I would like to run a discord in a process. The reason is I have a code which should run as fast as possible, it already works quite well except the discord bot which seems to doesn't start if called from a process.
The code which works
The discord function
def run_discord_bot():
print('load env')
discord_bot = os.environ.get('discord_bot')
loop = client.loop
discord_task = loop.create_task(client.start(discord_bot))
print(f'start client {client}')
the function works well if I call it within a thread
thread = Thread(target=run_discord_bot)
but it never starts if I call it in a process
results = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_procs) as executor:
for result in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results):
except Exception as ex:
I tried several things but nothing works. Any idea ?
Thanks a lot
I have a task that is IO bound running in a loop. This task does a lot of work and is often times hogging the loop (Is that the right word for it?). My plan is to run it in a separate process or thread using run_in_executor with ProcessPoolExecutor or ThreadPoolExecutor to run it separately and allow the main loop to do its work. Currently for communication between tasks I use asyncio.PriorityQueue() and asyncio.Event() for communication and would like to reuse these, or something with the same interface, if possible.
Current code:
# Getter for events and queues so communication can happen
send, receive, send_event, receive_event = await process_obj.get_queues()
# Creates task based off the process object
future = asyncio.create_task(process_obj.main())
Current process code:
async def main():
while True:
#does things that hogs loop
What I want to do:
# Getter for events and queues so communication can happen
send, receive, send_event, receive_event = await process_obj.get_queues()
# I assume I could use Thread or Process executors
pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
result = await loop.run_in_executor(pool, process_obj.run())
New process code:
def run():
async def main():
while True:
#does things that hogs loop
How do I communicate between this new thread and the original loop like I could originally?
There is not much I could reproduce your code. So please consider this code from YouTube Downloader as example and I hope that will help you to understand how to get result from thread function:
example code:
def on_download(self, is_mp3: bool, is_mp4: bool, url: str) -> None:
if is_mp3 == False and is_mp4 == False:
self.ids.info_lbl.text = 'Please select a type of file to download.'
self.ids.info_lbl.text = 'Downloading...'
self.is_mp3 = is_mp3
self.is_mp4 = is_mp4
self.url = url
Clock.schedule_once(self.schedule_download, 2)
Clock.schedule_interval(self.start_progress_bar, 0.1)
def schedule_download(self, dt: float) -> None:
Callback method for the download.
pool = ThreadPool(processes=1)
_downloader = Downloader(self.d_path)
self.async_result = pool.apply_async(_downloader.download,
(self.is_mp3, self.is_mp4, self.url))
Clock.schedule_interval(self.check_process, 0.1)
def check_process(self, dt: float) -> None:
Check if download is complete.
if self.async_result.ready():
resp = self.async_result.get()
if resp[0] == 'Error. Download failed.':
self.ids.info_lbl.text = resp[0]
# progress bar gray if error
# progress bar blue if success
self.ids.file_name.text = resp[0]
self.ids.info_lbl.text = 'Finished downloading.'
self.ids.url_input.text = ''
Personally I prefer from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool and now it looks like your code 'hogs up' because you are awaiting for result. So obviously until there is result program will wait (and that may be long). If you look in my example code:
on_download will schedule and event schedule download and this one will schedule another event check process. I can't tell if you app is GUI app or terminal as there is pretty much no code in your question but what you have to do, in your loop you have to schedule an event of check process.
If you look on my check process: if self.async_result.ready(): that will only return when my result is ready.
Now you are waiting for the result, here everything is happening in the background and every now and then the main loop will check for the result (it won't hog up as if there is no result the main loop will carry on doing what it have to rather than wait for it).
So basically you have to schedule some events (especially the one for the result) in your loop rather than going line by line and waiting for one. Does that make sense and does my example code is helpful? Sorry I am really bad at explaining what is in my head ;)
-> mainloop
-> new Thread if there is any
-> check for result if there is any Threads
-> if there is a result
-> do something
-> mainloop keeps running
-> back to top
When you execute the while True in your main coroutine, it doesn't hog the loop but blocks the loop not accepting the rest task to do their jobs. Running a process in your event-based application is not the best solution as the processes are not much friendly in data sharing.
It is possible to do all concurrently without using parallelism. All you need is to execute a await asyncio.sleep(0) at the end of while True. It yields back to the loop and allows the rest tasks to be executed. So we do not exit from the coroutine.
In the following example, I have a listener that uses while True and handles the data added by emitter to the queue.
import asyncio
from queue import Empty
from queue import Queue
from random import choice
queue = Queue()
async def listener():
while True:
# data polling from the queue
data = queue.get_nowait()
print(data) # {"type": "event", "data": {...}}
except (Empty, Exception):
# the magic action
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def emitter():
# add a data to the queue
queue.put({"type": "event", "data": {...}})
async def main():
# first create a task for listener
running_loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for _ in range(5):
# create tasks for emitter with random intervals to
# demonstrate that the listener is still running in
# the loop and handling the data put into the queue
await asyncio.sleep(choice(range(2)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
So i'm creating this application and a part of it is a web page where a trading algorithm is testing itself using live data. All that is working but the issue is if i leave (exit) the web page, it stops. I was wondering how i can keep it running in the background indefinitely as i want the algorithm to keep doing it's thing.
This is the route which i would like to run in the background.
def live_data_source():
def get_live_data():
live_options = lo.Options()
while True:
trades = live_options.get_all_option_trades()
trades = trades[0]
json_data = json.dumps(
{'data': trades})
yield f"data:{json_data}\n\n"
return Response(get_live_data(), mimetype='text/event-stream')
I've looked into multi-threading but not too sure if that's the right thing for the job. I am kind of still new to flask so hence the poor question. If you need more info, please do comment.
You can do it the following way - this is 100% working example below. Note, in production use Celery for such tasks, or write another one daemon app (another process) by yourself and feed it with tasks from http server with the help of message queue (e.g. RabbitMQ) or with the help of common database.
If any questions regarding code below, feel free to ask, it was quite good exercise for me:
from flask import Flask, current_app
import threading
from threading import Thread, Event
import time
from random import randint
app = Flask(__name__)
# use the dict to store events to stop other treads
# one event per thread !
app.config["ThreadWorkerActive"] = dict()
def do_work(e: Event):
"""function just for another one thread to do some work"""
while True:
if e.is_set():
break # can be stopped from another trhead
print(f"{threading.current_thread().getName()} working now ...")
print(f"{threading.current_thread().getName()} was stoped ...")
#app.route("/long_thread", methods=["GET"])
def long_thread_task():
"""Allows to start a new thread"""
th_name = f"Th-{randint(100000, 999999)}" # not really unique actually
stop_event = Event() # is used to stop another thread
th = Thread(target=do_work, args=(stop_event, ), name=th_name, daemon=True)
current_app.config["ThreadWorkerActive"][th_name] = stop_event
return f"{th_name} was created!"
#app.route("/stop_thread/<th_id>", methods=["GET"])
def stop_thread_task(th_id):
th_name = f"Th-{th_id}"
if th_name in current_app.config["ThreadWorkerActive"].keys():
e = current_app.config["ThreadWorkerActive"].get(th_name)
if e:
return f"Th-{th_id} was asked to stop"
return "Sorry something went wrong..."
return f"Th-{th_id} not found"
#app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def index_route():
text = ("/long_thread - create another thread. "
"/stop_thread/th_id - stop thread with a certain id. "
f"Available Threads: {'; '.join(current_app.config['ThreadWorkerActive'].keys())}")
return text
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host="", port=9999)
I'm having this case where I need to get from the coroutine about which task failed.
I'm using asyncio.wait and when a task fails with an exception, I cannot tell which arguments caused the task to fail.
I tried to read the coro cr_frame but it seems after the coro runs, the cr_frame returns None
I tried other things too like trying to edit the coro Class and trying to put a attribute
coro.__mydata = data but it seems that i cannot add attributes dynamically on the coro (maybe its a limitation on python, don't know)
Here's some code
async def main():
Basically this function send messages to an api
The class takes things like channelID, userID etc
Sometimes channelID, userID are wrong and the task would return an exception
resp = await asyncio.wait(self._queue_send_task)
for r in resp[0]:
sent = r.result()
## Exception because of wrong args, I need the args to act upon them
coro = r.get_coro()
coro.cr_frame ## Returns none, normally this would return a frame if I were to call it before the coro start
I'm trying to make a simple Slack bot using asyncio, largely using the example here for the asyncio part and here for the Slack bot part.
Both the examples work on their own, but when I put them together it seems my loop doesn't loop: it goes through once and then dies. If info is a list of length equal to 1, which happens when a message is typed in a chat room with the bot in it, the coroutine is supposed to be triggered, but it never is. (All the coroutine is trying to do right now is print the message, and if the message contains "/time", it gets the bot to print the time in the chat room it was asked in). Keyboard interrupt also doesn't work, I have to close the command prompt every time.
Here is my code:
import asyncio
from slackclient import SlackClient
import time, datetime as dt
token = "MY TOKEN"
sc = SlackClient(token)
def read_text(info):
if 'text' in info[0]:
if r'/time' in info[0]['text']:
resp = 'The time is ' + dt.datetime.strftime(dt.datetime.now(),'%H:%M:%S')
chan = info[0]['channel']
sc.rtm_send_message(chan, resp)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
info = sc.rtm_read()
if len(info) == 1:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('step: loop.close()')
I think it's the loop part that's broken, since it never seems to get to the coroutine. So maybe a shorter way of asking this question is what is it about my try: statement that prevents it from looping like in the asyncio example I followed? Is there something about sc.rtm_connect() that it doesn't like?
I'm new to asyncio, so I'm probably doing something stupid. Is this even the best way to try and go about this? Ultimately I want the bot to do some things that take quite a while to compute, and I'd like it to remain responsive in that time, so I think I need to use asyncio or threads in some variety, but I'm open to better suggestions.
Thanks a lot,
I changed it to the following and it worked:
import asyncio
from slackclient import SlackClient
import time, datetime as dt
token = "MY TOKEN"
sc = SlackClient(token)
def listen():
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
x = sc.rtm_connect()
info = sc.rtm_read()
if len(info) == 1:
if 'text' in info[0]:
if r'/time' in info[0]['text']:
resp = 'The time is ' + dt.datetime.strftime(dt.datetime.now(),'%H:%M:%S')
chan = info[0]['channel']
sc.rtm_send_message(chan, resp)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('step: loop.close()')
Not entirely sure why that fixes it, but the key things I changed were putting the sc.rtm_connect() call in the coroutine and making it x = sc.rtm_connect(). I also call the listen() function from itself at the end, which appears to be what makes it loop forever, since the bot doesn't respond if I take it out. I don't know if this is the way this sort of thing is supposed to be set up, but it does appear to continue to accept commands while it's processing earlier commands, my slack chat looks like this:
me [12:21 AM]
testbotBOT [12:21 AM]
The time is 00:21:11
The time is 00:21:14
The time is 00:21:16
The time is 00:21:19
Note that it doesn't miss any of my /time requests, which it would if it weren't doing this stuff asynchronously. Also, if anyone is trying to replicate this you'll notice that slack brings up the built in command menu if you type "/". I got around this by typing a space in front.
Thanks for the help, please let me know if you know of a better way of doing this. It doesn't seem to be a very elegant solution, and the bot can't be restarted after I use the a cntrl-c keyboard interrupt to end it - it says
Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished coro=<listen() done, defined at asynctest3.py:8> exception=AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv'",)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Dell-F5\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Lib\asyncio\tasks.py", line 239, in _step
result = coro.send(None)
File "asynctest3.py", line 13, in listen
info = sc.rtm_read()
File "C:\Users\Dell-F5\Envs\sbot\lib\site-packages\slackclient\_client.py", line 39, in rtm_read
json_data = self.server.websocket_safe_read()
File "C:\Users\Dell-F5\Envs\sbot\lib\site-packages\slackclient\_server.py", line 110, in websocket_safe_read
data += "{0}\n".format(self.websocket.recv())
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv'
Which I guess means it's not closing the websockets nicely. Anyway, that's just an annoyance, at least the main problem is fixed.
Making blocking IO calls inside a coroutine defeat the very purpose of using asyncio (e.g. info = sc.rtm_read()). If you don't have a choice, use loop.run_in_executor to run the blocking call in a different thread. Careful though, some extra locking might be needed.
However, it seems there's a few asyncio-based slack client libraries you could use instead:
slacker-asyncio - fork of slacker, based on aiohttp
butterfield - based on slacker and websockets
EDIT: Butterfield uses the Slack real-time messaging API. It even provides an echo bot example that looks very much like what you're trying to achieve:
import asyncio
from butterfield import Bot
def echo(bot, message):
yield from bot.post(
bot = Bot('slack-bot-key')
My goal:
To go through a list of websites to check them using Requests. This is being done in apply_job.
My problem:
When job_pool.next is called, a few websites are in error and instead of giving an error, they just stand there and don't even give a TimeoutError. That's why I am using a timeout in the next function with 10s of timeout. This timeout works well but when the TimeoutError exception arises, the next function the following times keep raising the exception even though the next websites are good. It seems to me that it doesn't move to the next item and just loop over the same one.
I tried with imap and imap_unordered, no difference in that.
My code here:
def run_check(websites):
""" Run check on the given websites """
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
pool = ThreadPool(processes=JOB_POOL_SIZE)
job_pool = pool.imap_unordered(apply_job, websites)
while True:
res = job_pool.next(10)
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
logging.error("Timeout Error")
res = 'No Res'
except StopIteration:
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Run_check Error: %s"%e)
I use res = requests.get(url, timeout=10) to check the websites. This timeout doesn't work for this issue.
To test, here are the websites that makes the problem (not every time but very often): http://www.kddecorators.netfirms.com, http://www.railcar.netfirms.com.
I can't figure out what is different with these websites but my guess is that they keep sending a byte once in a while so it isn't considered as a real timeout even though they are unusable.
If anyone has an idea, it would be greatly appreciated, I have been stuck on that one for a few days now. I even tried future and async but they don't raise the exception which I need.
Thanks guys!
Your intuition that passing a timeout to next would abort the job is wrong. It just aborts waiting, but the particular job keeps running. The next time you wait, you do wait for the same job. To achieve a timeout on the actual jobs you should look at the requests documentation. Note that there is no reliable way to terminate another thread. So if you absolutely cannot make your jobs terminate within a reasonable time frame, you can switch to a process based pool and forcefully terminate the processes (e.g. using signal.alarm).
I found a solution for my issue, I used eventlet and its Timeout function.
def apply_job(account_info):
""" Job for the Thread """
account_id = account_info['id']
account_website = account_info['website']
url = account_website
result = "ERROR: GreenPool Timeout"
with Timeout(TIMEOUT*2, False):
url, result = tpool.execute(website.try_url, account_website)
return (account_id, account_website, url, result)
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Apply_job Error: %s"%e)
def start_db(res):
def spawn_callback(result):
res = result.wait()
tpool.execute(start_db, res)
def run_check(websites):
""" Run check on the given websites """
print str(len(websites)) + " items found\n"
pool = eventlet.GreenPool(100)
for i, account_website in enumerate(websites):
res = pool.spawn(apply_job, account_website)
This solution works well because it times-out over the whole execution of the function website.try_url in the command url, result = tpool.execute(website.try_url, account_website).