I have a somewhat complicated question. I am provided a list of words (each word has the same length). I am given two words into my function (StartNode and EndNode) and my task is to find the shortest path between the two (A follow-up would be how to collect all paths from startNode to EndNode). The words can only be connected if they have at most a 1 word difference. For example, TRIE and TREE could be connected since they only differ by one letter (I v E) but TRIE and TWEP can't be connected since they have 2 character differences.
My solution was to first build an adjacency list, which I successfully implemented, and then compute a BFS to determine whether a path exists between the startNode and endNode. I am able to determine if a path exists but I'm unsure on how I can keep track of the path.
My attempt is as follows:
def shortestPath(startNode, endNode, words):
#Returns shortest path from startNode to EndNode
while q:
if node==endNode:
if node!=startNode:
return total+1
for i in adjList[node]:
if i not in visited:
return -1
My BFS doesn't take in the path and the total_length is quite obviously wrong too. Is there any way I can improve my algorithm?
Sample Input:
{'POON': ['POIN', 'LOON'], 'PLEE': ['PLEA', 'PLIE'], 'SAME': [], 'POIE': ['PLIE', 'POIN'], 'PLEA': ['PLEE', 'PLIE'], 'PLIE': ['PLEE', 'POIE', 'PLEA'], 'POIN': ['POON', 'POIE'], 'LOON': ['POON']}
startWord: POON
endWord: PLEA
Expected Output:
Current Output:
Any tips on where I am going wrong?
For anyone who stumbled upon this question, I did figure out a solution. A normal BFS just figures out if a path exists to the node and implicitly goes through the shortest traversal BUT if you want to show that traversal (path or length of path), it becomes necessary to keep two more counters.
In this case, I kept a counter of predecessor and a distance from source, my function therefore becomes:
def shortestPath(startNode, endNode, words):
#Returns shortest path from startNode to EndNode
pred={i:-1 for i in adjList} #Keep the predecessor to each node as -1 initially
dist = {i:10000000 for i in adjList} #Initially set distance for each node from src to max
#Distance and Predecessor:
dist[startNode]=0 #initialize distance of distance from startNode to startNode =0
while q:
if node==endNode:
if node!=startNode:
findShortestPath(startNode, endNode, pred) #Pass it into another helper function since pred is already constructed
return total+1
for i in adjList[node]:
if i not in visited:
#If there is no available path between the two Nodes
return -1
When the BFS is complete, we will also have a pred and distance array set up. Predecessor would contain each node and its predecessor in the path from start -> end (and -1 if no connection exists). To print out the path from start-> end, we could use a helper function.
Additionally, I also kept the distance dictionary. It would show the path to each node.
Helper Function:
def findShortestPath(startNode, endNode, pred):
while (pred[crawl]!=-1):
This is kind of a Djikstra's algorithm approach but I'm unsure on how else I can achieve this
The problem is similar to rat-maze problem. I have given an 2-d array MxN. each cell of an array is either 1 or 0 ,where 1 means blocked. I have given 2 points (starting point and ending point). I have to go from start index to end index. But the catch is 1) Path should be random. 2) There should be some parameter which allow me to decide how much random it can be. (i.e how crazily it should wander before reaching to its destination.) 3) Path should not intersect itself.(like a snake game).
This algorithm is needed to create population (randomly) which will used as input for genetic model for further optimize it.
For now i have used bfs and created one solution. But the problem is i cannot create any no of random path with this (which i will later use as population) + i'm unable to formalize the idea of how much random it should be.
This is my code that only produces min path by using bfs
def isSafe(x,y,length):
if ((x<length) and (x>-1) and (y<length) and (y>-1)):
return True;
return False;
def path(room,x1,y1,x2,y2,distance):
if ((x1==x2) and (y1==y2)):
while start<=end:
for i in [-1,1]:
if isSafe(x+i,y,roomSize):
if room[x+i][y]=="O":
for i in [-1,1]:
if isSafe(x,y+i,roomSize):
if room[x][y+i]=="O":
def retrace(array,x1,y1,x2,y2):
if not (isSafe(x2,y2,roomSize)):
print("Wrong Traversing Point");
if type(array[x2][y2])==str:
print("##################No Pipe been installed due to path constrained################")
return [];
while not (array[x2][y2]==0):
if ((isSafe(x2+1,y2,roomSize)) and type(array[x2+1][y2])==int and array[x2+1][y2]==array[x2][y2]-1):
elif ((isSafe(x2-1,y2,roomSize)) and type(array[x2-1][y2])==int and array[x2-1][y2]==array[x2][y2]-1):
elif ((isSafe(x2,y2+1,roomSize)) and type(array[x2][y2+1])==int and array[x2][y2+1]==array[x2][y2]-1):
elif ((isSafe(x2,y2-1,roomSize)) and type(array[x2][y2-1])==int and array[x2][y2-1]==array[x2][y2]-1):
return path;
I'm trying to find the longest path in a Directed Acyclic graph. At the moment, my code seems to be running time complexity of O(n3).
The graph is of input {0: [1,2], 1: [2,3], 3: [4,5] }
#Input: dictionary: graph, int: start, list: path
#Output: List: the longest path in the graph (Recurrance)
# This is a modification of a depth first search
def find_longest_path(graph, start, path=[]):
path = path + [start]
paths = path
for node in graph[start]:
if node not in path:
newpaths = find_longest_path(graph, node, path)
#Only take the new path if its length is greater than the current path
if(len(newpaths) > len(paths)):
paths = newpaths
return paths
It returns a list of nodes in the form e.g. [0,1,3,5]
How can I make this more efficient than O(n3)? Is recursion the right way to solve this or should I be using a different loop?
You can solve this problem in O(n+e) (i.e. linear in the number of nodes + edges).
The idea is that you first create a topological sort (I'm a fan of Tarjan's algorithm) and the set of reverse edges. It always helps if you can decompose your problem to leverage existing solutions.
You then walk the topological sort backwards pushing to each parent node its child's distance + 1 (keeping maximums in case there are multiple paths). Keep track of the node with the largest distance seen so far.
When you have finished annotating all of the nodes with distances you can just start at the node with the largest distance which will be your longest path root, and then walk down your graph choosing the children that are exactly one count less than the current node (since they lie on the critical path).
In general, when trying to find an optimal complexity algorithm don't be afraid to run multiple stages one after the other. Five O(n) algorithms run sequentially is still O(n) and is still better than O(n2) from a complexity perspective (although it may be worse real running time depending on the constant costs/factors and the size of n).
ETA: I just noticed you have a start node. This makes it simply a case of doing a depth first search and keeping the longest solution seen so far which is just O(n+e) anyway. Recursion is fine or you can keep a list/stack of visited nodes (you have to be careful when finding the next child each time you backtrack).
As you backtrack from your depth first search you need to store the longest path from that node to a leaf so that you don't re-process any sub-trees. This will also serve as a visited flag (i.e. in addition to doing the node not in path test also have a node not in subpath_cache test before recursing). Instead of storing the subpath you could store the length and then rebuild the path once you're finished based on sequential values as discussed above (critical path).
ETA2: Here's a solution.
def find_longest_path_rec(graph, parent, cache):
maxlen = 0
for node in graph[parent]:
if node in cache:
elif node not in graph:
cache[node] = 1
cache[node] = find_longest_path_rec(graph, node, cache)
maxlen = max(maxlen, cache[node])
return maxlen + 1
def find_longest_path(graph, start):
cache = {}
maxlen = find_longest_path_rec(graph, start, cache)
path = [start]
for i in range(maxlen-1, 0, -1):
for node in graph[path[-1]]:
if cache[node] == i:
return path
Note that I've removed the node not in path test because I'm assuming that you're actually supplying a DAG as claimed. If you want that check you should really be raising an error rather than ignoring it. Also note that I've added the assertion to the else clause of the for to document that we must always find a valid next (sequential) node in the path.
ETA3: The final for loop is a little confusing. What we're doing is considering that in the critical path all of the node distances must be sequential. Consider node 0 is distance 4, node 1 is distance 3 and node 2 is distance 1. If our path started [0, 2, ...] we have a contradiction because node 0 is not 1 further from a leaf than 2.
There are a couple of non-algorithmic improvements I'd suggest (these are related to Python code quality):
def find_longest_path_from(graph, start, path=None):
Returns the longest path in the graph from a given start node
if path is None:
path = []
path = path + [start]
max_path = path
nodes = graph.get(start, [])
for node in nodes:
if node not in path:
candidate_path = find_longest_path_from(graph, node, path)
if len(candidate_path) > len(max_path):
max_path = candidate_path
return max_path
def find_longest_path(graph):
Returns the longest path in a graph
max_path = []
for node in graph:
candidate_path = find_longest_path_from(graph, node)
if len(candidate_path) > len(max_path):
max_path = candidate_path
return max_path
Changes explained:
def find_longest_path_from(graph, start, path=None):
if path is None:
path = []
I've renamed find_longest_path as find_longest_path_from to better explain what it does.
Changed the path argument to have a default argument value of None instead of []. Unless you know you will specifically benefit from them, you want to avoid using mutable objects as default arguments in Python. This means you should typically set path to None by default and then when the function is invoked, check whether path is None and create an empty list accordingly.
max_path = path
candidate_path = find_longest_path_from(graph, node, path)
I've updated the names of your variables from paths to max_path and newpaths to candidate_path. These were confusing variable names because they referred to the plural of path -- implying that the value they stored consisted of multiple paths -- when in fact they each just held a single path. I tried to give them more descriptive names.
nodes = graph.get(start, [])
for node in nodes:
Your code errors out on your example input because the leaf nodes of the graph are not keys in the dict so graph[start] would raise a KeyError when start is 2, for instance. This handles the case where start is not a key in graph by returning an empty list.
def find_longest_path(graph):
Returns the longest path in a graph
max_path = []
for node in graph:
candidate_path = find_longest_path_from(graph, node)
if len(candidate_path) > len(max_path):
max_path = candidate_path
return max_path
A method to find the longest path in a graph that iterates over the keys. This is entirely separate from your algorithmic analysis of find_longest_path_from but I wanted to include it.
I am looking for an algorithm to check for any valid connection (shortest or longest) between two arbitrary nodes on a graph.
My graph is fixed to a grid with logical (x, y) coordinates with north/south/east/west connections, but nodes can be removed randomly so you can't assume that taking the edge with coords closest to the target is always going to get you there.
The code is in python. The data structure is each node (object) has a list of connected nodes. The list elements are object refs, so we can then search that node's list of connected nodes recursively, like this:
for pnode in self.connected_nodes:
for cnode in pnode.connected_nodes:
I've included a diagram showing how the nodes map to x,y coords and how they are connected in north/east/south/west. Sometimes there are missing nodes (i.e between J and K), and sometimes there are missing edges (i.e between G and H). The presence of nodes and edges is in flux (although when we run the algorithm, it is taking a fixed snapshot in time), and can only be determined by checking each node for it's list of connected nodes.
The algorithm needs to yield a simple true/false to whether there is a valid connection between two nodes. Recursing through every list of connected nodes explodes the number of operations required - if the node is n edges away, it requires at most 4^n operations. My understanding is something like Dijistrka's algorithm works by finding the shortest path based on edge weights, but if there is no connection at all then would it still work?
For some background, I am using this to model 2D destructible objects. Each node represents a chunk of the material, and if one or more nodes do not have a connection to the rest of the material then it should separate off. In the diagram - D, H, R - should pare off from the main body as they are not connected.
Although many of the posted answers might well work, DFS is quick, easy and very appropriate. I'm not keen on the idea of sticking extra edges between nodes with high value weights to use Dijkstra because node's themselves might disappear as well as edges. The SSC method seems more appropriate for distinguishing between strong and weakly connected graph sections, which in my graph would work if there was a single edge between G and H.
Here is my experiment code for DFS search, which creates the same graph as shown in the diagram.
class node(object):
def __init__(self, id):
self.connected_nodes = []
self.id = id
def dfs_is_connected(self, node):
# Initialise our stack and our discovered list
stack = []
discovered = []
# Declare operations count to track how many iterations it took
op_count = 0
# Push this node to the stack, for our starting point
# Keeping iterating while the stack isn't empty
while stack:
# Pop top element off the stack
current_node = stack.pop()
# Is this the droid/node you are looking for?
if current_node.id == node.id:
# Stop!
return True, op_count
# Check if current node has not been discovered
if current_node not in discovered:
# Increment op count
op_count += 1
# Is this the droid/node you are looking for?
if current_node.id == node.id:
# Stop!
return True, op_count
# Put this node in the discovered list
# Iterate through all connected nodes of the current node
for connected_node in current_node.connected_nodes:
# Push this connected node into the stack
# Couldn't find the node, return false. Sorry bud
return False, op_count
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialise all nodes
a = node('a')
b = node('b')
c = node('c')
d = node('d')
e = node('e')
f = node('f')
g = node('g')
h = node('h')
j = node('j')
k = node('k')
l = node('l')
m = node('m')
n = node('n')
p = node('p')
q = node('q')
r = node('r')
s = node('s')
# Connect up nodes
a.connected_nodes.extend([b, e])
b.connected_nodes.extend([a, f, c])
c.connected_nodes.extend([b, g])
e.connected_nodes.extend([a, f, j])
f.connected_nodes.extend([e, b, g])
g.connected_nodes.extend([c, f, k])
j.connected_nodes.extend([e, l])
k.connected_nodes.extend([g, n])
l.connected_nodes.extend([j, m, s])
m.connected_nodes.extend([l, p, n])
n.connected_nodes.extend([k, m, q])
p.connected_nodes.extend([s, m, q])
q.connected_nodes.extend([p, n])
r.connected_nodes.extend([h, d])
s.connected_nodes.extend([l, p])
# Check if a is connected to q
print a.dfs_is_connected(q)
print a.dfs_is_connected(d)
print p.dfs_is_connected(h)
To find this out, you just need to run simple DFS or BFS algorithm on one of the nodes, it'll find all reachable nodes within a continuous component of the graph, so you just mark it down if you've found the other node during the run of algorithm.
There is a way to use Dijkstra to find the path. If there is an edge between two nodes put 1 for weight, if there is no node, put weight of sys.maxint. Then when the min path is calculated, if it is larger than the number of nodes - there is no path between them.
Another approach is to first find the strongly connected components of the graph. If the nodes are on the same strong component then use Dijkstra to find the path, otherwise there is no path that connects them.
You could take a look at the A* Path Finding Algorithm (which uses heuristics to make it more efficient than Dijkstra's, so if there isn't anything you can exploit in your problem, you might be better off using Dijkstra's algorithm. You would need positive weights though. If this is not something you have in your graph, you could simply give each edge a weight of 1).
Looking at the pseudo code on Wikipedia, A* moves from one node to another by getting the neighbours of the current node. Dijkstra's Algorithm keeps an adjacency list so that it knows which nodes are connected to each other.
Thus, if you where to start from node H, you could only go to R and D. Since these nodes are not connected to the others, the algorithm will not go through the other nodes.
You can find strongly connected components(SCC) of your graph and then check if nodes of interest in one component or not. In your example H-R-D will be first component and rest second, so for H and R result will be true but H and A false.
See SCC algorithm here: https://class.coursera.org/algo-004/lecture/53.
I'm using networkx and trying to find all the walks with length 3 in the graph, specifically the paths with three edges. I tried to find some information about the algorithms in the networkx documentation but I could only find the algorithms for the shortest path in the graph. Can I find a length of a path trough specific nodes, for example a path trough nodes 14 -> 11 -> 12 -> 16 if the shortest path is 14 -> 15 -> 16? Here's an image of a graph for an example:
Simplest version (another version is below which I think is faster):
def findPaths(G,u,n):
if n==0:
return [[u]]
paths = [[u]+path for neighbor in G.neighbors(u) for path in findPaths(G,neighbor,n-1) if u not in path]
return paths
This takes a network G and a node u and a length n. It recursively finds all paths of length n-1 starting from neighbors of u that don't include u. Then it sticks u at the front of each such path and returns a list of those paths.
Note, each path is an ordered list. They all start from the specified node. So for what you want, just wrap a loop around this:
allpaths = []
for node in G:
Note that this will have any a-b-c-d path as well as the reverse d-c-b-a path.
If you find the "list comprehension" to be a challenge to interpret, here's an equivalent option:
def findPathsNoLC(G,u,n):
if n==0:
return [[u]]
paths = []
for neighbor in G.neighbors(u):
for path in findPathsNoLC(G,neighbor,n-1):
if u not in path:
return paths
For optimizing this, especially if there are many cycles, it may be worth sending in a set of disallowed nodes. At each nested call it would know not to include any nodes from higher up in the recursion. This would work instead of the if u not in path check. The code would be a bit more difficult to understand, but it would run faster.
def findPaths2(G,u,n,excludeSet = None):
if excludeSet == None:
excludeSet = set([u])
if n==0:
return [[u]]
paths = [[u]+path for neighbor in G.neighbors(u) if neighbor not in excludeSet for path in findPaths2(G,neighbor,n-1,excludeSet)]
return paths
Note that I have to add u to excludeSet before the recursive call and then remove it before returning.
I have a graph G = (V,E), where
V is a subset of {0, 1, 2, 3, …}
E is a subset of VxV
There are no unconnected components in G
The graph may contain cycles
There is a known node v in V, which is the source; i.e. there is no u in V such that (u,v) is an edge
There is at least one sink/terminal node v in V; i.e. there is no u in V such that (v,u) is an edge. The identities of the terminal nodes are not known - they must be discovered through traversal
What I need to do is to compute a set of paths P such that every possible path from the source node to any terminal node is in P. Now, if the graph contains cycles, it is possible that by this definition, P becomes an infinite set. This is not what I need. Rather, what I need is forPto contain a path that doesn't explore the loop and at least one path that does explore the loop.
I say "at least one path that does explore the loop", as the loop may contain branches internally, in which case, all of those branches will need to be explored as well. Thus, if the loop contains two internal branches, each with a branching factor of 2, then I need a total of four paths inP` that explore the loop.
For example, an algorithm run on the following graph:
| |
v |
1->2->3->4->5->6 |
| | | |
v | v |
9 +->7-+
which can be represented as:
Should produce the set of paths:
Thus far, I have the following algorithm (in python) that works in some simple cases:
def extractPaths(G, s=None, explored=None, path=None):
_V,E = G
if s is None: s = 0
if explored is None: explored = set()
if path is None: path = [s]
if not len(set(E[s]) - explored):
print path
for v in set(E[s]) - explored:
if len(E[v]) > 1:
for vv in set(E[v]) - explored:
extractPaths(G, vv, explored-set(n for n in path if len(E[n])>1), path+[vv])
extractPaths(G, v, explored, path+[v])
but it fails horribly in the more complex cases.
I'd appreciate any help as this is a tool to validate an algorithm that I have developed for my Master's thesis.
Thank you in advance
I've though about this for a couple of hours, and have come up with this algorithm. It doesn't quite give the result you're asking for, but it's similar (and might be equivalent).
Observation: If we try to go to a node that has been seen before, the most recent visit, up until the current node, can be considered a loop. If we have seen that loop, we cannot go to that node.
def extractPaths(current_node,path,loops_seen):
# if node has outgoing edges
if nodes[current_node]!=None:
for thatnode in nodes[current_node]:
# if the node we are going to has been
# visited before, we are completeing
# a loop.
if thatnode-1 in path:
# find the last time we visited
# that node
while path[i]!=thatnode-1:
# the last time, to this time is
# a single loop.
# if we haven't seen this loop go to
# the node and node we have seen this
# loop. else don't go to the node.
if new_loop in loops_seen:
if valid:
# this is the end of the path
# increment all the values for printing
for i in path:
# backtrack
# graph defined by lists of outgoing edges
for i in found_paths: