2)
PP = np.zeros((3, mX, mY), dtype=np.float32)
PP[0, :, :] = Xs.reshape(mX, 1)
PP[1, :, :] = Ys.reshape(1, mY)
# Transform to data coordinates (x, y, z) - idx.shape == (3, mX, mY)
if interp:
idx = np.einsum('il,ljk->ijk', R, PP) + center.reshape(3, 1, 1)
slice = map_coordinates(cube, idx, order=1, mode='constant', cval=fill)
idx = np.einsum('il,ljk->ijk', R, PP) + (0.5 + center.reshape(3, 1, 1))
idx = idx.astype(np.int16)
# Find out which coordinates are out of range - shape (mX, mY)
badpoints = np.any([
idx[0, :, :] < 0,
idx[0, :, :] >= cube.shape[0],
idx[1, :, :] < 0,
idx[1, :, :] >= cube.shape[1],
idx[2, :, :] < 0,
idx[2, :, :] >= cube.shape[2],
], axis=0)
idx[:, badpoints] = 0
slice = cube[idx[0], idx[1], idx[2]]
slice[badpoints] = fill
return slice
# Demonstration
nx, ny, nz = 50, 70, 100
cube = np.full((nx, ny, nz), np.float32(1))
cube[nx//4:nx*3//4, :, :] += 1
cube[:, ny//2:ny*3//4, :] += 3
cube[:, :, nz//4:nz//2] += 7
cube[nx//3-2:nx//3+2, ny//2-2:ny//2+2, :] = 0 # black dot
Rz, Rx = np.pi/6, np.pi/4 # rotation angles around z and x
cz, sz = np.cos(Rz), np.sin(Rz)
cx, sx = np.cos(Rx), np.sin(Rx)
Rmz = np.array([[cz, -sz, 0], [sz, cz, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
Rmx = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cx, -sx], [0, sx, cx]])
eXY = (Rmx # Rmz).T[:2]
slice = slice_datacube(
center=[nx/3, ny/2, nz*0.7],
mXY=[80, 90],
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(slice.T) # imshow expects shape (mY, mX)
Output (for interp=False):
For this test case (50x70x100 datacube, 80x90 slice size) the run time is 376 µs (interp=False) and 550 µs (interp=True) on my laptop.

