Load part of JSON with `json` and part with `pandas` in Python - python

I have a JSON file that contains "informational" fields, followed by a massive "data" array (also in JSON format). I'll analyze the data array as a Pandas DataFrame. I'm trying to make my script robust to possibly enormous JSON files.
So I'd like to avoid loading the massive data array into memory twice. For example, the following code will create the Data array (which could eventually be huge) twice, - once with json.load(), and a second time with pandas.DataFrame.from_records().
Example JSON file "dummydata.json" :
"Voltage Units":"V",
"Measurement Time Units":"hr",
"Current Units":"A",
"Measurement Time":[ 0.000085, 0.000363, 0.000641, ... ],
"Current":[ 0.000000, 0.010600, 0.010500, ... ],
(You can see the Data dict at the end is the part that can become very large over time, as we record Current over a very long time.)
# Load the whole JSON file
import json
data = json.load( open('dummydata.json', 'r') )
# Create Pandas DataFrame from measurement data:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( data['Data'] )
The above code has loaded the Data array into both a Dict data and a DataFrame df, which seems inefficient at best. Currently I'm only loading ~215k lines as we test the system, but I expect this to become up to 10 Million data lines in later renditions.
Is there a convenient way to grab only the "informational" fields from the JSON file (and avoid the "Data" dict),
then have Pandas load only the "Data" dict?
Or another way to sequentially load huge datafiles without overloading system memory (for things like plotting)?
By "convenient" I mean without me writing code to parse the file line by line myself, which I can certainly do, but hopefully this is a problem already solved by some brilliant module out there. Maybe indexing into the data file by line # or something similar?
My data files will always be ordered in this same order, with "Data" at the bottom, if that helps.

What you have is pretty efficient, honestly. (You could swap in a different, faster JSON parser such as orjson if you like.) Trying to mangle and parse the JSON data "by hand" to just extract Data is likely to be brittle and not worth it.
When you get to the point where you have 10M entries in the "Data" lists in the JSON, you'll likely have considered using something other than JSON for interchange anyway, since encoding such a JSON file will have taken a while as well – not to mention that pandas will need to spend a while inferring e.g. data formats from that dict where another format wouldn't need that.


Convert huge csv to hdf5 format

I downloaded IBM's Airline Reporting Carrier On-Time Performance Dataset; the uncompressed CSV is 84 GB. I want to run an analysis, similar to Flying high with Vaex, with the vaex libary.
I tried to convert the CSV to a hdf5 file, to make it readable for the vaex libary:
import time
import vaex
df = vaex.from_csv(r"D:\airline.csv", convert=True, chunk_size=1000000)
I always get an error when running the code:
RuntimeError: Dirty entry flush destroy failed (file write failed: time = Fri Sep 30 17:58:55 2022
, filename = 'D:\airline.csv_chunk_8.hdf5', file descriptor = 7, errno = 22, error message = 'Invalid argument', buf = 0000021EA8C6B128, total write size = 2040, bytes this sub-write = 2040, bytes actually written = 18446744073709551615, offset = 221133661).
Second run, I get this error:
RuntimeError: Unable to flush file's cached information (file write failed: time = Fri Sep 30 20:18:19 2022
, filename = 'D:\airline.csv_chunk_18.hdf5', file descriptor = 7, errno = 22, error message = 'Invalid argument', buf = 000002504659B828, total write size = 2048, bytes this sub-write = 2048, bytes actually written = 18446744073709551615, offset = 348515307)
Is there an alternative way to convert the CSV to hdf5 without Python? For example, a downloadable software which can do this job?
I'm not familiar with vaex, so can't help with usage and functions. However, I can read error messages. :-)
It reports "bytes written" with a huge number (18_446_744_073_709_551_615), much larger than the 84GB CSV. Some possible explanations:
you ran out of disk
you ran out of memory, or
had some other error
To diagnose, try testing with a small csv file and see if vaex.from_csv() works as expected. I suggest the lax_to_jfk.csv file.
Regarding your question, is there an alternative way to convert a csv to hdf5?, why not use Python?
Are you more comfortable with other languages? If so, you can install HDF5 and write your code with their C or Fortran API.
OTOH, if you are familiar with Python, there are other packages you can use to read the CSV file and create the HDF5 file.
Python packages to read the CSV
Personally, I like NumPy's genfromtxt() to read the CSV (You can also use loadtxt() to read the CSV, if you don't have missing values and don't need the field names.) However, I think you will run into memory problems reading a 84GB file. That said, you can use the skip_header and max_rows parameters with genfromtxt() to read and load a subset of lines. Alternately you can use csv.DictReader(). It reads a line at a time. So, you avoid memory issues, but it could be very slow loading the HDF5 file.
Python packages to create the HDF5 file
I have used both h5py and pytables (aka tables) to create and read HDF5 files. Once you load the CSV data to a NumPy array, it's a snap to create the HDF5 dataset.
Here is a very simple example that reads the lax_to_jfk.csv data and loads to a HDF5 file.
csv_name = 'lax_to_jfk'
rec_arr = np.genfromtxt(csv_name+'.csv', delimiter=',',
dtype=None, names=True, encoding='bytes')
with h5py.File(csv_name+'.h5', 'w') as h5f:
After posting this example, I decided to test with a larger file (airline_2m.csv). It's 861 MB, and has 2M rows. I discovered the code above doesn't work. However, it's not because of the number of rows. The problem is the columns (field names). Turns out the data isn't as clean; there are 109 field names on row 1, and some rows have 111 columns of data. As a result, the auto-generated dtype doesn't have a matching field. While investigating this, I also discovered many rows only have the values for first 56 fields. In other words, fields 57-111 are not very useful. One solution to this is to add the usecols=() parameter. Code below reflects this modification, and works with this test file. (I have not tried testing with your large file airline.csv. Given it's size likely you will need to read and load incrementally.)
csv_name = 'airline_2m'
rec_arr = np.genfromtxt(csv_name+'.csv', delimiter=',',
dtype=None, names=True, encoding='bytes') #,
usecols=(i for i in range(56)) )
with h5py.File(csv_name+'.h5', 'w') as h5f:
I tried reproducing your example. I believe the problem you are facing is quite common when dealing with CSVs. The schema is not known.
Sometimes there are "mixed types" and pandas (used underneath vaex's read_csv or from_csv ) casts those columns as dtype object.
Vaex does not really support such mixed dtypes, and requires each column to be of a single uniform type (kind of a like a database).
So how to go around this? Well, the best way I can think of is to use the dtype argument to explicitly specify the types of all columns (or those that you suspect or know to have mixed types). I know this file has like 100+ columns and that's annoying.. but that is also kind of the price to pay when using a format such as CSV...
Another thing i noticed is the encoding.. using pure pandas.read_csv failed at some point because of encoding and requires one to add encoding="ISO-8859-1". This is also supported by vaex.open (since the args are just passed down to pandas).
In fact if you want to do manually what vaex.open does automatically for you (given that this CSV file might not be as clean as one would hope), do something like (this is pseudo code but I hope close to the real thing)
# Iterate over the file in chunks
for i, df_tmp in enumerate(pd.read_csv(file, chunksize=11_000_000, encoding="ISO-8859-1", dtype=dtype)):
# Assert or check or do whatever needs doing to ensure column types are as they should be
# Pass the data to vaex (this does not take extra RAM):
df_vaex = vaex.from_pandas(df_tmp)
# Export this chunk into HDF5
# df_vaex.export_hdf5(f'chunk_{i}.hdf5')
# When the above loop finishes, just concat and export the data to a single file if needed (gives some performance benefit).
df = vaex.open('chunk*.hdf5')
df.export_hdf5('converted.hdf5', progress='rich')
I've seen potentially much better/faster way of doing this with vaex, but it is not released yet (i saw it in the code repo on github), so I will not go into it, but if you can install from source, and want me to elaborate further feel free to drop a comment.
Hope this at least gives some ideas on how to move forward.
In last couple of versions of vaex core, vaex.open() opens all CSV files lazily, so then just export to hdf5/arrow directly, it will do it in one go. Check the docs for more details: https://vaex.io/docs/guides/io.html#Text-based-file-formats

How to use Python to effectively parse a frequently updated json file?

I need to use Python to parse a json file that that has this format:
"seldom_changed_key_0": "frequently_changed_value_0",
"seldom_changed_key_1": "frequently_changed_value_1",
"seldom_changed_key_2": "frequently_changed_value_2",
"seldom_changed_key_3": "frequently_changed_value_3",
"seldom_changed_key_n": "frequently_changed_value_n",
and this json file is huge in size(greater than 100M bytes)
As the format indicates, the content might change frequently but the format(or structure) itself seldom changes.
Each time this json file is updated, I have to re-parse it from scratch.
Do we have any optimization method that can reduce the parse time?
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Reading csv files with glob to pass data to a database very slow

I have many csv files and I am trying to pass all the data that they contain into a database. For this reason, I found that I could use the glob library to iterate over all csv files in my folder. Following is the code I used:
import requests as req
import pandas as pd
import glob
import json
endpoint = "testEndpoint"
path = "test/*.csv"
for fname in glob.glob(path):
df = pd.read_csv(fname)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
#print(row['ID'], row['timestamp'], row['date'], row['time'],
# row['vltA'], row['curA'], row['pwrA'], row['rpwrA'], row['frq'])
testjson = {"data":
{"installationid": row['ID'],
"active": row['pwrA'],
"reactive": row['rpwrA'],
"current": row['curA'],
"voltage": row['vltA'],
"frq": row['frq'],
}, "timestamp": row['timestamp']}
payload = {"payload": [testjson]}
json_data = json.dumps(payload)
response = req.post(
endpoint, data=json_data, headers=headers)
This code seems to work fine in the beginning. However, after some time it starts to become really slow (I noticed this because I print the timestamp as I upload the data) and eventually stops completely. What is the reason for this? Is something I am doing here really inefficient?
I can see 3 possible problems here:
memory. read_csv is fast, but it loads the content of a full file in memory. If the files are really large, you could exhaust the real memory and start using swap which has terrible performances
iterrows: you seem to build a dataframe - meaning a data structure optimized for column wise access - to then access it by rows. This already is a bad idea and iterrows is know to have terrible performances because it builds a Series per each row
one post request per row. An http request has its own overhead, but furthemore, this means that you add rows to the database one at a time. If this is the only interface for your database, you may have no other choice, but you should search whether it is possible to prepare a bunch of rows and load it as a whole. It often provides a gain of more than one magnitude order.
Without more info I can hardly say more, but IHMO the higher gain is to be found on database feeding so here in point 3. If nothing can be done on that point, of if further performance gain is required, I would try to replace pandas with the csv module which is row oriented and has a limited footprint because it only processes one line at a time whatever the file size.
Finally, and if it makes sense for your use case, I would try to use one thread for the reading of the csv file that would feed a queue and a pool of threads to send requests to the database. That should allow to gain the HTTP overhead. But beware, depending on the endpoint implementation it could not improve much if really the database access if the limiting factor.

Increase speed numpy.loadtxt?

I have hundred of thousands of data text files to read. As of now, I'm importing the data from text files every time I run the code. Perhaps the easy solution would be to simply reformat the data into a file faster to read.
Anyway, right now every text files I have look like:
User: unknown
Title : OE1_CHANNEL1_20181204_103805_01
Sample data
Wavelength OE1_CHANNEL1
185.000000 27.291955
186.000000 27.000877
187.000000 25.792290
188.000000 25.205620
189.000000 24.711882
The code where I read and import the txt files is:
path = 'T2'
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
path = sys.argv[1]
files = os.listdir(path)
trans_import = []
for index, item in enumerate(files):
trans_import.append(np.loadtxt(path+'/'+files[1], dtype=float, skiprows=4, usecols=(0,1)))
The resulting array looks in the variable explorer as:
{ndarray} = [[185. 27.291955]\n [186. 27.000877]\n ... ]
I'm wondering, how I could speed up this part? It takes a little too long as of now just to import ~4k text files. There are 841 lines inside every text files (spectrum). The output I get with this code is 841 * 2 = 1682. Obviously, it considers the \n as a line...
It would probably be much faster if you had one large file instead of many small ones. This is generally more efficient. Additionally, you might get a speedup from just saving the numpy array directly and loading that .npy file in instead of reading in a large text file. I'm not as sure about the last part though. As always when time is a concern, I would try both of these options and then measure the performance improvement.
If for some reason you really can't just have one large text file / .npy file, you could also probably get a speedup by using, e.g., multiprocessing to have multiple workers reading in the files at the same time. Then you can just concatenate the matrices together at the end.
Not your primary question but since it seems to be an issue - you can rewrite the text files to not have those extra newlines, but I don't think np.loadtxt can ignore them. If you're open to using pandas, though, pandas.read_csv with skip_blank_lines=True should handle that for you. To get a numpy.ndarray from a pandas.DataFrame, just do dataframe.values.
Let use pandas.read_csv (with C speed) instead of numpy.loadtxt. This is a very helpful post:

Is there a memory efficient and fast way to load big JSON files?

I have some json files with 500MB.
If I use the "trivial" json.load() to load its content all at once, it will consume a lot of memory.
Is there a way to read partially the file? If it was a text, line delimited file, I would be able to iterate over the lines. I am looking for analogy to it.
There was a duplicate to this question that had a better answer. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/10382359/1623645, which suggests ijson.
I tried it out, and ijson is to JSON what SAX is to XML. For instance, you can do this:
import ijson
for prefix, the_type, value in ijson.parse(open(json_file_name)):
print prefix, the_type, value
where prefix is a dot-separated index in the JSON tree (what happens if your key names have dots in them? I guess that would be bad for Javascript, too...), theType describes a SAX-like event, one of 'null', 'boolean', 'number', 'string', 'map_key', 'start_map', 'end_map', 'start_array', 'end_array', and value is the value of the object or None if the_type is an event like starting/ending a map/array.
The project has some docstrings, but not enough global documentation. I had to dig into ijson/common.py to find what I was looking for.
So the problem is not that each file is too big, but that there are too many of them, and they seem to be adding up in memory. Python's garbage collector should be fine, unless you are keeping around references you don't need. It's hard to tell exactly what's happening without any further information, but some things you can try:
Modularize your code. Do something like:
for json_file in list_of_files:
If you write process_file() in such a way that it doesn't rely on any global state, and doesn't
change any global state, the garbage collector should be able to do its job.
Deal with each file in a separate process. Instead of parsing all the JSON files at once, write a
program that parses just one, and pass each one in from a shell script, or from another python
process that calls your script via subprocess.Popen. This is a little less elegant, but if
nothing else works, it will ensure that you're not holding on to stale data from one file to the
Hope this helps.
You can use jsonstreamer SAX-like push parser that I have written which will allow you to parse arbitrary sized chunks, you can get it here and checkout the README for examples. Its fast because it uses the 'C' yajl library.
It can be done by using ijson. The working of ijson has been very well explained by Jim Pivarski in the answer above. The code below will read a file and print each json from the list. For example, file content is as below
[{"name": "rantidine", "drug": {"type": "tablet", "content_type": "solid"}},
{"name": "nicip", "drug": {"type": "capsule", "content_type": "solid"}}]
You can print every element of the array using the below method
def extract_json(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as input_file:
jsonobj = ijson.items(input_file, 'item')
jsons = (o for o in jsonobj)
for j in jsons:
Note: 'item' is the default prefix given by ijson.
if you want to access only specific json's based on a condition you can do it in following way.
def extract_tabtype(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as input_file:
objects = ijson.items(input_file, 'item.drugs')
tabtype = (o for o in objects if o['type'] == 'tablet')
for prop in tabtype:
This will print only those json whose type is tablet.
On your mention of running out of memory I must question if you're actually managing memory. Are you using the "del" keyword to remove your old object before trying to read a new one? Python should never silently retain something in memory if you remove it.
See the other answers for advice.
Original answer from 2010, now outdated
Short answer: no.
Properly dividing a json file would take intimate knowledge of the json object graph to get right.
However, if you have this knowledge, then you could implement a file-like object that wraps the json file and spits out proper chunks.
For instance, if you know that your json file is a single array of objects, you could create a generator that wraps the json file and returns chunks of the array.
You would have to do some string content parsing to get the chunking of the json file right.
I don't know what generates your json content. If possible, I would consider generating a number of managable files, instead of one huge file.
Another idea is to try load it into a document-store database like MongoDB.
It deals with large blobs of JSON well. Although you might run into the same problem loading the JSON - avoid the problem by loading the files one at a time.
If path works for you, then you can interact with the JSON data via their client and potentially not have to hold the entire blob in memory
"the garbage collector should free the memory"
Since it doesn't, something else is wrong. Generally, the problem with infinite memory growth is global variables.
Remove all global variables.
Make all module-level code into smaller functions.
in addition to #codeape
I would try writing a custom json parser to help you figure out the structure of the JSON blob you are dealing with. Print out the key names only, etc. Make a hierarchical tree and decide (yourself) how you can chunk it. This way you can do what #codeape suggests - break the file up into smaller chunks, etc
You can parse the JSON file to CSV file and you can parse it line by line:
import ijson
import csv
def convert_json(self, file_path):
did_write_headers = False
headers = []
row = []
iterable_json = ijson.parse(open(file_path, 'r'))
with open(file_path + '.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, ',', '"', csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for prefix, event, value in iterable_json:
if event == 'end_map':
if not did_write_headers:
did_write_headers = True
row = []
if event == 'map_key' and not did_write_headers:
if event == 'string':
So simply using json.load() will take a lot of time. Instead, you can load the json data line by line using key and value pair into a dictionary and append that dictionary to the final dictionary and convert it to pandas DataFrame which will help you in further analysis
def get_data():
with open('Your_json_file_name', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
yield line
data = get_data()
data_dict = {}
each = {}
for line in data:
each = {}
# k and v are the key and value pair
for k, v in json.loads(line).items():
#print(f'{k}: {v}')
each[f'{k}'] = f'{v}'
data_dict[i] = each
Data = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
#Data will give you the dictionary data in dataFrame (table format) but it will
#be in transposed form , so will then finally transpose the dataframe as ->
Data_1 = Data.T

