Python -- Regex match pattern OR end of string - python

import re
re.findall("(\+?1?[ -.]?\(?\d{3}\)?[ -.]?\d{3}[ -.]?\d{4})(?:[ <$])", "+<")
The above code works fine if my string ends with a "<" or space. But if it's the end of the string, it doesn't work. How do I get + to return in this condition:
import re
re.findall("(\+?1?[ -.]?\(?\d{3}\)?[ -.]?\d{3}[ -.]?\d{4})(?:[ <$])", "+")
*I removed the "<" and just terminated the string. It returns none in this case. But I'd like it to return the full string -- +
import re
re.findall("(\+?1?[ -.]?\(?\d{3}\)?[ -.]?\d{3}[ -.]?\d{4})(?:[ <]|$)", "+")

I think you've solved the end-of-string issue, but there are a couple of other potential issues with the pattern in your question:
the - in [ -.] either needs to be escaped as \- or placed in the first or last position within square brackets, e.g. [-. ] or [ .-]; if you search for [] in the docs here you'll find the relevant info:
Ranges of characters can be indicated by giving two characters and separating them
by a '-', for example [a-z] will match any lowercase ASCII letter, [0-5][0-9] will match
all the two-digits numbers from 00 to 59, and [0-9A-Fa-f] will match any hexadecimal
digit. If - is escaped (e.g. [a\-z]) or if it’s placed as the first or last character
(e.g. [-a] or [a-]), it will match a literal '-'.
you may want to require that either matching parentheses or none are present around the first 3 of 10 digits using (?:\(\d{3}\) ?|\d{3}[-. ]?)
Here's a possible tweak incorporating the above
import re
pat = "^((?:\+1[-. ]?|1[-. ]?)?(?:\(\d{3}\) ?|\d{3}[-. ]?)\d{3}[-. ]?\d{4})(?:[ <]|$)"
print( re.findall(pat, "+") )
print( re.findall(pat, "+1(222)222.2222") )
print( re.findall(pat, "+1(222.222.2222") )

Maybe try:
import re
re.findall("(\+?1?[ -.]?\(?\d{3}\)?[ -.]?\d{3}[ -.]?\d{4})(?:| |<|$)", "+")
null matches any position, +
matches space character, +
< matches less-than sign character, +<
$ end of line, +
You can also use regex101 for easier debugging.


Parsing based on pattern not at the beginning

I want to extract the number before "2022" in a set of strings possibly. I current do
a= mystring.strip().split("2022")[0]
and, for instance, when mystring=' 1020220519AX', this gives a = '10'. However,
fails when mystring=' 20220220519AX' to return a='202'. Therefore, I want the code to split the string on "2022" that is not at the beginning non-whitespace characters in the string.
Can you please guide with this?
Use a regular expression rather than split().
import re
mystring = ' 20220220519AX'
match ='^\s*(\d+?)2022', mystring)
if match:
^\s* skips over the whitespace at the beginning, then (\d+?) captures the following digits up to the first 2022.
You can tell a regex engine that you want all the digits before 2022:
Like .split(), a regex engine is 'greedy' by default - 'greedy' here means that as soon as it can take something that it is instructed to take, it will take that and it won't try another option, unless the rest of the expression cannot be made to work.
So, in your case, mystring.strip().split("2022") splits on the first 2020 it can find and since there's nothing stopping it, that is the result you have to work with.
Using regex, you can even tell it you're not interested in the 2022, but in the numbers before it: the \d+ will match as long a string of digits it can find (greedy), but the (?=2022) part says it must be followed by a literal 2022 to be a match (and that won't be part of the match, a 'positive lookahead').
Using something like:
import re
mystring = ' 20220220519AX'
print(re.findall(r'\d+(?=2022)', mystring))
Will show you all consecutive matches.
Note that for a string like ' 920220220519AX 12022', it will find ['9202', '1'] and only that - it won't find all possible combinations of matches. The first, greedy pass through the string that succeeds is the answer you get.
You could split() asserting not the start of the string to the left after using strip(), or you can get the first occurrence of 1 or more digits from the start of the string, in case there are more occurrences of 2022
import re
strings = [
' 1020220519AX',
' 20220220519AX'
for s in strings:
parts = re.split(r"(?<!^)2022", s.strip())
if parts:
for s in strings:
m = re.match(r"\s*(\d+?)2022", s)
if m:
Both will output
Note that the split variant does not guarantee that the first part consists of digits, it is only splitted.
If the string consists of only word characters, splitting on \B2022 where \B means non a word boundary, will also prevent splitting at the start of the example string.

using Python re to check a string

I have a list of IDs, and I need to check whether these IDs are properly formatted. The correct format is as follows:
The string can also be followed by a dash and a number. I have two problems with my code: 1) how do I limit the length of the string to exactly the number of characters specified by the search terms? and 2) how can I specify that there can be a "-[0-9]" following the string if it matches?
potential_uniprots=['D4S359N116-2', 'DFQME6AGX4', 'Y6IT25', 'V5PG90', 'A7TD4U7ZN11', 'C3KQY5-V']
import re
def is_uniprot(ID):
if or
return status
for prot in potential_uniprots:
if is_uniprot(prot) == True:
Expression Fixes:
All credit for the expression fixes goes to The fourth bird's comment. Please see that comment here or under the original post:
You can omit {1} and the comma's from the character class (If you don't want to match comma's) The patterns by them selves do not contain a quantifier and have word boundaries. So between these word boundaries, you are already matching an exact amount of characters. To match an optional hyphen and digit, you can use an optional non capturing group (?:-[0-9])?
You don't need the , separating the characters in the square brackets as the brackets dictate that the regex should match all characters in the square brackets. For example, a regex such as [A-Z,0-9] is going to match an uppercase character, comma, or a digit whereas a regex such as [A-Z0-9] is going to match an uppercase character or a digit. Furthermore, you don't need the {1} as the regex will match one by default if no quantifiers are specified. This means that you can just delete the {1} from the expression.
Checking Length?
There is a simple way to do this without regex, which is as follows:
string = "Q08F88"
status = (len(string) == 6 or len(string) == 8)
But you can also force the regex to match certain lengths use \b (word-boundary), which you have already done. You can alternatively use ^ and $ at the beginning and end of the expression, respectively, to denote the beginning and end of the string.
Consider this expression: ^abcd$ (only match strings that contain abcd and nothing else)
This means that it is only going to match the string:
And not:
This is because ^ denotes the start of the string and $ denotes the end of the string.
In the end, you're left with this first expression:
You can modify your other expressions easily as they follow the same structure as above.
Code Suggestions
Your code looks great, but you could make a few minor fixes to improve readability and conventions. For example, you could change this:
if or
return status
To this:
return ( or
# -OR-
stats = ( or
return status
Because or is never going to return anything other than True or False, so it is safe to return that expression.

Match charactes and whitespaces, but not numbers

I am trying to create a regex that will match characters, whitespaces, but not numbers.
So hello 123 will not match, but hell o will.
I tried this:
but, I cannot find a way to add whitespaces here. I have to use \w, because my strings can contain Unicode characters.
It's unclear what exactly characters refers to, but, assuming you mean alpha characters (based on your input), this regex should work for you.
See regex in use here
^(?:(?!\d)[\w ])+$
Note: This regex uses the mu flags for multiline and Unicode (multiline only necessary if input is separated by newline characters)
ÀÇÆ some words
ÀÇÆ some words 123
This only shows matches
ÀÇÆ some words
^ Assert position at the start of the line
(?:(?!\d)[\w ])+ Match the following one or more times (tempered greedy token)
(?!\d) Negative lookahead ensuring what follows doesn't match a digit. You can change this to (?![\d_]) if you want to ensure _ is also not used.
[\w ] Match any word character or space (matches Unicode word characters with u flag)`
$ Assert position at the end of the line
You can use a lookahead:
In Python:
import re
strings = ['hello 123', 'hell o']
rx = re.compile(r'(?=^\D+$)[\w\s]+')
new_strings = [string for string in strings if rx.match(string)]
# ['hell o']

Does regex automatically ignore trailing whitespace?

Why do these two expressions return the same output?
phillip = '#awesome '
nltk.re_show('\w+|[^\w\s]+', phillip)
nltk.re_show('\w+|[^\w]+', phillip)
Both return:
Why doesn't the second one return
{#}{awesome}{ }?
It appears this that nltk right-strips whitespace in strings before applying the regex.
See the source code (or you could import inspect and print inspect.get_source(nltk.re_show))
def re_show(regexp, string, left="{", right="}"):
"""docstring here -- I stripped it for brevity"""
print(re.compile(regexp, re.M).sub(left + r"\g<0>" + right, string.rstrip()))
In particular, see the string.rstrip(), which strips all trailing whitespace.
For example, if you make sure that your phillip string does not have a space to the right:
nltk.re_show('\w+|[^\w]+', phillip + '.')
# {#}{awesome}{ .}
Not sure why nltk would do this, it seems like a bug to me...
\w looks to match [A-Za-z0-9_]. And since you are looking for one OR the other (1+ "word" characters OR 1+ non-"word" characters), it matches the first character as a \w character and keeps going until it hits a non-match .
If you do a global match, you will see that there is another match containing the space (the first non-"word" character).

using reg exp to check if test string is of a fixed format

I want to make sure using regex that a string is of the format- "999.999-A9-Won" and without any white spaces or tabs or newline characters.
There may be 2 or 3 numbers in the range 0 - 9.
Followed by a period '.'
Again followed by 2 or 3 numbers in the range 0 - 9
Followed by a hyphen, character 'A' and a number between 0 - 9 .
This can be followed by anything.
Example: 87.98-A8-abcdef
The code I have come up until now is:
testString = "87.98-A1-help"
regCompiled = re.compile('^[0-9][0-9][.][0-9][0-9][-A][0-9][-]*');
checkMatch = re.match(regCompiled, testString);
if checkMatch:
print ("FOUND")
print("Not Found")
This doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what I'm missing and also the problem here is I'm not checking for white spaces, tabs and new line characters and also hard-coded the number for integers before and after decimal.
With {m,n} you can specify the number of times a pattern can repeat, and the \d character class matches all digits. The \S character class matches anything that is not whitespace. Using these your regular expression can be simplified to:
Note also the \Z anchor, making the \S* expression match all the way to the end of the string. No whitespace (newlines, tabs, etc.) are allowed here. If you combine this with the .match() method you assure that all characters in your tested string conform to the pattern, nothing more, nothing less. See search() vs. match() for more information on .match().
A small demonstration:
>>> import re
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'\d{2,3}\.\d{2,3}-A\d-\S*\Z')
>>> pattern.match('87.98-A1-help')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x1026905e0>
>>> pattern.match('123.45-A6-no whitespace allowed')
>>> pattern.match('123.45-A6-everything_else_is_allowed')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x1026905e0>
Let's look at your regular expression. If you want:
"2 or 3 numbers in the range 0 - 9"
then you can't start your regular expression with '^[0-9][0-9][.] because that will only match strings with exactly two integers at the beginning. A second issue with your regex is at the end: [0-9][-]* - if you wish to match anything at the end of the string then you need to finish your regular expression with .* instead. Edit: see Martijn Pieters's answer regarding the whitespace in the regular expressions.
Here is an updated regular expression:
testString = "87.98-A1-help"
regCompiled = re.compile('^[0-9]{2,3}\.[0-9]{2,3}-A[0-9]-.*');
checkMatch = re.match(regCompiled, testString);
if checkMatch:
print ("FOUND")
print("Not Found")
Not everything needs to be enclosed inside [ and ], in particular when you know the character(s) that you wish to match (such as the part -A). Furthermore:
the notation {m,n} means: match at least m times and at most n times, and
to explicitly match a dot, you need to escape it: that's why there is \. in the regular expression above.

