Mypy fails with overloads and literals - python

I'm trying to understand typing.overload and have applied it in a simple case where I want a function that takes input x: Literal["foo", "bar"] and returns the list [x].
I'd like mypy to type the resulting list as list[Literal["foo"]] or list[Literal["bar"]] depending on the value of x.
I know I could achieve this with a TypeVar, but I'd still like to understand why the code below fails with the following error: error: Overloaded function implementation cannot produce return type of signature 1 error: Overloaded function implementation cannot produce return type of signature 2
from typing import Literal, overload
def f(x: Literal["foo"]) -> list[Literal["foo"]]:
def f(x: Literal["bar"]) -> list[Literal["bar"]]:
def f(x: Literal["foo", "bar"]) -> list[Literal["foo", "bar"]]:
return [x]

Lists in Python are invariant. That means that, even if B is a subtype of A, there is no relation between the types list[A] and list[B].
If list[B] were allowed to be a subtype of list[A], then someone could come along and do this.
my_b_list: list[B] = []
my_a_list: list[A] = my_b_list
print(my_b_list) # Oh no, a list[B] contains an A value!
If you plan to modify the returned list, then what you're doing isn't safe. End of story. If you plan to treat the list as immutable, then consider what operations you actually need, and you may be able to find a covariant supertype of list in typing.
For example, Sequence is a popular choice. It supports iteration, random access, and length access, while explicitly not allowing mutation.
from typing import Literal, overload, Sequence
def f(x: Literal["foo"]) -> Sequence[Literal["foo"]]:
def f(x: Literal["bar"]) -> Sequence[Literal["bar"]]:
def f(x: Literal["foo", "bar"]) -> Sequence[Literal["foo", "bar"]]:
return [x]
(Note: typing.Sequence is deprecated in Python 3.9; if you only plan to support 3.9+, you might use instead)

AFAIU your question, your actual implementation needs to provide a single type (str), not multiple Literal.
The following works correctly according to pyright, and seems to provide the feature you are looking for (only allowing lists of either "foo" or "bar", rejecting everything else).
from typing import Literal, overload
def f(x: Literal["foo"]) -> list[Literal["foo"]]:
def f(x: Literal["bar"]) -> list[Literal["bar"]]:
def f(x: str) -> list[str]:
return [x]
f("foo") # valid
f("bar") # valid
f("baz") # error
which cause the following error: - error: Argument of type "Literal['baz']" cannot be assigned to parameter "x" of type "Literal['bar']" in function "f"
  "Literal['baz']" cannot be assigned to type "Literal['bar']"


Python function overloading recommended approach

Assume a function that takes an object as parameter. There could be various ways to express the parameter object creation, some of which expressive, and likely easier to be used.
To give a simple example, we have a function which takes DateTime. We also want to accept string representations of DateTime, if possible (for example '20220606').
# version 1, strict. must send a DateTime
def UsefulFunc(startdate: DateTime) -> None:
# version 2, allow more types, but loose on type hints
def UsefulFunc(startdate: (DateTime, str)) -> None:
# check if type is str, convert to DateTime if yes
# version 3, multiple signatures to accept and call the base function
def UsefulFuncString(startdatestr: str) -> None:
# convert startdatestr to DateTime
# … …
What approach is recommended in Python (I come from C# background)? If there's no clear indication/ or decision is based on situation, what are the considerations?
if you want type hint your function, you can use typing.Union
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union
def UsefulFunc(startdate:Union[str, datetime]) -> None
or in py3.10+
def UsefulFunc(startdate:str|datetime) -> None
but type hint are just decoration in python, if you want to do something base on those types you need to check inside your function and work accordingly
def UsefulFunc(startdate:str|datetime) -> None
if isinstance(startdate,str):
elif isinstance(startdate,datetime):
raise ValueError("Invalid type")
There is also the functools.singledispatch that help you do the above for you
from functools import singledispatch
def UsefulFunc(startdate):
... #else case
def _(startdate:datetime):
... #datetime case
def _(startdate:str):
... #str case
After some research, and taking inspirations from the #Copperfield answer, I found an elegant solution to the problem.
Let's first rephrase the problem - we have a function that takes an object. We want to provide some overloads, which will do the validations/ conversions etc. and call the base function which accepts object. We also need to reject any call not following any function signature which are not implemented.
The library that I found very useful was multipledispatch. An easy example:
from multipledispatch import dispatch
#dispatch(int, int)
def add_nums(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:
return num1 + num2
#dispatch(str, str)
def add_nums(num1: str, num2: str) -> int:
# do some useful validations/ object transformations
# implement any intermediate logic before calling the base func
# this enables base function do it's intended feature rather than
# implementing overloads
return add_nums(int(num1), int(num2))
if we call add_nums(40, 15), we get 55 as the (int, int) version get called. add_nums('10', '15') get us 25 as expected as (str, str) version get called.
It becomes very interesting when we call add_nuns(10, 10.0) as this will fail saying NotImplementedError: Could not find signature for add_nums: <int, float>. Essentially any call not in (int, int) or (str, str) format, fail with NotImplementedError exception.
This is by far the closest behaviour of function overloading, when comparing with typed languages.
The only concern I have - this library was last updated on Aug 9, 2018.

mypy Incompatible default for argument

Given the following example
from typing import Any, Iterable, Callable, TypeVar, Tuple
from itertools import islice
T = TypeVar('T')
def take1(n:int, iterable:Iterable[T]) -> Tuple[T,...]:
return tuple(islice(iterable, n))
def take2(n:int, iterable:Iterable[Any], container:Callable[[Iterable[Any]],T]=tuple) -> T:
return container(islice(iterable, n))
as is I get error: Incompatible default for argument "container" (default has type "Type[Tuple[Any, ...]]", argument has type "Callable[[Iterable[Any]], T]")
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
As you can see take2 is a more generalize version of take1, that by default is take1 but if the user want to put the result into something else there isn't some throw away tuple in the middle by just providing the desired container directly. So for instance "".join(take1(3,"abcdefg")) is equivalent to take2(3,"abcdefg","".join) just that there isn't that throw away tuple that take1 would make, which can be relevant in for example sum(take1(10**10,itertools.count()) vs take2(10**10,itertools.count(),sum) (take1 will fail with a memory error here while take2 will succeed eventually)...
For that I think the hint I put there is perfectly adequate, but mypy doesn't like it.
So, how can I type hint take2 so it pass the mypy test? (beside #type: ignore I suppose) and still get an useful info when calling help on it
after some old trial and error I arrived a solution to make mypy happy
change the signature to
def take2(n:int, iterable:Iterable[T], container:Callable[[Iterable[T]],Any]=tuple) -> Any:
return container(islice(iterable,n))
but that was actually the last solution I found the first was to make a stub file and make that into its own module if it wasn't already
from typing import TypeVar, overload, Iterable
T = TypeVar("T")
def take2(n:int, iterable:Iterable[T]) -> Tuple[T,...]:...
def take2(n:int, iterable:Iterable[Any], container:Callable[[Iterable[Any]],T]) -> T:...
but now with
def take2(n:int, iterable:Iterable[T]) -> Tuple[T,...]:...
def take2(n:int, iterable:Iterable[T], container:Callable[[Iterable[T]],Any]) -> Any:...
(it can also be in the main file)
mypy sure is hard to please...

enumerate causes incompatible type mypy error

The following code:
from typing import Union
def process(actions: Union[list[str], list[int]]) -> None:
for pos, action in enumerate(actions):
def act(action: Union[str, int]) -> None:
generates a mypy error: Argument 1 to "act" has incompatible type "object"; expected "Union[str, int]"
However when removing the enumerate function the typing is fine:
from typing import Union
def process(actions: Union[list[str], list[int]]) -> None:
for action in actions:
def act(action: Union[str, int]) -> None:
Does anyone know what the enumerate function is doing to effect the types?
This is python 3.9 and mypy 0.921
enumerate.__next__ needs more context than is available to have a return type more specific than Tuple[int, Any], so I believe mypy itself would need to be modified to make the inference that enumerate(actions) produces Tuple[int,Union[str,int]] values.
Until that happens, you can explicitly cast the value of action before passing it to act.
from typing import Union, cast
StrOrInt = Union[str, int]
def process(actions: Union[list[str], list[int]]) -> None:
for pos, action in enumerate(actions):
act(cast(StrOrInt, action))
def act(action: Union[str, int]) -> None:
You can also make process generic (which now that I've thought of it, is probably a better idea, as it avoids the overhead of calling cast at runtime).
from typing import Union, cast, Iterable, TypeVar
T = TypeVar("T", str, int)
def process(actions: Iterable[T]) -> None:
for pos, action in enumerate(actions):
def act(action: T) -> None:
Here, T is not a union of types, but a single concrete type whose identity is fixed by the call to process. Iterable[T] is either Iterable[str] or Iterable[int], depending on which type you pass to process. That fixes T for the rest of the call to process, which every call to act must take the same type of argument.
An Iterable[str] or an Iterable[int] is a valid argument, binding T to int or str in the process. Now enumerate.__next__ apparently can have a specific return type Tuple[int, T].
I don't know how it's affecting the types. I do know that using len() can work the same way. It is slower but if it solves the problem it might be worth it. Sorry that it's not much help
Seems like mypy isn't able to infer the type and generalizes to object. Might be worth opening an issue at their side. As a workaround you could annotate 'action'. This would remove the error. Does it work if you import the (legacy) List from typing?

functional annotation of polymorphic functions

Say that I've got a polymorphic function that repeats any object passed into it as an argument (similar to the itertools.repeat from the Python Standard Library):
def repeat(i):
while True:
yield i
How do I write function annotation that tells that this is a polymorphic function?
Let me be clear, I understand that one possibility is to write:
from typing import Any, Iterable
def repeat(i: Any) -> Iterable[Any]:
while True:
yield i
This solution is, however, ambiguous because it's true for the both of the following case:
repeat(i: Apples) -> Iterator[Apples]:
repeat(i: Apples) -> Iterator[Oranges]:
I would like to have a solution that truly reflects to the fact that the function accepts any type but that it gives back an iterator which produces the same type used for calling the function.
As an example from Haskell, this would be solved using type variables and the function type in Haskell would simply be:
repeat :: a -> [a]
where a is a type variable. How wold I get the same result in Python?
There is a very similar example in the Python docs using TypeVar:
def repeat(x: T, n: int) -> Sequence[T]:
"""Return a list containing n references to x."""
return [x]*n
where T = TypeVar('T') # Can be anything is used. So you can adapt this:
from typing import Iterable, TypeVar
T = TypeVar('T')
def repeat(i: T) -> Iterable[T]:
while True:
yield i

Typing curried function in Python

There is such a function for currying. The problem is that I don’t know how to make this function return a decorated function with the correct types. Help, I have not found a solution anywhere.
import functools
import typing as ty
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, Any, Optional
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])
def curry(func: F, max_argc: Optional[int] = None):
if max_argc is None:
max_argc = func.__code__.co_argcount
def wrapped(*args):
argc = len(args)
if argc < max_argc:
return curry(functools.partial(func, *args), max_argc - argc)
return func(*args)
return ty.cast(F, wrapped)
def foo(x: int, y: int) -> int:
return x + y
foo("df")(5) # mypy error: Too few arguments for "foo"
# mypy error: "int" not callable
# mypy error: Argument 1 to "foo" has incompatible type "str"; expected "int" # True
How to fix 1, 2 mypy errors?
Interestingly enough, i tried the exact same thing, writing a decorator, which would return a curried version of any function, including generic higher-order ones.
I tried to build a curry that would allow any partitioning of the input arguments.
However, AFAIK it is not possible due to some constraints of the python type system.
I'm struggling to find a generic typesafe approach right now. I mean Haskell lives it, C++ adopted it, Typescript manages to do it as well, so why should python not be able to?
I reached out to mypy alternatives such as pyright, which has AWESOME maintainers, BUT is stull bound by PEPs, which state that some things are just not possible.
When submitting an issue with pyright for the last missing piece in my curry-chain, i boiled the issue down to the following (as can be seen in this issue:
from typing import TypeVar
from typing_extensions import Protocol
R = TypeVar("R", covariant=True)
S = TypeVar("S", contravariant=True)
class ArityOne(Protocol[S, R]):
def __call__(self, __s: S) -> R:
def id_f(x: ArityOne[S, R]) -> ArityOne[S, R]:
return x
X = TypeVar("X")
def identity(x: X) -> X:
return x
i: int = id_f(identity)(4) # Does not type check, expected type `X`, got type `Literal[4]`
Mind the gap, this is a minimal reproducible example of the missing link.
What i initially attempted to do was the following (skipping the actual curry implementation, which, in comparison, resembles a walk in the park):
Write a curry decorator (without types)
Define Unary, Binary and Ternary (etc.) Protocols, which is the more modern version of the function type Callable. Coincidentally, Protocols can specify type #overloads for their __call__ methods, which brings me to the next point.
Define CurriedBinary, CurriedTernary (etc.) using Protocols with type #overloaded __call__ methods.
Define type #overloads for the curry function, e.g. Binary -> CurriedBinary, Ternary -> CurriedTernary
With this, everything was in place, and it works awesome for fixed-type functions i.e. int -> int or str -> int -> bool.
I don't have my attempted implementation on hand right now tho'.
However, when currying functions such as map, or filter it fails to match the curried, generic version of the function with the actual types.
This happens due to how scoping of type variables works. For more details you can take a look at the GitHub issue. It is explained in greater detail there.
Essentially what happens is that the type variable of the generic function-to-be-curried cannot be influenced by the actual type of the data-to-be-passed partially, because there is a class Protocol in between, which defines its own scope of type variables.
Trying to wrap or reorganize stuff did not yield fruitful results.
I used Protocols there to be able to represent the type of a curried function,
which is not possible with e.g. Callable, and although pyright displays the type of an overloaded function as Overload[contract1, contract2, ...] there is no such symbol, only #overload.
So either way there's something that prevents you from expressing the type you want.
It is currently not possible to represent a fully generic typesafe curry function due to limitations of the python type system.
However, it is possible to compromise on certain features, like generics, or arbitrary partitioning of input arguments.
The following implementation of curry works in pyright 1.1.128.
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, List, Optional, Union
R = TypeVar("R", covariant=True)
S = TypeVar("S", contravariant=True)
T = TypeVar("T", contravariant=True)
def curry(f: Callable[[T, S], R]) -> Callable[[T], Callable[[S], R]]:
raise Exception()
X = TypeVar("X")
Y = TypeVar("Y")
def function(x: X, y: X) -> X:
raise Exception()
def to_optional(x: X) -> Optional[X]:
raise Exception()
def map(f: Callable[[X], Y], xs: List[X]) -> List[Y]:
raise Exception()
i: int = curry(function)(4)(5)
s: List[Optional[Union[str, int]]] = curry(map)(to_optional)(["dennis", 4])
First things first, I wouldn't make it a decorator, I'd wrap it as curry(foo). I find it confusing to look at an API where the decorated function signature is different to its initial definition.
On the subject of types, I would be very impressed if the general case is possible with Python type hints. I'm not sure how I'd even do it in Scala. You can do a limited number of cases, using overload for functions of two parameters as
T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
U = TypeVar("U")
def curry(
func: Callable[[T1, T2], U],
max_argc: Optional[int]
) -> Callable[[T1], Callable[[T2], U]]:
adding versions for one, three, four parameters etc. Functions with lots of parameters are code smells anyway, with the exception of varargs, which I'm not sure if it even makes sense to curry.

