I measured the seeing index and I need to plot it as a function of time, but the time I received from the measurement is a string with 02-09-2022_time_11-53-51,045 format. How can I convert it into something Python could read and I could use in my plot?
Using pandas I extracted time and seeing_index columns from the txt file received by the measurement. Python correctly plotted seeing index values on Y axes, but besides plotting time values on the X axis, it just added a number to each row and plotted index against row number. What can I do so it was index against time?
You may try this:
df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time, format='%d-%m-%Y_time_%H-%M-%S,%f')
I have a csv-file (called "cameradata") with columns MeetingRoomID, and Time (There are more columns, but they should not be needed).
I would like to get the number of occurrences a certain MeetingRoomID ("14094020", from the column "MeetingRoomID") is used during one day. The csv-file luckily only consist of timestamps from one day in the "Time" column. One problem is that the timestamps are in the datetime-format %H:%M:%S and I want to categorize the occurrences by the hour it occured (between 07:00-18:00).
The goal is to have the occurences linked to the hours of the timestamps - in order for me to plot a barplot with (x = "timestamps (hourly)" and y = "a dataframe/series that maps the certain MeetingRoomID with the hour it was used".
How can I get a function for my y-axis that understands that the value_count for ID 14094020 and the timestamps are connected?
So far I've come up with something like this:
y = cameradata.set_index('Time').resample('H')
My code seems to work if I divide it, but I do not know how to connect it in a syntax-friendly way.
The code: cameradata['MeetingRoomID'].value_counts().idxmax() revealed the ID with the most occurrences, so I think I'm onto something there.
Grateful for your help!
This is how the print of the Dataframe looks like, 'Tid' is time and 'MätplatsID' is what I called MeetingRoomID.
For some reason the "Time" column has added a made-up year and month next to it when I converted it to datetime. I converted in to datetime by: kameradata['Tid'] = pd.to_datetime(kameradata['Tid'], format=('%H:%M:%S'))
This is an example of how the output look like in the end
I have values that are mesured event-related. So there are not the same amount of data every Minute. To be able to better handle this data I aim to only take the first row of values every Minute.
The time of the data I import from a csv looks like this:
11.11.2011 11:11
11.11.2011 11:11
11.11.2011 11:11
11.11.2011 11:12
11.11.2011 11:12
11.11.2011 11:13
The other values are Temperatures.
One main problem ist to import the time in the right format.
I tried to solve this with the help of this comunity like this:
with open('my_file.csv','r') as file:
for line in file:
time = line.split(';')[0] #splits the line at the comma and takes the first bit
time = dt.datetime.strptime(time, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M')
then I importet the columns of the temperatures and joind them like this:
df = pd.read_csv("my_file.csv", sep=';', encoding='latin-1')
df=df[["time", "T1", "T2", "DT1", "DT2"]]
when I printed the dtypes of my data the time was datetime64[ns] and the others where objects.
I tried different options of groupby and resample. Like the following:
df=df.groupby([pd.Grouper(key = 'time', freq='1min')])
One main problem that was stated in the error messages was that the datatype of the time was not appropriate for grouping,... because it is not an DatetimeIndex.
So I tried to convert the dates to a DatetimeIndex like this:
df.index = pd.to_datetime(daten["time"].index, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
but then I reseaved a Nummeration of the Index starting with 1970-01-01 so I am not quite shure if this conversion is possible with irregular data.
Without this conversion I also get the message <pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x0000026938A74850>
When I then try to call my dataframe the message shows and when saving it to csv like this:
df.to_csv('04_01_DTempminuten.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8', sep =';', date_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
I receive either the same message or only one line with a Dezimalnumber instead of the time.
Does anyone have an idear how to deal with this irregular data to get one line of values each minute?
Thank you for reading my question. I am really thankful for any Idears.
Without sample data I can only show how I do it with irregular time series, which I think is your case. I work with price data which comes at irregular time intervals. So if you need to sample taking the first minute value you can use resample with for a specific interval using ohlc aggregation function, that will give you four columns for each sample interval.
open: first value in the interval
high: highest
low: lowest value
close: last value
In your case the sampling interval would 1 minute ('T')
In the following example I'm using one second ('S') as resampling frequency, to resample ask column (your temperature column):
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('my_tick_data.csv')
df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_time'])
df.set_index('date_time', inplace=True)
This is not solving your date issue, which is a prerequisite for this part because the data set needs to be indexed by date. If you can provide sample data maybe I can help you with that part either.
I have a pandas dataframe that includes time intervals that overlapping at some points (figure 1). I need a data frame that has a time series that starts beginning from the first start_time to the end of the last end_time (figure 2).
I have to sum up VIS values at overlapped time intervals.
I couldn't figure it out. How can I do it?
This problem is easily solved with the python package staircase, which is built on pandas and numpy for the purposes of working with (mathematical) step functions.
Assume your original dataframe is called df and the times you want in your resulting dataframe are an array (or datetime index, or series etc) called times.
import staircase as sc
stepfunction = sc.Stairs(df, start="start_time", end="end_time", value="VIS")
result = stepfunction(times, include_index=True)
That's it, result is a pandas Series indexed by times, and has the values you want. You can convert it to a dataframe in the format you want using reset_index method on the Series.
You can generate your times data like this
import pandas as pd
times = pd.date_range(df["start_time"].min(), df["end_time"].max(), freq="30min")
Why it works
Each row in your dataframe can be thought of a step function. For example the first row corresponds to a step function which starts with a value of zero, then at 2002-02-03 04:15:00 increases to a value of 10, then at 2002-02-04 04:45:00 returns to zero. When you sum all the step functions up for each row you have one step function whose value is the sum of all VIS values at any point. This is what has been assigned to the stepfunction variable above. The stepfunction variable is callable, and returns values of the step function at the points specified. This is what is happening in the last line of the example where the result variable is being assigned.
I am the creator of staircase. Please feel free to reach out with feedback or questions if you have any.
If you paste your data instead of the images, I'd be able to test this. But this is how you may want to think about it. Assume your dataframe is called df.
df['start_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['start_time']) # in case it's not datetime already
df.set_index('start_time', inplace=True)
new_dates = pd.date_range(start=min(df.index), end=max(df.end_time), freq='15Min')
new_df = df.reindex(new_dates, fill_value=np.nan)
As long as there are no duplicates in start_time, this should work. If there is, that'd need to be handled in some other way.
Resample is another possibility, but without data, it's tough to say what would work.
My goal is to convert period to datetime.
If Life Was Easy:
master_df = master_df['Month'].to_datetime()
Back Story:
I built a new dataFrame that originally summed the monthly totals and made a 'Month' column by converting a timestamp to period. Now I want to convert that time period back to a timestamp so that I can create plots using matplotlib.
I have tried following:
Reading the docs for Period.to_timestamp.
Converting to a string and then back to datetime. Still keeps the period issue and won't convert.
Following a couple similar questions in Stackoverflow but could not seem to get it to work.
A simple goal would be to plot the following:
plot.bar(m_totals['Month'], m_totals['Showroom Visits']);
This is the error I get if I try to use a period dtype in my charts
ValueError: view limit minimum 0.0 is less than 1 and is an invalid Matplotlib date value.
This often happens if you pass a non-datetime value to an axis that has datetime units.
Additional Material:
Code I used to create the Month column (where period issue was created):
master_df['Month'] = master_df['Entry Date'].dt.to_period('M')
Codes I used to group to monthly totals:
m_sums = master_df.groupby(['DealerName','Month']).sum().drop(columns={'Avg. Response Time','Closing Percent'})
m_means = master_df.groupby(['DealerName','Month']).mean()
m_means = m_means[['Avg. Response Time','Closing Percent']]
m_totals = m_sums.join(m_means)
Resulting DataFrame:
I was able to cast the period type to string then to datetime. Just could not go straight from period to datetime.
m_totals['Month'] = m_totals['Month'].astype(str)
m_totals['Month'] = pd.to_datetime(m_totals['Month'])
I wish I did not get downvoted for not providing the entire dataFrame.
First change it to str then to date
index=pd.period_range(start='1949-01',periods=144 ,freq='M')
#changing period to date
Another potential solution is to use to_timestamp. For example: m_totals['Month'] = m_totals['Month'].dt.to_timestamp()
I have a Pandas dataframe that includes a timestamp column starting from 0.
The first row always starts at time = 0, and the following rows get the relative time from that point. So, e.g. the second row comes 0.25 seconds after the first, obviously it gets the timestamp 0.25.
I want to use the timestamp column mainly for the ability to do resampling and interpolation. So, as far as I know, for that purpose it has to be some time related dtype (pd.Timestamp in my case).
Now, what I additionally want, is to be able to save the dataframe as a CSV file afterwards. Unfortunately, the pd.Timestamp column is stored as a datetime string of the format
1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000
I'd however like to save it like it comes in: as a float value starting from 0.0.
I'm thinking about storing the timestamp in the dataframe as two separate columns, one in pd.Timestamp format and the other with the same original value as float.
Though additionally, data value floats in the frame are stored in the format %7.3f. However, the float value of the timestamp should be more precise, rather something like %.6f or even more decimal digits. So I'd in addition to all that above need a different float format for a single column.
How can I do all of that together?
Your times sounds more like Timedeltas to me. You can initialise them as 0, add them together, and then represent them as a float with pd.Timedelta.total_seconds().
import pandas as pd
t0 = pd.Timedelta(0)
t1 = t0 + pd.Timedelta('0.25s')
t1_as_float = t1.total_seconds()