I've succeeded to perform a quick tap using Culebra-Client by following code from this stackoverflow answer. But I still don't understand how to perform multiple touch
A quick example using the newly introduced API in 2.0.47 to handle multi touch. It uses MultiTouch Tester to show the touches but you can use any app.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
from culebratester_client import PerformTwoPointerGestureBody, Point
from pprint import pprint
from com.dtmilano.android.viewclient import ViewClient, KEY_EVENT
helper = ViewClient(*ViewClient.connectToDeviceOrExit(), useuiautomatorhelper=True).uiAutomatorHelper
# multitouch tester
id = 'com.the511plus.MultiTouchTester:id/touchStr'
oid = helper.ui_device.find_object(ui_selector=f'res#{id}').oid
api_instance = helper.api_instance
body = PerformTwoPointerGestureBody(start_point1=Point(300, 100), start_point2=Point(900, 100), end_point1=Point(300, 1600), end_point2=Point(900, 1600), steps=500)
api_response = api_instance.ui_object_oid_perform_two_pointer_gesture_post(oid, body=body)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->ui_object_oid_perform_two_pointer_gesture_post: %s\n" % e)
Once you run it, the 2 pointers will be recognized by the app.
I am trying to use the Stava API in a Flask project. I have seen the following stackoverflow
and installed swagger_client
swagger-codegen generate -i https://developers.strava.com/swagger/swagger.json -l python -o ./StravaPythonClient
as per their instructions. However when i run the app i still get import swagger_client
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'swagger_client'
My code is here
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: strava_oauth
swagger_client.configuration.access_token = 'fe931c21b503a46b61b1000000000000000000000'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.StreamsApi()
id = 2284367626 # Long | The identifier of the activity.
#keys = # array[String] | Desired stream types.
keyByType = true # Boolean | Must be true. (default to true)
# Get Activity Streams
api_response = api_instance.getActivityStreams(id, keys, keyByType)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling StreamsApi->getActivityStreams: %s\n" % e)
not sure what packages i should be installing to get this working now.
First install swagger-codegen and check that it's working, this example is for linux. Easier with mac where you can use homebrew.
wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/swagger/swagger-codegen-cli/2.4.13/swagger-codegen-cli-2.4.13.jar -O swagger-codegen-cli.jar
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar help
After that go in your project and generate the swagger-client. The code below tells that it's for python and should be stored in a folder within the project called generated
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i https://developers.strava.com/swagger/swagger.json -l python -o generated
Go into the generated folder and install the requirements
cd generated && python setup.py install --user && cd ..
Change your import statements to refer to the generated folder.
from generated import swagger_client
from generated.swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: strava_oauth
swagger_client.Configuration.access_token = 'fe931c21b503a46b61b1000000000000000000000'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.StreamsApi()
id = 2284367626 # Long | The identifier of the activity.
#keys = # array[String] | Desired stream types.
keyByType = true # Boolean | Must be true. (default to true)
# Get Activity Streams
api_response = api_instance.getActivityStreams(id, keys, keyByType)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling StreamsApi->getActivityStreams: %s\n" % e)
Now you can run the file. Ps when you set the access token: configuration needs to be written with upper case C.
I'm right now trying to code a Maltego tranform to search through the Breach Compilation data, using query.sh
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Maltego transform for grabbing Breach Compilation results locally.
from MaltegoTransform import *
import sys
import os
import subprocess
email = sys.argv[1]
mt = MaltegoTransform()
dataleak = subprocess.check_output("LOCATION OF QUERY.SH" + email, shell=True).splitlines()
for info in dataleak:
mt.addEntity('maltego.Phrase', info)
except Exception as e:
Empty value for #org.simpleframework.xml.Text(data=false,
required=true, empty=) on method 'value' in class
at line 26
Not sure what the problem is.
Turns out
except Exception as e:
that bit of code was the problem. Got it working just fine.
I have an AWS Lambda function which calls a set of URLs using pool.map. The problem is that if one of the URLs returns anything other than a 200 the Lambda function fails and immediately retries. The problem is it immediately retries the ENTIRE lambda function. I'd like it to retry only the failed URLs, and if (after a second try) it still fails them, call a fixed URL to log an error.
This is the code as it currently sits (with some details removed), working only when all URLs are:
from __future__ import print_function
import urllib2
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import hashlib
import datetime
import json
print('Loading function')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
f = urllib2.urlopen("https://example.com/geturls/?action=something");
data = json.loads(f.read());
urls = [];
for d in data:
# Make the Pool of workers
pool = ThreadPool(4);
# Open the urls in their own threads
# and return the results
results = pool.map(urllib2.urlopen, urls);
#close the pool and wait for the work to finish
return pool.join();
I tried reading the official documentation but it seems to be lacking a bit in explaining the map function, specifically explaining return values.
Using the urlopen documentation I've tried modifying my code to the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import urllib2
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import hashlib
import datetime
import json
print('Loading function')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
f = urllib2.urlopen("https://example.com/geturls/?action=something");
data = json.loads(f.read());
urls = [];
for d in data:
# Make the Pool of workers
pool = ThreadPool(4);
# Open the urls in their own threads
# and return the results
results = pool.map(urllib2.urlopen, urls);
except URLError:
try: # try once more before logging error
urllib2.urlopen(URLError.url); # TODO: figure out which URL errored
except URLError: # log error
#close the pool and wait for the work to finish
return true; # always return true so we never duplicate successful calls
I'm not sure if I'm correct to be doing exceptions that way, or if I'm even making python exception notation correctly. Again, my goal is I'd like it to retry only the failed URLs, and if (after a second try) it still fails them, call a fixed URL to log an error.
I figured out the answer thanks to a "lower-level" look at this question I posted here.
The answer was to create my own custom wrapper to the urllib2.urlopen function, since each thread itself needed to be try{}catch'd instead of the whole thing. That function looked like so:
def my_urlopen(url):
return urllib2.urlopen(url)
except URLError:
return None
I put that above the def lambda_handler function declaration, then I can replace the whole try/catch within it from this:
results = pool.map(urllib2.urlopen, urls);
except URLError:
try: # try once more before logging error
except URLError: # log error
To this:
results = pool.map(my_urlopen, urls);
How do I check whether the screen is off due to the Energy Saver settings in System Preferences under Mac/Python?
Quick and dirty solution: call ioreg and parse the output.
import subprocess
import re
POWER_MGMT_RE = re.compile(r'IOPowerManagement.*{(.*)}')
def display_status():
output = subprocess.check_output(
'ioreg -w 0 -c IODisplayWrangler -r IODisplayWrangler'.split())
status = POWER_MGMT_RE.search(output).group(1)
return dict((k[1:-1], v) for (k, v) in (x.split('=') for x in
In my computer, the value for CurrentPowerState is 4 when the screen is on and 1 when the screen is off.
Better solution: use ctypes to get that information directly from IOKit.
The only way i can think off is by using OSX pmset Power Management CML Tool
pmset changes and reads power management settings such as idle sleep timing, wake on administrative
access, automatic restart on power loss, etc.
Refer to the following link, it will provide a great deal of information that should aid you in accomplishing exactly what you are looking for.
I will include the code provided by the link for "saving and documentation" purposes:
import ctypes
import CoreFoundation
import objc
import subprocess
import time
def SetUpIOFramework():
# load the IOKit library
framework = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(
# declare parameters as described in IOPMLib.h
framework.IOPMAssertionCreateWithName.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_void_p, # CFStringRef
ctypes.c_uint32, # IOPMAssertionLevel
ctypes.c_void_p, # CFStringRef
ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)] # IOPMAssertionID
framework.IOPMAssertionRelease.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_uint32] # IOPMAssertionID
return framework
def StringToCFString(string):
# we'll need to convert our strings before use
return objc.pyobjc_id(
None, string,
def AssertionCreateWithName(framework, a_type,
a_level, a_reason):
# this method will create an assertion using the IOKit library
# several parameters
a_id = ctypes.c_uint32(0)
a_type = StringToCFString(a_type)
a_reason = StringToCFString(a_reason)
a_error = framework.IOPMAssertionCreateWithName(
a_type, a_level, a_reason, ctypes.byref(a_id))
# we get back a 0 or stderr, along with a unique c_uint
# representing the assertion ID so we can release it later
return a_error, a_id
def AssertionRelease(framework, assertion_id):
# releasing the assertion is easy, and also returns a 0 on
# success, or stderr otherwise
return framework.IOPMAssertionRelease(assertion_id)
def main():
# let's create a no idle assertion for 30 seconds
no_idle = 'NoIdleSleepAssertion'
reason = 'Test of Pythonic power assertions'
# first, we'll need the IOKit framework
framework = SetUpIOFramework()
# next, create the assertion and save the ID!
ret, a_id = AssertionCreateWithName(framework, no_idle, 255, reason)
print '\n\nCreating power assertion: status %s, id %s\n\n' % (ret, a_id)
# subprocess a call to pmset to verify the assertion worked
subprocess.call(['pmset', '-g', 'assertions'])
# finally, release the assertion of the ID we saved earlier
AssertionRelease(framework, a_id)
print '\n\nReleasing power assertion: id %s\n\n' % a_id
# verify the assertion has been removed
subprocess.call(['pmset', '-g', 'assertions'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
The code relies on IOPMLib, which functions to make assertions, schedule power events, measure thermals, and more.
To call these functions through Python, we must go through the IOKit Framework.
In order for us to manipulate C data types in Python, we'll use a foreign function interface called ctypes.
Here's the wrapper the author describe's on the page; written by Michael Lynn. The code i posted from the Author's link above is a rewrite of this code to make it more understandable.
I'm trying to use ldaptor to connect via startTLS to a LDAP server. Searching on internet and trying myself I arrived to this snippet of code:
from ldaptor.protocols.ldap import ldapclient, ldapsyntax, ldapconnector, distinguishedname
def main(base, serviceLocationOverrides):
c=ldapconnector.LDAPClientCreator(reactor, ldapclient.LDAPClient)
d = c.connect(base, serviceLocationOverrides)
d.addCallbacks(lambda proto: proto.startTLS(), error)
d.addBoth(lambda dummy: reactor.stop())
but the code exits with an AssertionError:
[Failure instance: Traceback: <type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>:
--- <exception caught here> ---
I have tried to look in ldaptor code for the incriminated assertion but seems all ok.
Is there someone who succeded in using ldaptorClient startTLS?
A code snippet?
Thank you very much
I'm pretty certain that your problem is one I ran into a while back. In ldaptor/protocols/pureldap.py, line 1144 asserts that the LDAPExtendedRequest requestValue must be a string. But according to RFC 2251, that value is optional, and specifically should NOT be present in startTLS requests.
So your approach is correct; this is just a major bug in ldaptor. As far as I can tell, the author only tested using simple bind without TLS. You need to comment out that line in pureldap.py. If you're deploying this with the expectation that users will download or easy-install ldaptor, then you'll need to create a fixed copy of the LDAPExtendedRequest class in your own code, and sub it in at run-time.
Having had to maintain a project using ldaptor for several years, I would strongly urge you to switch to python-ldap if at all possible. Since it wraps the OpenLDAP libs, it can be much more difficult to build, especially with full support for SSL/SASL. But it's well worth it, because ldaptor has a lot more problems than just the one you ran across.
Using ldaptor 0.0.54 from https://github.com/twisted/ldaptor, I had no problems using StartTLS.
Here is the code:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from ldaptor.protocols.ldap import ldapclient, ldapsyntax, ldapconnector
def example():
serverip = 'your.server.name.or.ip'
basedn = 'o=Organization'
binddn = 'cn=admin,o=Organization'
bindpw = 'Sekret'
query = '(uid=jetsong)'
c = ldapconnector.LDAPClientCreator(reactor, ldapclient.LDAPClient)
overrides = {basedn: (serverip, 389)}
client = yield c.connect(basedn, overrides=overrides)
client = yield client.startTLS()
yield client.bind(binddn, bindpw)
o = ldapsyntax.LDAPEntry(client, basedn)
results = yield o.search(filterText=query)
for entry in results:
print entry
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = example()
df.addErrback(lambda err: err.printTraceback())
df.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())