CNN-LSTM model for sentiment analysis has low validation accuracy - python

I am working on a project to implement CNN-LSTM sentiment analysis. Below is the code
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras import regularizers
from keras import backend as K
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv1D , MaxPool1D , Flatten , Dropout
from keras.layers import BatchNormalization
from keras import regularizers
model7 = Sequential()
model7.add(Embedding(max_words, 40,input_length=max_len)) #The embedding layer
model7.add(Conv1D(20, 5, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(l = 0.0001), bias_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01)))
model7.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(20,dropout=0.5, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01), recurrent_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01), bias_regularizer=regularizers.l2(0.01))))
model7.compile(optimizer='adam',loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
checkpoint7 = ModelCheckpoint("best_model7.hdf5", monitor='val_accuracy', verbose=1,save_best_only=True, mode='auto', period=1,save_weights_only=False)
history =, y_train, epochs=10,validation_data=(X_test_padded, y_test),callbacks=[checkpoint7])
Even after adding regularizers and dropout, my model has very high validation loss and low accuracy.
Epoch 3: val_accuracy improved from 0.54517 to 0.57010, saving model to best_model7.hdf5
2188/2188 [==============================] - 290s 132ms/step - loss: 0.4241 - accuracy: 0.8301 - val_loss: 0.9713 - val_accuracy: 0.5701
My train and test data:
train: (70000, 7)
test: (30000, 7)
1 41044
0 28956
1 17591
0 12409
Can anyone please let me know how to reduce overfitting.

Since your code works, I believe that your network is failing silently by 'not learning' a lot from the data. Here's a list of some of the things you can generally check:
Is your textual data well transformed into numerical data? Is it well reprented using TF-IDF or bag of words or any other method that returns a numerical representation?
I see that you imported batch normalization but you do not apply it. Batch norm actually helps and most importantly, does the job of regularizers since each input to each layer is normalized using the mini-batch the network has seen. So maybe remove your L2 regularizations in all layers and apply a simple batch norm instead which should reduce overfitting (also, use it without the drop out since some empirical studies show that they should not be combined together)
Your embedding output is currently set to 40, that is 40 numerical elements of a text vector that may contain more than 10,000 elements. It seems a bit low. Try something more 'standard' such as 128 or 256 instead of 40.
Lastly, you set the adam optimizer with all the default parameters. However, the learning rate can have a big impact on the way your loss function is computed. As I am sure you know, the gradient step uses this learning rate to progress in its calculation of the derivatives for each neuron. the default is learning_rate=0.001. So try the following code and increase a bit the learning rate (for example 0.01 or even 0.1).
A simple example :
# define model
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(32)) # or CNN
# define optimizer
optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.01)
# define loss function
loss = keras.losses.binary_crossentropy
# define metric to optimize
metric = [keras.metrics.Accuracy(name='accuracy')] # you can add more
# compile model
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=metric)
Final thought: I see that you went for a combination of CNN and LSTM which has great merite. However, it is always recommended to try a simple MLP network to establish a baseline score that you may later try to beat. Does a simple MLP with 1 or 2 layers and not a lot of units produce a low accuracy score as well? If it performs better than maybe the problem is in the implementation or in the hyper parameters that you chose for the layers (or even theoretical).
I hope this answer helps and cheers!


Keras loss value very high and not decreasing

Firstly, I know that similar questions have been asked before, but mainly for classification problems. Mine is a regression-style problem.
I am trying to train a neural network using keras to evaluate chess positions using stockfish evaluations. The input is boards in a (12,8,8) array (representing piece placement for each individual piece) and output is the evaluation in pawns. When training, the loss stagnates at around 500,000-600,000. I have a little over 12 million boards + evaluations and I train on all the data at once. The loss function is MSE.
This is my current code:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(16, activation = "relu", input_shape = (12, 8, 8)))
model.add(Dense(16, activation = "relu"))
model.add(Dense(10, activation = "relu"))
model.add(Dense(1, activation = "linear"))
model.compile(optimizer = "adam", loss = "mean_squared_error", metrics = ["mse"])
# model = load_model("model.h5")
boards = np.load("boards.npy")
evals = np.load("evals.npy")
perf =, evals, epochs = 10).history"model.h5")
plt.figure(dpi = 600)
This is the output of a previous epoch:
145856/398997 [=========>....................] - ETA: 26:23 - loss: 593797.4375 - mse: 593797.4375
The loss will remain at 570,000-580,000 upon further fitting, which is not ideal. The loss should decrease by a few more orders of magnitude if I am not wrong.
What is the problem and how can I fix it to make the model learn better?
I would suspect that your evaluation data contains very big values, like 100000 pawns if one of sides forcefully wins. Than, if your model predicts something like 0 in the same position, then squared error is very high and this pushes MSE high as well. You might want to check your evaluation data and ensure they are in some limited range like [-20..20].
Furthermore, evaluating a chess position is a very complex problem. It looks like your model has too few parameters for the task. Possible improvements:
Increase the numbers of neurons in your dense layers (say to 300,
200, 100).
Increase the numbers of hidden layers (say to 10).
Use convolutional layers.
Besides this, you might want to create a simple "baseline model" to better evaluate the performance of your neural network. This baseline model could be just a python function, which runs on input data and does position evaluation based on material counting (like bishop - 3 pawns, rook - 5 etc.) Than you can run this function on your dataset and see MSE for it. If your neural network produces a smaller MSE than this baseline model, than it is really learning some useful patterns.
I also recommend the following book: "Neural Networks For Chess: The magic of deep and reinforcement learning revealed" by Dominik Klein. The book contains a description of network architecture used in AlphaZero chess engine and a neural network used in Stockfish.

How to reduce model file size in ".h5"

I'm using tensorflow and keras 2.8.0 version.
I have the following network:
#defining model
#adding convolution layer
#adding pooling layer
#adding fully connected layer
#adding output layer
#compiling the model
#fitting the model,y_tr,epochs=epochs, )
# Alla 12-esima epoca, va a converge a 1
# batch size è 125 credo, non so il motivo
#evaluting the model
loss_value, accuracy = model.evaluate(x_te, y_te)
#loss_value, accuracy, top_k_accuracy = model.evaluate(x_te, y_te, batch_size=batch_size)
print("loss_value: " + str(loss_value))
print("acuracy: " + str(accuracy))
#predict first 4 images in the test set
ypred = model.predict(x_te)
The point is that now i'm trying to save the model in ".h5" format but if i train it for 100 epochs or for 1 epochs i will get a 4.61Gb file model.
Why the size of this file is that big?
How can i reduce this model size ?
General reason: The size of your h5 file is based only on the number of parameters your model has.
After constructing the model add the line model.summary() and look at the number of parameters the model has in general.
Steps to reduce model size: You have a LOT of filters in your conv layer. Since I don't know what you want to achieve with your model, I would still advise you to seperate the number of filters to different conv layers and add Pooling layers in between. The will scale down the image and will especially reduce the number of parameters for the Flatten layer.
More information on Pooling layers can be found here.
What I find out, after 5 months of experience, is that the steps to do in order to reduce the model size, improve the accuracy score and reduce the loss value are the following:
categorize the labels and then change the loss function of the model
normalize data in values in the range [-1,1]
use the dense layer increase the parameters and then the dimension of the model: is not even helpful sometimes. Having more parameters doesn't mean have more accuracy. In order to find a solution you have to do several try changing the network, using different activation function and optimizer such as SGD or Adam.
Choose good parameters for learning_rate, decay_rate, decay_values and so on. These parameters give you a better or worse result.
Use batch_size = 32 or 64
Use function that load the dataset step by step and not all in one time in RAM because it makes the process slower and is not even needed: if you are using keras then you can use, y)).batch(32 , drop_remainder=True) of course it should be done for train,test,validation
Hope that it helps

Training a LSTM auto-encoder gets NaN / super high MSE loss

I'm trying to train a LSTM ae.
It's like a seq2seq model, you throw a signal in to get a reconstructed signal sequence. And the I'm using a sequence which should be quite easy. The loss function and metric is MSE. The first hundred epochs went well. However after some epochs I got MSE which is super high and it goes to NaN sometimes. I don't know what causes this.
Can you inspect the code and give me a hint?
The sequence gets normalization before, so it's in a [0,1] range, how can it produce such a high MSE error?
This is the input sequence I get from training set:
sequence1 = x_train[0][:128]
looks like this:
I get the data from a public signal dataset(128*1)
This is the code: (I modify it from keras blog)
# lstm autoencoder recreate sequence
from numpy import array
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import LSTM
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import RepeatVector
from keras.layers import TimeDistributed
from keras.utils import plot_model
from keras import regularizers
# define input sequence. sequence1 is only a one dimensional list
# reshape sequence1 input into [samples, timesteps, features]
n_in = len(sequence1)
sequence = sequence1.reshape((1, n_in, 1))
# define model
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(1024, activation='relu', input_shape=(n_in,1)))
model.add(LSTM(1024, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
for epo in [50,100,1000,2000]:, sequence, epochs=epo)
The first few epochs went all well. all the losses are about 0.003X or so. Then it became big suddenly, to some very big number, the goes to NaN all the way up.
You might have a problem with exploding gradient values when doing the backpropagation.
Try using the clipnorm and clipvalue parameters to control gradient clipping:
Alternatively, what is the learning rate you are using? I would also try to reduce the learning rate by 10,100,1000 to check if you observe the same behavior.
'relu' is the main culprit - see here. Possible solutions:
Initialize weights to smaller values, e.g. keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(mean=0.0, stddev=0.01)
Clip weights (at initialization, or via kernel_constraint, recurrent_constraint, ...)
Increase weight decay
Use a warmup learning rate scheme (start low, gradually increase)
Use 'selu' activation, which is more stable, is ReLU-like, and works better than ReLU on some tasks
Since your training went stable for many epochs, 3 sounds the most promising, as it seems that eventually your weights norm gets too large and gradients explode. Generally, I suggest keeping the weight norms around 1 for 'relu'; you can monitor the l2 norms using the function below. I also recommend See RNN for inspecting layer activations & gradients.
def inspect_weights_l2(model, names='lstm', axis=-1):
def _get_l2(w, axis=-1):
axis = axis if axis != -1 else len(w.shape) - 1
reduction_axes = tuple([ax for ax in range(len(w.shape)) if ax != axis])
return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(w), axis=reduction_axes))
def _print_layer_l2(layer, idx, axis=-1):
W = layer.get_weights()
l2_all = []
txt = "{} "
for w in W:
txt += "{:.4f}, {:.4f} -- "
l2 = _get_l2(w, axis)
l2_all.extend([l2.max(), l2.mean()])
txt = txt.rstrip(" -- ")
print(txt.format(idx, *l2_all))
names = [names] if isinstance(names, str) else names
for idx, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
if any([name in for name in names]):
_print_layer_l2(layer, idx, axis=axis)

Acc decreasing to zero in LSTM Keras Training

While trying to implement an LSTM network for trajectory classification, I have been struggling to get decent classification results even for simple trajectories. Also, my training accuracy keeps fluctuating without increasing significantly, this can also be seen in tensorboard:
Training accuracy:
This is my model:
model1 = Sequential()
model1.add(LSTM(8, dropout=0.2, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(40,2)))
model1.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))`
and my training code:
model1.compile(optimizer='adagrad',loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
hist1 =[:,70:110,:],outputScatter,validation_split=0.25,epochs=50, batch_size=20, callbacks = [tensorboard], verbose = 2)
I think the problem is probably due to the data input and output shape, since the model itself seems to be fine. The Data input has (2000,40,2) shape and the output has (2000,1) shape.
Can anyone spot a mistake?
Try to change:
model1.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))`
model1.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')))
The TimeDistributed applies the same Dense layer (same weights) to the LSTMs outputs for one time step at a time.
I recommend this tutorial as well .
I was able to increase the accuracy to 97% with a few adjustments that were data related. The main obstacle was an unbalanced dataset split for the training and validation set. Further improvements came from normalizing the input trajectories. I also increased the number of cells in the first layer.

Simple Linear Regression using Keras

I have been trying to implement a simple linear regression model using neural networks in Keras in hopes to understand how do we work in Keras library. Unfortunately, I am ending up with a very bad model. Here is the implementation:
from pylab import *
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
#Generate dummy data
data = data = linspace(1,2,100).reshape(-1,1)
y = data*5
#Define the model
def baseline_model():
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, activation = 'linear', input_dim = 1))
model.compile(optimizer = 'rmsprop', loss = 'mean_squared_error', metrics = ['accuracy'])
return model
#Use the model
regr = baseline_model(),y,epochs =200,batch_size = 32)
plot(data, regr.predict(data), 'b', data,y, 'k.')
The generated plot is as follows:
Can somebody point out the flaw in the above definition of the model (which could ensure a better fit)?
You should increase the learning rate of optimizer. The default value of learning rate in RMSprop optimizer is set to 0.001, therefore the model takes a few hundred epochs to converge to a final solution (probably you have noticed this yourself that the loss value decreases slowly as shown in the training log). To set the learning rate import optimizers module:
from keras import optimizers
# ...
model.compile(optimizer=optimizers.RMSprop(lr=0.1), loss='mean_squared_error', metrics=['mae'])
Either of 0.01 or 0.1 should work fine. After this modification you may not need to train the model for 200 epochs. Even 5, 10 or 20 epochs may be enough.
Also note that you are performing a regression task (i.e. predicting real numbers) and 'accuracy' as metric is used when you are performing a classification task (i.e. predicting discrete labels like category of an image). Therefore, as you can see above, I have replaced it with mae (i.e. mean absolute error) which is also much more interpretable than the value of loss (i.e. mean squared error) used here.
The below code best fits for your data.
Take a look at this.
from pylab import *
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
​# Generate dummy data
data = data = linspace(1,2,100).reshape(-1,1)
y = data*5
​ # Define the model
def baseline_model():
global num_neurons
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(num_neurons, activation = 'linear', input_dim = 1))
model.add(Dense(1 , activation = 'linear'))
model.compile(optimizer = 'rmsprop', loss = 'mean_squared_error')
return model
set num_neurons in first dense layer
** You may change it later
num_neurons = 17
​#Use the model
regr = baseline_model(),y,epochs =200, verbose = 0)
plot(data, regr.predict(data), 'bo', data,y, 'k-')
the first plot with num_neurons = 17 , is good fit.
But even we can explore more.
click on the links below to see the plots
Plot for num_neurons = 12
Plot for num_neurons = 17
Plot for num_neurons = 19
Plot for num_neurons = 20
You can see that , as we increase the num of neurons
our model is becoming more intelligent.
and best fit.
I hope you got it.
Thank you
Interesting problem, so I plugged the dataset into a model-builder framework I wrote. The framework has two callbacks: EarlyStopping callback for 'loss' and Tensorboard for analysis. I removed the 'metric' attribute from the model compile - unnecessary, and should be 'mae' anyways.
#mathnoob123 model as written and learning rate(lr) = 0.01 had a loss=1.2623e-06 in 2968 epochs
BUT the same model replacing the RMSprop optimizer with Adam was most accurate with loss=1.22e-11 in 2387 epochs.
The best compromise I found was #mathnoob123 model using lr=0.01 results in loss=1.5052e-4 in 230 epochs. This is better than #Kunam's model with 20 nodes in the first dense layer with lr=0.001: loss=3.1824e-4 in 226 epochs.
Now I'm going to look at randomizing the label dataset (y) and see what happens....

