I've been given the following problem: "You want to build an algorithm that allows you to build blocks along a number line, and also to check if a given range is block-free. Specifically, we must allow two types of operations:
[1, x] builds a block at position x.
[2, x, size] checks whether it's possible to build a block of size size that begins at position x (inclusive). Returns 1 if possible else 0.
Given a stream of operations of types 1 and 2, return a list of outputs for each type 2 operations."
I tried to create a set of blocks so we can lookup in O(1) time, that way for a given operation of type 2, I loop in range(x, x + size) and see if any of those points are in the set. This algorithm runs too slowly and I'm looking for alternative approaches that are faster. I also tried searching the entire set of blocks if the size specified in the type 2 call is greater than len(blocks), but this also times out. Can anyone think of a faster way to do this? I've been stuck on this for a while.
Store the blocks in a red-black tree (or any self-balancing tree), and when you're given a query, find the smallest element in the tree greater than or equal to x and return 1 if it's greater than x+size. This is O(n + mlogn) where n is the number of blocks, and m is the number of queries.
If you use a simple binary search tree (rather than a self-balancing one), a large test case with blocks at (1, 2, 3, ..., n) will cause your search tree to be very deep and queries will run in linear (rather than logarithmic) time.
Let‘s say I generate a pack, i.e., a one dimensional array of 10 random numbers with a random generator. Then I generate another array of 10 random numbers. I do this X times. How can I generate unique arrays, that even after a trillion generations, there is no array which is equal to another?
In one array, the elements can be duplicates. The array just has to differ from the other arrays with at least one different element from all its elements.
Is there any numpy method for this? Is there some special algorithm which works differently by exploring some space for the random generation? I don’t know.
One easy answer would be to write the arrays to a file and check if they were generated already, but the I/O operations on a subsequently bigger file needs way too much time.
This is a difficult request, since one of the properties of a RNG is that it should repeat sequences randomly.
You also have the problem of trying to record terabytes of prior results. Once thing you could try is to form a hash table (for search speed) of the existing arrays. Using this depends heavily on whether you have sufficient RAM to hold the entire list.
If not, you might consider disk-mapping a fast search structure of some sort. For instance, you could implement an on-disk binary tree of hash keys, re-balancing whenever you double the size of the tree (with insertions). This lets you keep the file open and find entries via seek, rather than needing to represent the full file in memory.
You could also maintain an in-memory index to the table, using that to drive your seek to the proper file section, then reading only a small subset of the file for the final search.
Does that help focus your implementation?
Assume that the 10 numbers in a pack are each in the range [0..max]. Each pack can then be considered as a 10 digit number in base max+1. Obviously, the size of max determines how many unique packs there are. For example, if max=9 there are 10,000,000,000 possible unique packs from [0000000000] to [9999999999].
The problem then comes down to generating unique numbers in the correct range.
Given your "trillions" then the best way to generate guaranteed unique numbers in the range is probably to use an encryption with the correct size output. Unless you want 64 bit (DES) or 128 bit (AES) output then you will need some sort of format preserving encryption to get output in the range you want.
For input, just encrypt the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... in turn. Encryption guarantees that, given the same key, the output is unique for each unique input. You just need to keep track of how far you have got with the input numbers. Given that, you can generate more unique packs as needed, within the limit imposed by max. After that point the output will start repeating.
Obviously as a final step you need to convert the encryption output to a 10 digit base max+1 number and put it into an array.
Important caveat:
This will not allow you to generate "arbitrarily" many unique packs. Please see limits as highlighted by #Prune.
Note that as the number of requested packs approaches the number of unique packs this takes longer and longer to find a pack. I also put in a safety so that after a certain number of tries it just gives up.
Feel free to adjust:
import random
## -----------------------
## Build a unique pack generator
## -----------------------
def build_pack_generator(pack_length, min_value, max_value, max_attempts):
existing_packs = set()
def _generator():
pack = tuple(random.randint(min_value, max_value) for _ in range(1, pack_length +1))
pack_hash = hash(pack)
attempts = 1
while pack_hash in existing_packs:
if attempts >= max_attempts:
raise KeyError("Unable to fine a valid pack")
pack = tuple(random.randint(min_value, max_value) for _ in range(1, pack_length +1))
pack_hash = hash(pack)
attempts += 1
return list(pack)
return _generator
generate_unique_pack = build_pack_generator(2, 1, 9, 1000)
## -----------------------
for _ in range(50):
The Birthday problem suggests that at some point you don't need to bother checking for duplicates. For example, if each value in a 10 element "pack" can take on more than ~250 values then you only have a 50% chance of seeing a duplicate after generating 1e12 packs. The more distinct values each element can take on the lower this probability.
You've not specified what these random values are in this question (other than being uniformly distributed) but your linked question suggests they are Python floats. Hence each number has 2**53 distinct values it can take on, and the resulting probability of seeing a duplicate is practically zero.
There are a few ways of rearranging this calculation:
for a given amount of state and number of iterations what's the probability of seeing at least one collision
for a given amount of state how many iterations can you generate to stay below a given probability of seeing at least one collision
for a given number of iterations and probability of seeing a collision, what state size is required
The below Python code calculates option 3 as it seems closest to your question. The other options are available on the birthday attack page.
from math import log2, log1p
def birthday_state_size(size, p):
# -log1p(p) is a numerically stable version of log(1/(1+p))
return size**2 / (2*-log1p(-p))
log2(birthday_state_size(1e12, 1e-6)) # => ~100
So as long as you have more than 100 uniform bits of state in each pack everything should be fine. For example, two or more Python floats is OK (2 * 53), as is 10 integers with >= 1000 distinct values (10*log2(1000)).
You can of course reduce the probability down even further, but as noted in the Wikipedia article going below 1e-15 quickly approaches the reliability of a computer. This is why I say "practically zero" given the 530 bits of state provided by 10 uniformly distributed floats.
def check_set(S, k):
S2 = k - S
for x in S:
if(x in set_from_S2):
return True
return False
I have a given integer k. I want to check if k is equal to sum of two element of array S.
S = np.array([1,2,3,4])
k = 8
It should return False in this case because there are no two elements of S having sum of 8. The above code work like 8 = 4 + 4 so it returned True
I can't find an algorithm to solve this problem with complexity of O(n).
Can someone help me?
You have to account for multiple instances of the same item, so set is not good choice here.
Instead you can exploit dictionary with value_field = number_of_keys (as variant - from collections import Counter)
A = [3,1,2,3,4]
Cntr = {}
for x in A:
if x in Cntr:
Cntr[x] += 1
Cntr[x] = 1
#k = 11
k = 8
ans = False
for x in A:
if (k-x) in Cntr:
if k == 2 * x:
if Cntr[k-x] > 1:
ans = True
ans = True
Returns True for k=5,6 (I added one more 3) and False for k=8,11
Adding onto MBo's answer.
"Optimal" can be an ambiguous term in terms of algorithmics, as there is often a compromise between how fast the algorithm runs and how memory-efficient it is. Sometimes we may also be interested in either worst-case resource consumption or in average resource consumption. We'll loop at worst-case here because it's simpler and roughly equivalent to average in our scenario.
Let's call n the length of our array, and let's consider 3 examples.
Example 1
We start with a very naive algorithm for our problem, with two nested loops that iterate over the array, and check for every two items of different indices if they sum to the target number.
Time complexity: worst-case scenario (where the answer is False or where it's True but that we find it on the last pair of items we check) has n^2 loop iterations. If you're familiar with the big-O notation, we'll say the algorithm's time complexity is O(n^2), which basically means that in terms of our input size n, the time it takes to solve the algorithm grows more or less like n^2 with multiplicative factor (well, technically the notation means "at most like n^2 with a multiplicative factor, but it's a generalized abuse of language to use it as "more or less like" instead).
Space complexity (memory consumption): we only store an array, plus a fixed set of objects whose sizes do not depend on n (everything Python needs to run, the call stack, maybe two iterators and/or some temporary variables). The part of the memory consumption that grows with n is therefore just the size of the array, which is n times the amount of memory required to store an integer in an array (let's call that sizeof(int)).
Conclusion: Time is O(n^2), Memory is n*sizeof(int) (+O(1), that is, up to an additional constant factor, which doesn't matter to us, and which we'll ignore from now on).
Example 2
Let's consider the algorithm in MBo's answer.
Time complexity: much, much better than in Example 1. We start by creating a dictionary. This is done in a loop over n. Setting keys in a dictionary is a constant-time operation in proper conditions, so that the time taken by each step of that first loop does not depend on n. Therefore, for now we've used O(n) in terms of time complexity. Now we only have one remaining loop over n. The time spent accessing elements our dictionary is independent of n, so once again, the total complexity is O(n). Combining our two loops together, since they both grow like n up to a multiplicative factor, so does their sum (up to a different multiplicative factor). Total: O(n).
Memory: Basically the same as before, plus a dictionary of n elements. For the sake of simplicity, let's consider that these elements are integers (we could have used booleans), and forget about some of the aspects of dictionaries to only count the size used to store the keys and the values. There are n integer keys and n integer values to store, which uses 2*n*sizeof(int) in terms of memory. Add to that what we had before and we have a total of 3*n*sizeof(int).
Conclusion: Time is O(n), Memory is 3*n*sizeof(int). The algorithm is considerably faster when n grows, but uses three times more memory than example 1. In some weird scenarios where almost no memory is available (embedded systems maybe), this 3*n*sizeof(int) might simply be too much, and you might not be able to use this algorithm (admittedly, it's probably never going to be a real issue).
Example 3
Can we find a trade-off between Example 1 and Example 2?
One way to do that is to replicate the same kind of nested loop structure as in Example 1, but with some pre-processing to replace the inner loop with something faster. To do that, we sort the initial array, in place. Done with well-chosen algorithms, this has a time-complexity of O(n*log(n)) and negligible memory usage.
Once we have sorted our array, we write our outer loop (which is a regular loop over the whole array), and then inside that outer loop, use dichotomy to search for the number we're missing to reach our target k. This dichotomy approach would have a memory consumption of O(log(n)), and its time complexity would be O(log(n)) as well.
Time complexity: The pre-processing sort is O(n*log(n)). Then in the main part of the algorithm, we have n calls to our O(log(n)) dichotomy search, which totals to O(n*log(n)). So, overall, O(n*log(n)).
Memory: Ignoring the constant parts, we have the memory for our array (n*sizeof(int)) plus the memory for our call stack in the dichotomy search (O(log(n))). Total: n*sizeof(int) + O(log(n)).
Conclusion: Time is O(n*log(n)), Memory is n*sizeof(int) + O(log(n)). Memory is almost as small as in Example 1. Time complexity is slightly more than in Example 2. In scenarios where the Example 2 cannot be used because we lack memory, the next best thing in terms of speed would realistically be Example 3, which is almost as fast as Example 2 and probably has enough room to run if the very slow Example 1 does.
Overall conclusion
This answer was just to show that "optimal" is context-dependent in algorithmics. It's very unlikely that in this particular example, one would choose to implement Example 3. In general, you'd see either Example 1 if n is so small that one would choose whatever is simplest to design and fastest to code, or Example 2 if n is a bit larger and we want speed. But if you look at the wikipedia page I linked for sorting algorithms, you'll see that none of them is best at everything. They all have scenarios where they could be replaced with something better.
I am attempting to use Python for the following task: given a set of integers S, produce S + S, the set of integers expressible as s1 + s2 for s1, s2 members of S (not necessarily distinct).
I am using the following code:
def sumList(l):
# generates a list of numbers which are sums of two elements of l
sumL = []
howlong = len(l)
for i in range(howlong):
for j in range(i+1):
if not l[i]+l[j] in sumL:
return sumL
This works fine for short enough lists, but when handed a longer list (say, 5000 elements between 0 and 20000) goes incredibly slowly (20+ minutes).
Question: what is making this slow? My guess is that asking whether the sum is already a member of the list is taking some time, but I am a relative newcomer to both Python and programming, so I am not sure. I am also looking for suggestions on how to perform the task of producing S + S in a quick fashion.
Python has a built-in type set that has very fast lookups. You can't store duplicates or unhashable objects in a set, but since you want a set of integers, it's perfect for your needs. In the below, I also use itertools.product to generate the pairs.
from itertools import product
def sums(l):
return {x+y for x, y in product(l, repeat=2)}
print(sums([1, 2, 3, 4]))
# {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
As to why your existing solution is so slow, you might want to look up the term "algorithmic complexity". Basically, it's a way of categorizing algorithms into general groups based on how well they scale to many inputs. Your algorithm is a O(n^3) algorithm (it will do about n^3 comparisons). In comparison, the set solution is O(n^2). It accomplished this by discarding the need to check if a particular sum is already in the set.
I have a function which receives an integer as an input and depending on what range this input lies in, assigns to it a difficulty value. I know that this can be done using if else loops. I was wondering whether there is a more efficient/cleaner way to do it.
I tried to do something like this
But found out that we can use range as a key in dict(right?). So is there a better way to do this?
You can implement an interval tree. This kind of data structures are able to return all the intervals that intersect a given input point.
In your case intervals don't overlap, so they would always return 1 interval.
Centered interval trees run in O(log n + m) time, where m is the number of intervals returned (1 in your case). So this would reduce the complexity from O(n) to O(log n).
The idea of these interval trees is the following:
You consider the interval that encloses all the intervals you have
Take the center of that interval and partition the given intervals into those that end before that point, those that contain that point and those that start after it.
Recursively construct the same kind of tree for the intervals ending before the center and those starting after it
Keep the intervals that contain the center point in two sorted sequences. One sorted by starting point, and the other sorted by ending point
When searching go left or right depending on the center point. When you find an overlap you use binary search on the sorted sequence you want to check (this allows for looking up not only intervals that contain a given point but intervals that intersect or contain a given interval).
It's trivial to modify the data structure to return a specific value instead of the found interval.
This said, from the context I don't think you actually need to reduce the efficiency of this lookup and you should probably use the simpler and more readable solution since it would be more maintainable and there are less chances to make mistakes.
However reading about the mroe efficient data structure can turn out useful in the future.
The simplest way is probably just to write a short function:
def convert(n, difficulties=[0, 46, 91, 136, 201]):
if n < difficulties[0]:
raise ValueError
for difficulty, end in enumerate(difficulties):
if n < end:
return difficulty
return len(difficulties)
>>> convert(32)
>>> convert(68)
>>> convert(150)
>>> convert(250)
As a side note: You can use a range as a dictionary key in Python 3.x, but not directly in 2.x (because range returns a list). You could do:
TIME_RATING_KEY = {tuple(range(0, 46)): 1, ...}
However that won't be much help!
The question is pretty much in the title, but say I have a list L
L = [1,2,3,4,5]
min(L) = 1 here. Now I remove 4. The min is still 1. Then I remove 2. The min is still 1. Then I remove 1. The min is now 3. Then I remove 3. The min is now 5, and so on.
I am wondering if there is a good way to keep track of the min of the list at all times without needing to do min(L) or scanning through the entire list, etc.
There is an efficiency cost to actually removing the items from the list because it has to move everything else over. Re-sorting the list each time is expensive, too. Is there a way around this?
To remove a random element you need to know what elements have not been removed yet.
To know the minimum element, you need to sort or scan the items.
A min heap implemented as an array neatly solves both problems. The cost to remove an item is O(log N) and the cost to find the min is O(1). The items are stored contiguously in an array, so choosing one at random is very easy, O(1).
The min heap is described on this Wikipedia page
BTW, if the data are large, you can leave them in place and store pointers or indexes in the min heap and adjust the comparison operator accordingly.
Google for self-balancing binary search trees. Building one from the initial list takes O(n lg n) time, and finding and removing an arbitrary item will take O(lg n) (instead of O(n) for finding/removing from a simple list). A smallest item will always appear in the root of the tree.
This question may be useful. It provides links to several implementation of various balanced binary search trees. The advice to use a hash table does not apply well to your case, since it does not address maintaining a minimum item.
Here's a solution that need O(N lg N) preprocessing time + O(lg N) update time and O(lg(n)*lg(n)) delete time.
step 1: sort the L
step 2: for each item L[i], map L[i]->i
step 3: Build a Binary Indexed Tree or segment tree where for every 1<=i<=length of L, BIT[i]=1 and keep the sum of the ranges.
Query type delete:
Step 1: if an item x is said to be removed, with a binary search on array L (where L is sorted) or from the mapping find its index. set BIT[index[x]] = 0 and update all the ranges. Runtime: O(lg N)
Query type findMin:
Step 1: do a binary search over array L. for every mid, find the sum on BIT from 1-mid. if BIT[mid]>0 then we know some value<=mid is still alive. So we set hi=mid-1. otherwise we set low=mid+1. Runtime: O(lg**2N)
Same can be done with Segment tree.
Edit: If I'm not wrong per query can be processed in O(1) with Linked List
If sorting isn't in your best interest, I would suggest only do comparisons where you need to do them. If you remove elements that are not the old minimum, and you aren't inserting any new elements, there isn't a re-scan necessary for a minimum value.
Can you give us some more information about the processing going on that you are trying to do?
Comment answer: You don't have to compute min(L). Just keep track of its index and then only re-run the scan for min(L) when you remove at(or below) the old index (and make sure you track it accordingly).
Your current approach of rescanning when the minimum is removed is O(1)-time in expectation for each removal (assuming every item is equally likely to be removed).
Given a list of n items, a rescan is necessary with probability 1/n, so the expected work at each step is n * 1/n = O(1).