class A():
def __init__(self, name): = name
if "xyz":
Here am getting an error - 'unresolved reference 'self'.
Can't we access the instance variables at the class level using self?
Your instance variable is created when a class instance is created, is unique to the instance and is destroyed when the instance is being deleted. Any given class could have 0 to many millions of unique instances active at the same time. If you could somehow reference one of the instances, which would it choose?
During the definition of the class as in your example, there are 0 instances. In fact the class object itself has not been fully constructed and has not been assigned to the name A. So you couldn't get an instance with a self variable even if you wanted to.
You've only defined how an instance with a name variable would be created, you haven't actually created one.
Here are two ways to access the instance variables. The first is to access it directly in the constructor, which is fairly obvious. The second method is to keep track of all instances of the class, and then iterate through them and access the specific variable of each instance that you are interested in.
class A():
def __init__(self, name_): = name_
if == "xyz":
class B():
instances = []
def __init__(self, name_): = name_
a = A("xyz")
b = B("xyz")
for instance in B.instances:
if == "xyz":
Hi xyz
Hi xyz
I am python Begineer and i learned that first parameter inside the method should be contain some 'self' keyword but i found the following program runs without self keyword can you explain about this below is my code...
class Student(object):
def __init__(self,name,age): = name
self.age = age
def get_biggest_number(*age):
for item in age:
if item > result:
result= item
return result
Sam = Student("Sam",18)
Peter = Student("Peter",20)
Karen = Student("Karen",22)
Mike = Student("Michael",21)
oldest= Student.get_biggest_number(Sam.age,Peter.age,Karen.age,Mike.age)
print (f"The oldest student is {oldest} years old.")
Code you've posted has indentation errors within it, you should first indent methods and it's content, meaning that, methods are within class. On the other hand, self refers to instance, which calls specific method and gives access to the all instance data. For example
student1 = Student('name1', 20)
student2 = Student('name2', 21)
in the last call, behind the scenes student1 is passed for self parameter of the method, meaning that all student1's data is available through self argument.
What you are trying is to use staticmethod, which has no data of the instance and is aimed to logically group class related functions without explicit instance, which does not require self in method definition:
class Student:
def get_biggest_number(*ages):
# do the task here
On the other hand, if you would like to track all student instances and apply get_biggest_number method automatically work on them, you just have to define class variable (rather than instance variable) and on each instance __init__ append new instance to that list:
class Student:
instances = list() # class variable
def __init__(self, name, age):
# do the task
Student.instances.append(self) # in this case self is the newly created instance
and in get_biggest_number method you just loop through Student.instances list which will contain Student instance and you can access instance.age instance variable:
def get_biggest_number():
for student_instance in Student.instances:
student_instance.age # will give you age of the instance
Hope this helps.
You shouldn't mistake classmethod with instance methods.
In python you can declare a method inside a class as classmethod.
This method takes a reference to the class as the first argument.
class Student(object):
def __init__(self,name,age): = name
self.age = age
def get_biggest_number(self, *age):
for item in age:
if item > result:
result= item
return result
def get_classname(cls):
# Has only access to class bound items
# gets the class as argument to access the class
return cls.__name__
def print_foo():
# has not a reference to class or instance
self in python refers to the instance of the class that is created. Something like this in C# and Java. However there's some differences but in short: when you don't use self as input of a method, actually you're saying that this method does not need any instance, that means this method is a static method and will never use any of class attributes.
In your example we can call get_biggest_number method with not even one instance, for example you can call this method just like this:
and the output will be 43.
The self keyword is used to represent an instance (object) of the given class. ... However, since the class is just a blueprint, self allows access to the attributes and methods of each object in python.
class ClassA:
def methodA(self, arg1, arg2):
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2
let say ObjectA is an instance of the class.
Now when ObjectA.methodA(arg1, arg2) is called, python internally converts it as:
ClassA.methodA(ObjectA, arg1, arg2)
The self variable refers to the object itself and the code becomes as:
class ClassA:
def methodA(ObjectA, arg1, arg2):
ObjectA.arg1 = arg1
ObjectA.arg2 = arg2
If I have the following code:
class Foo(object):
bar = 1
def bah(self):
f = Foo()
It complains
NameError: global name 'bar' is not defined
How can I access class/static variable bar within method bah?
Instead of bar use or Assigning to will create a static variable, and assigning to will create an instance variable.
Define class method:
class Foo(object):
bar = 1
def bah(cls):
Now if bah() has to be instance method (i.e. have access to self), you can still directly access the class variable.
class Foo(object):
bar = 1
def bah(self):
As with all good examples, you've simplified what you're actually trying to do. This is good, but it is worth noting that python has a lot of flexibility when it comes to class versus instance variables. The same can be said of methods. For a good list of possibilities, I recommend reading Michael Fötsch' new-style classes introduction, especially sections 2 through 6.
One thing that takes a lot of work to remember when getting started is that python is not java. More than just a cliche. In java, an entire class is compiled, making the namespace resolution real simple: any variables declared outside a method (anywhere) are instance (or, if static, class) variables and are implicitly accessible within methods.
With python, the grand rule of thumb is that there are three namespaces that are searched, in order, for variables:
The function/method
The current module
{begin pedagogy}
There are limited exceptions to this. The main one that occurs to me is that, when a class definition is being loaded, the class definition is its own implicit namespace. But this lasts only as long as the module is being loaded, and is entirely bypassed when within a method. Thus:
>>> class A(object):
foo = 'foo'
bar = foo
>>> class B(object):
foo = 'foo'
def get_foo():
return foo
bar = get_foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
class B(object):
File "<pyshell#11>", line 5, in B
bar = get_foo()
File "<pyshell#11>", line 4, in get_foo
return foo
NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined
{end pedagogy}
In the end, the thing to remember is that you do have access to any of the variables you want to access, but probably not implicitly. If your goals are simple and straightforward, then going for or will probably be sufficient. If your example is getting more complicated, or you want to do fancy things like inheritance (you can inherit static/class methods!), or the idea of referring to the name of your class within the class itself seems wrong to you, check out the intro I linked.
class Foo(object):
bar = 1
def bah(self):
f = Foo()
bar is your static variable and you can access it using
Basically, you need to qualify your static variable with Class name.
You can access class variables by object and directly by class name from the outside or inside of class and basically, you should access class variables directly by class name because if there are the same name class and instance variables, the same name instance variable is prioritized while the same name instance variable is ignored when accessed by object. So, using class name is safer than using object to access class variables.
For example, you can access the class variable by object and directly by class name from the outside of the class as shown below:
class Person:
name = "John" # Class variable
obj = Person()
print( # By object
print( # By class name
But, if you add the same name instance variable as the class variable by object:
class Person:
name = "John" # Class variable
obj = Person() = "Tom" # Adds the same name instance variable as class variable
print( # By object
print( # By class name
Or, if you add the same name instance variable as the class variable by self in __init__():
class Person:
name = "John" # Class variable
def __init__(self, name): = name # Adds the same name instance variable as class variable
obj = Person("Tom")
print( # By object
print( # By class name
The same name instance variable is prioritized when accessed by object:
Tom # By object
John # By class name
And, you can also access the class variable by self and directly by class name from the inside of the instance method as shown below:
class Person:
name = "John" # Class variable
def test(self): # Instance method
print( # By "self"
print( # By class name
obj = Person()
But, if you add the same name instance variable as the class variable by object:
class Person:
name = "John" # Class variable
def test(self): # Instance method
print( # By "self"
print( # By class name
obj = Person() = "Tom" # Adds the same name instance variable as the class variable
Or, if you add the same name instance variable as the class variable by self in __init__():
class Person:
name = "John" # Class variable
def __init__(self, name): = name # Adds the same name instance variable as the class variable
def test(self): # Instance method
print( # By "self"
print( # Directly by class name
obj = Person("Tom")
The same name instance variable is prioritized when accessed by self:
Tom # By "self"
John # By class name
I am making a class which I would like to have as a class member of a separate class so that all instances of this second class can access the first class. At the moment I have something which looks like this:
class A:
def __init__(self):
print "In Constructor!"
class B:
ClassA = ''
def __init__(self, InstanceA):
self.ClassA = InstanceA
However, I get complaints saying "str object has no attribute..." when I try and use the ClassA class variable. Is there a way to construct class B with an argument of InstanceA and then somehow set it to be a class variable? Or any other solution for that matter!
You are not assigning the class attribute in B.__init__, just setting a new instance attribute - B.ClassA is still '' (None would be a more sensible starting value, by the way).
The minimal fix is:
class B:
ClassA = None
def __init__(self, InstanceA):
self.__class__.ClassA = InstanceA # or B.ClassA = ...
However, note that this changes the class attribute every time you create a new instance.
Based on your comments, something like this may be more helpful:
class B:
ClassA = None
def set_class_attr(cls, instance):
cls.ClassA = instance
Which you can then use like:
B.set_class_attr(A()) # set class attribute once
b = B() # don't need to pass in new A instances when creating B instances
b.ClassA. # ...
Depending on the behaviour you want, you can check in that classmethod whether the instance has already been set and e.g. raise an error if the user tries to reset it.
I wonder if there is a way to get the class name automatically upon defining class attribute before initialization
class MyClass(object):
attribute1 = 1
attribute2 = 2 # This a simple example, MyClass has many other attributes
print className # normally one would use self.__class__.__name__ but self or cls are not defined at the level
def __init__(self):
a = 1
In the framework I am working in, attribute1 and attribute2 are object instances (you will say everything is object oriented in python :) ) I want to set the class name to those attributes prior to MyClass initialization. MyClass get initialized a lot of times and it has much more than 2 attributes which makes the operation very time consuming to do at every initialization
A metaclass can be used to set an attribute with the class name before the class initialises:
class MyClassMeta(type):
def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
super(MyClassMeta, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs)
# Set class_name to the name of our class; in this case "MyClass"
self.class_name = name
class MyClass(object):
__metaclass__ = MyClassMeta
def __init__(self):
# Prints "MyClass"
See this answer for a detailed explanation of metaclasses.
I have some functionality wrapped up in a Python class (classa). classa inherits from another class supera.
I want exactly the same functionality as classa except that I want to inherit from superb.
I could just copy the class classa to a new class classb and then change the superclass for classb but obviously this very tacky, a maintenance headache and and I'm quite sure there's much better way - can anyone tell me what it is ?
EDIT: Thanks for answers so far. I should have said initially the my classa invokes super in its methods in order to invoke supera methods. It seems that this has some significance when looking at mixins as an option
This can be done with Python's multiple inheritance if none of the methods need to invoke super().
class Dog(object):
name = "Spot"
class Cat(object):
name = "Whiskers"
class SpeakingAnimalMixin(object):
def speak(self):
print "My name is",, "and I can speak!"
class SpeakingDog(SpeakingAnimalMixin, Dog):
class SpeakingCat(SpeakingAnimalMixin, Cat):
My name is Spot and I can speak!
If you do need to invoke super() from a method then you need to create the class dynamically. This works fine, but the generated class's name will be less helpful and IDEs and other static analysis tools may be less useful.
You can create the class using a function, passing the superclass as an argument:
def make_speaking_animal_class(SpeechlessAnimal):
class SpeakingAnimal(SpeechlessAnimal):
def get_name(self):
return "Speaking " + super(SpeakingAnimal, self).get_name()
def speak(self):
print "My name is", self.get_name()
return SpeakingAnimal
class Dog(object):
def get_name(self):
return "Spot"
class Cat(object):
def get_name(self):
return "Whiskers"
SpeakingDog = make_speaking_animal_class(Dog)
SpeakingCat = make_speaking_animal_class(Cat)
My name is Speaking Whiskers
However as mentioned, the class's __name__ attribute may not be what you expect.
print SpeakingDog
print SpeakingDog()
<class '__main__.SpeakingAnimal'>
<__main__.SpeakingAnimal object at 0x1004a3b50>
You can fix this by assigning them unique __name__ attributes yourself:
SpeakingDog.__name__ = 'SpeakingDog'
print SpeakingDog
<class '__main__.SpeakingDog'>
(Credit to Andrew Jaffe for suggesting this in an answer, but he deleted it.)
There's another way to create a class dynamically, but I discourage you from using it unless you need to; it's even less clear. The type function has a second use, apart from its main one of determining the class of an object: it can be used to dynamically create a new class.
When used this way, the type function takes three parameters:
name, the __name__ the new class will have.
bases, a tuple of of base classes that the new class will inherit from.
dict, a dictionary containing the methods and attributes the new class will have.
You could use it like this:
def make_speaking_animal_class(SpeechlessAnimal, name):
def get_name(self):
return "Speaking " + super(SpeakingAnimal, self).get_name()
def speak(self):
print "My name is", self.get_name()
bases = (SpeechlessAnimal,)
# We need to define SpeakingAnimal in a variable so that get_name can refer
# to it for the super() call, otherwise we could just return it directly.
SpeakingAnimal = type(name, bases, {
'get_name': get_name,
'speak': speak
return SpeakingAnimal
class Dog(object):
def get_name(self):
return "Spot"
class Cat(object):
def get_name(self):
return "Whiskers"
SpeakingDog = make_speaking_animal_class(Dog, 'SpeakingDog')
SpeakingCat = make_speaking_animal_class(Cat, 'SpeakingCat')
My name is Speaking Spot
My name is Speaking Whiskers