Why is my write to file function overriding my previous file text? - python

I'm trying to add user entered data to a tuple, then write that tuple on a line in my text file. I'm doing something wrong because only the last call is added to the txt file. Here's my functions:
def write_to_file(tuple1):
with open('student_info.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(' '.join(x for x in tuple1))
def get_student_info(student_name):
tuple1 = ()
tuple1 = tuple1 + (student_name,)
print("\nScores for " + student_name)
print("Enter a test score (or enter Stop to stop):")
count = 2
test_score = input("Test score 1: ")
tuple1 = tuple1 + (test_score,)
while not test_score == "stop" and not test_score == "Stop":
test_score = input("Test score " + str(count) + ": ")
count = count + 1
tuple1 = tuple1 + (test_score,)
last_item = len(tuple1) - 1
tuple1 = tuple1[:last_item]
def read_from_file():
with open('student_info.txt', 'r') as f:
f_contents = f.read()
print(f_contents, end=" ")
And here's my calls in the main section:
open("student_info.txt", "w").close()
student_name = ""
get_student_info("Jenny: ")
get_student_info("Dave: ")
get_student_info("Sammy: ")
get_student_info("Brooke: ")
My student_info.txt just ends up reading "Brooke:" and then the data added to the tuple on the last call.

If you want to append to a file you need to change the ‘w’ to an ‘a’ for append when you want to write to the file.


issues looping back to start of program

I am having troubles looping back to the start of the program. I am asked to ask the user if they would like to enter another file, if they say yes it will bring them back to the start of the program to input a file name. When I do this, it just restates the previous file entered. I was wondering how to make it so it would ask for another file input. Here is my code:
def main ( ):
file = input("Enter Name of input file: ")
inputfile = open(file, "r")
total = 0
count = 0
num_list = []
#Read and display the file's contents
for line in inputfile:
number = int(line)
total += number
count += 1
num_list.append(number) # append current number to the list
max_number = max(num_list) # get max value from the list of numbers
min_number = min(num_list) # get min value from the list of numbers
range_of_list = (max_number - min_number)
# close the file
while True:
print("File Name: ",inputfile.name)
print("Sum: ", total)
print("Count: ", count)
print("Average: ", total / count)
print("Maximum: ", max_number)
print("Minimum: ", min_number)
print("Range: ", range_of_list)
perform_again = input("Would you like to evaluate another file of numbers? (yes/no): ")
if (perform_again == "yes"):
main ( )
Your while loop is wrapped around the print statements, so it will just keep printing again and again.
Have it at the start, like the following:
def main():
while True:
file = input("Enter Name of input file: ")
inputfile = open(file, "r")
total = 0
count = 0
num_list = []
# Read and display the file's contents
for line in inputfile:
number = int(line)
total += number
count += 1
num_list.append(number) # append current number to the list
max_number = max(num_list) # get max value from the list of numbers
min_number = min(num_list) # get min value from the list of numbers
range_of_list = (max_number - min_number)
# close the file
print("File Name: ", inputfile.name)
print("Sum: ", total)
print("Count: ", count)
print("Average: ", total / count)
print("Maximum: ", max_number)
print("Minimum: ", min_number)
print("Range: ", range_of_list)
perform_again = input(
"Would you like to evaluate another file of numbers? (yes/no): ")
if (perform_again == "yes"):

For python 3,I keep get a string value with a new line

the error is when I enter d, and Enter a sentence: David, y r u l8
David,why\nare\nyou\nlate\n , but I need it to return David, why are you late
def update_dictionary(fileName,dictionary):
a = open(fileName)
except IOError:
print( fileName,"does not exist.")
print("The dictionary has",len(dictionary),"entries.")
return dictionary
with a:
print(fileName,"loaded successfully.")
for word in a:
c,b = word.split(",")
dictionary[c] = b
print("The dictionary has",len(dictionary),"entries.")
return dictionary
def deslang(filename,dic):
x = ""
words = filename.split(" ")
for i in range(len(words)):
if words[i] in dic:
words[i] = dic[words[i]]
for i in range(len(words)-1):
x = x + words[i] + " "
x = x + words[len(words) -1]
return x
def main():
name = {}
while 1:
u_input = input("Would you like to (a)dd words to the dictionary, (d)e-slang a sentence, or (q)uit?: ")
if u_input == "q":
if u_input == "a":
fileName = ""
while len(fileName) == 0:
fileName = input("Enter a filename: ")
name = update_dictionary(fileName,name)
if u_input == "d":
sentence = ""
while len(sentence) == 0:
sentence = input("Enter a sentence: ")
print(deslang(sentence, name))
if name =="main":
You need to strip the newlines off each of the dictionary lines. In other words:
for word in a:
c,b = word.rstrip().split(",")
dictionary[c] = b
When you iterate a file like for word in a:, you get a string for each line in the file, including the newline at the end. So, your dictionary ends up full of entries like 'y': 'why\n' instead of 'y': 'why'.
You can strip the trailing newline from word.split(",") by calling str.strip.
You can also use read() to load the contents of the file which doesn't include newlines.

Python file appears to be empty after a function

import os, csv
def menu():
print("Welcome to da sporty ting" + "\n" + "Menu options: " + "\n")
print("1 - Run the code")
print("2 - Exit")
menu_choice = int(input("Enter choice: "))
while menu_choice not in (1, 2):
menu_choice = int(input("Error, try again: "))
if menu_choice == 1:
elif menu_choice == 2:
def finding_file():
print("Text file options" + "\n")
print("1 - testfile 1" + "\n" + "2 - testfile 2" + "\n" + "3 - Other")
txt_menu_option = int(input("Enter choice: "))
while txt_menu_option not in (1, 2, 3):
txt_menu_option = input(input("Error, try again: "))
if txt_menu_option == 1:
filename = "Test1_Votes.txt"
elif txt_menu_option == 2:
filename = "Test2_Votes.txt"
elif txt_menu_option == 3:
filename = str(input("Enter name of txt file (don't include .txt at he end) : "))
filename = filename + ".txt"
file_exists = os.path.exists(filename)
if file_exists == False:
print("File does not exist, returning to menu")
def file_validity(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r+') # opening file in read/write mode
inv_lines_cnt = 0
valid_list = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3] # sorted list of valid values
lines = f.read().splitlines()
f.truncate(0) # truncating the initial file
for l in lines:
if sorted(map(int, l.split(','))) == valid_list:
f.write(l + '\n')
print(l + " is a invalid line")
inv_lines_cnt += 1
print("There were {} invalid line/lines.".format(inv_lines_cnt))
def calculate_quota(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r+')
lines = f.readlines()
print("Calculate quota " + str(lines))
seats = 2
line_count = 0
for line in lines:
line_count += 1
quota = 0
quota == int((line_count / (seats + 1)) + 1)
quota_required(quota, lines)
def quota_required(quota, lines):
for line in lines:
candidate_fp_votes = [0,0,0,0,0]
for line in lines:
for i in range(5):
if line[i] == 1:
print ("if working")
candidate_fp_votes[i] += 1
print (candidate_fp_votes)
print (candidate_fp_votes)
Text file sample:
Currently I have a problem where after file_validity(), the text file just appears to have loaded up as empty as when I re-open the file in the next function, it prints lines as empty. file_validity() just deletes the file, and rewrites the valid votes. As you can see I have tried to find out where the trouble lies. I believe the truncate and seek functions seem to be causing some trouble but I am not sure if this is true. And if it were to be the case, how to fix it.
Any help?
Thanks in advance.

How to repeat blocks of code in Python

I've created a code that allows a user to view the average score of the values that are in the file. In Example the Text File would look like the following:
Text File For Class 1: it is similar for each text file ; 2 and 3. just different names and values
Matt 2
Sid 4
Jhon 3
Harry 6
There are 3 classes altogether in which the user is prompted to choose which class they want to preview.
def main_menu():
print ("\n Main Menu ")
print ("1.Average Score of class = 'avg'")
option = input("option [avg]: ")
option_class = input("class: ")
one = "1.txt"
two = "2.txt"
three = "3.txt"
if option.lower() == 'avg' and option_class == '1':
with open(one) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
if option.lower() == 'avg' and option_class == '2':
with open(two) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
if option.lower() == 'avg' and option_class == '3':
with open(three) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
If i wanted to Keep Repeating the code above so that the user can keep using it until they want to exit. so, is it possible to put the code into a while loop and only stop the code if the user wants to, i.e the user is prompted if they want to choose another option and class.
NB: there will be other options such as alphabetical order however right now i only want to know how to do it for the average section.
Best thing you can do is to make a loop for user input and write a function for listing the file.
def main_menu():
print ("\n Main Menu ")
print ("1.Average Score of class = 'avg'")
option = ""
options = ["1", "2", "3"]
one = "1.txt"
two = "2.txt"
three = "3.txt"
def read_text_file(file): # standalone function for viewing files to reduce duplicate code
file += ".txt"
with open(file) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
while True:
option = input("option [avg]: ").lower()
if option == "exit":
break # checks if user want to exit a program
option_class = input("class: ")
if option == 'avg' and option_class in options:
print("nothing to show, asking again")
print("end of program")
As I mentioned in the comment section, you should leverage the power of functions here. By breaking down your components to manageable pieces, you actually afford yourself readability and flexibility. See code below, where I have two functions, one for averages and one for totals.
def get_class_average(class_number):
filename = "{0}.txt".format(class_number)
with open(filename) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
return avg
print "No file with that name found."
def get_class_total(class_number):
filename = "{0}.txt".format(class_number)
with open(filename) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
return b
print "No file with that name found."
def check_class_number(string_input):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
input_val = raw_input(
"Enter class number (enter 'exit' to quit program): ")
if input_val == 'exit':
if check_class_number(input_val): # If it's a valid class number.
method = raw_input("Enter method: ")
if method == 'avg':
avg = get_class_average(int(input_val))
print "The average of Class {0} is {1}".format(input_val, avg)
elif method == 'sum':
total = get_class_total(int(input_val))
print "The total of Class {0} is {1}".format(input_val, total)
print "That is not a valid class number."
Sample run:
The really fun part here is that you can even refactor get_class_average and get_class_total to be a single function that checks if the passed in method is avg or sum and returns the respective values from there (this is easily doable since you have practically the same lines of code for both functions, get_class_average just has an extra division involved).
Have fun.
Yes, you can just put your code within a while-loop and prompt the user for input:
def main_menu():
print ("\n Main Menu ")
print ("1.Average Score of class = 'avg'")
# End main_menu()
one = "1.txt"
two = "2.txt"
three = "3.txt"
keepGoing = True
option = input("option [avg]: ")
option_class = input("class: ")
if option.lower() == 'avg' and option_class == '1':
with open(one) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
if option.lower() == 'avg' and option_class == '2':
with open(two) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
if option.lower() == 'avg' and option_class == '3':
with open(three) as f:
the_list = [int(l.strip().split()[-1]) for l in f]
b = sum(the_list)
length = len(the_list)
avg = float(b) / length if length else 0
print ("Average of Class is: ", avg)
# Prompt user for input on whether they want to continue or not:
keepGoingStr = input("Would you like to continue? (Y/N)\n>>> ").lower()
if(keepGoingStr[0] == 'y'):
# Keep going
keepGoing = True
elif(keepGoingStr[0] == 'n')
# Stop
keepGoing = False
print("Sorry, your input did not make sense.\nPlease enter either Y or N for yes or no.")
# end if
# end while - keep going input
# End While(keepGoing)
As mentioned in the comments, though, you should consider breaking up your code into functions.

Python - print value to new file?

import sys
import pickle
import string
def Menu():
print ("\n***********MENU************")
print ("0. Quit")
print ("1. Read text file")
print ("2. Display counts")
print ("3. Display statistics of word lengths")
print ("4. Print statistics to file")
def Loop():
choice = -1
while choice !=0:
choice = (int(input("Please choose 1-4 to perform function. Press 0 to exit the program. Thank you. \n")))
if choice == 0:
print ("Exit program. Thank you.")
elif choice == 1:
user_File = ReadTextFile()
elif choice == 2:
elif choice == 3:
elif choice == 4:
print ("Error.")
def ReadTextFile():
print "\n"
while True:
InputFile = input("Please enter a file name (NOTE: must have quotation marks around name and extension): ")
if (InputFile.lower().endswith('.txt')):
print("That was an incorrect file name. Please try again.")
return InputFile
def DisplayCounts(InputFile):
print "\n"
numCount = 0
dotCount = 0
commaCount = 0
lineCount = 0
wordCount = 0
with open(InputFile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
for char in line:
if char.isdigit() == True:
elif char == '.':
elif char == ',':
print("Number count: " + str(numCount))
print("Comma count: " + str(commaCount))
print("Dot count: " + str(dotCount))
print("Line count: " + str(lineCount))
print("Word count: " + str(wordCount))
def DisplayStats(InputFile):
print "\n"
temp1 = []
temp2 = []
lengths = []
myWords = []
keys = []
values = []
count = 0
with open(InputFile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
words = line.split()
for word in words:
for x in temp1:
if x not in lengths:
dictionaryStats = {}
for x in lengths:
dictionaryStats[x] = []
for x in lengths:
for word in temp2:
if len(word) == x:
for key in dictionaryStats:
print("Key = " + str(key) + " Total number of words with " + str(key) + " characters = " + str(len(dictionaryStats[key])))
return dictionaryStats
def PrintStats(aDictionary):
print "\n"
aFile = open("statsWords.dat", 'w')
for key in aDictionary:
aFile.write(str(key) + " : " + str(aDictionary[key]) + "\n")
There's something with that last function that is really tripping me up. I keep getting errors. I know aDictionary is not defined but I do not even know what to define it as! Any of you guys have an idea? Thanks.
with open("some_file.txt","W") as f:
print >> f, "Something goes here!"
its hard to say without your errors. .. but you almost certainly need to have aDictionary defined
also probably something like
def DisplayCounts(InputFile):
print "\n"
numCount = 0
dotCount = 0
commaCount = 0
lineCount = 0
wordCount = 0
with open(InputFile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
for char in line:
if char.isdigit() == True:
elif char == '.':
elif char == ',':
return dict(numbers=numCount,
result = DisplayCounts("someinput.txt")
print result

