Running a live timer concurrently with a quiz game in Python - python

first time posting here on Stackoverflow. I am currently learning python and am trying to make a simple game where the player will be shown a random 2 decimal place number and have to add up to 10. I want the game to only last 30 seconds, hence I added a clock function as well.
However, I am facing some troubles running both the clock and the game together at the same time. I have tried using threading but sadly it didn't work out. Appreciate all the help I can get!
import random
import time
import threading
number = 10.0
print("Sum up to 10!")
def game():
global score
score = 0
while True:
question = round(random.uniform(0.01, 9.99), 2)
while True:
print("\nYour number is: " + str(question))
answer = float(input("\nAnswer: "))
if question + answer != number:
print("\nWrong answer! Try again!")
elif answer + question == number:
score += 1
except ValueError:
print("Please key in a number(2 decimals)!")
def clock(countdown=0):
while countdown > 0:
countdown -= 1
print("\rTime Left: " + str(countdown), end="")
if countdown == 0:
print("Final score: " + str(score))
clock_thread = threading.Thread(target=clock(31))
game_thread = threading.Thread(target=game())

Your problem is probably on that line
clock_thread = threading.Thread(target=clock(31))
What you are doing right now is launching the function cloack with the argument 31, what you want to do is give a pointer to the function lock, and then give the argument 31
so you'd need to do something like that:
clock_thread = threading.Thread(target=clock, args=(31,))
args is a keyword same as target leading to the arguments you wanna give to the function(note that it has to be a tuple, ence why I wrote (31,)), and note that I didn't put the "()" after clock because I'm giving a pointer to the function clock, not launching the function clock
same, game_thread = threading.Thread(target=game()) becomes:
game_thread = threading.Thread(target=game) for the same reasons


How do I implement a timer on each question asked in a quiz?

I was attempting to create a quiz and one of the criteria is to limit the time available to solve for each question in the quiz. I looked up certain tutorials but some require an input of x seconds for the timer to go off while others looked more like a stopwatch...
I was wondering how do I do like a background timer that ticks down as soon as the question is printed out and skips to the next question if, for example the 30-second period has ended? I'm clueless in the timer function and was having problems to even try to implement them onto my codes. Could someone give out a few pointers so I can sorta progress further in implementing a working timer?
Thank you!
EDITED section below:
The timer that I want to implement onto my coding:
import time
import threading
def atimer():
print("Time's up.")
a_timer = threading.Timer(10.0, atimer)
This is the whole coding that I tried to implement the timer into.
I noticed that when I tried to define qtimer to just print 1 or 2 lines of statements the timer works but I want the timer to stop and go to second question or stop and give the user another attempt to retry the question, so I tried to attach a bunch of codes after the definition and it didn't work. I know I'm most probably doing something wrong here since I'm not quite familiar with time or threading functions. Is there a workaround?
def qtimer():
print("I'm sorry but your time is up for this question.")
print("You may have another attempt if you wish to, with reduced marks allocated.")
response1 = input("Type 'Yes' for another attempt, anything else to skip: ")
if response1 == "Yes":
Answ = input("Which option would you go for this time?: ")
Answ = int(Answ)
if possible[Answ - 1] == qaItem.corrAnsw:
print("Your answer was correct.")
corr += 1
marks += 0.5 * qaItem.diff
print("Your answer was wrong.")
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
class A:
def __init__(self, question, correctAnswer, otherAnswers, difficulty, explanation):
self.question = question
self.corrAnsw = correctAnswer
self.otherAnsw = otherAnswers
self.diff = difficulty
self.expl = explanation
qaList = [A("What is COVID-19?", "Coronavirus Disease 2019", ["Wuhan virus", "I don't understand...", "Coronavirus Disease v19"], 1, "Explanation 1"),
A("What describes COVID-19?", "A disease", ["A virus", "A parasite", "A bacteriophage"], 1, "Explanation 2"),
A("What causes COVID-19?", "SARS-CoV-2", ["Coronavirus", "Mimivirus", "Rubeola Virus"], 1, "Explanation 3"),
A("Which of the following is used in COVID-19 treatment?", "Lopinavir / Ritonavir ", ["Midazolam / Triazolam", "Amiodarone", "Phenytoin"], 2, "Explanation 4"),
A("Which of the following receptors is used by COVID-19 to infect human cells?", "ACE-2 Receptors", ["ApoE4 Receptors", "TCR Receptors", "CD28 Receptors"], 3, "Explanation 5")]
corr = 0
marks = 0
for qaItem in qaList:
q_timer = threading.Timer(5.0, qtimer)
print("Possible answers are:")
possible = qaItem.otherAnsw + [qaItem.corrAnsw]
count = 0
while count < len(possible):
print(str(count+1) + ": " + possible[count])
count += 1
print("Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
Answ = str(Answ)
while not Answ.isdigit():
print("That was not a number. Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
Answ = int(Answ)
Answ = int(Answ)
while Answ > 4 or Answ < 1:
print("That number doesn't correspond to any answer. Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
Answ = int(Answ)
if possible[Answ-1] == qaItem.corrAnsw:
print("Your answer was correct.")
corr += 1
marks += 1 * qaItem.diff
print("Your answer was wrong.")
response = input("Would you want to try again? If so, input 'Yes' to attempt it again, if not just input whatever!")
if response == "Yes":
Answ = input("Which option would you go for this time?: ")
Answ = int(Answ)
if possible[Answ - 1] == qaItem.corrAnsw:
print("Your answer was correct.")
corr += 1
marks += 0.5 * qaItem.diff
print("Your answer was wrong.")
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
print("Correct answer was: " + qaItem.corrAnsw)
print("Explanation: " + qaItem.expl)
print("You answered " + str(corr) + " of " + str(len(qaList)) + " questions correctly.")
print("You have achieved a total score of " + str(marks) + ".")
Even with a timer, the main thread can't proceed past waiting for the user to input a number; so if the user doesn't nothing, the timer function runs, and once it has finished the main thread is still waiting for input at
print("Please enter the number of your answer:")
Answ = input()
You could have a global flag that the timer thread sets to tell the main thread to treat the input received as response1 in the timer code, and also have a flag to tell the timer that an answer was received, and so on, and it quickly becomes rather complicated.
So rather than trying to work around the blocking call to input by communicating between the timer and main thread, take the non-blocking input example from and stop the loop early if the time is up.
def timed_input(msg, timeout=10):
kb = KBHit()
end_time = time.time() + timeout
warn_time = 5
result = None
while True:
if kb.kbhit():
c = kb.getch()
if '0' <= c <= '9':
result = int(c)
if time.time() > end_time:
print('time is up')
if time.time() > end_time - warn_time:
print(f'{warn_time}s left')
warn_time = warn_time - 1
return result
# Test
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = timed_input('Enter a number between 1 and 4')
if result is None:
print('be quicker next time')
elif 1 <= result <= 4:
print(f'{result} is not between 1 and 4')
Note also that breaking up into smaller functions helps make the code easier to follow, the logic of the test doesn't need to know about the logic of the timeout.

I don't understand why my function doesn't happen

I am trying to write a typing challenge game where the player has to type a word as fast as possible within the time limit. At the end of the game() function it is supposed to execute the round1() function when the timer gets to 0. However, nothing happens and it just stays on the number 1. Any ideas what is causing this behavior?
This is the code I am using:
import random
import time
global timer
timer = 20
global counting
counting = 10
global rounds
rounds = 0
def menu():
print ("Main Menu\nType in 'start' to begin the typing challenge")
start = input()
if start == "start":
def game():
global counting
choices = ["snazzy", "pizzas", "sizzle", "jackal"]
global word
word = (random.choice(choices))
print ("The word you must type is", word)
print ("You will be timed on how long it takes you to type the word.")
print ("Each round you will have a slightly smaller amount of time to type the word")
print ("Starting in...")
for count in range(10):
print (counting)
counting -=1
def round1():
useless = 100
global rounds
global word
global timer
while useless > 1:
for count in range(20):
timer -=1
print ("Type", word)
attempt = input()
if attempt == word and timer > 0:
rounds = rounds+1
You are getting into the function round1, but once you are there, you are caught in an infinite loop because the variable useless will never change.
Even if you take out the while loop, you will never be able to win because you do not take input in until after the timer has already run out.
Try this code from round 1 on:
def round1():
import sys, select
global rounds
global word
global timer
print ("Type", word)
input, out, error = [sys.stdin], [], [], timer)
if (input):
attempt = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if attempt == word:
rounds = rounds+1
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note that, as-is, it will fail with a NameError since you don't have a round2() function defined. A better solution would be to generalize your function, with something like round_x(number, word, time_to_answer); That way you can reuse the same code and don't have to import globals.
I was playing a bit with your game you're doing too many overhead and mistakes
there so I just changed it's structure to simplify:
import random
import time
current_milli_time = lambda:int(time.time() * 1000)
timer = 20 #suppose user has 20 secs to enter a word
counting = 10
requested_word = ""
choices = ["snazzy", "pizzas", "sizzle", "jackal"]
rounds = 0
def menu():
print ("Main Menu\nType in 'start' to begin the typing challenge")
game() if input().lower() == "start" else menu()
#There is no need to split game and round but I didn't want to mess with
#your program structure too much
def game():
global requested_word
requested_word = (random.choice(choices))
except IndexError:
print "Game is finished"
print ("The word you must type is", requested_word)
print ("You will be timed on how long it takes you to type the word.")
print ("Each round you will have a slightly smaller amount of time to type the word")
print ("Starting typing in in...")
for count in range(10,-1,-1):
print (count)
def round():
global timer
start = current_milli_time()
word = input("Enter word -> ")
stop = current_milli_time()
time_delta = stop-start #this is in milliseconds
if time_delta< timer*1000 and word == requested_word :
timer = timer-5 #lower the time to enter a word
print("Game OVER")
When prompt 'Enter word ->' appears the user has all the time he wants to enter a word, but after it time_delta is calculated and if it passes your limit, it's game over for him.

Python: My code repeats itself after it should have finished

I am writing a rock, paper, scissors game in Python but my code doesn't work as it should. I'm new to Python so please let me know if my code isn't formatted corectly. The game runs fine, assuming you enter one of the already existing answers. However, if you enter one that is different, the code seems to loop randomly after the 'end()' function is executed.
Here is my code:
# imports needed files
from random import randint
import time
# creates a function that ends the game
def end(cpuScore,playerScore):
cont = input("Would you like to play again? (y or n)\n")
if cont=="y":
print("Well... That's a bit rude.")
# creates a function to play the game
def rps(cpuScore,playerScore,num):
# loops code 3 times (unless 'num' is different)
for x in range(num):
# creates options
options = ["rock","paper","scissors"]
# picks a random choice for cpu
cpu = options[randint(0,2)]
# asks the player to choose
player = input("rock, paper or scissors?\n")
# why not gun?
if player=="gun":
result = "w"
elif player==cpu:
result = "d"
elif player=="rock":
if cpu=="paper":
result = "l"
if cpu=="scissors":
result = "w"
elif player=="paper":
if cpu=="scissors":
result = "l"
if cpu=="rock":
result = "w"
elif player=="scissors":
if cpu=="rock":
result = "l"
if cpu=="paper":
result = "w"
# if they choose something other than rock, paper, scissors or gun
print("That's an invalid input!")
# adds one to num so that this round is not counted as one of the 3
# plays the game again with the amount of rounds remaining
# tells the player how they did
if result=="w":
print("Fine! You win! Your silly " + player + " beat my " + cpu + "!!!")
if result=="l":
print("Ha! Sucker!! My epic " + cpu + " smashed your measly " + player + "!!!")
if result=="d":
print("Ah! We drew by both choosing %s! Like they say, great minds think alike!" % cpu)
# announces the scores
print("You are on %s and the computer is on %s!" % (playerScore,cpuScore))
# ends the game after 3 rounds
# creates the funtion that sets the variables and starts the game
def start():
# begins the game
Basically your rps function loops num times, with num = 3 initially. If the user enters an incorrect input, you call back the function, which starts the whole process again, in a new context, for num+1 times.
Thus if you answer wrong the first time you have at least six games to play: four new added and the two initial ones you didn't try to play.
My advice try first to do a program that do one and only one iteration of the rock-paper-scissor game. Adding more iteration is a simple fact of adding a global loop.

How do I have numbers increment slowly over a course of time throughout runtime

I am trying to make a text based game in which the user is a pilot in space. I want to create a movement system but am unsure how to do it. I want the user to be able to put in the desired grid coordinates, and his vehicle will begin to change its grid coords to get closer and closer to the ones he inputted.
Now, to do this I will probably need multithreading and a time element. But I am unsure how I can use a time element. Any advice is greatly appreciate, i'm just trying to learn here. Thanks guys!
from Gundam2 import Mobilesuits
#Main Variable/Object declarations:
Leo1=Mobilesuits(100,100,"Leo","leo desc","dockpit desc",100,[100,100,100])
Leo2=Mobilesuits(100,100,"Leo","leo desc","dockpit desc",100,[300,100,100])
Leo3=Mobilesuits(100,100,"Leo","leo desc","dockpit desc",100,[100,150,100])
#Main Function declarations
def commands(user_input,currentmobilesuit):
if user_input == "radar":
elif user_input == "commands":
print("Command list:\nradar")
print("Invalid command\nType 'commands' for a list of valid commands")
#Main execution
while True:
class Mobilesuits:
#class global variables/methods here
instances = [] #grid cords here
def __init__(self,armor,speed,name,description,cockpit_description,\
radar_range, coordinates):
def can_detect(self, other):
for own_coord, other_coord in zip(self.coordinates, other.coordinates):
if abs(own_coord - other_coord) > self.radar_range:
return False
return True
def radar(self):
for other in Mobilesuits.instances:
if other is not self and self.can_detect(other):
print "%s detected at %s" % (other.description, other.coordinates)
Games typically have a "master loop" of some kind; yours does here:
#Main execution
while True:
The simplest thing to do is to count in the loop:
#Main execution
turn_count = 0
while True:
turn_count += 1
If you wanted the real time taken to have some impact on the counter, or be the counter, you can get the current time from the time module calling time.time().
#Main execution
import time
time_start = time.time()
time_elapsed = 0
while True:
time_elapsed = time.time() - time_start
A couple other thoughts:
Make a Game class, and put the turn counter and game loop in that.
Have the commands function return a number that is the number of time units that took place during the command; for example, entering an invalid command might take 0 turns, while repairing a robot might take 5.
#Main execution
turn_count = 0
while True:
turns_taken = commands(raw_input(),currentmobilesuit)
turn_count += turns_taken
You can use non-blocking I/O. This will help you avoid the complications of threading. Here's your sample code implemented with a non-blocking read of stdin:
import sys
import select
call_count = 0
#Main Function declarations
def commands(user_input):
global call_count
if len(user_input) > 0:
print('call count: ' + str(call_count) + ' user entered: ' + user_input)
def raw_input_no_block():
global call_count
call_count = call_count + 1
input_avail =[sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1)[0] #wait for 0.1 seconds
if input_avail:
return sys.stdin.readline()
return ''
#Main execution
while True:

python -- Crash when trying to deal with unexpected input

So, I'm just fooling around in python, and I have a little error. The script is supposed to ask for either a 1,2 or 3. My issue is that when the user puts in something other than 1,2 or 3, I get a crash. Like, if the user puts in 4, or ROTFLOLMFAO, it crashes.
EDIT: okay, switched it to int(input()). Still having issues
Here is the code
import time
current = 1
running = True
string = ""
next = 0
#while running == True:
if current == 1:
next = 0
print("You wake up.")
print("1) Go back to sleep")
print("2) Get out of bed")
print("3) Smash alarm clock")
while next == 0:
next = int(input())
if next == 1:
current = 2
elif next == 2:
current = 3
elif next == 3:
current = 4
print("invalid input")
next = 0
Use raw_input() not input() the latter eval's the input as code.
Also maybe just build a ask function
def ask(question, choices):
for k, v in choices.items():
print(str(k)+') '+str(v))
a = None
while a not in choices:
a = raw_input("Choose: ")
return a
untested though
since the input() gives you string value and next is an integer it may be the case that crash happened for you because of that conflict. Try next=int(input()) , i hope it will work for you :)

