I am currently building a school homework project - a contact manager, using classes in Python.
I was able to assemble all the needed parts to make my code work, yet upon exiting the program with Terminal, the data inside of my JSON file keep being overwritten.
I've tried changing the with open attribute to "w" and "a", sadly nothing works.
Main Code:
from colorama import Fore, Style
from LoadAndSave import load_file, save_file
from ContactBook import ContactBook
contacts = []
DATA_FILE = "contactbook.json"
def menu():
print(Fore.RED + "Welcome to Contacts Manager v2.0.0!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX + "Please enter your selection according to the menu." + Style.RESET_ALL)
print("a - Add a contact")
print("r - Remove a contact")
print("s - Search for a contact")
print("p - Print a list of all contacts")
print("x - Exit")
user_selection = input(Fore.GREEN + "Your selection: " + Style.RESET_ALL)
return user_selection
def main():
contactbook = ContactBook()
user_selection = ""
while user_selection != "x":
user_selection = menu() # As long as user did not select "x", program will always run.
if user_selection == "a":
contactbook.add_contact(input("Please enter contact's name: "), int(input("Please enter contact's number: ")))
if user_selection == "r":
contactbook.remove_contact(contactbook.search_contact(input("Contact's Name? ")))
if user_selection == "s":
contactbook.search_contact(input("Contact's name?"))
print(Fore.GREEN + "Success!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
if user_selection == "p":
print(Fore.GREEN + "Success!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Thank you for using my software. Bye!")
save_file(contactbook.make_contact_json(), DATA_FILE)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Load and save:
import json
def load_file(DATA_FILE): # Loading JSON file with all information
with open (DATA_FILE) as file:
return json.load(file)
def save_file(json_list, DATA_FILE):
with open (DATA_FILE, "w") as file:
json.dump(json_list, file, indent = 4)
Contact & ContactBook classes:
import json
class Contact:
name = ""
tel = 0
def __init__(self, name = "", tel = 0):
self.name = name
self.tel = tel
def __str__(self):
return json.dumps({"contact_info":[{"name": self.name, "tel": self.tel}]})
from colorama import Fore, Style, Back
from Contact import Contact
import json
class ContactBook:
contacts = []
def __init__(self):
def add_contact(self, name = "", tel = 0):
self.contacts.append(Contact(name, tel))
print(Fore.GREEN + "Success!" + Style.RESET_ALL)
def remove_contact(self, contact_name):
print(Fore.RED + "Removed.\n" + Style.RESET_ALL)
def search_contact(self, contact_name):
for contact in self.contacts:
if type(contact) is Contact:
if contact.name == contact_name:
return contact
return (Back.RED + "\nThere is no contact with that name." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n")
def make_contact_json(self):
result = []
for contact in self.contacts:
return result
def __str__(self) -> str:
result = ""
for contact in self.contacts:
result += contact.__str__()
return result
JSON File:
"name": "sdfgh",
"tel": 654321
Thanks in advance to all helpers!
Your contacts are getting overwritten because every time you run your program, you are creating a fresh ContactBook
contactbook = ContactBook() # In your Main Code
This in turn initializes an empty contacts list
contacts = [] # Inside Class ContactBook
I suggest that you add an __init__ logic to you ContactBook Class that initialises your contacts list with the existing ones
Something Like
class ContactBook:
def __init__(self, existing_contacts=None):
self.contacts = [] if existing_contacts is None else existing_contacts
Also while creating the ContactBook object in you main code please pass the existing contacts.
existing_contacts = load_file(DATA_FILE)
except FileNotFoundError:
existing_contacts = None
contactbook = ContactBook(existing_contacts)
Also please make sure that you are saving the contacts correctly. It seems to currently be a list of list of objects where as it should ideally be a list of objects
Hope you get good grades. Peace out.
So im having trouble displaying the admins first name, for some reason it keeps saying it doesnt exist, please give me some feedback on whats wrong, very appreciated
below you can find the admin class where we set all parameters like first name and last name etc
after that weve got the bank system class where ive imported the admin class and instanced it and still nothing, even after adding the missing positional argument it says that fname does not exist
class Admin:
def __init__(self, fname, lname, address, user_name, password, full_rights):
self.fname = fname
self.lname = lname
self.address = address
self.user_name = user_name
self.password = password
self.full_admin_rights = full_rights
def update_first_name(self, fname):
self.fname = fname
def update_last_name(self, lname):
self.lname = lname
def get_first_name(self):
return self.fname
def get_last_name(self):
return self.lname
from customer_account import CustomerAccount
from admin import Admin
accounts_list = []
admins_list = []
class BankSystem(object):
def __init__(self):
self.accounts_list = []
self.admins_list = []
def load_bank_data(self):
# create admins
admin_1 = Admin("Julian", "Padget", ["12", "London Road", "Birmingham", "B95 7TT"], "id1188", "1441", True)
admin_2 = Admin("Cathy", "Newman", ["47", "Mars Street", "Newcastle", "NE12 6TZ"], "id3313", "2442", False)
def search_admins_by_name(self, admin_username):
found_admin =None
for a in self.admins_list:
username =a.get_username()
if username ==admin_username:
found_admin =a
if found_admin ==None:
print("\n The Admin %s does not exist! Try again...\n"%admin_username)
return found_admin
def main_menu(self):
#print the options you have
print ("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
print ("Welcome to the Python Bank System")
print ("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
print ("1) Admin login")
print ("2) Quit Python Bank System")
print (" ")
option = int(input ("Choose your option: "))
return option
def run_main_options(self):
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
choice = self.main_menu()
if choice == 1:
username = input ("\n Please input admin username: ")
password = input ("\n Please input admin password: ")
admin_obj = self.admin_login(username, password)
if admin_obj != None:
elif choice == 2:
loop = 0
print ("\n Thank-You for stopping by the bank!")
def admin_login(self, username, password):
msg="\n Login failed"
if found_admin!=None:
if found_admin.get_password()==password:
print("Login Sucssesful")
return msg,found_admin
def admin_menu(self, admin_obj):
#print the options you have
admin_obj = Admin
print (" ")
print ("Welcome Admin %s %s : Avilable options are:" %(admin_obj.get_first_name(), admin_obj.get_last_name()))
print ("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
print ("1) Transfer money")
print ("2) Customer account operations & profile settings")
print ("3) Delete customer")
print ("4) Print all customers detail")
print ("5) Sign out")
print (" ")
option = int(input ("Choose your option: "))
return option
app = BankSystem()
At least two problems:
BankSystem.admin_login() returns a pair consisting of a message and an admin object, but run_main_options() assigns that pair to a single variable admin_obj. You should change it to something like msg, admin_obj = … to behave like you appear to expect.
BankSystem.admin_menu() overwrites the object it was passed on the first line. This line should be removed.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
# a file in the current directory
FILENAME = "contacts.csv"
def write_contacts(contacts):
with open(FILENAME, "w", newline="") as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
def read_contacts():
contacts = []
with open(FILENAME, newline="") as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
for row in reader:
return contacts
def list_contacts(contacts):
for i in range (len(contacts)):
contact= contacts[i]
print(str(i+1) +"."+ contact[0])
def view_contact(contacts):
pos = int(input("Number: "))
if not (pos-1)in range(len(contacts)):
print(str(pos) + ' not in list, try again')
contact = []
print(name + email + phone+".\n")
def delete_contact(contacts):
index = int(input("Number: "))
contact = contacts.pop(index -1)
print(contact[0]+" was deleted.\n")
def add_contact(contacts):
name=input("Name: ")
email=input("Email: ")
phone=input("Phone number: ")
contact= []
print(name + " was added.\n")
def display_menu():
print("Contact Manager")
print("list - List all contacts")
print("view - View a contact")
print("add - Add a contact")
print("delete- Delete a contact")
def main():
contacts = read_contacts()
while True:
command = input("Command: ")
if command.lower() == "list":
elif command.lower()== "view":
elif command.lower()== "add":
elif command.lower()== "delete":
print("Not a valid command. Please try again.\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
This all my code. I'm trying to figure out how to make the delete and view commands display an error message when the user enters a number that is invalid but it's not working. I'm also trying to view a contact when the user selects a specific number form list which would then display the email name and phone number of that selected number. I'm currently stuck
The errors im getting are
raceback (most recent call last):
, line 93, in
, line 81, in main
, line 32, in view_contact
NameError: name 'view' is not defined
I don't think you has a good start with list into cvs using append, anyway is your example.
You can use remove to remove your contact from list, see examples with list: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2013/06/python-list
when the user select a specific number from list , just read by stepping to the number phone because you add with: name + email + phone.
adding an error message , use: try except finally
I am trying to insert a while loop into this program so when it asks for member it starts a dictionary (assuming I would use a dictionary) that lets me input n number of band members and the instrument they use in some form like (name,instrument),(name2,instrument2)..and so on. I know it will be run as a while loop, but I'm not not sure how to enter it in this instance. Would using a dictionary be the best action and if so how would I add it in a case like this?
class Song:
def __init__(self, song, chart, member):
self.song = song
self.chart = chart
self.member = member
def __str__(self):
return (self.song
+ " Top Chart:"
+ str(self.chart)
+ " Band Members: "
+ str(self.member)
+ '\n')
def write():
with open("string.txt", "a+", encoding="utf-8") as f:
prompt = ":\t"
in_song = input("Input song or type q " + prompt)
if (in_song == 'q'):
in_chart_spot = input("Input chart spot" + prompt)
in_band_mem = input("Input band members" + prompt)
song_data = Song(in_song, in_chart_spot, in_band_mem)
#albumdata = Album()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import random
import pickle, shelve
import os
#import RPi.GPIO as GPIO | Raspberry pi only
import tkinter
import sys
import time
class Operator(object):
global list_name
def __init__(self):
print("Welcome to Python OS 1.0")
print("type 'help' to access help...") # ADD CODE OS.REMOVE("FILE")
def CheckDetails(self):
if not os.path.isfile( 'details.dat' ) :
data[0] = input('Enter Your Name: ' )
file= open( 'details.dat' , 'wb' )
pickle.dump( data , file )
else :
File = open( 'details.dat' , 'rb' )
data = pickle.load( File )
user = ""
while user != data[0]:
input("please enter your username...")
print( 'Welcome Back To Python OS, '+ data[0])
def Help(self):
write(sentence) - Prints the typed sentence on the screen
open(file, mode) - Opens the file and mode such as 'r'
create(listName) - creates the list, listName
add(data, listName) - adds the data to listName
remove(data, listName) - removes the selected data from listName
def write(self, sentence):
def create(self):
list_name = input("Please enter the list name...")
vars()[list_name] = []
print("List (" + list_name + ") created")
def add(self):
data = input("Please specify the data to be added...")
list_name += data
def remove(self, data, list_name):
remove_data = input("Plese specify the data to be removed...")
list_name -= data
def main():
os = Operator()
ans = ""
ans = ans.lower()
while ans != "quit":
ans = input()
if ans == "write":
elif ans == "help":
elif ans == "create":
elif ans == "add":
elif ans == "remove":
elif ans == "quit":
print("Sorry, that command does not exist or it will be added into a future update...")
I am trying to make some sort of simplified python, but hitting errors only on the CheckDetails() function. I'm pickling data (which is fine) but getting errors when making the user check his or her username is correct, I've tested it and even though I have typed in the correct username, it carry's on asking for my username. Can anyone please help?
You have a while loop that will execute forever because you are not assigning your user variable to anything.
while user != data[0]:
user = input("please enter your username...")
print( 'Welcome Back To Python OS, '+ data[0])
I'm doing creating a address book for a computer science class, where we are supposed to have a list of objects "contact" written to a file when the program closes and read from the file when the program starts. However, after the data is written to the file, once it is read it does not seem to keep its object form.
import pickle
class Contact:
#Creating the class with the attributes I want
def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, number, areacode, city):
self.firstname = firstname
self.lastname = lastname
self.number = number
self.areacode = areacode
self.city = city
def __str__(self):
return "({0} {1}, {2}, {3}, {4})".format(self.firstname, self.lastname, self.number, self.areacode, self.city)
#reading the object
def opendata():
readable = []
addresses = []
A = open("Address_book", "rb+")
addresses = A.read()
B = len(addresses)
if B != 0:
readable = pickle.loads(addresses)
return readable
return addresses
def savedata(file):
addresses = open("Address_book", "wb+")
temp = pickle.dumps(file)
def Address_manager():
Address = []
fromfile = opendata()
while True:
print("add = add contact, modify = modify contact, search = search contacts, end = close program, print = print full list")
A = input("What do you want to do?: ")
if A == "end":
if A == "print":
for i in Address:
elif A == "add":
elif A == "search":
lists2 = search_contact(Address)
A = 0
for i in lists2:
A += 1
print(A, str(i))
elif A == "modify":
modified = modify_contact(Address)
def add_contact():
while True:
A = Contact(input("First name: "), input("Last name: "), input("Phone Number: "), input("Area Code: "), input("City: "))
B = input("Is this right?: (y/n)")
if B == "y":
print("Well done?")
return A
print("Try Again")
print("bad data")
If I try to "print" the list after getting it from the file it prints them in the wrong form. What am I doing wrong and why?
Edit 1: I apologize for the less than efficient code.
Edit 2: Added function to add contact