Low brightness in beam visualization - python

prism with low brightness beam
Never posted a question on stack before, please forgive any question upload mistakes.
As seen in the image above, I'm having trouble visualizing beam propagation in a prism. The source is a GaussianBeamSource. The beam is not bright enough to see. I assume the issue is that normalization and spread of the beam, but I need to see how this beam propagates to create structures in its path. I thought about manipulating the amplitude but don't know how to modify that in this specific source type, or if it would be normalized back to the same state of brightness/visibility. Another guess is that the short wavelength (473nm) combined with the large sim size (50x50um) is leading to low visibility.
Thanks in advance if anyone can offer help or advice. Hope this group is still active.
The code below is just snippets for the simulation parameters. If more is needed I can add later.
# basic simulation parameters
resolution = 50 # pixels/um
cell = mp.Vector3(100, 100, 0)
pml_layers = [mp.PML(1.0)]
fcen = 1/0.473 # pulse center frequency
df = 0.1 # pulse width (in frequency)
sources = [mp.GaussianBeamSource(
src = mp.ContinuousSource(wavelength = 0.473),
center = mp.Vector3(-40,22.5,0),
size = mp.Vector3(0,4.1,0),
component = mp.Hz,
beam_x0 = mp.Vector3(0,0,0),
beam_kdir = mp.Vector3(1,0,0),
beam_w0 = 2.05,
beam_E0 = mp.Vector3(0,0,1)
sim.plot2D(fields=mp.Ez, eps_parameters={'contour':True})


Potential sampling using Galpy

I have builded a code that solves gravity for a N-Body system. I'm currently testing this code using potential generated by Galpy. I've been trying to generate a Plummer distribution and use it as an initial condition for my simulation. However, the distribution always end up collapsing for some reason.
I'm trying to see if this could be due to some unit conversion problem when generating the potential. Here is my code:
N_part = 50000
mp = 1e7*units.Msun
Mtot = N_part*mp
b = 8*units.kpc
G = 4.3*1e-6*units.kpc*(1/units.Msun)*(units.km/units.s)**2
amp = G*Mtot
# Profile et sampling
plummer = pp(amp=amp,b=b)
df_plummer = isotropicPlummerdf(pot=plummer)
sam = df_plummer.sample(n=N_part)
vx,vy,vz = sam.vx(),sam.vy(),sam.vz()
x,y,z = sam.x(),sam.y(),sam.z()
Normally, velocities (vx,vy,vz) and positions (x,y,z) are suppose to be in km/s and kpc. Am I doing this right ?
Thanks by advance!

How can I find specific points in binary images?

I'm starting a research at the university, with the theme of enabling the use of AI to calculate a region of the retina. The first part we stipulated was to segment two important parts of the retina, using u-net. The second is to use the result of segmentation to find the important points and perform a calculation.
So, in the below image, I show the output of segmentation each region, using u-net (The red annotation isn't part of segmentation). I tried represent regions that I want find in first and second block. Once did, I could calculate distance between these points, when merge them.
So, my question is: what kind of technique I can use to read the pixels in order of to find the coordinates where I marked?
Is OpenCV a lib that could help me? It's the first time that I handle with this kind of problem, so thanks for any suggestion or guidance.
Using OpenCV:
detecting the margins can be done with connectedComponentsWithStats() method.
connectivity = 8
output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(binary_img, connectivity, cv2.CV_32S)
stats = output[2] # stat matrix
first_blob_left = stats[0,cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT]
first_blob_right = stats[0,cv2.CC_STAT_RIGHT]
second_blob_left = stats[1,cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT]
second_blob_right = stats[1,cv2.CC_STAT_RIGHT]
if first_blob_left < second_blob_left:
dist = second_blob_left - first_blob_right
dist = first_blob_left - second_blob_right
detecting the deepest point can be done with the same method:
connectivity = 8
output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(binary_img, connectivity, cv2.CV_32S)
stats = output[2] # stat matrix
blob_top = stats[0,cv2.CC_STAT_TOP]
blob_height = stats[0,cv2.CC_STAT_HEIGHT]
deepest_point_y_position = blob_top + blob_height
Note: This code hasn't been tested, it may contains some typos. But still, the idea stays the same, and should work without much effort.
Take a look at
labels = output[1]
"labels" is an array the site of the input image, where each pixel of a blob is labelled with the same value. This should help you to find the coordinates of the margins

Delete points not within land but with an offset

I have a Android App that uses GPS and reports it to the backend. For some reason (mock location or low gps accuracy I guess) a lot of measurements were saved with coordinates beyond lands.
I'm writing a python pandas/geopandas short code to filter out those but it seems not to be that trivial.
My initial idea was to join registered GPS points with hi-res (10m) land shapes.
# df initial dataframe with points
geometry=[Point(xy) for xy in zip(df.longitude, df.latitude)]
crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
geodf = gp.GeoDataFrame(df[['longitude','latitude']],geometry = geometry, crs=crs)
world = gp.read_file("../GeoPandas/natural-earth-vector/10m_physical/ne_10m_land.shp")
gpd_joined = gp.sjoin(geodf,world, how='inner', op='intersects', lsuffix='left', rsuffix='right')
However there are may false-positives (shape file inaccuracy?) on the coastline. I'd like to keep those samples.
(blue -- land polygon, markers - points marked for deletion)
Generally speaking my idea is to clean-up the set by deleting most obvious e.g in the middle of the ocean keeping a "border buffer" around the coastline.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to create such a border/buffer. Simple expanding polygon with scale function scales up polygon starting from its most center point. What I'd love to achieve is to expand it by desired size uniformly.
I've tried then using the "Oceans" shape and down-scale it
gdfOceansSS.geometry.scale(xfact=0.9, yfact=0.9, zfact=1.0, origin=(0,0,0))
but without success.
Any tips appreciated!
OMG I've just found-out that simple gp.buffer will do the work:
gdfWorldSS.geometry = world.geometry.buffer(1)

Matplotlib: How to increase colormap/linewidth quality in streamplot?

I have the following code to generate a streamplot based on an interp1d-Interpolation of discrete data:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# CSV Import
a1array=pd.read_csv('a1.csv', sep=',',header=None).values
a1 = interp1d(rv, a1v)
da1M = interp1d(rv, da1vM)
# Bx and By vector components
def bx(x ,y):
rad = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
if rad == 0:
return 0
return x*y/rad**4*(-2*a1(rad)+rad*da1M(rad))/2.87445E-19*1E-12
def by(x ,y):
rad = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
if rad == 0:
return 4.02995937E-04/2.87445E-19*1E-12
return -1/rad**4*(2*a1(rad)*y**2+rad*da1M(rad)*x**2)/2.87445E-19*1E-12
Bx = np.vectorize(bx, otypes=[np.float])
By = np.vectorize(by, otypes=[np.float])
# Grid
num_steps = 11
Y, X = np.mgrid[-25:25:(num_steps * 1j), 0:25:(num_steps * 1j)]
Vx = Bx(X, Y)
Vy = By(X, Y)
speed = np.sqrt(Bx(X, Y)**2+By(X, Y)**2)
lw = 2*speed / speed.max()+.5
# Star Radius
circle3 = plt.Circle((0, 0), 16.3473140, color='black', fill=False)
# Plot
fig0, ax0 = plt.subplots(num=None, figsize=(11,9), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
strm = ax0.streamplot(X, Y, Vx, Vy, color=speed, linewidth=lw,density=[1,2], cmap=plt.cm.jet)
ax0.streamplot(-X, Y, -Vx, Vy, color=speed, linewidth=lw,density=[1,2], cmap=plt.cm.jet)
cbar=fig0.colorbar(strm.lines,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
cbar.set_label('B[GT]', rotation=270, labelpad=8)
ax0.set_xlabel('x [km]')
ax0.set_ylabel('z [km]')
plt.title('polyEos(0.05,2), M/R=0.2, B_r(0,0)=1402GT', y=1.01)
I uploaded the csv-file here if you want to try some stuff https://www.dropbox.com/s/4t7jixpglt0mkl5/a1.csv?dl=0.
Which generates the following plot:
I am actually pretty happy with the result except for one small detail, which I can not figure out: If one looks closely the linewidth and the color change in rather big steps, which is especially visible at the center:
Is there some way/option with which I can decrease the size of this steps to especially make the colormap smother?
I had another look at this and it wasnt as painful as I thought it might be.
subdiv = 15
points = np.arange(len(t[0]))
interp_points = np.linspace(0, len(t[0]), subdiv * len(t[0]))
tgx = np.interp(interp_points, points, tgx)
tgy = np.interp(interp_points, points, tgy)
tx = np.interp(interp_points, points, tx)
ty = np.interp(interp_points, points, ty)
after ty is initialised in the trajectories loop (line 164 in my version). Just substitute whatever number of subdivisions you want for subdiv = 15. All the segments in the streamplot will be subdivided into as many equally sized segments as you choose. The colors and linewidths for each will still be properly obtained from interpolating the data.
Its not as neat as changing the integration step but it does plot exactly the same trajectories.
If you don't mind changing the streamplot code (matplotlib/streamplot.py), you could simply decrease the size of the integration steps. Inside _integrate_rk12() the maximum step size is defined as:
maxds = min(1. / dmap.mask.nx, 1. / dmap.mask.ny, 0.1)
If you decrease that, lets say:
maxds = 0.1 * min(1. / dmap.mask.nx, 1. / dmap.mask.ny, 0.1)
I get this result (left = new, right = original):
Of course, this makes the code about 10x slower, and I haven't thoroughly tested it, but it seems to work (as a quick hack) for this example.
About the density (mentioned in the comments): I personally don't see the problem of that. It's not like we are trying to visualize the actual path line of (e.g.) a particle; the density is already some arbitrary (controllable) choice, and yes it is influenced by choices in the integration, but I don't thing that it changes the (not quite sure how to call this) required visualization we're after.
The results (density) do seem to converge a bit for decreasing step sizes, this shows the results for decreasing the integration step with a factor {1,5,10,20}:
You could increase the density parameter to get more smooth color transitions,
but then use the start_points parameter to reduce your overall clutter.
The start_points parameter allows you to explicity choose the location and
number of trajectories to draw. It overrides the default, which is to plot
as many as possible to fill up the entire plot.
But first you need one little fix to your existing code:
According to the streamplot documentation, the X and Y args should be 1d arrays, not 2d arrays as produced by mgrid.
It looks like passing in 2d arrays is supported, but it is undocumented
and it is currently not compatible with the start_points parameter.
Here is how I revised your X, Y, Vx, Vy and speed:
# Grid
num_steps = 11
Y = np.linspace(-25, 25, num_steps)
X = np.linspace(0, 25, num_steps)
Ygrid, Xgrid = np.mgrid[-25:25:(num_steps * 1j), 0:25:(num_steps * 1j)]
Vx = Bx(Xgrid, Ygrid)
Vy = By(Xgrid, Ygrid)
speed = np.hypot(Vx, Vy)
lw = 3*speed / speed.max()+.5
Now you can explicitly set your start_points parameter. The start points are actually
"seed" points. Any given stream trajectory will grow in both directions
from the seed point. So if you put a seed point right in the center of
the example plot, it will grow both up and down to produce a vertical
stream line.
Besides controlling the number of trajectories, using the
start_points parameter also controls the order they are
drawn. This is important when considering how trajectories terminate.
They will either hit the border of the plot, or they will terminate if
they hit a cell of the plot that already has a trajectory. That means
your first seeds will tend to grow longer and your later seeds will tend
to get limited by previous ones. Some of the later seeds may not grow
at all. The default seeding strategy is to plant a seed at every cell,
which is pretty obnoxious if you have a high density. It also orders
them by planting seeds first along the plot borders and spiraling inward.
This may not be ideal for your particular case. I found a very simple
strategy for your example was to just plant a few seeds between those
two points of zero velocity, y=0 and x from -10 to 10. Those trajectories
grow to their fullest and fill in most of the plot without clutter.
Here is how I create the seed points and set the density:
num_streams = 8
stptsy = np.zeros((num_streams,), np.float)
stptsx_left = np.linspace(0, -10.0, num_streams)
stptsx_right = np.linspace(0, 10.0, num_streams)
stpts_left = np.column_stack((stptsx_left, stptsy))
stpts_right = np.column_stack((stptsx_right, stptsy))
density = (3,6)
And here is how I modify the calls to streamplot:
strm = ax0.streamplot(X, Y, Vx, Vy, color=speed, linewidth=lw, density=density,
cmap=plt.cm.jet, start_points=stpts_right)
ax0.streamplot(-X, Y, -Vx, Vy, color=speed, linewidth=lw,density=density,
cmap=plt.cm.jet, start_points=stpts_left)
The result basically looks like the original, but with smoother color transitions and only 15 stream lines. (sorry no reputation to inline the image)
I think your best bet is to use a colormap other than jet. Perhaps cmap=plt.cmap.plasma.
Wierd looking graphs obscure understanding of the data.
For data which is ordered in some way, like by the speed vector magnitude in this case, uniform sequential colormaps will always look smoother. The brightness of sequential maps varies monotonically over the color range, removing large percieved color changes over small ranges of data. The uniform maps vary linearly over their whole range which makes the main features in the data much more visually apparent.
(source: matplotlib.org)
The jet colormap spans a very wide variety of brightnesses over its range with in inflexion in the middle. This is responsible for the particularly egregious red to blue transition around the center region of your graph.
(source: matplotlib.org)
The matplotlib user guide on choosing a color map has a few recomendations for about selecting an appropriate map for a given data set.
I dont think there is much else you can do to improve this by just changing parameters in your plot.
The streamplot divides the graph into cells with 30*density[x,y] in each direction, at most one streamline goes through each cell. The only setting which directly increases the number of segments is the density of the grid matplotlib uses. Increasing the Y density will decrease the segment length so that the middle region may transition more smoothly. The cost of this is an inevitable cluttering of the graph in regions where the streamlines are horizontal.
You could also try to normalise the speeds differently so the the change is artifically lowered in near the center. At the end of the day though it seems like it defeats the point of the graph. The graph should provide a useful view of the data for a human to understand. Using a colormap with strange inflexions or warping the data so that it looks nicer removes some understanding which could otherwise be obtained from looking at the graph.
A more detailed discussion about the issues with colormaps like jet can be found on this blog.

How can I improve my paw detection?

After my previous question on finding toes within each paw, I started loading up other measurements to see how it would hold up. Unfortunately, I quickly ran into a problem with one of the preceding steps: recognizing the paws.
You see, my proof of concept basically took the maximal pressure of each sensor over time and would start looking for the sum of each row, until it finds on that != 0.0. Then it does the same for the columns and as soon as it finds more than 2 rows with that are zero again. It stores the minimal and maximal row and column values to some index.
As you can see in the figure, this works quite well in most cases. However, there are a lot of downsides to this approach (other than being very primitive):
Humans can have 'hollow feet' which means there are several empty rows within the footprint itself. Since I feared this could happen with (large) dogs too, I waited for at least 2 or 3 empty rows before cutting off the paw.
This creates a problem if another contact made in a different column before it reaches several empty rows, thus expanding the area. I figure I could compare the columns and see if they exceed a certain value, they must be separate paws.
The problem gets worse when the dog is very small or walks at a higher pace. What happens is that the front paw's toes are still making contact, while the hind paw's toes just start to make contact within the same area as the front paw!
With my simple script, it won't be able to split these two, because it would have to determine which frames of that area belong to which paw, while currently I would only have to look at the maximal values over all frames.
Examples of where it starts going wrong:
So now I'm looking for a better way of recognizing and separating the paws (after which I'll get to the problem of deciding which paw it is!).
I've been tinkering to get Joe's (awesome!) answer implemented, but I'm having difficulties extracting the actual paw data from my files.
The coded_paws shows me all the different paws, when applied to the maximal pressure image (see above). However, the solution goes over each frame (to separate overlapping paws) and sets the four Rectangle attributes, such as coordinates or height/width.
I can't figure out how to take these attributes and store them in some variable that I can apply to the measurement data. Since I need to know for each paw, what its location is during which frames and couple this to which paw it is (front/hind, left/right).
So how can I use the Rectangles attributes to extract these values for each paw?
I have the measurements I used in the question setup in my public Dropbox folder (example 1, example 2, example 3). For anyone interested I also set up a blog to keep you up to date :-)
If you're just wanting (semi) contiguous regions, there's already an easy implementation in Python: SciPy's ndimage.morphology module. This is a fairly common image morphology operation.
Basically, you have 5 steps:
def find_paws(data, smooth_radius=5, threshold=0.0001):
data = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter(data, smooth_radius)
thresh = data > threshold
filled = sp.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(thresh)
coded_paws, num_paws = sp.ndimage.label(filled)
data_slices = sp.ndimage.find_objects(coded_paws)
return object_slices
Blur the input data a bit to make sure the paws have a continuous footprint. (It would be more efficient to just use a larger kernel (the structure kwarg to the various scipy.ndimage.morphology functions) but this isn't quite working properly for some reason...)
Threshold the array so that you have a boolean array of places where the pressure is over some threshold value (i.e. thresh = data > value)
Fill any internal holes, so that you have cleaner regions (filled = sp.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(thresh))
Find the separate contiguous regions (coded_paws, num_paws = sp.ndimage.label(filled)). This returns an array with the regions coded by number (each region is a contiguous area of a unique integer (1 up to the number of paws) with zeros everywhere else)).
Isolate the contiguous regions using data_slices = sp.ndimage.find_objects(coded_paws). This returns a list of tuples of slice objects, so you could get the region of the data for each paw with [data[x] for x in data_slices]. Instead, we'll draw a rectangle based on these slices, which takes slightly more work.
The two animations below show your "Overlapping Paws" and "Grouped Paws" example data. This method seems to be working perfectly. (And for whatever it's worth, this runs much more smoothly than the GIF images below on my machine, so the paw detection algorithm is fairly fast...)
Here's a full example (now with much more detailed explanations). The vast majority of this is reading the input and making an animation. The actual paw detection is only 5 lines of code.
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.ndimage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
def animate(input_filename):
"""Detects paws and animates the position and raw data of each frame
in the input file"""
# With matplotlib, it's much, much faster to just update the properties
# of a display object than it is to create a new one, so we'll just update
# the data and position of the same objects throughout this animation...
infile = paw_file(input_filename)
# Since we're making an animation with matplotlib, we need
# ion() instead of show()...
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Make an image based on the first frame that we'll update later
# (The first frame is never actually displayed)
im = ax.imshow(infile.next()[1])
# Make 4 rectangles that we can later move to the position of each paw
rects = [Rectangle((0,0), 1,1, fc='none', ec='red') for i in range(4)]
[ax.add_patch(rect) for rect in rects]
title = ax.set_title('Time 0.0 ms')
# Process and display each frame
for time, frame in infile:
paw_slices = find_paws(frame)
# Hide any rectangles that might be visible
[rect.set_visible(False) for rect in rects]
# Set the position and size of a rectangle for each paw and display it
for slice, rect in zip(paw_slices, rects):
dy, dx = slice
rect.set_xy((dx.start, dy.start))
rect.set_width(dx.stop - dx.start + 1)
rect.set_height(dy.stop - dy.start + 1)
# Update the image data and title of the plot
title.set_text('Time %0.2f ms' % time)
im.set_clim([frame.min(), frame.max()])
def find_paws(data, smooth_radius=5, threshold=0.0001):
"""Detects and isolates contiguous regions in the input array"""
# Blur the input data a bit so the paws have a continous footprint
data = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter(data, smooth_radius)
# Threshold the blurred data (this needs to be a bit > 0 due to the blur)
thresh = data > threshold
# Fill any interior holes in the paws to get cleaner regions...
filled = sp.ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(thresh)
# Label each contiguous paw
coded_paws, num_paws = sp.ndimage.label(filled)
# Isolate the extent of each paw
data_slices = sp.ndimage.find_objects(coded_paws)
return data_slices
def paw_file(filename):
"""Returns a iterator that yields the time and data in each frame
The infile is an ascii file of timesteps formatted similar to this:
Frame 0 (0.00 ms)
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
Frame 1 (0.53 ms)
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
with open(filename) as infile:
while True:
time, data = read_frame(infile)
yield time, data
except StopIteration:
def read_frame(infile):
"""Reads a frame from the infile."""
frame_header = infile.next().strip().split()
time = float(frame_header[-2][1:])
data = []
while True:
line = infile.next().strip().split()
if line == []:
return time, np.array(data, dtype=np.float)
if __name__ == '__main__':
animate('Overlapping paws.bin')
animate('Grouped up paws.bin')
animate('Normal measurement.bin')
Update: As far as identifying which paw is in contact with the sensor at what times, the simplest solution is to just do the same analysis, but use all of the data at once. (i.e. stack the input into a 3D array, and work with it, instead of the individual time frames.) Because SciPy's ndimage functions are meant to work with n-dimensional arrays, we don't have to modify the original paw-finding function at all.
# This uses functions (and imports) in the previous code example!!
def paw_regions(infile):
# Read in and stack all data together into a 3D array
data, time = [], []
for t, frame in paw_file(infile):
data = np.dstack(data)
time = np.asarray(time)
# Find and label the paw impacts
data_slices, coded_paws = find_paws(data, smooth_radius=4)
# Sort by time of initial paw impact... This way we can determine which
# paws are which relative to the first paw with a simple modulo 4.
# (Assuming a 4-legged dog, where all 4 paws contacted the sensor)
data_slices.sort(key=lambda dat_slice: dat_slice[2].start)
# Plot up a simple analysis
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
annotate_paw_prints(time, data, data_slices, ax=ax1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
plot_paw_impacts(time, data_slices, ax=ax2)
def plot_paw_impacts(time, data_slices, ax=None):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
# Group impacts by paw...
for i, dat_slice in enumerate(data_slices):
dx, dy, dt = dat_slice
paw = i%4 + 1
# Draw a bar over the time interval where each paw is in contact
ax.barh(bottom=paw, width=time[dt].ptp(), height=0.2,
left=time[dt].min(), align='center', color='red')
ax.set_yticks(range(1, 5))
ax.set_yticklabels(['Paw 1', 'Paw 2', 'Paw 3', 'Paw 4'])
ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms) Since Beginning of Experiment')
ax.set_title('Periods of Paw Contact')
def annotate_paw_prints(time, data, data_slices, ax=None):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
# Display all paw impacts (sum over time)
# Annotate each impact with which paw it is
# (Relative to the first paw to hit the sensor)
x, y = [], []
for i, region in enumerate(data_slices):
dx, dy, dz = region
# Get x,y center of slice...
x0 = 0.5 * (dx.start + dx.stop)
y0 = 0.5 * (dy.start + dy.stop)
x.append(x0); y.append(y0)
# Annotate the paw impacts
ax.annotate('Paw %i' % (i%4 +1), (x0, y0),
color='red', ha='center', va='bottom')
# Plot line connecting paw impacts
ax.plot(x,y, '-wo')
ax.set_title('Order of Steps')
I'm no expert in image detection, and I don't know Python, but I'll give it a whack...
To detect individual paws, you should first only select everything with a pressure greater than some small threshold, very close to no pressure at all. Every pixel/point that is above this should be "marked." Then, every pixel adjacent to all "marked" pixels becomes marked, and this process is repeated a few times. Masses that are totally connected would be formed, so you have distinct objects. Then, each "object" has a minimum and maximum x and y value, so bounding boxes can be packed neatly around them.
That should about do it.
Note: I say pixel, but this could be regions using an average of the pixels. Optimization is another issue...
Sounds like you need to analyze a function (pressure over time) for each pixel and determine where the function turns (when it changes > X in the other direction it is considered a turn to counter errors).
If you know at what frames it turns, you will know the frame where the pressure was the most hard and you will know where it was the least hard between the two paws. In theory, you then would know the two frames where the paws pressed the most hard and can calculate an average of those intervals.
after which I'll get to the problem of deciding which paw it is!
This is the same tour as before, knowing when each paw applies the most pressure helps you decide.

