sphinx-autoapi build error with sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram use Graphviz - python

I have the same problem as in the official documentation (https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/inheritance.html#examples):
My error is:
Here is a part of my conf.py:
extensions = [
# 'rst2pdf.pdfbuilder']
autoapi_type = 'python'
autoapi_dirs = ['../pyqpanda']
autoapi_options = ['members', 'undoc-members', 'private-members',
'show-inheritance', 'show-module-summary',
'special-members', 'imported-members', 'show-inheritance-diagram']
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['.templates']
inheritance_graph_attrs = dict(rankdir="TB", size='""')
I use centos. Sphinx 5.1.1, Graphviz 0.2.
How to solve this abnormal information display? How to show the inherit_diagram in api reference?


bazel py_proto_library is not defined

name = "yd_fieldoptions_cc",
deps = [":yd_fieldoptions"],
name = "yd_fieldoptions_py",
deps = [":yd_fieldoptions"],
name = "yd_fieldoptions",
srcs = ["yd_fieldoptions.proto"],
deps = [
bazel build -s //field_options:yd_fieldoptions_py
BUILD:11:1: name 'py_proto_library' is not defined (did you mean 'cc_proto_library'?)
Build label: 0.14.0- (#non-git)
protobuf verson: 3.5.0
You might be thinking of this rule: https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/protobuf.bzl
In order to use it you have to load the bzl file in the BUILD file: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/skylark/concepts.html#loading-an-extension
The implementation of py_proto_library has some hacks related to it.
Some of the toolchain/library references are only valid inside the Protobuf repository. In order to use the rule py_proto_library, you have to manually bind those references in your own repository.
I have a very rough example that demonstrates how to bind some (but definitely not all) of those references in order to make py_proto_library work in your repository.
You can checkout the example here.
This is a very rough implementation, though it works, I don't have any idea whether this will work with a more complex scenario.
You have been warned.
However, if you really really want to make things work.
You can invoke the Protobuf compiler directly, then export the generate Python file to a py_library.
This is guaranteed to work, though this requires more code.
# This generates the Protobuf Python code using the protoc compiler
name = "yd_fieldoptions_compiled_python",
srcs = ["yd_fieldoptions.proto"],
outs = ["yd_fieldoptions_pb2.py"],
cmd = "$(location #com_google_protobuf//:protoc) -I=proto --python_out=$(#D) $<",
tools = ["#com_google_protobuf//:protoc"],
# Setup a py_library target to be used by your code.
name = "yd_fieldoptions_py",
srcs = [":yd_fieldoptions_compiled_python"],
deps = [
Also, you have to include the following info in your WORKSPACE file.
Those are used to download the necessary dependencies, you might have to change those URL as well as versions for Protobuf-Python according to your need.
name = "pypi_six",
url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/16/d8/bc6316cf98419719bd59c91742194c111b6f2e85abac88e496adefaf7afe/six-1.11.0.tar.gz",
build_file_content = """
name = "six",
srcs = ["six.py"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
strip_prefix = "six-1.11.0",
name = "protobuf_python",
url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/14/03/ff5279abda7b46e9538bfb1411d42831b7e65c460d73831ed2445649bc02/protobuf-3.5.1.tar.gz",
build_file_content = """
name = "protobuf_python",
srcs = glob(["google/protobuf/**/*.py"]),
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
imports = [
strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.5.1",
BTW, the code included above does not have gRPC plugin included.
If you are looking for a gRPC enabled Protobuf library, you have to include the gRPC repo, then include necessary the plugin in the corresponding rule.

Is there any way I can override folder permissions of a python package through setup.py/etc?

I actually tried following this guide, but it did not work for me(I believe it's only for python 2 since I got a ton of errors and tried fixing them but it wasn't working still, I'm trying to do this for python 3)
set file permissions in setup.py file
So basically I have a folder in lets say
I want to give XYZ read & write permissions, since the current permissions only give root user write access. In my documentation I can require each user that installs my program through pip to chmod the directory themselves, but I'm looking for a more convenient way so no one has to do that.
Here's my setup.py incase anyone wants to see it
from distutils.core import setup
name = 'graphite-analytics',
packages = ['graphite'],
'graphite' : ['graphite.py', 'capture.j3', 'templates/css/styles.css', 'templates/js/Chart.PieceLabel.js', 'templates/html/render.html', 'templates/fonts/Antro_Vectra.otf', 'templates/images/Calendar-icon.png'],
version = '',
description = 'Create a print-out template for your google analytics data',
author = 'NAME REDACTED',
author_email = 'EMAIL REDACTED',
url = 'https://github.com/ARM-open/Graphite',
classifiers = [],
keywords = ['Google analytics', 'analytics', 'templates'],
install_requires=['Click', 'google-api-python-client', 'jinja2'],
entry_points={'console_scripts': [
'graphite-analytics = graphite.graphite:main'

Pyramid localization: not created .pot file

I need to localize my pyramid application, but I have an issue.
The setup.py file contains the following message_extractors variable:
message_extractors = { '.': [
('templates/**.html', 'mako', None),
('templates/**.mako', 'mako', None),
('static/**', 'ignore', None)
I've created directory my_package_name/locale. In __init__.py I added config.add_translation_dirs('my_package_name:locale').
But, when I run
(my_virtual_env): python setup.py extract_messages
I receive messages
running extract_messages
error: no output file specified`
If I understand correctly, extract_messages does not require the --output-file parameter in this case.
What is the reason for this behavior?
You also need setup.cfg in the same directory as setup.py, containing roughly this:
directory = YOURPROJECT/locale
statistics = true
add_comments = TRANSLATORS:
output_file = YOURPROJECT/locale/YOURPROJECT.pot
width = 80
input_file = YOURPROJECT/locale/YOURPROJECT.pot
output_dir = YOURPROJECT/locale
input_file = YOURPROJECT/locale/YOURPROJECT.pot
output_dir = YOURPROJECT/locale
previous = true
Of course, you will replace YOURPROJECT with your project name. I think the setup.cfg file used to be a part of the projects before pyramid 1.5 but now that pyramid uses lingua and gettext instead of babel it is not needed anymore. You might be better off if you follow current pyramid docs:

scon portable and cleaner way for debug and release build together

SConstruct : This file is implemented to use build library for debug and release build.
variant_dir is set to build/debug for debug build
& set to build/release for release build
import os
env = Environment()
releaseEnv = env.Clone(CCFLAGS = ['-O3'])
debugEnv = env.Clone(CCFLAGS = ['-O0', '-g'])
debugDirPath = os.path.join('build', 'debug') # build/debug
releaseDirPath = os.path.join('build', 'release') # build/release
if os.name == 'nt':
releaseEnv.Replace(CCFLAGS = ['EHsc'])
# windows specific flags
debugEnv.Replace(CCFLAGS = ['EHsc', 'Zi', 'MTd'])
SConscript(dirs = 'src', name = 'SConscript', exports = {'env' : releaseEnv}, variant_dir = releaseDirPath, duplicate = 0)
SConscript(dirs = 'src', name = 'SConscript', exports = {'env': debugEnv}, variant_dir = debugDirPath, duplicate = 0)
SConscript: (present inside source directory which contains a1.cpp and b1.cpp)
import os
src_list = Glob(os.path.join(Dir('#').abspath, 'src', '*.cpp'))
env.SharedLibrary(target='sum', source= src_list)
env.StaticLibrary(target='sum', source= src_list)
Directory structure is like:
root_dir -> SConstruct
-> src
-> SConscript
-> sum.cpp
-> mul.cpp
1) Running scons from root_dir generates following warning and although it's a warning message build is stop, library doesn't gets created.
scons: * Two environments with different actions were specified for the same target: /home/xyz/temp/src/mul.os
File "/home/xyz/temp/src/SConscript", line 7, in
This issue has been resolved after using src_list = Glob('*.cpp');
2) What is the proper (portable) way to create environment object for debug and release build ?
The way I have implemented is it correct ?
Kindly suggest necessary changes to avoid the warning and running build successfully.
Your problem is not related to build variants, but the fact that you have two targets with the same name (SharedLibrary and StaticLibrary both build sum).
To fix that, either just give one of them another name or add an extension to at least one of them. If you add an extension, you might want to check for OS if you want to keep your cross-platform compatibility.

Error when setting icon with CX Freeze

I keep getting this error when I add the icon arugment to my script:
install_name_tool: input file: build/Application.app/Contents/MacOS/logo.ico is not a Mach-O file
The Icon is a .ico and i have converted it from a PNG however it always comes up with this error.
What does this error mean and how can I get around it?
My script looks like:
name = application_title,
version = "0.1",
description = "application description...",
options = {"build_exe" : {"includes" : includes }},
executables = [Executable(main_python_file, base = base, icon="./resources/logo.ico")])
I get the same error with an ICNS file as well.
It's answered in the cx_freeze mailing list:
I had to track down and copy qt_menu.nib into the Resources directory of the application, and create a blank qt.conf file, also in the Resources directory.

