How can I restart the game by pressing "r"? - python

My plans are to restart the game / reset the character to the middle of the map.
import keyboard as kb
from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
app = Ursina()
window.fps_counter.enabled = False
player = FirstPersonController()
boxes = []
def random_color():
red = random.Random().random() * 20
green = random.Random().random() * 255
blue = random.Random().random() * 20
return color.rgb(red, green, blue)
def add_box(position):
for x in range(20):
for y in range(20):
add_box( (x, 0, y) )
def input(key):
for box in boxes:
if box.hovered:
if key == "right mouse down":
add_box(box.position + mouse.normal)
if key == "left mouse down":
if kb.is_pressed("escape"):
if kb.is_pressed("shift"):
player.speed = 15
player.speed = 7
I can´t find help for this issue in the whole world of the internet. Please help me.

What do you mean with reset? Reset the hole game or just the player position?
To reset player position you can do something like this:
from ursina import *
app = Ursina()
# Change this to whatever your player is. In your case First person controller
player = Entity(model = 'cube')
player_reset_position = (0,0,0)
def input(key):
if key == 'r':
player.position = player_reset_position
Your code with some fixes:
from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
app = Ursina()
window.fps_counter.enabled = False
player = FirstPersonController()
boxes = []
def random_color():
red = random.Random().random() * 20
green = random.Random().random() * 255
blue = random.Random().random() * 20
return color.rgb(red, green, blue)
def add_box(position):
for x in range(20):
for y in range(20):
add_box((x, 0, y))
player_reset_position = (5,10,5)
def input(key):
for box in boxes:
if box.hovered:
if key == "right mouse down":
add_box(box.position + mouse.normal)
if key == "left mouse down":
if key == ("escape"):
if key == ("shift"):
player.speed = 15
player.speed = 7
if key == 'r':
player.position = player_reset_position
I have changed indentation and your input function where you had if kb.is_pressed("escape"): to if key == "escape":


enemy collision in ursina

i'm making a game in ursina and want to know how i can output something that says its true or false(like in a boolean). because the game that i am making needs collision with entity's. i have looked for a solution but i can't find anything. so people that use ursina please help me here is the code:
from ursina import *
import random
speed = 0.05
number_of_pokemon = 10
app = Ursina()
player_texture = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/player.png')
pokemon_texture1 = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/pokemon.png')
pokemon_texture2 = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/pokemon2.png')
pokemon_texture3 = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/pokemon3.png')
grass_texture = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/grass.png')
textbox_texture = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/textbox.png')
missingno_texture = load_texture('pokemon orange assets/missingno.png')
pokemontextures = [pokemon_texture1, pokemon_texture2, pokemon_texture3]
#entitys: pokemon(s), player, textbox, battles
player = Entity(model = 'cube', texture = player_texture, scale = (1,1,0), position =
#textbox = Entity(model ='cube', texture = textbox_texture, scale = (5,1,0), position =
#spawns pokemon
number = random.uniform(0,100)
if(number == 100):
for i in range (100):
pokemon = Entity(model ='cube', texture = missingno_texture, scale = (1,2,0),
position = (random.uniform(-10,10),random.uniform(-10,10),random.uniform(-10,10)))
for i in range(number_of_pokemon):
pokemon = Entity(model ='cube', texture = random.choice(pokemontextures), scale = (1.5,1.5,0), position = (random.uniform(-5,5),random.uniform(-4,4),-0.1))
#spawns grass
for y in range(20):
for x in range(20):
grass = Entity(model ='cube', texture = grass_texture, scale = (1,1,0), position = (x - 10,y - 10,0))
def update():
player.x += held_keys['d'] * speed
player.x -= held_keys['a'] * speed
player.y += held_keys['w'] * speed
player.y -= held_keys['s'] * speed
Set a Collider and check if your entity intersects with another one:
player = Entity(model='cube',
scale=(1, 1, 0),
position=(0, 0, -0.1),
collider='box') # <-- do the same for all pokemon entities
hit_info = player.intersects()
if hit_info.hit:

I have a problem with my python Minecraft copy

I was working with "Ursina Engine"
My project is to make a copy of Minecraft, then I found out a problem that every time I run the program
and when I want to right-click to place a block, nothing happens.
Thanks to someone who can help me find the issue and tell me how to fix it * Here is my Code:*
from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
class Vovel(Button):
def __init__(self, position = (0,0,0)):
origin_y = 0.5,
texture= 'white_cube',
color= color.white,
highlight_color = color.lime,
def Input(self, key):
if self.hovered:
if key == 'left mouse down':
vovel = Vovel(position= self.position + mouse.normal)
if key == 'right mouse down':
app = Ursina()
for z in range(8):
for x in range(8):
vovel = Vovel(position= (x,0,z))
player = FirstPersonController()
The name of the input function is wrong. Input should be input
The input function should be input and not Input, rest of the code is absolutely correct. So, your code should be:
from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
class Vovel(Button):
def __init__(self, position=(0, 0, 0)):
def input(self, key):
if self.hovered:
if key == 'left mouse down':
vovel = Vovel(position=self.position + mouse.normal)
if key == 'right mouse down':
app = Ursina()
for z in range(8):
for x in range(8):
vovel = Vovel(position=(x, 0, z))
player = FirstPersonController()
This code works, you can place a block with left click and remove a block with right click!
You only have to replace left mouse down with right mouse down and right mouse down with left mouse down, but I'm using this code for "Minecraft":
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import *
def voxel(position:Vec3):
Voxel=Entity(model="assets/block.obj", position=position, collider="box", texture="assets/sand_block.jpg",origin_y=0.5,scale=0.5,on_click=lambda:destroy(Voxel))
for x in range(20):
for z in range(20):
def input(key):
if key=="right mouse down":
Ah now I'm understanding your problem, you have to change input to Input, the rest is fine.🙂

Problem with animating a sprite in pygame

i have a problem with this code, i am a new person with programming and been using the book "how to think like a computer scientist 3rd edition" and he did not solve exercise 2 of chapter 17 this given: "he deliberately left a mistake in the code to animate Duke. If you click on one of the checkerboard squares to the right of Duke, he salutes anyway. Why? Find a one-line solution to the error ", I've tried many forms but I have not succeeded, I leave you all the code and the images that I have used
PS: images must have the name: ball.png and duke_spritesheet.png
import pygame
gravity = 0.025
my_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
class QueenSprite:
def __init__(self, img, target_posn):
self.image = img
self.target_posn = target_posn
(x, y) = target_posn
self.posn = (x, 0) # Start ball at top of its column
self.y_velocity = 0 # with zero initial velocity
def update(self):
self.y_velocity += gravity
(x, y) = self.posn
new_y_pos = y + self.y_velocity
(target_x, target_y) = self.target_posn # Unpack the position
dist_to_go = target_y - new_y_pos # How far to our floor?
if dist_to_go < 0: # Are we under floor?
self.y_velocity = -0.65 * self.y_velocity # Bounce
new_y_pos = target_y + dist_to_go # Move back above floor
self.posn = (x, new_y_pos) # Set our new position.
def draw(self, target_surface): # Same as before.
target_surface.blit(self.image, self.posn)
def contains_point(self, pt):
""" Return True if my sprite rectangle contains point pt """
(my_x, my_y) = self.posn
my_width = self.image.get_width()
my_height = self.image.get_height()
(x, y) = pt
return ( x >= my_x and x < my_x + my_width and
y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)
def handle_click(self):
self.y_velocity += -2 # Kick it up
class DukeSprite:
def __init__(self, img, target_posn):
self.image = img
self.posn = target_posn
self.anim_frame_count = 0
self.curr_patch_num = 0
def update(self):
if self.anim_frame_count > 0:
self.anim_frame_count = (self.anim_frame_count + 1 ) % 60
self.curr_patch_num = self.anim_frame_count // 6
def draw(self, target_surface):
patch_rect = (self.curr_patch_num * 50, 0,
50, self.image.get_width())
target_surface.blit(self.image, self.posn, patch_rect)
def contains_point(self, pt):
""" Return True if my sprite rectangle contains pt """
(my_x, my_y) = self.posn
my_width = self.image.get_width()
my_height = self.image.get_height()
(x, y) = pt
return ( x >= my_x and x < my_x + my_width and
y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)
def handle_click(self):
if self.anim_frame_count == 0:
self.anim_frame_count = 5
def draw_board(the_board):
""" Draw a chess board with queens, as determined by the the_board. """
colors = [(255,0,0), (0,0,0)] # Set up colors [red, black]
n = len(the_board) # This is an NxN chess board.
surface_sz = 480 # Proposed physical surface size.
sq_sz = surface_sz // n # sq_sz is length of a square.
surface_sz = n * sq_sz # Adjust to exactly fit n squares.
# Create the surface of (width, height), and its window.
surface = pygame.display.set_mode((surface_sz, surface_sz))
ball = pygame.image.load("ball.png")
# Use an extra offset to centre the ball in its square.
# If the square is too small, offset becomes negative,
# but it will still be centered :-)
ball_offset = (sq_sz-ball.get_width()) // 2
all_sprites = [] # Keep a list of all sprites in the game
# Create a sprite object for each queen, and populate our list.
for (col, row) in enumerate(the_board):
a_queen = QueenSprite(ball,
(col*sq_sz+ball_offset, row*sq_sz+ball_offset))
# Load the sprite sheet
duke_sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load("duke_spritesheet.png")
# Instantiate two duke instances, put them on the chessboard
duke1 = DukeSprite(duke_sprite_sheet,(sq_sz*2, 0))
duke2 = DukeSprite(duke_sprite_sheet,(sq_sz*5, sq_sz))
# Add them to the list of sprites which our game loop manages
while True:
# Look for an event from keyboard, mouse, etc.
ev = pygame.event.poll()
if ev.type == pygame.QUIT:
if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
key = ev.dict["key"]
if key == 27: # On Escape key ...
break # leave the game loop.
if key == ord("r"):
colors[0] = (255, 0, 0) # Change to red + black.
elif key == ord("g"):
colors[0] = (0, 255, 0) # Change to green + black.
elif key == ord("b"):
colors[0] = (0, 0, 255) # Change to blue + black.
if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # Mouse gone down?
posn_of_click = ev.dict["pos"] # Get the coordinates.
for sprite in all_sprites:
if sprite.contains_point(posn_of_click):
for sprite in all_sprites:
# Draw a fresh background (a blank chess board)
for row in range(n): # Draw each row of the board.
c_indx = row % 2 # Alternate starting color
for col in range(n): # Run through cols drawing squares
the_square = (col*sq_sz, row*sq_sz, sq_sz, sq_sz)
surface.fill(colors[c_indx], the_square)
# Now flip the color index for the next square
c_indx = (c_indx + 1) % 2
# Ask every sprite to draw itself.
for sprite in all_sprites:
my_clock.tick(60) # Waste time so that frame rate becomes 60 fps
if __name__ == "__main__":
draw_board([0, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2]) # 7 x 7 to test window size
PS: I think the error is here but it did not succeed
return ( x >= my_x and x + my_width and y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)
The issue is caused by the face, that "duke_spritesheet.png" is a sprite sheet. When you define the rectangular region which is covered by the object, then you have to use the width of a single image, rather than the width of the entire sprite sheet:
my_width = self.image.get_width()
my_width = 50
Change this in the method contains_point of the class DukeSprite:
class DukeSprite:
# [...]
def contains_point(self, pt):
""" Return True if my sprite rectangle contains pt """
(my_x, my_y) = self.posn
my_width = 50
my_height = self.image.get_height()
(x, y) = pt
return ( x >= my_x and x < my_x + my_width and
y >= my_y and y < my_y + my_height)

Having trouble with a "NameError"

I'm new to classes, and this is my third attempt at making one. I've ran into a NameError which I really have no idea how to solve. Take a look at my program and see if you can help.
import random
import math
import pygame
import pickle
# initialise pygame
# player class
class player(object):
def __init__(self, playerimage, playerX, playerY = 700, playerX_change = 0):
self.playerimage = pygame.image.load("Main Player.png")
self.playerX = 365
self.playerY = 700
self.playerX_change = 0
# laser class
# ready - bullet not on screen
# fire - bullet is shown on screen and is moving
class laser(object):
def __init__(self, laserimage, laserX, laserY, laserY_change):
self.laserimage = pygame.image.load("laser.png")
self.laserX = 0
self.laserY = 700
self.laserY_change = 10
self.laser_state = "ready"
# alien player / random movement = random.randint()
class alien(object):
def __init__(self, alienimage, alienX, alienY, alienX_change, alienY_change, amount_aliens):
self.alienimage = pygame.image.load("alien.png")
self.alienX = []
self.alienY = []
self.alienX_change = []
self.alienY_change = []
self.amount_aliens = 10
for i in range(ufo.amount_aliens):
ufo.alienX.append(random.randint(0, 735))
ufo.alienY.append(random.randint(50, 200))
score = 0
# define player
def main_player(x, y):
screen.blit(male.playerimage, (x, y))
# define laster
def fire_laser(x, y):
lasr.laser_state = "fire"
screen.blit(lasr.laserimage, (x + 16, y + 10))
# define alien
def alien(x, y, i):
screen.blit(ufo.alienimage[i], (x, y))
# collision detection
def hascollision(alienX, alienY, laserX, laserY):
distance = math.sqrt((math.pow(alienX - laserX, 2)) + (math.pow(alienY - laserY, 2)))
if distance < 27:
return True
return False
#frames per second
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# background
background = pygame.image.load('stars.png')
# display and screen title/icon
(width, height) = (800, 800)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
flip = pygame.display.flip()
pygame.display.set_caption("space fighters")
icon = pygame.image.load('logo.png')
from sys import exit
ufo = alien()
lasr = laser(0, 700, 32, 32)
male = player(365, 700,)
# loop of functions
executed = True
while executed:
screen.fill((63, 62, 63))
# image background
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
for event in pygame.event.get():
# if key pressed, check which input, right or left?
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
print("key pressed")
if event.key == pygame.K_a:
male.playerX_change = -6
if event.key == pygame.K_s:
male.playerX_change = 6
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_s:
male.playerX_change = 0
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
if lasr.laser_state is "ready":
lasr.laserX = male.playerX
fire_laser(lasr.laserX, lasr.laserY)
#frames per second is 60fps
# bounrary algorithm, prevents player moving out/enemy.
male.playerX += male.playerX_change
if male.playerX <= 0:
male.playerX = 0
elif male.playerX >= 736:
male.playerX = 736
# boundry algorithm, make sure alien doesn't go out of bountry
for i in range(ufo.amount_aliens):
ufo.alienX[i] += ufo.alienX_change[i]
if ufo.alienX[i] <= 0:
ufo.alienX_change[i] = 4
ufo.alienY[i] += ufo.alienY_change[i]
elif ufo.alienX[i] >= 736:
ufo.alienX_change[i] = -4
ufo.alienY[i] += ufo.alienY_change[i]
# collision
collision = hascollision(ufo.alienX[i], ufo.alienY[i], lasr.laserX, lasr.laserY)
if collision:
lasr.laserY = 650
lasr.laser_state = "ready"
score += 5
alienX[i] = random.randint(0, 735)
alienY[i] = random.randint(50, 200)
alien(ufo.alienX[i], ufo.alienY[i], i)
# movement of laser shot
if lasr.laserY <= 0:
lasr.laserY = 650
lasr.laser_state = "ready"
if lasr.laser_state is "fire":
fire_laser(lasr.laserX, lasr.laserY)
lasr.laserY -= lasr.laserY_change
# updates screen to show screen
main_player(male.playerX, male.playerY)
This is the output of the error given by visual studio code (it is on line 39)
for i in range(ufo.amount_aliens):
NameError: name 'ufo' is not defined
The alien class is a bit mixed up. (Although it's hard to tell if this is just an indentation issue in the SO paste.) I'm going to assume that the list of ufos needs to be made outside the class, because this is the only thing that makes sense. Later on in the code, you declare an alien function which will occlude the alien class too. You will need to fix this first - it's best moved into the alien class as alien.draw()
So to make a bunch of aliens, create a list:
alien_image = pygame.image.load('alien.png')
all_ufos = []
for i in range( amount_aliens ):
x_pos = random.randint( 0, 735 )
y_pos = random.randint( 50, 200 )
x_speed = 3
y_speed = 7
all_ufos.append( alien( alien_image, x_pos, y_pos, x_speed, y_speed ) )
Remove the amount_aliens from the alien object, so that it now only represents a single alien.
class alien( object ):
def __init__( self, alienimage, alienX, alienY, alienX_change, alienY_change ):
self.alienimage = alienimage
self.alienX = alienX
self.alienY = alienY
self.alienX_change = alienX_change
self.alienY_change = alienY_change
And move the support functions into the alien class.
def draw( self, screen ):
""" Draw the alien to the screen """
screen.blit( self.alienimage, ( self.alienX, self.alienY ) )
def hasCollision( self, laserX, laserY ):
""" Has the laser at collided with this alien? """
distance = math.sqrt((math.pow(self.alienX - laserX, 2)) + (math.pow(self.alienY - laserY, 2)))
return ( distance < 27 ):
This allows your main loop to iterate over the list of aliens, doing stuff simply:
### Main Loop
while not exiting:
# paint all UFO sprites
for ufo in all_ufos:
ufo.draw( screen )
# check all lasers for collision
for laser in all_lasers:
for ufo in all_ufos:
if ( ufo.hasCollision( laser.laserX, laser.laserY ) ):
print( "*boom*" )
What you are doing here is re-creating some of the functionality of the PyGame Sprite and SpriteGroup Classes. It might be worth a quick read of the documentation on it.

How to speed up start time in pygame?

I am starting to write a game but whenever I run my code it takes 2 minutes to boot up and even then some methods are not working. The main ones that's not working are quitting pygame and drawGameScene().
My code is:
import os, random
from pygame import *
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d, %d" %(0, 20)
scalefactor = 2
FPS = 60
screenWidth = round(224 * scalefactor)
screenHeight = round(298 * scalefactor)
size = screenWidth, screenHeight
screen = display.set_mode(size)
button = 0
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0,0,255)
curState = STATEGAME
titleFont = font.SysFont("Times New Roman",45)
def drawText(words, screen,position, color, font):
text = font.render(words, False, color)
textSize = text.get_size()
position[0] = position[0] - textSize[0]//2
position[1] = position[1] - textSize[1]//2
#centers the text
def gameRun():
while curState != STATEQUIT:
if curState == STATEGAME:
def eventCheck():
for evnt in event.get():
if evnt.type == QUIT:
curState == STATEQUIT
def updater():
def drawGameScene():
drawText("High Score", screen, [0,0], BLUE, titleFont)
no error messages are given
Please Help, It's for a project
For the quitting pygame:
You should use the code as below:
for events in event.get():
if events.type == QUIT:
exit() #this is from sys module
This way, your pygame is quitted at the first place. So, you don't need anything about curstate, etc.
Also, you need to use while True statement to repeat the blitting process.
Full code:
import os, random
from pygame import *
from sys import exit
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d, %d" %(0, 20)
scalefactor = 2
FPS = 60
screenWidth = round(224 * scalefactor)
screenHeight = round(298 * scalefactor)
size = screenWidth, screenHeight
screen = display.set_mode(size)
button = 0
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0,0,255)
titleFont = font.SysFont("Times New Roman",45)
def drawText(words,screen,position,color,font):
text = font.render(words, False, color)
textSize = text.get_size()
position[0] = position[0] - textSize[0]//2
position[1] = position[1] - textSize[1]//2
#centers the text
def gameRun():
def eventCheck():
for events in event.get():
if events.type == QUIT:
def updater():
def drawGameScene():
drawText("High Score", screen, [0,0], BLUE, titleFont)
while True:

