Getting error while running pip3 install smtp - python

I was trying to operate a toll but when I was listing all the commands so there is a command I.e. pip3 install smtp
and I got an error I.e.
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement smtp (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for smtp
Can anyone tell me the solution?

There isn't a package called smtp in python package index (PyPI). Maybe you meant to use smtpemail, secure-smtplib or smtplibaio? That, or you're missing a dependency.


Poshmark API - pip install poshmarkapi is not working

When I do:
pip install poshmarkapi
I see below error:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement poshmarkapi
ERROR: No matching distribution found for poshmarkapi
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
I tried installing the Poshmark API client for Python using the following command: pip install poshmarkapi.
Can you please let me know how I can resolve this ?
Many thanks

Why is Pipenv failing to found package on pypiserver local repo?

I have a pypiserver running locally with one package already deployed. The server is responding on localhost:8080 and i can see and download the package manually.
But every time I try to install the package through pipenv it can't find it :( Any help would be appreciated ;)
$ pipenv install invault --pypi-mirror http://localhost:8080
Installing invault...
Error: An error occurred while installing invault!
Error text: Looking in indexes: http://localhost:8080, http://localhost:8080/simple
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement invault (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for invault
✘ Installation Failed

Can't get mysql-connector to work properly

I am trying to connect to a database and for that I am using mysql-connector. The code is correct but I get the following error message:
ERROR: HTTP error 404 while getting
If I use command window and type the following:
pip search mysql-connector
I get the error:
ERROR: XMLRPC request failed [code: -32500]
RuntimeError: PyPI's XMLRPC API is currently disabled due to unmanageable load and will be deprecated in the near future. See for more information.
I have also already installed mysql-connector by using:
pip install mysql-connector-python
Requirement already satisfied: mysql-connector-python in c:\users\pf1vmkh9_adm\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages (8.0.26)
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf>=3.0.0 in c:\users\pf1vmkh9_adm\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages (from mysql-connector-python) (3.18.1)
So why do I get that error message?
A note: pip search not working is intended, as the error says - pip list/search was abused and was disabled. You should use PyPI manually to access information on packages -
As to your error... it tries to download mysql-connector-python-2.1.3.tar.gz, while your pip says Requirement already satisfied: mysql-connector-python in c:\users\pf1vmkh9_adm\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages (8.0.26).
Look at the versions: 2.1.3 vs 8.0.26.
This means you either use wrong python version to run the project or something inside tries to use (and download) some really old code. Which is just no longer hosted at that url, hence you get 404 (not found).

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement protos ERROR: No matching distribution found for protos when trying to install protos

I am trying to install protos using pip install protos but I get following error messages ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement protos ERROR: No matching distribution found for protos (these are 2 different lines btw). Does anybody have the same problem because maybe I do not meet the requirements but I the problem is that I don't know which requirements, I just don't find any information. I am using python 3.6.2, pip 20.3.3 and windows 10
The protos package can be found here:
According to the PyPi page, it requires Python 3.7 or greater. Since you are running Python 3.6 you get the error message when running pip install protos.
If you are looking for Google's protocol buffer, then you should look at pip install protobuf (docs here).

Why isn't my Python package found when I attempt to install it?

I have tried installing the package invasion_PGF but constantly get the error messages:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement invasion_PGF (from versions: none)
No matching distribution found for invasion_PGF.
I was installing using the command: pip install invasion_PGF in the Anaconda command prompt.
Can someone help me with ideas on how to deal with this?

