(Pymongo) Print/show what I just delete - python

I want to print what I just deleted by pymongo
the main function
def del_data(del_values_json ,one_or_many_bool ):
if one_or_many_bool:
x = mycol.delete_many(del_values_json)
x = mycol.delete_one(del_values_json)
retrun x
number_of_delete_data = int(x.deleted_count)
modified_data_list = []
for modified_data in mycol.find().sort("_id", -1).limit(number_of_delete_data):
the output
I want to print what I just deleted, I delete two { "name": "Joy22" }data, but I just print the top of 2 data in the collection, MongoDB has some examples, however, is hard to find pymongo call for the same case
Enter the IP: localhost.173
Enter exist DB name: (practice_10_14)-0002
Enter exist collection name: collection_new02cp
U are deleted one or many values? (ex:1 for many , 0 for one): 1
Enter delete values: { "name" : "Joy22" }
<pymongo.results.DeleteResult object at 0x00000282A37C6890>
2 documents delete.
{'_id': ObjectId('6350c8a3a1fa85dd0cfe590a'), 'name': 'Joy', 'ID': 100998, 'Age': 23, 'time': DateTime.datetime(2022, 10, 17, 9, 11, 54)}
{'_id': ObjectId('6350c8a3a1fa85dd0cfe5909'), 'name': 'Joy', 'ID': 100998, 'Age': 23, 'time': DateTime.datetime(2022, 10, 17, 9, 11, 54)}
{'ok': 1, 'msg': 'no error occur', 'count': 2}
<class 'str'>
the whole code in case someone wants to take a look
# Delete collection/table
import pymongo
import datetime
import json
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson import json_util
def init_db(ip, db, coll):
myclient = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://' + ip + '/')
mydb = myclient[db]
mycol = mydb[coll]
except Exception as e:
msg_fail_reason = "error in init_db function"
return msg_fail_reason
return mydb, mycol
# del_data = delete_db_data
# one_or_many_bool: input 1 means True; input 0 is False
def del_data(del_values_json ,one_or_many_bool ):
if one_or_many_bool:
x = mycol.delete_many(del_values_json)
x = mycol.delete_one(del_values_json)
except Exception as e:
msg_fail_reason = "error in del_data function"
return msg_fail_reason
return x
msg_fail_reason = "no error occur"
ip_input = input("Enter the ip: ")
exist_DB_name = input("Enter exist DB name: ")
exist_coll_name = input("Enter exist collection name: ")
mydb, mycol = init_db(ip_input, exist_DB_name, exist_coll_name)
insert_one_or_many = input("U are delete one or many values? (ex:1 for many , 0 for one): ")
del_values_str = input("Enter delete values: ")
one_or_many_bool = bool(int(insert_one_or_many))
del_values_json =json.loads(del_values_str)
x = del_data(del_values_json ,one_or_many_bool )
print(x.deleted_count, "documents delete.")
number_of_delete_data = int(x.deleted_count)
modified_data_list = []
for modified_data in mycol.find().sort("_id", -1).limit(number_of_delete_data):
def parse_json(data):
return json.loads(json_util.dumps(data))
# if someone wants data in JSON
# modified_data_json = parse_json(modified_data_list)
# 1 means success
return_status_str = { "ok" : 1 , "msg" : msg_fail_reason , "count" : number_of_delete_data}
# return_status_json is json data, dump
return_status_json = (json.dumps(return_status_str))

The DeleteResult object only returns the number of items deleted. Once an item is deleted it will no longer occur in the collection so this fragment of code:
modified_data_list = []
for modified_data in mycol.find().sort("_id", -1).limit(number_of_delete_data):
Will return the first two remaining items which implies there were two documents with the name joy22 (hence a modified count of 2). You will note that the two documents returned do not have the name joy22. Therefore they are not the deleted documents.
To achieve your goal first find your documents, then delete_many then print the results of the find.


Comparing id betwen config value and API output

I want to check if the fields 'id' and 'folder_id' of api_response equal certain values (here, respectively 25 and 17). If it does, return true, else return false. My problem is that my script returns false when it should return true because the fields id and folder_id are correct.
Here is my code:
SendInBlueAPI = config.get('Config','SendInBlueAPI')
SendInBlueFolderID = config.get('Config','SendInBlueFolderID')
SendInBlueListID = config.get('Config','SendInBlueListID')
## Checking if list exists in SendInBlue
configuration = sib_api_v3_sdk.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['api-key'] = '%s' % (SendInBlueAPI)
api_instance = sib_api_v3_sdk.ListsApi(sib_api_v3_sdk.ApiClient(configuration))
list_id = SendInBlueListID
api_response = api_instance.get_list(list_id)
if api_response.id == SendInBlueListID and api_response.folder_id == SendInBlueFolderID:
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ListsApi->get_list: %s\n" % e)
This is the output of api_response:
{'campaign_stats': None,
'created_at': '2023-01-16T10:07:47.000+01:00',
'dynamic_list': False,
'folder_id': 17,
'id': 25,
'name': 'My list',
'total_blacklisted': 2,
'total_subscribers': 244,
'unique_subscribers': 246}
And here is my config file :
SendInBlueFolderID = 17
SendInBlueListID = 25

how can i run a python code periodically on a docker container

I have a python code which works for doing data analytics from csv file. I want to run my python code to be run periodically on a docker container. Every 15 seconds, it should automatically look at a folder A, if there is a csv file in it, it should process it and put an html report with the same name in folder B.
#This program pulls data from csv file and displays it as html file.
#csv file contains device names, card names and temperatures of cards
#The html file contains: how many devices, how many cards are in the system, which
#device has the highest temperature card, and in the table below is how many cards are
#there in summary for each device, how many have a temperature of 70 and above, the
#highest and average card what are the temperatures
#NOTE: The print functions in the program are written for trial purposes.
from enum import unique
from re import A, T
import pandas as pd
from prettytable import PrettyTable, PLAIN_COLUMNS
table = PrettyTable() #create a table for device
table2 = PrettyTable() #create a table for summary
table.field_names = ["Device -", "Total # of Cards - ", "High Temp. Cards # - ", "Max Temperature - ", "Avg. Temperature "]
table2.field_names = [" "," "]
df = pd.read_csv("cards.csv", sep=';', usecols = ['Device','Card','Temperature'])""", index_col=["Device","Card"]"""
print(df["Device"].nunique(),"\n\n") # number of unique server
total_devices = df["Device"].nunique() # NUMBER OF DEVICES IN DIFFERENT TYPES
maxTemp = df['Temperature'].max() #finding max temperature
print("total card ", )
i= 0
#Finding the card with the max temperature and the server where the card is located
while j > 0:
if df["Temperature"].loc[i] == df["Temperature"].max():
deviceName = df["Device"].loc[i]
cardName = df["Card"].loc[i]
j= 0
else :
i = i+1
dev_types = df["Device"].unique() # Server's names
newstr = cardName + "/" + deviceName
#Summary tablosunu olusturma
table2.add_row(["Total Devices ", total_devices] )
table2.add_row(["Total Cads ", len(df["Card"])])
table2.add_row(["Max Card Temperature ", df["Temperature"].max()])
table2.add_row(["Hottest Card / Device " ,newstr])
row_num = len(df)
#I pulled the data from the file according to the device type so that the server cards and temperatures were sorted, I found the max temp from here
dn = pd.read_csv("cards.csv", sep=';', index_col=["Device"], usecols = ['Device','Card','Temperature'])
sum = []
high = []
#print("max temp: ", dn["Temperature"].loc[dev_types[1]].max())
for x in range(total_devices): # total devices (according the file = 3 )
cardCount = 0 # counts the number of cards belonging to the device
count2 = 0 # Counts the number of cards with a temperature greater than 70
tempcount = 0
for y in range(row_num):
if dev_types[x] == df["Device"].loc[y]:
tempcount = tempcount + df["Temperature"].loc[y] # the sum of the temperatures of the cards(used when calculating the average)
cardCount = cardCount +1
if df["Temperature"].loc[y] >= 70:
count2 = count2 +1
maxT = dn["Temperature"].loc[dev_types[x]].max() #Finding the ones with the max temperature from the cards belonging to the server
avg = str(tempcount/cardCount)
table.add_row([dev_types[x], cardCount, count2, maxT,avg ]) # I added the information to the "devices" table
print("num of cards" , cardCount)
print("high temp cards" , count2)
htmlCode = table.get_html_string()
htmlCode2 = table2.get_html_string()
f= open('devices.html', 'w')
Whether or not the code is run in Docker doesn't matter.
Wrap all of that current logic (well, not the imports and so on) in a function, say, def process_cards().
Call that function forever, in a loop:
import logging
def process_cards():
table = PrettyTable()
def main():
while True:
except Exception:
logging.exception("Failed processing")
if __name__ == "__main__":
As an aside, your data processing code can be vastly simplified:
import pandas as pd
from prettytable import PrettyTable
def get_summary_table(df):
summary_table = PrettyTable() # create a table for summary
total_devices = df["Device"].nunique()
hottest_card = df.loc[df["Temperature"].idxmax()]
hottest_device_desc = f"{hottest_card.Card}/{hottest_card.Device}"
summary_table.add_row(["Total Devices", total_devices])
summary_table.add_row(["Total Cards", len(df["Card"])])
summary_table.add_row(["Max Card Temperature", df["Temperature"].max()])
summary_table.add_row(["Hottest Card / Device ", hottest_device_desc])
return summary_table
def get_devices_table(df):
devices_table = PrettyTable(
"Total # of Cards",
"High Temp. Cards #",
"Max Temperature",
"Avg. Temperature",
for device_name, group in df.groupby("Device"):
count = len(group)
avg_temp = group["Temperature"].mean()
max_temp = group["Temperature"].max()
high_count = group[group.Temperature >= 70]["Temperature"].count()
print(f"{device_name=} {avg_temp=} {max_temp=} {high_count=}")
devices_table.add_row([device_name, count, high_count, max_temp, avg_temp])
return devices_table
def do_processing(csv_file="cards.csv", html_file="devices.html"):
# df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=';', usecols=['Device', 'Card', 'Temperature'])
# (Just some random example data)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Device": [f"Device {1 + x // 3}" for x in range(10)],
"Card": [f"Card {x + 1}" for x in range(10)],
"Temperature": [59.3, 77.2, 48.5, 60.1, 77.2, 61.1, 77.4, 65.8, 71.2, 60.3],
summary_table = get_summary_table(df)
devices_table = get_devices_table(df)
with open(html_file, "w") as f:
"<style>table, th, td {border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}</style>"
i have an example of repeat decorator for run your function every seconds or minutes ...
i hope this sample helps you
from typing import Optional, Callable, Awaitable
import asyncio
from functools import wraps
def repeat_every(*, seconds: float, wait_first: bool = False)-> Callable:
def decorator(function: Callable[[], Optional[Awaitable[None]]]):
is_coroutine = asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(function)
async def wrapped():
async def loop():
if wait_first:
await asyncio.sleep(seconds)
while True:
if is_coroutine:
await function()
await asyncio.run_in_threadpool(function)
except Exception as e:
raise e
await asyncio.sleep(seconds)
return wrapped
print("Repeat every working well.")
return decorator
async def main():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError:
loop = None
if loop and loop.is_running():
print('Async event loop already running.')
tsk = loop.create_task(main())
lambda t: print(f'Task done with result= {t.result()}'))
print('Starting new event loop')
and there is an option that you can make an entrypoint which has cronjob

Python Json value overwritten by last value

lista =
[{Identity: joe,
{distance: 1, time:2, status: idle},
{distance:2, time:5, status: moving}],
{unit: imperial}]
I can pull the data easily and put in pandas. The issue is, if an identity has multiple instances of, say idle, it takes the last value, instead of summing together.
my code...
zdrivershours = {}
zdistance = {}
zstophours = {}
For driver in resp:
driverid[driver['AssetID']] = driver['AssetName']
for value in [driver['SegmentSummary']]:
for value in value:
if value['SegmentType'] == 'Motion':
zdriverhours[driver['AssetID']] = round(value['Time']/3600,2)
if value['SegmentType'] == 'Stop':
zstophours[driver['AssetID']] = round(value['IdleTime']/3600,2)
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = value['Distance']
To obtain the summatory of distance for every driver replace:
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = value['Distance']
if driver['AssetID'] in zdistance:
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = zdistance[driver['AssetID']] + value['Distance']
zdistance[driver['AssetID']] = value['Distance']

Run a function in background using thread in Flask

I am trying to implement limit order book using flask and I am working on the backend part right now. I am new to flask so I am still learning and I am not much aware about how backend of trading works but I am trying to learn via this small project.
I have created 3 endpoints in my application which add order, remove order and give a response of the order status and these three endpoints are working fine checked them with postman. Now I am trying to run a function in background which will continuously check the new orders (buy/sell) from a json file which save all new orders. It will pick them one by one and will find a match based on price if a user's buy order matches a different user's sell order it will process and store it in a dict which I want to return or store all those successful order to the user.
Here is my code for the class I have created:
import json
import bisect
import random
import os
class Process(object):
def __init__(self):
self.trade_book = []
self.bid_prices = []
self.ask_prices = []
self.ask_book = {}
self.bid_book = {}
self.confirm_traded = []
self.orders_history = {}
self.traded = False
self.counter = 0
def save_userdata(self,order, newId):
orderid = order['order']['trader'] +"_"+ str(newId)
user_list = order
newJson = {
{ orderid: order['order']}
with open('data_user.json', 'a+') as jsonFile:
with open('data_user.json', 'r') as readableJson:
jsonObj = json.load(readableJson)
except Exception as e:
jsonObj = {}
if jsonObj == {}:
json.dump(newJson, jsonFile)
with open('data_user.json', 'w+') as writeFile:
exists = False
for item in jsonObj['orders']:
if item.get(orderid, None) is not None:
item[orderid] = order['order']
exists = True
if not exists:
json.dump(jsonObj, writeFile)
return orderid
def get_userdata(self):
with open('data_user.json', 'r') as readableJson:
return json.load(readableJson)
def removeOrder(self, orderid):
order_id = list(orderid.values())[0]
with open('data_user.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
newData = []
for item in data['orders']:
if item.get(order_id, None) is not None:
del item[order_id]
data['orders'] = newData
with open('data_user.json', 'w') as data_file:
data = json.dump(data, data_file)
return order_id
def add_order_to_book(self, order):
index = list(order.keys())[0]
book_order = order[index]
if order[index]['side'] == 'buy':
book_prices = self.bid_prices
book = self.bid_book
else: #order[index]['side'] == 'sell'
book_prices = self.ask_prices
book = self.ask_book
if order[index]['price'] in book_prices:
book[order[index]['price']]['num_orders'] += 1
book[order[index]['price']]['size'] += order[index]['quantity']
book[order[index]['price']]['orders'][index] = book_order
bisect.insort(book_prices, order[index]['price'])
book[order[index]['price']] = {'num_orders': 1, 'size': order[index]['quantity'],'order_ids':
'orders': {index: book_order}}
def confirm_trade(self,order_id, timestamp, order_quantity, order_price, order_side):
trader = order_id.partition('_')[0]
self.confirm_traded.append({ 'trader': trader,'quantity': order_quantity, 'side': order_side,
'price': order_price,
'status': 'Successful'})
return self.confirm_traded
def process_trade_orders(self, order):
self.traded = False
index = list(order.keys())[0]
if order[index]['side'] == 'buy':
book = self.ask_book
if order[index]['price'] in self.ask_prices:
remainder = order[index]['quantity']
while remainder > 0:
book_order_id = book[order[index]['price']]['order_ids'][0]
book_order = book[order[index]['price']]['orders'][book_order_id]
if remainder >= book_order['quantity']:
self.trade_book.append({'order_id': book_order_id, 'timestamp': order[index]['timestamp'],
'price': order[index]['price'],
'quantity': order[index]['quantity'], 'side': book_order['side']})
self.confirm_trade(index, order[index]['timestamp'], order[index]['quantity'], order[index]['price'], order[index]['side'])
self.traded = True
remainder = remainder - book_order['quantity']
self.save_historty_orders(index, order[index])
self.traded = True
self.trade_book.append({'order_id': index, 'timestamp': order[index]['timestamp'],
'price': order[index]['price'],
'quantity': order[index]['quantity'], 'side': order[index]['side']})
self.confirm_trade(index, order[index]['timestamp'], order[index]['quantity'], order[index]['price'], order[index]['side'])
self.save_historty_orders(index, order[index])
self.save_historty_orders(index, order[index])
else: #order['side'] == 'sell'
book = self.bid_book
if order[index]['price'] in self.bid_prices:
remainder = order[index]['quantity']
while remainder > 0:
book_order_id = book[order[index]['price']]['order_ids'][0]
book_order = book[order[index]['price']]['orders'][book_order_id]
if remainder >= book_order['quantity']:
self.trade_book.append({'order_id': book_order_id, 'timestamp': order[index]['timestamp'],
'price': order[index]['price'],
'quantity': order[index]['quantity'], 'side': order[index]['side']})
self.traded = True
self.confirm_trade(index, order[index]['timestamp'], order[index]['quantity'], order[index]['price'], order[index]['side'])
remainder = remainder - book_order['quantity']
self.save_historty_orders(index, order[index])
self.traded = True
self.trade_book.append({'order_id': book_order_id, 'timestamp': order[index]['timestamp'],
'price': order[index]['price'],
'quantity': order[index]['quantity'], 'side': order[index]['side']})
self.confirm_trade(index, order[index]['timestamp'], order[index]['quantity'], order[index]['price'], order[index]['side'])
self.save_historty_orders(index, order[index])
self.save_historty_orders(index, order[index])
This class process I create object in my app.py and call the function process_trade_orders in that inside a function processing():
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
newUser = Process()
succorder = Success()
#sched = BackgroundScheduler()
def generate_orderid():
num = 0
while num < 1000:
yield num
num = num + 1
genid = generate_orderid()
proc = Process()
sucorder = Success()
#Processing orders to find if they have a match
def processing():
get_orders_data = proc.get_userdata()
for data in get_orders_data['orders']:
index = list(data.keys())[0]
if data[index]['status'] == 'Successful':
# sched = BackgroundScheduler()
# sched.add_job(func = processing, trigger="interval", seconds = 2)
# sched.start()
I did use APSbackground-scheduler for the same but I want to use thread for it. I was thinking of running a main thread in infinite loop as a daemon and use worker thread to run this function processing() in app.py which will be called after every few seconds to check if there are any successful order it will return the value to the main thread and those list of dict every new one I can return a response or some other way to the user about this successful order getting matched.
Note that this will be running is short intervals like 5 seconds and multiple add orders will be added and will be continuously running the checks asynchronously so I am not sure how will I return those values. I am just confused so if anyone can help me will be grateful.
If you want to make a threaded function that runs in background, just use the threading module, like this:
from threading import Thread
def bg_func():
t = Thread(target=bg_func)
t.start() # will start the function and continue, even if the function still runs
doSomethingelseAtSameTime # runs with bg_func
You can also have multiple background threads.
Check the documentation for more info.

How to search for multiple data from multiple lines and store them in dictionary?

Say I have a file with the following:
/* Full name: abc */
.....(".....) ;
/* .....
/* .....
..... : "....."
"....., .....
Car : true ;
House : true ;
Age : 33
/* Full name: xyz */
Car : true ;
Age : 56
I am only interested in full name, car, house and age of each person. There are many other lines of data with different format between the variable/attritbute that I am interested.
My code so far:
import re
initial_val = {'House': 'false', 'Car': 'false'}
with open('input.txt') as f:
records = []
current_record = None
for line in f:
if not line.strip():
elif current_record is None:
people_name = re.search('.+Full name ?: (.+) ', line)
if people_name:
current_record = dict(initial_val, Name = people_name.group(1))
elif current_record is not None:
house = re.search(' *(House) ?: ?([a-z]+)', line)
if house:
current_record['House'] = house.group(2)
car = re.search(' *(Car) ?: ?([a-z]+)', line)
if car:
current_record['Car'] = car.group(2)
people_name = re.search('.+Full name ?: (.+) ', line)
if people_name:
current_record = dict(initial_val, Name = people_name.group(1))
print records
What I get:
[{'Name': 'abc', 'House': 'true', 'Car': 'true'}]
My question:
How am I suppose to extract the data and store it in a dictionary like:
{'abc': {'Car': true, 'House': true, 'Age': 33}, 'xyz':{'Car': true, 'House': false, 'Age': 56}}
My purpose:
check whether each person has car, house and age, if no then return false
The I could print them in a table like this:
Name Car House Age
abc true true 33
xyz true false 56
Note that I am using Python 2.7 and I do not know what is the actual value of each variable/attribute (Eg. abc, true, true, 33) of each person.
What is the best solution to my question? Thanks.
Well, you just have to keep track of the current record:
def parse_name(line):
# first remove the initial '/* ' and final ' */'
stripped_line = line.strip('/* ')
return stripped_line.split(':')[-1]
WANTED_KEYS = ('Car', 'Age', 'House')
# default values for when the lines are not present for a record
INITIAL_VAL = {'Car': False, 'House': False, Age: -1}
with open('the_filename') as f:
records = []
current_record = None
for line in f:
if not line.strip():
# skip empty lines
elif current_record is None:
# first record in the file
if line.startswith('/*'):
current_record = dict(INITIAL_VAL, name=parse_name(line))
# this should probably be an error in the file contents
elif line.startswith('/*'):
# this means that the current record finished, and a new one is starting
current_record = dict(INITIAL_VAL, name=parse_name(line))
key, val = line.split(':')
if key.strip() in WANTED_KEYS:
# we want to keep track of this field
current_record[key.strip()] = val.strip()
# otherwise just ignore the line
for record in records:
print(record['name'], record['Car'], record['House'], record['Age'], sep='\t')
Note that for Age you may want to convert it to an integer using int:
if key == 'Age':
current_record['Age'] = int(val)
The above code produces a list of dictionaries, but it is easy enough to convert it to a dictionary of dicts:
new_records = {r['name']: dict(r) for r in records}
for val in new_records.values():
del val['name']
After this new_records will be something like:
{'abc': {'Car': True, 'House': True, Age: 20}, ...}
If you have other lines with a different format in between the interesting ones you can simply write a function that returns True or False depending on whether the line is in the format you require and use it to filter the lines of the file:
def is_interesting_line(line):
if line.startswith('/*'):
return True
elif ':' in line:
return True
for line in filter(is_interesting_line, f):
# code as before
Change is_interesting_line to suit your needs. In the end, if you have to handle several different formats etc. maybe using a regex would be better, in that case you could do something like:
import re
LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(/\*.*\*/)|(\w+\s*:.*)| <other stuff>')
def is_interesting_line(line):
return LINE_REGEX.match(line) is not None
If you want you can obtain fancier formatting for the table, but you probably first need to determine the maximum length of the name etc. or you can use something like tabulate to do that for you.
For example something like (not tested):
max_name_length = max(max(len(r['name']) for r in records), 4)
format_string = '{:<{}}\t{:<{}}\t{}\t{}'
print(format_string.format('Name', max_name_length, 'Car', 5, 'House', 'Age'))
for record in records:
print(format_string.format(record['name'], max_name_length, record['Car'], 5, record['House'], record['Age']))

