How to resolve Kernel Issue in VS Code for python? - python

I've been stuck on this issue for almost 2 days. I installed python 3.10 and I've been trying to connect it with Anaconda and VS Code. Whenever I import numpy library or even try to run any code it doesn't connect to the kernel.
Similarly, when I tried using it on Jupyter Notebook it gave me the same error. There were a few solutions here that said uninstall pyzmq and reinstall it, but whenever I try to do that using command prompt it gives me the error "pip is not defined as a function" so I installed pip and ran the code and it still didn't run.
Can you please help me out?
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here


Trying to run a python script which uses Tex Live in Anaconda

I am following the pynomo installation steps in order to use their code.
I installed Anaconda, tried to run the code and it said there was an attribute error - object has no attribute 'texoutput'.
I realised I had to install Tex Live for this to work but even after installing I still get the same error message.
I'm very new to this so I am unsure how to properly set it up for it to work.
Here is there instructions:
enter image description here

module "speechRecognition" is not loading in python even when it is installed

While making this simple code on vs code, using modules "pyttsx3" and "speechRecognition".
enter image description here
The python was not importing it it was continuously giving me this error
enter image description here
But when I tried installing it python was saying that it was installed
enter image description here
I even tried Uninstalling and then installing it, But it never worked

Spyder is unable to show the variable you are trying to view

I am using Spyder 4.1.5 with Python 3.8.5 with Anaconda
When trying to show the content of a variable in Spyder i get the following error
Spyder is unable to show the variable you are trying to view because the module spydercustomize was not found in your Spyder environment. Please install this package in your Spyder environment.
A simple pip install spydercustomize does not work
I don't even know why it is missing. I think the problem occured the first time when I tried to update Spyder. A reinstallation of Anaconda didn't help either.
My Google skills were not good enough to find any solution. I only find problems where variables don't show in the variable explorer. But that is not my problem.
Btw, built in classes like lists or dicts can be displayed, custom classes can't.
I appreciate your help!
After updating to Spyder 4.2.0 I got the following error:
Spyder was unable to retrieve the value of this variable from the
The error message was: An error occured, see the console.
Note: Please don't report this problem on Github, there's nothing to
do about it.
Console is empty
Looks like spydercustomize is part of a package called spyder-kernels. Maybe try:
$ pip install spyder spyder-kernels --upgrade

Error while using Graphlab Create Jupyter

I have recently upgraded the Graph Lab create version that I had. While running codes using the Jupyter console I came up with the following errors:
from __future__ import division
import graphlab
import math
import string
ACTION REQUIRED: Dependencies libstdc++-6.dll and libgcc_s_seh-1.dll not found.
1. Ensure user account has write permission to C:\Anaconda3\envs\gl-env\lib\site-packages\graphlab
2. Run graphlab.get_dependencies() to download and install them.
3. Restart Python and import graphlab again.**
I am not a CS person, and am not sure why this is coming up. Will help if someone can suggest the steps. I have got both Python 2.7 and 3.5 versions and Anaconda 2 and 3.
Also, while uploading files above 25 mb its giving errors. Not too sure cause it used to be ok before upgrading Graphlab create. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Python and Anaconda but nothing worked.
Firstly, make sure Jupyter notebook is CLOSED.
Open the GraphLab Create Launcher and go to the 'TERMINAL' button.
Type in import graphlab (there may be an error message, just ignore it).
Now type in graphlab.get_dependencies()
The terminal will install all of the proper dependencies. Just wait for it to be finished. You can then close the terminal window and open the Jupyter Notebook again. Just try to run your code in the notebook again, it should work.
Hope this helps!

Tornado.access:500 POST error with IPython 2.0.0 on Python 3.3.5

I keep getting an error when trying to run code from one of my IPython notebooks (the notebooks themselves open up fine, I'm just unable to run any code and view the output).
The complete error is:
ERROR:tornado.access:500 POST /api/sessions ( 13.01ms referrer=
I'm running Python 3.3.5, IPython 2.0.0 via an install from easy_install on a windows 8 machine.
I tried reinstalling (uninstall via pip, reinstall via easy_install) the tornado package, IPython, it was of no use.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
When I used anaconda, I met a similar problem .
pip install simplejson
This works for me
This page talks about a similar problem and solution.
Good Luck!!!
I was using Holoviews package in the IPynb and I was caught by similar error. Then I found that if try to plot a dataframe in the server rather than a "Series", this error shows up. I dont know thw complete reason for this, but to all those who are getting the similar error,
kindly change your data to Series and then plot it in server
Hope it works for you too.

