I created a repository, on Artifactory, which includes a zip containing 2 folders.
Is there a way to download that zip and extract the directories during a pip install? Basically, the developer just runs a pip install and gets the directories where needed.
I'm not looking for something in the [scripts] section since installing these directories would be the only thing currently needed in the Pipfile (its a weird project). Is this possible?
You can abuse the install command in the setup.py to call any arbitrary code, such as a one that unzips the assets and install it at the right place. I have seen this being done to package c++ binaries using python pypi in a place I worked for. See Post-install script with Python setuptools for hints on how to override the install command.
As per my observations, you have created generic repo and trying to fetch the packages using pip install. I would recommend creating a PyPI repository in the Artifactory and then try fetching the packages. This will. help in creating the metadata which will maintain all the package versions in the repository.
If you have the packages in your local then push them in the PyPI local repo and when you resolve them from Artifactory it will automatically download for the pip install based on your requirement.
If your requirement is to zip up multiple packages and push the archive file to the Artifactory and want the Artifactory to unzip and give the dependeciense during the pip install - then this is not possible from the Artifactory side we need to use a Post-install script with Python setup tools as mentioned .
following this guide: https://realpython.com/pypi-publish-python-package/
can I just create my Python package but not publish it to pypi.
just install it with pip install and then import my_packeg.
when trying this get No module named my_packeg error
the goal is to using this package code inside x micro service for prevent duplicate code...
From pip's user guide:
pip supports installing from PyPI, version control, local projects, and directly from distribution files.
The command-line to use is different:
There is a suitable command-line use for each of them and pip looks for, in the following order:
When looking at the items to be installed, pip checks what type of item each is, in the following order:
Project or archive URL.
Local directory (which must contain a setup.py, or pip will report an error).
Local file (a sdist or wheel format archive, following the naming conventions for those formats).
A requirement, as specified in PEP 440.
For your specific problem, you don't need to upload to PyPI. Solutions:
Build a "wheel" https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_wheel/ and distribute that file, pip can install it.
Place a zip archive of the source somewhere on your intranet (or shared file system) and call pip install http://intranet.url/mypackage-1.0.4.zip
source: Can I make pip installable package without registering package in pypi?
I would like to know if there's a way to package a simple Python project and have it perform installation over the internet, just like when you install a module with pip.
Sure there is. This is how all the 3rd party packages we are all using did.
The formal pypa explain how to do it here.
Basically you need to package your project to a wheel file and upload it to the pypi repository. To do this you need to declare (mainly in setup.py), what is your package name, version, which sub-packages you want to pack to the wheel etc..
If your packages are required for a particular project, it is straightforward to contain them in the Git repository. You can put them in the directory named wheelhouse, which comes from the name of the previous default directory created by pip wheel.
If you put the private package foo in the wheelhouse, you can install as follows:
pip install foo -f wheelhouse
This question already has answers here:
How to install packages offline?
(12 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm an experienced programmer, but very new to python. My company requires us to do development on a private network for some of our projects. There is a pypi index on the private network which can be used to install packages using pip. Recently, while needing to install a package, the pypi index when down and was down for several hours. Although it did come back up eventually, the situation begs the question, how do I install packages (maybe manually without pip) in the absense of an index? I've tried to google this, but came up empty. I'm sure there's a way, but I'm probably not searching for the right phrase. Thanks for any help with.
You can manually install Python packages if you have read access to the package repositories. Every Python package has a setup.py file in the root directory and you can do something like
python setup.py sdist
This creates a subdirectory called dist which contains a compressed archived file, tar.gz or .zip depending in your OS. You can pass this archived file to pip and install the package
pip3 install some-python-package.tar.gz
I would download the wheel and install that. For this to you do need to install the wheel package:
pip install wheel
You can then tell pip to install the project (and it'll download the wheel if available), or the wheel file directly:
pip install project_name # download and install
pip install wheel_file.whl # directly install the wheel
The wheel module is also runnable from the command line and you can use it to install already-downloaded wheels:
python -m wheel install wheel_file.whl
There are a few ways you can get around this issue. The two that I know of are:
Use a proxy to get to the standard PyPI. If your company permits it, then you can tunnel your traffic through their proxy and install packages from PyPA's standard locations.
Use a locally hosted index. All you need is a directory structured like https://pypi.org/simple/, and you can then pip install -i ~/my/personal/index/path and packages will be installed from there.
I am trying install a Django app on Heroku. My app needs pyke3. The recommended way for installing pyke3 is to download pyke3-1.1.1.zip https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyke/files/pyke/1.1.1/ and then install (into a virtualenv if desired) using the instructions on http://pyke.sourceforge.net/about_pyke/installing_pyke.html. How do I install pyke3 on heroku? Is there a way to add this to the requirements.txt, and how will heroku know where to get the pyke3 zip file?
From pip's docs:
pip supports installing from PyPI, version control, local projects, and directly from distribution files.
So, pip supports installing packages directly from links. All you have to do is put the link to the required package in your requirements file.
To download the package pyke3-1.1.1.zip, add this link in your requirements:
I understand there is already a question about packaging into pip, but this is more generic. On what mechanism does pip identify packages? To which central server should I add the name so that when someone types in
pip install <mypackagename>
how does pip know, where to look for the package. What should I do to add mine to that name resolution directory?
Pip pulls from the Python Package Index. It is very easy to submit a package, assuming you have a configured setup.py to build the package.
You'll need to register an account on PyPi, have certain metadata defined in setup.py (license, etc), and a setup.cfg if you're using markdown-formatted readme (as on Github). Then it's just a shell command to register the package :
python setup.py register -r pypi
python setup.py sdist upload -r pypi
Python's crowdsourced package repository, PyPI, aka the Python Package Index.
You will want to start with a tutorial on how to package your code for, then submit to, PyPI. This is one. There is a learning curve, but it is most worthwhile.
It helps to look at packages already on PyPI, then follow the links back to their source code repositories to see all of the files and configurations that were used. For example, my intspan package is hosted at bitbucket. As many PyPI packages are hosted at either Bitbucket or Github, so there are many examples available from which to learn.