I'm trying to give numerical representations of strings, so I'm using Pandas'
For example Toyota = 1, Safeway = 2 , Starbucks =3
Currently it looks like (and this works):
#Create easy unique IDs for subscription names i.e. 1,2,3,4,5...etc..
df['SUBS_GROUP_ID'] = pd.factorize(df['SUBSCRIPTION_NAME'])[0] + 1
However, I only want to factorize subscription names where the SUB_GROUP_ID is null. So my thought was, grab all null rows, then run factorize function.
mask_to_grab_nulls = df['SUBS_GROUP_ID'].isnull()
df[mask_to_grab_nulls]['SUBS_GROUP_ID'] = pd.factorize(df[mask_to_grab_nulls]['SUBSCRIPTION_NAME'])[0] + 1
This runs, but does not change any values... any ideas on how to solve this?
This is likely related to chained assignments (see more here). Try the solution below, which isn't optimal but should work fine in your case:
df2 = df[df['SUBS_GROUP_ID'].isnull()] # isolate the Null IDs
df2['SUBS_GROUP_ID'] = pd.factorize(df2['SUBSCRIPTION_NAME'])[0] + 1 # factorize
df = df.dropna() # drop Null rows from the original table
df_fin = pd.concat([df,df2]) # concat df and df2
What you are doing is called chained indexing, which has two major downsides and should be avoided:
It can be slower than the alternative, because it involves more function calls.
The result is unpredictable: Why does assignment fail when using chained indexing?
I'm a bit surprised you haven't seen a SettingWithCopy warning. The warning points you in the right direction:
... Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
So this should work:
mask_to_grab_nulls = df['SUBS_GROUP_ID'].isnull()
df.loc[mask_to_grab_nulls, 'SUBS_GROUP_ID'] = pd.factorize(
df.loc[mask_to_grab_nulls, 'SUBSCRIPTION_NAME']
)[0] + 1
You can use labelencoder.
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
df=df.dropna(subset=['SUBS_GROUP_ID'])#drop null values
df_results =le.fit_transform(df.SUBS_GROUP_ID.values) #encode string to classes
I would use numpy.where to factorize only the non nan values.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'SUBS_GROUP_ID': ['ID-001', 'ID-002', np.nan, 'ID-004', 'ID-005'],
'SUBSCRIPTION_NAME': ['Toyota', 'Safeway', 'Starbucks', 'Safeway', 'Toyota']})
df['SUBS_GROUP_ID'] = np.where(~df['SUBS_GROUP_ID'].isnull(), pd.factorize(df['SUBSCRIPTION_NAME'])[0] + 1, np.nan)
>>> print(df)
I have tried with everything I can come up with and would appreciate some help! :)
This is a method that's gonna return an imputed part of a data frame
from statistics import mean
from unicodedata import numeric
def imputation(df, columns_to_imputed):
# Step 1: Get a part of dataframe using columns received as a parameter.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df.set_axis(['Pregnancies', 'Glucose', 'BloodPressure', 'SkinThickness', 'Insulin', 'BMI', 'DiabetesPedigreeFunction', 'Age', 'Outcome'], axis=1, inplace=True)#Sätter rubrikerna
part_of_df = pd.DataFrame(df.filter(columns_to_imputed, axis=1))
part_of_df = part_of_df.drop([0], axis=0)
#Step 2: Change the zero values in the columns to np.nan
part_of_df = part_of_df.replace('0', np.nan)
# Step 3: Change the nan values to the mean of each attribute (column).
#You can use the apply(), fillna() functions.
part_of_df = part_of_df.fillna(part_of_df.mean(axis=0)) #####Ive tried everything on this row, can't get it to work. I want to fill each nan-value with the mean of the column its in..
return part_of_df ####Im returning this part to see if the nans are replaced but nothings happened...
You were on the right track, you just need to make a small change. Here I created a sample Df and introduced some NaNs:
dummy_df = pd.DataFrame({"col1":range(5), "col2":range(5)})
dummy_df['col1'][1] = None
dummy_df['col1'][3] = None
dummy_df['col2'][4] = None
and got this:
Disclaimer: Don't use my method of value assignment. Use proper indexing through loc.
Now, I use apply() and lambda to iterate over each column and fill NaNs with the mean value:
dummy_df = dummy_df.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()), axis=0)
This gives me:
Hope this helps!
I am currently learning pandas and I am using an imdb movies database, which one of the columns is the duration of the movies. However, one of the values is "None", so I can´t calculate the mean because there is this string in the middle. I thought of changing the "None" to = 0, however that would skew the results. Like can be seen with the code below.
dur_temp = duration.replace("None", 0)
dur_temp = dur_temp.astype(float)
descricao_duration = dur_temp.mean()
Any ideas on what I should do in order to not skew the data? I also graphed it and it becomes more clear how it skews it.
You can replace "None" with numpy.nan, instead that using 0.
Something like this should do the trick:
import numpy as np
dur_temp = duration.replace("None", np.nan)
descricao_duration = dur_temp.mean()
if you want it working for any string in your pandas serie, you could use pd.to_numeric:
pd.to_numeric(dur_temp, errors='coerce').mean()
in this way all the values that cannot be converted to float will be replaced by NaN regardless of which is
Just filter by condition like this
df[df['a']!='None'] #assuming your mean values are in column a
Make them np.NAN values
I am writing it as answer because i can't comment df = df.replace('None ', np.NaN) or df.replace('None', np.NaN, inplace=True)
You can use fillna(value=np.nan) as shown below:
descricao_duration = dur_temp.fillna(value=np.nan).mean()
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dur_temp = pd.DataFrame({'duration': [10, 20, None, 15, None]})
descricao_duration = dur_temp.fillna(value=np.nan).mean()
duration 15.0
dtype: float64
Let's say df is a pandas DataFrame.
I would like to find all columns of numeric type.
Something like:
isNumeric = is_numeric(df)
You could use select_dtypes method of DataFrame. It includes two parameters include and exclude. So isNumeric would look like:
numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']
newdf = df.select_dtypes(include=numerics)
Simple one-line answer to create a new dataframe with only numeric columns:
If you want the names of numeric columns:
Complete code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': range(7, 10),
'B': np.random.rand(3),
'C': ['foo','bar','baz'],
'D': ['who','what','when']})
# A B C D
# 0 7 0.704021 foo who
# 1 8 0.264025 bar what
# 2 9 0.230671 baz when
df_numerics_only = df.select_dtypes(include=np.number)
# A B
# 0 7 0.704021
# 1 8 0.264025
# 2 9 0.230671
colnames_numerics_only = df.select_dtypes(include=np.number).columns.tolist()
# ['A', 'B']
You can use the undocumented function _get_numeric_data() to filter only numeric columns:
In [32]: data
0 1 s
1 2 s
2 3 s
3 4 s
In [33]: data._get_numeric_data()
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
Note that this is a "private method" (i.e., an implementation detail) and is subject to change or total removal in the future. Use with caution.
df.select_dtypes(exclude = ['object'])
df.select_dtypes(include= np.number)
or with new version of panda
Simple one-liner:
Following codes will return list of names of the numeric columns of a data set.
here marketing_train is my data set and select_dtypes() is function to select data types using exclude and include arguments and columns is used to fetch the column name of data set
output of above code will be following:
This is another simple code for finding numeric column in pandas data frame,
numeric_clmns = df.dtypes[df.dtypes != "object"].index
We can include and exclude data types as per the requirement as below:
train.select_dtypes(include=None, exclude=None)
train.select_dtypes(include='number') #will include all the numeric types
Referred from Jupyter Notebook.
To select all numeric types, use np.number or 'number'
To select strings you must use the object dtype but note that
this will return all object dtype columns
See the NumPy dtype hierarchy <http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.scalars.html>__
To select datetimes, use np.datetime64, 'datetime' or
To select timedeltas, use np.timedelta64, 'timedelta' or
To select Pandas categorical dtypes, use 'category'
To select Pandas datetimetz dtypes, use 'datetimetz' (new in
0.20.0) or ``'datetime64[ns, tz]'
Although this is old subject,
but i think the following formula is easier than all other comments
As the function describe() only works for numeric columns, the column of the output will only be numeric.
Please see the below code:
if(dataset.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).shape[1] > 0):
if(dataset.select_dtypes(include=[np.object]).shape[1] > 0):
This way you can check whether the value are numeric such as float and int or the srting values. the second if statement is used for checking the string values which is referred by the object.
Adapting this answer, you could do
Here, np.applymap(np.isreal) shows whether every cell in the data frame is numeric, and .axis(all=0) checks if all values in a column are True and returns a series of Booleans that can be used to index the desired columns.
A lot of the posted answers are inefficient. These answers either return/select a subset of the original dataframe (a needless copy) or perform needless computational statistics in the case of describe().
To just get the column names that are numeric, one can use a conditional list comprehension with the pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype function:
numeric_cols = [col for col in df if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(df[col])]
I'm not sure when this function was introduced.
def is_type(df, baseType):
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
test = [issubclass(np.dtype(d).type, baseType) for d in df.dtypes]
return pd.DataFrame(data = test, index = df.columns, columns = ["test"])
def is_float(df):
import numpy as np
return is_type(df, np.float)
def is_number(df):
import numpy as np
return is_type(df, np.number)
def is_integer(df):
import numpy as np
return is_type(df, np.integer)
I have a dataframe with observations possessing a number of codes. I want to compare the codes present in a row with a list. If any codes are in that list, I wish to flag the row. I can accomplish this using the itertuples method as follows:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'id' : [1,2,3,4,5],
'cd1' : ['abc1', 'abc2', 'abc3','abc4','abc5'],
'cd2' : ['abc3','abc4','abc5','abc6',''],
'cd3' : ['abc10', '', '', '','']})
code_flags = ['abc1','abc6']
# initialize flag column
df['flag'] = 0
# itertuples method
for row in df.itertuples():
if any(df.iloc[row.Index, 1:4].isin(code_flags)):
df.at[row.Index, 'flag'] = 1
The output correctly adds a flag column with the appropriate flags, where 1 indicates a flagged entry.
However, on my actual use case, this takes hours to complete. I have attempted to vectorize this approach using numpy.where.
df['flag'] = 0 # reset
df['flag'] = np.where(any(df.iloc[:,1:4].isin(code_flags)),1,0)
Which appears to evaluate everything the same. I think I'm confused on how the vectorization treats the index. I can remove the semicolon and write df.iloc[1:4] and obtain the same result.
Am I misunderstanding the where function? Is my indexing incorrect and causing a True evaluation for all cases? Is there a better way to do this?
Using np.where with .any not any(..)
I have dictionary and created Pandas using
cars = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cars_dict, orient='index')
sorted the index (columns in alphabetical order
cars = cars.sort_index(axis=1)
After sorting I noticed the DataFrame has NaN and I wasn't sure
if the really np.nan values?
print(cars.isnull().any()) and all column shows false.
I have tried different method to convert those "NaN" values to zero which is what I want to do but non of them is working.
I have tried replace and fillna methods and nothing works
Below is sample of my dataframe..
speedtest size
toyota 65 NaN
honda 77 800
Either use replace or np.where on the values if they are strings:
df = df.replace('NaN', 0)
df[:] = np.where(df.eq('NaN'), 0, df)
Or, if they're actually NaNs (which, it seems is unlikely), then use fillna:
df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
Or, to handle both situations at the same time, use apply + pd.to_numeric (slightly slower but guaranteed to work in any case):
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').fillna(0, downcast='infer')
Thanks to piRSquared for this one!
#cs95's answer didn't work here.
Had to import numpy as np and use replace with np.Nan and inplace = True
import numpy as np
df.replace(np.NaN, 0, inplace=True)
Then all the columns got 0 instead of NaN.