I have a problem that requires me to re-order elements in subvectors within a long vector in a specific way such that the first element of the subvector remains in place, and the remaining elements are flipped.
For example:
vector = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] and the subvectors have length 3 and 5, then the flipped version would be:
vector = [0, 2, 1, 3, 7, 6, 5, 4]
A naive way of doing this would be:
import numpy as np
vector = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] # the vector to flip
subVecStartIdxs = [0, 3] # start position of each subvector
for jj in range(0, len(vector)-1):
vector[subVecStartIdxs[jj]+1:subVecStartIdxs[jj+1]] =
#do the last one:
faceIdx[fStartIdx[jj]+1:fStartIdx[jj+1]] =
Can you think of a faster way to do this? I cannot find a way to vectorise this... The speed is ok for small vectors, but million+ lengths it becomes very slow.
My solution to this in the end was to determine the unique lengths of the subvectors and create 2D arrays that are groups of these, where the 2D array is nSubVectors long, and has zeros at locations where the subvectors have different lengths to the current length.
From there, the entire 2D array can be flipped from left to right, excluding the first column, which I believe is O(1) in numpy.
Then, we just loop over each unique subvector length. In my case, this is very efficient because there are only ~10 of these, but there are millions of subvectors.
There is a bit of data management in rearranging this all to the original data structure, but it's really just some admin.
This results in a > 100x speedup from the naive loop presented in my original question.
What is the best way to implement a function which takes an arbitrary number of 1d arrays and returns a tuple containing the indices of the matching values (if any).
Here is some pseudo-code of what I want to do:
a = np.array([1, 0, 4, 3, 2])
b = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
c = np.array([4, 2])
(ind_a, ind_b, ind_c) = return_equals(a, b, c)
# ind_a = [2, 4]
# ind_b = [1, 3]
# ind_c = [0, 1]
(ind_a, ind_b, ind_c) = return_equals(a, b, c, sorted_by=a)
# ind_a = [2, 4]
# ind_b = [3, 1]
# ind_c = [0, 1]
def return_equals(*args, sorted_by=None):
You can use numpy.intersect1d with reduce for this:
def return_equals(*arrays):
matched = reduce(np.intersect1d, arrays)
return np.array([np.where(np.in1d(array, matched))[0] for array in arrays])
reduce may be little slow here because we are creating intermediate NumPy arrays here(for large number of input it may be very slow), we can prevent this if we use Python's set and its .intersection() method:
matched = np.array(list(set(arrays[0]).intersection(*arrays[1:])))
Related GitHub ticket: n-array versions of set operations, especially intersect1d
This solution basically concatenates all input 1D arrays into one big 1D array with the intention of performing the required operations in a vectorized manner. The only place where it uses loop is at the start where it gets the lengths of the input arrays, which must be minimal on runtime costs.
Here's the function implementation -
import numpy as np
def return_equals(*argv):
# Concatenate input arrays into one big array for vectorized processing
A = np.concatenate((argv[:]))
# lengths of input arrays
narr = len(argv)
lens = np.zeros((1,narr),int).ravel()
for i in range(narr):
lens[i] = len(argv[i])
N = A.size
# Start indices of each group of identical elements from different input arrays
# in a sorted version of the huge concatenated input array
start_idx = np.where(np.append([True],np.diff(np.sort(A))!=0))[0]
# Runlengths of islands of identical elements
runlens = np.diff(np.append(start_idx,N))
# Starting and all indices of the positions in concatenate array that has
# islands of identical elements which are present across all input arrays
good_start_idx = start_idx[runlens==narr]
good_all_idx = good_start_idx[:,None] + np.arange(narr)
# Get offsetted indices and sort them to get the desired output
idx = np.argsort(A)[good_all_idx] - np.append([0],lens[:-1].cumsum())
return np.sort(idx.T,1)
In Python:
def return_equal(*args):
for i, arr in enumerate(args):
rtr.append([j for j, e in enumerate(arr) if
all(e in a for a in args[0:i]) and
all(e in a for a in args[i+1:])])
return rtr
>>> return_equal(a,b,c)
[[2, 4], [1, 3], [0, 1]]
For start, I'd try:
def return_equals(*args):
for a in args:
return x
If I add a d=np.array([1,0,4,3,0]) (it has only 1 match; what if there are no matches?)
[array([2, 4], dtype=int32),
array([1, 3], dtype=int32),
array([2], dtype=int32),
array([0, 1], dtype=int32)]
Since the length of both input and returned arrays can differ, you really can't vectorize the problem. That is, it takes some special gymnastics to perform the operation across all inputs at once. And if the number of arrays is small compared to their typical length, I wouldn't worry about speed. Iterating a few times is not expensive. It's iterating over a 100 values that's expensive.
You could, of course, pass the keyword arguments on to in1d.
It's not clear what you are trying to do with the sorted_by parameter. Is that something that you could just as easily apply to the arrays before you pass them to this function?
List comprehension version of this iteration:
[np.nonzero(np.in1d(x,c))[0] for x in [a,b,d,c]]
I can imagine concatenating the arrays into one longer one, applying in1d, and then splitting it up into subarrays. There is a np.split, but it requires that you tell it how many elements to put in each sublist. That means, somehow, determining how many matches there are for each argument. Doing that without looping could be tricky.
The pieces for this (that still need to be packed as function) are:
lens=[len(x) for x in args]
# array([ 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 16], dtype=int32)
# array([ 5, 10, 15, 17], dtype=int32)
The (2,4,5) are the number of elements of I between successive values of C, i.e. the number of elements that match for each of a,b,...
I'd like to know how to remove the first and last rows and columns from a 2D array in numpy. For example, say we have a (N+1) x (N+1) matrix called H then in MATLAB/Octave, the code I'd use would be:
Hsub = H(2:N,2:N);
What's the equivalent code in Numpy? I thought that np.reshape might do what I want but I'm not sure how to get it to remove just the target rows as I think if I reshape to a (N-1) x (N-1) matrix, it'll remove the last two rows and columns.
How about this?
Hsub = H[1:-1, 1:-1]
The 1:-1 range means that we access elements from the second index, or 1, and we go up to the second last index, as indicated by the -1 for a dimension. We do this for both dimensions independently. When you do this independently for both dimensions, the result is the intersection of how you're accessing each dimension, which is essentially chopping off the first row, first column, last row and last column.
Remember, the ending index is exclusive, so if we did 0:3 for example, we only get the first three elements of a dimension, not four.
Also, negative indices mean that we access the array from the end. -1 is the last value to access in a particular dimension, but because of the exclusivity, we are getting up to the second last element, not the last element. Essentially, this is the same as doing:
Hsub = H[1:H.shape[0]-1, 1:H.shape[1]-1]
... but using negative indices is much more elegant. You also don't have to use the number of rows and columns to extract out what you need. The above syntax is dimension agnostic. However, you need to make sure that the matrix is at least 3 x 3, or you'll get an error.
Small bonus
In MATLAB / Octave, you can achieve the same thing without using the dimensions by:
Hsub = H(2:end-1, 2:end-1);
The end keyword with regards to indexing means to get the last element for a particular dimension.
Example use
Here's an example (using IPython):
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: H = np.meshgrid(np.arange(5), np.arange(5))[0]
In [3]: H
array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]])
In [4]: Hsub = H[1:-1,1:-1]
In [5]: Hsub
array([[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 3]])
As you can see, the first row, first column, last row and last column have been removed from the source matrix H and the remainder has been placed in the output matrix Hsub.
I have a 41000x3 numpy array that I call "sortedlist" in the function below. The third column has a bunch of values, some of which are duplicates, others which are not. I'd like to take a sample of unique values (no duplicates) from the third column, which is sortedlist[:,2]. I think I can do this easily with numpy.random.sample(sortedlist[:,2], sample_size). The problem is I'd like to return, not only those values, but all three columns where, in the last column, there are the randomly chosen values that I get from numpy.random.sample.
EDIT: By unique values I mean I want to choose random values which appear only once. So If I had an array:
array = [[0, 6, 2]
[5, 3, 9]
[3, 7, 1]
[5, 3, 2]
[3, 1, 1]
[5, 2, 8]]
And I wanted to choose 4 values of the third column, I want to get something like new_array_1 out:
new_array_1 = [[5, 3, 9]
[3, 7, 1]
[5, 3, 2]
[5, 2, 8]]
But I don't want something like new_array_2, where two values in the 3rd column are the same:
new_array_2 = [[5, 3, 9]
[3, 7, 1]
[5, 3, 2]
[3, 1, 1]]
I have the code to choose random values but without the criterion that they shouldn't be duplicates in the third column.
samplesize = 100
rand_sortedlist = sortedlist[np.random.randint(len(sortedlist), size = sample_size),:]]
I'm trying to enforce this criterion by doing something like this
array_index = where( array[:,2] == sample(SelectionWeight, sample_size) )
But I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I can't think of a clever numpythonic way to do this that doesn't involve multiple passes over the data. (Sometimes numpy is so much faster than pure Python that's still the fastest way to go, but it never feels right.)
In pure Python, I'd do something like
def draw_unique(vec, n):
# group indices by value
d = {}
for i, x in enumerate(vec):
d.setdefault(x, []).append(i)
drawn = [random.choice(d[k]) for k in random.sample(d, n)]
return drawn
which would give
>>> a = np.random.randint(0, 10, (41000, 3))
>>> drawn = draw_unique(a[:,2], 3)
>>> drawn
[4219, 6745, 25670]
>>> a[drawn]
array([[5, 6, 0],
[8, 8, 1],
[5, 8, 3]])
I can think of some tricks with np.bincount and scipy.stats.rankdata but they hurt my head, and there always winds up being one step at the end I can't see how to vectorize.. and if I'm not vectorizing the whole thing I might as well use the above which at least is simple.
I believe this will do what you want. Note that the running time will almost certainly be dominated by whatever method you use to generate your random numbers. (An exception is if the dataset is gigantic but you only need a small number of rows, in which case very few random numbers need to be drawn.) So I'm not sure this will run much faster than a pure python method would.
# arrayify your list of lists
# please don't use `array` as a variable name!
a = np.asarray(arry)
# sort the list ... always the first step for efficiency
a2 = a[np.argsort(a[:, 2])]
# identify rows that are duplicates (3rd column is non-increasing)
# Note this has length one less than a2
duplicate_rows = np.diff(a2[:, 2]) == 0)
# if duplicate_rows[N], then we want to remove row N and N+1
keep_mask = np.ones(length(a2), dtype=np.bool) # all True
keep_mask[duplicate_rows] = 0 # remove row N
keep_mask[1:][duplicate_rows] = 0 # remove row N + 1
# now actually slice the array
a3 = a2[keep_mask]
# select rows from a3 using your preferred random number generator
# I actually prefer `random` over numpy.random for sampling w/o replacement
import random
result = a3[random.sample(xrange(len(a3)), DESIRED_NUMBER_OF_ROWS)]
Whereas there is a numpy array for which one desires to duplicate each value a specified number of times:
and a second array definining the number of duplications desired for each corresponding index position in the original array:
How does one produce:
Obviously, it is possible to use iteration to produce the new array, but I'm curious if there is a more elegant numpy-based solution.
Use numpy.repeat:
>>> numpy.repeat([1,2,3,4], [3,3,2,2])
array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4])
I have 2 large, unsorted arrays (structured set of xyz coordinates) and I'm trying to find the positions of all identical subarrays (common points consisting of 3 coordinates). Example:
a = array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])
b = array([[3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]])
Here the correct subarray would be [3, 4, 5], but more than one identical subarrays are possible. The correct indexes would be [0,1] for a and [1,0] for b.
I already implemented a pure python method by iterating over all points of one array and comparing them to every point of the other array, but this is extremely slow.
My question is, is there an efficient way to find the indexes for both arrays (preferably in numpy, because I need the arrays for further calculations)? Perhaps a rolling_window approach?
A general solution for Python iterables (not specific to numpy or arrays) that works in linear average time (O(n+m), n is the number of subarrays and m is the number of unique subarrays):
a = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
b = [[3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]
from collections import defaultdict
indexmap = defaultdict(list)
for row, sublist in enumerate((a, b)):
for column, item in enumerate(sublist):
indexmap[tuple(item)].append((row, column))
repeats = dict((key, value) for key, value in indexmap.iteritems() if len(value) > 1)
{(3, 4, 5): [(0, 1), (1, 0)]}
If you don't need the double-row-indexes (index in the list and in the stored index) you can simplify the loop to
for row in (a, b):
for column, item in enumerate(sublist):
as a will be processed before b, any duplicates will get numbered by row automatically:
{(3, 4, 5): [1, 0]}
With repeats[key][rownum] returning the column index for that row.
I did a little further experimenting and found a numpy specific way to solve this:
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(24).reshape(2,4,3)
b = np.arange(24, 36).reshape(2,2,3)
Array b receives 2 entries from a:
b[1,0] = a[0,1]
b[0,1] = a[1,1]
Finding common entries:
c = np.in1d(a, b).reshape(a.shape)
d = np.in1d(b, a).reshape(b.shape)
Checking where common entries exist in all 3 coordinates:
indexesC = np.where(c[:,:,0] & c[:,:,1] & c[:,:,2])
indexesD = np.where(d[:,:,0] & d[:,:,1] & d[:,:,2])
Can you map each sub-array to its position index in a hash table? So basically, you change your data structure. After that in linear time O(n), where n is the size of the biggest hash hash table, in one loop you can O(1) query each hash table and find out if you have same sub-array present in two or more hash tables.