Selecting a column with a slash in SQL Alchemy - python

I need to select some columns from a table with SQL Alchemy. Everything works fine except selecting the one column with '/' in the name. My query looks like:
query = select([func.sum(Table.c.ColumnName),
Obviously the issue comes from the second line with the column 'Column/Name'. Is there a way in SQL Alchemy to overcome special characters in a column name?
I've it all inside some class but simplified version of a process looks like this. I create an engine (all necessary db data is inside create_new_engine() function) and map all tables in db into metadata.
def map(self):
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine
# check if engine exist
if not isinstance(self.engine, Engine):
self.metadata = MetaData({'schema': 'dbo'})
Then I map a single table with:
def map_table(self, table_name):
table = "{schema}.{table_name}".format(schema=self.metadata.schema, table_name=table_name)
table = self.metadata.tables[table]
return table
In the end I use pandas read_sql_query to run above query with connection and engine established earlier.
I'm connecting to SQL Server.

Since Table.c points to a plain python obect. Try in pure Python
query = select([func.sum(Table.c.ColumnName),
func.sum(getattr(Table.c, 'Column/Name')),
So in your case (from comments above) :
func.sum(getattr(Table.c, 'cur/fees'))


POSTGRESQL Queries using Python

I am trying to access tables from a database using python. There was some code on the website:
import psycopg2.extras
def main():
conn_string = "host='' dbname='pfmegrnargs' user='reader' password='NWDMCE5xdipIjRrp'"
conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
cursor = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)`
# retrieve a list of RNAcentral databases
query = "SELECT * FROM rnc_database"
for row in cursor:
When i run this code, i get back a list of databases:
I want to access tables from one of these databases but I don't know what the schema for those tables are or what the values in each list returned represents. I have been looking at 'postgresql to python' resources but all of them are about accessing tables when you know the name of the tables and the columns within.... Is there code for how I can access the table names from the database?
Thank You
Edit: sorry, i thought i linked the website before
The dataset you want to use has schema diagram here
For general purpose I would use something like tool it will show you all the schemas in the db and tables inside the schema and so forth. The DBeaver settings to connect to your db would look like this
If you want to keep using python script to explore the db this sql query
FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND
schemaname != 'information_schema';
Should help you.

write dataframe from jupyter notebook to snowflake without define table column type

I have a data frame in jupyter notebook. My objective is to import this df into snowflake as a new table.
Is there any way to write a new table into snowflake directly without defining any table columns' names and types?
i am using
import snowflake.connector as snow
from snowflake.connector.pandas_tools import write_pandas
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
connection = snowflake.connector.connect(
database= 'SNOWPLOW',
schema = 'DBT_WN'
df.to_sql('aaa', connection, index = False)
it ran into an error:
DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?;': not all arguments converted during string formatting
Can anyone provide the sample code to fix this issue?
Here's one way to do it -- apologies in advance for my code formatting in SO combined with python's spaces vs tabs "model". Check the tabs/spaces if you cut-n-paste ...
Because of the Snowsql security model, in your connection parameters be sure to specify the ROLE you are using as well. (Often the default role is 'PUBLIC')
Since you already have sqlAlchemy in the mix ... this idea doesn't use the snowflake write_pandas, so it isn't a good answer for large dataframes ... Some odd behaviors with sqlAlchemy and Snowflake; make sure the dataframe column names are upper case; yet use a lowercase table name in the argument to to_sql() ...
def df2sf_alch(target_df, target_table):
# create a sqlAlchemy connection object
engine = create_engine(f"snowflake://{your-sf-account-url}",
# re/create table in Snowflake
# sqlAlchemy creates table based on a lower-case table name
# and it works to have uppercase df column names
target_df.to_sql(target_table.lower(), con=engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)
print(f"Table {target_table.upper()} re/created")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Could not replace table {target_table.upper()}", exc_info=1)
nrows = connection.cursor().execute(f"select count(*) from {target_table}").fetchone()[0]
print(f"Table {target_table.upper()} rows = {nrows}")
Note this function needs to be changed to reflect the appropriate 'snowflake account url' in order to create the sqlAlchemy connection object. Also, assuming the case naming oddities are taken care of in the df, along with your already defined connection, you'd call this function simply passing the df and the name of the table, like df2sf_alch(my_df, 'MY_TABLE')

Adding a column from an existing BQ table to another BQ table using Python

I am trying to experiment with creating new tables from existing BQ tables, all within python. So far I've successfully created the table using some similar code, but now I want to add another column to it from another table - which I have not been successful with. I think the problem comes somewhere within my SQL code.
Basically what I want here is to add another column named "ip_address" and put all the info from another table into that column.
I've tried splitting up the two SQL statements and running them separately, I've tried many different combinations of the commands (taking our CHAR, adding (32) after, combining all into one statement, etc.), and still I run into problems.
from import bigquery
def alter(client, sql_alter, job_config, table_id):
query_job = client.query(sql_alter, job_config=job_config)
print(f'Query results appended to table {table_id}')
def main():
client = bigquery.Client.from_service_account_json('my_json')
table_id = 'ref.datasetid.tableid'
job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig()
sql_alter = """
ALTER TABLE `ref.datasetid.tableid`
ADD COLUMN ip_address CHAR;
INSERT INTO `ref.datasetid.tableid` ip_address
FROM `ref.datasetid.table2id`;
alter(client, sql_alter, job_config, table_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
With this code, the current error is "400 Syntax error: Unexpected extra token INSERT at [4:9]" Also, do I have to continuously reference my table with ref.datasetid.tableid or can I write just tableid? I've run into errors before it gets there so I'm still not sure. Still a beginner so help is greatly appreciated!
BigQuery does not support ALTER TABLE or other DDL statements, take a look into how Modifying table schemas there you can find an example of how to add a new column when you append data to a table during a load job.

How to pass user input variable to Sqalchemy statement?

I am fairly new to the world of programming. I'm using Python, Pandas and SQLlite; and recently I've started to build Postgresql databases. I am trying to query a postgres database and create a Pandas dataframe with the results. I've found that the following works:
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine # database connection
engine = create_engine('postgresql://postgres:xxxxx#localhost:xxxx/my_postgres_db')
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM my_table Where province='Saskatchewan'", engine)
The works perfectly but my problem is how to pass user input to the sql query. Specifically, I want to do the following:
province_name = 'Saskatchewan' #user input
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM my_table Where province=province_name", engine)
However, this returns an error message:
ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) column "province_selected" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM my_table Where province =province_selec...
Can anyone provide guidance on this matter? In addition, can anyone advise me as to how to handle field names in a postgres database that have characters such as '/'. My database has a field (column header) called CD/CSD and when I try to run a query on that field (similar to code above) I just get error messages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should use the functionality provided by the DBAPI module that SQLAlchemy uses to send parameters to the query. Using psycopg2 that could look like this:
province_name = 'Saskatchewan' #user input
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM my_table Where province=%s", engine, params=(province_name,))
This is safer than using Python's string formatting to insert the parameter into the query.
Passing parameters using psycopg2
pandas.read_sql documentation

Teradata MERGE yielding no results when executed through SQLAlchemy

I'm attempting to use python with sqlalchemy to download some data, create a temporary staging table on a Teradata Server, then MERGEing that table into another table which I've created to permanently store this data. I'm using sql = slqalchemy.text(merge) and td_engine.execute(sql) where merge is a string similar to the below:
MERGE INTO perm_table as p
USING temp_table as t
ON p.Id = t.Id
SET col1 = t.col1,
col2 = t.col2,
col50 = t.col50
INSERT (col1,
VALUES (t.col1,
The script runs all the way to the end without error and the SQL executes properly through Teradata Studio, but for some reason the table won't update when I execute it through SQLAlchemy. However, I've also run different SQL expressions, like the insert that populated perm_table from the same python script and it worked fine. Maybe there's something specific to the MERGE and SQLAlchemy combo?
Since you're using the engine directly, without using a transaction, you're probably (barring unseen configuration on your part) relying on SQLAlchemy's version of autocommit, which works by detecting data changing operations such as INSERTs etc. Possibly MERGE is not one of the detected operations. Try
sql = sqlalchemy.text(merge).execution_options(autocommit=True)

