I have data, from 16 different regions. I would like to find the day that I see 5th and 95th % of the area being green (NDVI).
So far, I have done it manually, but I would like to do it in a for loop for every region, every year.
First, I extract the different regions and years.
Second, I find the points being at the 5% and 95% greening.
Third, I extract the minimum day found at 5 % greening and at 95 % greening.
Fourth, I collect all of these into one dataframe per ecoregion, containing all the years and the difference between day at 95 % greening and data at 5 % greening.
This is done for each region (16) and each year (19). So it is a lot of manual labor and heavy for the computer with a long script, see part of it below:
x = pd.read_csv('D:/data.csv')
x = x[x['means'] > 0]
x = x[x['diff'] > -1.5]
x = x[x['area'] > 9318]
x = x.sort_values(by = 'doy')
AKB = x[x['name'] == 'Region1'].drop_duplicates(subset=['ID', 'Year'], keep = 'first')
AKB['cummulative_area'] = AKB.groupby(['Year'])['area'].cumsum()
AKT = x[x['name'] == 'Region2'].drop_duplicates(subset=['ID', 'Year'], keep = 'first')
AKT['cummulative_area'] = AKT.groupby(['Year'])['area'].cumsum()
#Find 5% and 95 % of the burned area, the respective days and subtract them to see development in fire season
AKB01 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2001]
AKB01fifth = AKB01[AKB01['cumulative_area'] > AKB01['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKB01ninefifth = AKB01[AKB01['cumulative_area'] > AKB01['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKB01 = AKB01ninefifth.doy.min() - AKB01fifth.doy.min()
AKB02 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2002]
AKB02fifth = AKB02[AKB02['cumulative_area'] > AKB02['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKB02ninefifth = AKB02[AKB02['cumulative_area'] > AKB02['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKB02 = AKB02ninefifth.doy.min() - AKB02fifth.doy.min()
AKB03 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2003]
AKB03fifth = AKB03[AKB03['cumulative_area'] > AKB03['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKB03ninefifth = AKB03[AKB03['cumulative_area'] > AKB03['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKB03 = AKB03ninefifth.doy.min() - AKB03fifth.doy.min()
AKB04 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2004]
AKB04fifth = AKB04[AKB04['cumulative_area'] > AKB04['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKB04ninefifth = AKB04[AKB04['cumulative_area'] > AKB04['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKB04 = AKB04ninefifth.doy.min() - AKB04fifth.doy.min()
AKB18 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2018]
AKB18fifth = AKB18[AKB18['cumulative_area'] > AKB18['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKB18ninefifth = AKB18[AKB18['cumulative_area'] > AKB18['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKB18 = AKB18ninefifth.doy.min() - AKB18fifth.doy.min()
AKB19 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2019]
AKB19fifth = AKB19[AKB19['cumulative_area'] > AKB19['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKB19ninefifth = AKB19[AKB19['cumulative_area'] > AKB19['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKB19 = AKB19ninefifth.doy.min() - AKB19fifth.doy.min()
AKT01 = AKB[AKB['Year'] == 2001]
AKT01fifth = AKB01[AKB01['cumulative_area'] > AKB01['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKT01ninefifth = AKB01[AKB01['cumulative_area'] > AKB01['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKT01 = AKT01ninefifth.doy.min() - AKT01fifth.doy.min()
AKT02 = AKT[AKT['Year'] == 2002]
AKT02fifth = AKT02[AKT02['cumulative_area'] > AKT02['area'].sum() * 0.05]
AKT02ninefifth = AKT02[AKT02['cumulative_area'] > AKT02['area'].sum() * 0.95]
AKT02 = AKT02ninefifth.doy.min() - AKT02fifth.doy.min()
AKBign = pd.DataFrame()
AKBign['year'] = np.arange(2001,2020,1)
AKBign['difference'] = [AKB01,AKB02,AKB03,AKB04,AKB05,AKB06,AKB07,AKB08,AKB09,AKB10,AKB11,AKB12,AKB13,AKB14,AKB15,AKB16,AKB17,AKB18,AKB19]
I would like to make this into a for loop that does my abovementioned steps for each region, each year, and collect it into one large dataframe.
How do I compute that in Python?
I think you want something like this, which will give you a dictionary whose keys are regions and values are dictionaries with keys of the year and values of the difference:
from collections import defaultdict
regions = ['Region1', 'Region2'] # expand as required
years = range(2001,2020)
result = defaultdict(dict)
for region in regions:
xr = x[x['name'] == region].drop_duplicates(subset=['ID', 'Year'], keep = 'first')
xr['cumulative_area'] = xr.groupby(['Year'])['area'].cumsum()
for year in years:
xry = xr[xr['Year'] == year]
xryfifth = xry[xry['cumulative_area'] > xry['area'].sum() * 0.05]
xryninefifth = xry[xry['cumulative_area'] > xry['area'].sum() * 0.95]
result[region][year] = xryninefifth.doy.min() - xryfifth.doy.min()
I have this Python code, but it's already running for 24h and doesn't seem to print the result for now.
I don't know how long it will take.
Can someone help me to optimize this code?
The code is to find the best performance for trading RSI divergence in a certain period.
It first defines some parameters for the RSI.
The code then goes through every possible combination to find the best combination of parameters to have the best performances.
I'm not really an expert.
I don't really know how i can change the code as i'm no expert.
Happy to learn.
Thank you guys.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import ta
def load_data(file_path, start_date, end_date):
Loads data for the specified symbol and date range from a CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
if 'Date' not in df.columns:
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df = df.set_index('Date')
df = df[(df.index >= start_date) & (df.index <= end_date)]
return df
def calc_rsi(df, n):
Calculates the relative strength index (RSI) for the given dataframe and window size
delta = df["Close"].diff()
gain = delta.where(delta > 0, 0)
loss = abs(delta.where(delta < 0, 0))
avg_gain = gain.rolling(window=n).mean()
avg_loss = loss.rolling(window=n).mean()
rs = avg_gain / avg_loss
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))
return rsi
def calc_pivot_point(df, pivot_point_type, pivot_point_n):
Calculates the pivot point for the given dataframe and pivot point type
if pivot_point_type == "Close":
pivot_point = df["Close"].rolling(window=pivot_point_n).mean()
elif pivot_point_type == "High/Low":
pivot_point = (df["High"].rolling(window=pivot_point_n).mean() + df["Low"].rolling(window=pivot_point_n).mean()) / 2
raise ValueError("Invalid pivot point type")
return pivot_point
def calc_divergence(df, rsi, pivot_point, divergence_type, max_pivot_point, max_bars_to_check):
Calculates the divergence for the given dataframe and parameters
if divergence_type == "Regular":
pivot_point_delta = pivot_point.diff()
pivot_point_delta_sign = pivot_point_delta.where(pivot_point_delta > 0, -1)
pivot_point_delta_sign[pivot_point_delta_sign > 0] = 1
rsi_delta = rsi.diff()
rsi_delta_sign = rsi_delta.where(rsi_delta > 0, -1)
rsi_delta_sign[rsi_delta_sign > 0] = 1
divergence = pivot_point_delta_sign * rsi_delta_sign
divergence[divergence < 0] = -1
divergence = divergence.rolling(window=max_pivot_point).sum()
divergence = divergence.rolling(window=max_bars_to_check).sum()
divergence = divergence.where(divergence > 0, 0)
divergence[divergence < 0] = -1
raise ValueError("Invalid divergence type")
return divergence
def backtest(df, rsi_period, pivot_point_type, pivot_point_n, divergence_type, max_pivot_point, max_bars_to_check, trailing_stop, starting_capital):
Backtests the strategy for the given dataframe and parameters
rsi = calc_rsi(df, rsi_period)
pivot_point = calc_pivot_point(df, pivot_point_type, pivot_point_n)
divergence = calc_divergence(df, rsi, pivot_point, divergence_type, max_pivot_point, max_bars_to_check)
positions = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=["Position", "Stop Loss"])
positions["Position"] = 0.0
positions["Stop Loss"] = 0.0
capital = starting_capital
for i, row in enumerate(df.iterrows()):
date = row[0]
close = row[1]["Close"]
rsi_val = rsi.loc[date]
pivot_val = pivot_point.loc[date]
divergence_val = divergence.loc[date]
if divergence_val > 0 and positions.loc[date]["Position"] == 0:
positions.at[date, "Position"] = capital / close
positions.at[date, "Stop Loss"] = close * (1 - trailing_stop)
elif divergence_val < 0 and positions.loc[date]["Position"] > 0:
capital = positions.loc[date]["Position"] * close
positions.at[date, "Position"] = 0.0
positions.at[date, "Stop Loss"] = 0.0
elif close < positions.loc[date]["Stop Loss"] and positions.loc[date]["Position"] > 0:
capital = positions.loc[date]["Position"] * close
positions.at[date, "Position"] = 0.0
positions.at[date, "Stop Loss"] = 0.0
return capital
def find_best_iteration(df, start_rsi_period, end_rsi_period, pivot_point_types, start_pivot_point_n, end_pivot_point_n, divergence_types, start_max_pivot_point, end_max_pivot_point, start_max_bars_to_check, end_max_bars_to_check, start_trailing_stop, end_trailing_stop, starting_capital):
Finds the best iteration for the given parameters
best_result = 0.0
best_params = None
for rsi_period in range(start_rsi_period, end_rsi_period + 1):
for pivot_point_type in pivot_point_types:
for pivot_point_n in range(start_pivot_point_n, end_pivot_point_n + 1):
for divergence_type in divergence_types:
for max_pivot_point in range(start_max_pivot_point, end_max_pivot_point + 1):
for max_bars_to_check in range(start_max_bars_to_check, end_max_bars_to_check + 1):
for trailing_stop in np.arange(start_trailing_stop, end_trailing_stop + 0.01, 0.01):
result = backtest(df, rsi_period, pivot_point_type, pivot_point_n, divergence_type, max_pivot_point, max_bars_to_check, trailing_stop, starting_capital)
if result > best_result:
best_result = result
best_params = (rsi_period, pivot_point_type, pivot_point_n, divergence_type, max_pivot_point, max_bars_to_check, trailing_stop)
return best_result, best_params
# Define the parameters
file_path = 'C:\\Users\\The Death\\Downloads\\Binance_BTCUSDT_spot.csv'
start_date = "2020-03-16"
end_date = "2021-04-12"
df = load_data(file_path, start_date, end_date)
def load_data(start_date, end_date):
# Your code to load the data for the specified date range
# ...
return df
# Define the parameters for the backtesting
start_rsi_period = 1
end_rsi_period = 30
pivot_point_types = ["Close", "High/Low"]
start_pivot_point_n = 1
end_pivot_point_n = 50
divergence_types = ["Regular"]
start_max_pivot_point = 1
end_max_pivot_point = 20
start_max_bars_to_check = 30
end_max_bars_to_check = 200
start_trailing_stop = 0.01
end_trailing_stop = 0.5
starting_capital = 10000
# Run the backtesting
df = load_data(start_date, end_date)
best_result, best_params = find_best_iteration(df, start_rsi_period, end_rsi_period, pivot_point_types, start_pivot_point_n, end_pivot_point_n, divergence_types, start_max_pivot_point, end_max_pivot_point, start_max_bars_to_check, end_max_bars_to_check, start_trailing_stop, end_trailing_stop, starting_capital)
# Print the results
print("Best result: ", best_result)
print("Best parameters: ", best_params)
I have two recommendations after I scroll up your code:
Reduce the usage of for loop. As you increase a layer of for loop (initial is O(n), the time complexity of your code will increase by a power. In your find_best_iteration() there is about 7 layers of for loop, this is extremely cost your time.
Save and process your data in numpy.array() instead of pd.dataframe(). Dataframe is a class that contains too many unused attributes, and its performance is also slower than numpy.array.
You can try the following methods to improve the performance:
The backtest() function is used many times inside the find_best_iteration() function under many for loops, thus the positions variable inside backtest() is being updated frequently which can be show when the positions variable is a Dataframe. You can consider using numpy array for the positions variable that is optimized for updates.
You can try using the multiprocessing module in Python to parallelize the calculation of the divergence variable.
Hope this help!
It's been days I spent trying to code (and search) a python function to get RSI that match TradingView results but without success (I'm new to Python).
The closest results I get for RSI is this function, but still different (and the fact exponential is used, sometimes result is pretty close, sometimes there is a pretty huge difference):
def rsi_tradingview(ohlc: pd.DataFrame, period: int = 14, round_rsi: bool = True):
delta = ohlc["close"].diff()
up = delta.copy()
up[up < 0] = 0
up = pd.Series.ewm(up, alpha=1/period).mean()
down = delta.copy()
down[down > 0] = 0
down *= -1
down = pd.Series.ewm(down, alpha=1/period).mean()
rsi = np.where(up == 0, 0, np.where(down == 0, 100, 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))))
return np.round(rsi, 2) if round_rsi else rsi
My code looks like this:
pairs = ["BTCUSDT", "PONDUSDT"]
def get_historical_candles():
record = client.get_historical_klines(pair, Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_5MINUTE, "3 hour ago UTC")
myList = []
for item in record:
n_item = []
int_ts = int(item[0] / 1000)
n_item.append(float(item[4])) # close
except Exception as error:
new_ohlc = pd.DataFrame(myList, columns=['close'])
return new_ohlc
def rsi_tradingview(ohlc: all_candles, period: int = 14, round_rsi: bool = False):
delta = all_candles.diff()
up = delta.copy()
up[up < 0] = 0
up = pd.Series.ewm(up, alpha=1/period).mean()
down = delta.copy()
down[down > 0] = 0
down *= -1
down = pd.Series.ewm(down, alpha=1/period).mean()
rsi = np.where(up == 0, 0, np.where(down == 0, 100, 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))))
return np.round(rsi, 2) if round_rsi else rsi
for pair in pairs:
all_candles = get_historical_candles()
test_rsi = rsi_tradingview(all_candles, 14, False)
test_rsi_final = test_rsi[-1]
I compare results with tradingview_ta this way, that give correct results (I can't just use this function to get RSI because I need the RSI to calculate StochRSI):
for pair in pairs:
test = TA_Handler(
If this can help, here are the codes on TradingView to get RSI and how is calculated RMA
study(title="Relative Strength Index", shorttitle="RSI", format=format.price, precision=2, resolution="")
len = input(14, minval=1, title="Length")
src = input(close, "Source", type = input.source)
up = rma(max(change(src), 0), len)
down = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))
plot(rsi, "RSI", color=#7E57C2)
band1 = hline(70, "Upper Band", color=#787B86)
bandm = hline(50, "Middle Band", color=color.new(#787B86, 50))
band0 = hline(30, "Lower Band", color=#787B86)
fill(band1, band0, color=color.rgb(126, 87, 194, 90), title="Background")
plot(rma(close, 15))
//the same on pine
pine_rma(src, length) =>
alpha = 1/length
sum = 0.0
sum := na(sum[1]) ? sma(src, length) : alpha * src + (1 - alpha) * nz(sum[1])
plot(pine_rma(close, 15))
Please guys, help me to find what is wrong. :(
And Thank you by advance! Thanks for reading!
import pandas as pd
import time
import yfinance as yf
import money_18
import talib
def backtest(df,us_code, profit_target, stop_loss, macd_diff):
pos_opened = False
open_price = 0
close_price = 0
pnl = 0
pnl_list = []
original_capital = 100000
temp_capital = original_capital
num_of_lot = 0
equity_value = 0
equity_value_list = []
dd_dollar = 0
dd_dollar_list = []
dd_pct = 0
dd_pct_list = []
mdd_dollar = 0
mdd_pct = 0
total_profit = 0
num_of_trade = 0
for i in range(1, len(df)):
now_date = df.loc[i,'Date']
now_open = df.loc[i,'Open']
now_high = df.loc[i,'High']
now_low = df.loc[i,'Low']
now_close = df.loc[i,'Close']
now_rsi = df.loc[i,'RSI']
now_upper_band = df.loc[i,'Upper_Band']
now_middle_band = df.loc[i,'Middle_Band']
now_lower_band = df.loc[i,'Lower_Band']
now_macd = df.loc[i,'MACD']
now_macd_signal = df.loc[i,'MACD_Signal']
now_macd_hist = df.loc[i,'MACD_Hist']
##### equity curve #####
equity_value = round(temp_capital + (now_open - open_price) * num_of_lot )
temp_max_equity = max(equity_value_list)
dd_dollar = temp_max_equity - equity_value
mdd_dollar = max(dd_dollar_list)
dd_pct = (temp_max_equity - equity_value) / temp_max_equity
mdd_pct = max(dd_pct_list)
##### open position #####
if (pos_opened == False) and (i < len(df) - 1) and now_macd_hist > macd_diff :
pos_opened = True
open_price = now_close
num_of_lot = temp_capital // (open_price)
##### profit taking and stop loss #####
if (pos_opened == True) and ((now_open - open_price > profit_target * open_price) or (now_open - open_price < stop_loss * open_price) or (i == len(df) -1)):
pos_opened = False
close_price = now_open
pnl = (close_price - open_price) * num_of_lot
open_price = 0
num_of_lot = 0
temp_capital = temp_capital + pnl
if len(pnl_list) > 0:
total_profit = sum(pnl_list)
num_of_trade = len(pnl_list)
return us_code, profit_target, stop_loss, total_profit, num_of_trade, mdd_dollar, mdd_pct, macd_diff
if __name__ == '__main__':
us_code_list = ['TSLA', 'AAPL']
macd_diff_list = [0, 0.05]
profit_target_list = [0.03, 0.06]
stop_loss_list = [-0.01, -0.02, -0.03]
start_date = '2020-01-01'
end_date = '2020-12-31'
df_dict = {}
for us_code in us_code_list:
df= yf.Ticker(us_code).history(start=start_date, end=end_date)
df= df[df['Volume'] > 0]
df = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']]
df['RSI'] = talib.RSI(df['Close'], timeperiod=14)
df['Upper_Band'], df['Middle_Band'], df['Lower_Band'] = talib.BBANDS(df['Close'], 20, 2, 2)
df['MACD'], df['MACD_Signal'], df['MACD_Hist'] = talib.MACD(df['Close'], fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26,
df = df[df['MACD_Hist'].notna()]
df = df.reset_index()
df_dict[us_code] = df
save_us_code = ''
save_macd_diff = 0
save_profit_target = 0
save_stop_loss = 0
total_profit = 0
num_of_trade = 0
mdd_dollar = 0
mdd_pct = 0
save_us_code_list = []
save_macd_diff_list = []
save_profit_target_list = []
save_stop_loss_list = []
total_profit_list = []
num_of_trade_list = []
mdd_dollar_list = []
mdd_pct_list = []
result_dict = {}
for us_code in us_code_list:
for macd_diff in macd_diff_list:
for profit_target in profit_target_list:
for stop_loss in stop_loss_list:
print(us_code, macd_diff, profit_target, stop_loss) ## the problem should be starting from here##
save_us_code, save_profit_target, save_stop_loss, total_profit, num_of_trade, mdd_dollar, mdd_pct, macd_diff = backtest(df, us_code, profit_target, stop_loss, macd_diff)
I am working on the algo trade, however, I created a for loop to put my parameter into my backtest function. However, the for loop keeps looping non-stop.
I think the error starting from "for macd_diff in macd_diff_list:" because i try to print the result below that row, the result is already indefinite.
Now that you've shown the full code, your problem is obvious. Your original example didn't show the issue because you didn't include all relevant code. Here's your example with the relevant code that's causing the issue:
for us_code in us_code_list:
for macd_diff in macd_diff_list:
for profit_target in profit_target_list:
for stop_loss in stop_loss_list:
... # irrelevant code not shown
The issue is that you're looping through each item in macd_diff_list, but then for each loop iteration, you add an item to that list. So of course the loop will be infinite. You need to be looping through a different list, or adding items to a different list.
I have a dataframe of OHLCV data. I would like to know if anyone knows any tutorial or any way of finding ADX(Average directional movement ) using pandas?
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import numpy as nm
df=pd.DataFrame(yf.download("MSFT", start=start, end=end))
The average directional index, or ADX, is the primary technical indicator among the five indicators that make up a technical trading system developed by J. Welles Wilder, Jr. and is calculated using the other indicators that make up the trading system. The ADX is primarily used as an indicator of momentum, or trend strength, but the total ADX system is also used as a directional indicator.
Directional movement is calculated by comparing the difference between two consecutive lows with the difference between their respective highs.
For the excel calculation of ADX this is a really good video:
I was playing with this a little bit and found something that can help you with the issue:
def ADX(data: pd.DataFrame, period: int):
Computes the ADX indicator.
df = data.copy()
alpha = 1/period
# TR
df['H-L'] = df['High'] - df['Low']
df['H-C'] = np.abs(df['High'] - df['Close'].shift(1))
df['L-C'] = np.abs(df['Low'] - df['Close'].shift(1))
df['TR'] = df[['H-L', 'H-C', 'L-C']].max(axis=1)
del df['H-L'], df['H-C'], df['L-C']
df['ATR'] = df['TR'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
# +-DX
df['H-pH'] = df['High'] - df['High'].shift(1)
df['pL-L'] = df['Low'].shift(1) - df['Low']
df['+DX'] = np.where(
(df['H-pH'] > df['pL-L']) & (df['H-pH']>0),
df['-DX'] = np.where(
(df['H-pH'] < df['pL-L']) & (df['pL-L']>0),
del df['H-pH'], df['pL-L']
# +- DMI
df['S+DM'] = df['+DX'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
df['S-DM'] = df['-DX'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
df['+DMI'] = (df['S+DM']/df['ATR'])*100
df['-DMI'] = (df['S-DM']/df['ATR'])*100
del df['S+DM'], df['S-DM']
df['DX'] = (np.abs(df['+DMI'] - df['-DMI'])/(df['+DMI'] + df['-DMI']))*100
df['ADX'] = df['DX'].ewm(alpha=alpha, adjust=False).mean()
del df['DX'], df['ATR'], df['TR'], df['-DX'], df['+DX'], df['+DMI'], df['-DMI']
return df
At the beginning the values aren't correct (as always with the EWM approach) but after several computations it converges to the correct value.
Math was taken from here.
def ADX(df):
def getCDM(df):
dmpos = df["High"][-1] - df["High"][-2]
dmneg = df["Low"][-2] - df["Low"][-1]
if dmpos > dmneg:
return dmpos
return dmneg
def getDMnTR(df):
DMpos = []
DMneg = []
TRarr = []
n = round(len(df)/14)
idx = n
while n <= (len(df)):
dmpos = df["High"][n-1] - df["High"][n-2]
dmneg = df["Low"][n-2] - df["Low"][n-1]
a1 = df["High"][n-1] - df["High"][n-2]
a2 = df["High"][n-1] - df["Close"][n-2]
a3 = df["Low"][n-1] - df["Close"][n-2]
n = idx + n
return DMpos, DMneg, TRarr
def getDI(df):
DMpos, DMneg, TR = getDMnTR(df)
CDM = getCDM(df)
POSsmooth = (sum(DMpos) - sum(DMpos)/len(DMpos) + CDM)
NEGsmooth = (sum(DMneg) - sum(DMneg)/len(DMneg) + CDM)
DIpos = (POSsmooth / (sum(TR)/len(TR))) *100
DIneg = (NEGsmooth / (sum(TR)/len(TR))) *100
return DIpos, DIneg
def getADX(df):
DIpos, DIneg = getDI(df)
dx = (abs(DIpos- DIneg) / abs(DIpos + DIneg)) * 100
ADX = dx/14
return ADX
This gives you the exact numbers as Tradingview and Thinkorswim.
import numpy as np
def ema(arr, periods=14, weight=1, init=None):
leading_na = np.where(~np.isnan(arr))[0][0]
arr = arr[leading_na:]
alpha = weight / (periods + (weight-1))
alpha_rev = 1 - alpha
n = arr.shape[0]
pows = alpha_rev**(np.arange(n+1))
out1 = np.array([])
if 0 in pows:
out1 = ema(arr[:int(len(arr)/2)], periods)
arr = arr[int(len(arr)/2) - 1:]
init = out1[-1]
n = arr.shape[0]
pows = alpha_rev**(np.arange(n+1))
scale_arr = 1/pows[:-1]
if init:
offset = init * pows[1:]
offset = arr[0]*pows[1:]
pw0 = alpha*alpha_rev**(n-1)
mult = arr*pw0*scale_arr
cumsums = mult.cumsum()
out = offset + cumsums*scale_arr[::-1]
out = out[1:] if len(out1) > 0 else out
out = np.concatenate([out1, out])
out[:periods] = np.nan
out = np.concatenate(([np.nan]*leading_na, out))
return out
def atr(highs, lows, closes, periods=14, ema_weight=1):
hi = np.array(highs)
lo = np.array(lows)
c = np.array(closes)
tr = np.vstack([np.abs(hi[1:]-c[:-1]),
atr = ema(tr, periods=periods, weight=ema_weight)
atr = np.concatenate([[np.nan], atr])
return atr
def adx(highs, lows, closes, periods=14):
highs = np.array(highs)
lows = np.array(lows)
closes = np.array(closes)
up = highs[1:] - highs[:-1]
down = lows[:-1] - lows[1:]
up_idx = up > down
down_idx = down > up
updm = np.zeros(len(up))
updm[up_idx] = up[up_idx]
updm[updm < 0] = 0
downdm = np.zeros(len(down))
downdm[down_idx] = down[down_idx]
downdm[downdm < 0] = 0
_atr = atr(highs, lows, closes, periods)[1:]
updi = 100 * ema(updm, periods) / _atr
downdi = 100 * ema(downdm, periods) / _atr
zeros = (updi + downdi == 0)
downdi[zeros] = .0000001
adx = 100 * np.abs(updi - downdi) / (updi + downdi)
adx = ema(np.concatenate([[np.nan], adx]), periods)
return adx
I just can't get it done. Therefore I'll post the full code.
The .csv used is from http://www.football-data.co.uk/mmz4281/1415/E0.csv
Now when run, the variables home_team_a, home_team_d, away_team_a and away_team_d are based on all of the previous matches but I want them to be based always on the last 6 matches.
import csv, math, ast, numpy as np
def poisson(actual, mean):
return math.pow(mean, actual) * math.exp(-mean) / math.factorial(actual)
csvFile = '20152016.csv'
team_list = []
k = open('team_list.txt', 'w')
csvRead = csv.reader(open(csvFile))
for row in csvRead:
if row[2] not in team_list:
if row[3] not in team_list:
for team in team_list:
k.write(""" '%s': {'home_goals': 0, 'away_goals': 0, 'home_conceded': 0, 'away_conceded': 0, 'home_games': 0, 'away_games': 0, 'alpha_h': 0, 'beta_h': 0, 'alpha_a': 0, 'beta_a': 0},
""" % (team))
s = open('team_list.txt', 'r').read()
dict = ast.literal_eval(s)
csvRead = csv.reader(open(csvFile))
for game in csvRead:
home_team = game[2]
away_team = game[3]
home_goals = int(game[4])
away_goals = int(game[5])
home_win_prob = 0
draw_win_prob = 0
away_win_prob = 0
curr_home_goals = 0
curr_away_goals = 0
avg_home_goals = 1
avg_away_goals = 1
team_bet = ''
ev_bet = ''
for key, value in dict.items():
curr_home_goals += dict[key]['home_goals']
curr_away_goals += dict[key]['away_goals']
avg_home_goals = curr_home_goals / (GAMES_PLAYED)
avg_away_goals = curr_away_goals / (GAMES_PLAYED)
home_team_a = (dict[home_team]['alpha_h'] + dict[home_team]['alpha_a']) / 2
away_team_a = (dict[away_team]['alpha_h'] + dict[away_team]['alpha_a']) / 2
home_team_d = (dict[home_team]['beta_h'] + dict[home_team]['beta_a']) / 2
away_team_d = (dict[away_team]['beta_h'] + dict[away_team]['beta_a']) / 2
home_team_exp = avg_home_goals * home_team_a * away_team_d
away_team_exp = avg_away_goals * away_team_a * home_team_d
l = open('poisson.txt', 'w')
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
prob = poisson(i, home_team_exp) * poisson(j, away_team_exp)
l.write("Prob%s%s = %s\n" % (i, j, prob))
with open('poisson.txt') as f:
for line in f:
home_goals_m = int(line.split(' = ')[0][4])
away_goals_m = int(line.split(' = ')[0][5])
prob = float(line.split(' = ')[1])
if home_goals_m > away_goals_m:
home_win_prob += prob
elif home_goals_m == away_goals_m:
draw_win_prob += prob
elif home_goals_m < away_goals_m:
away_win_prob += prob
bet365odds_h, bet365odds_d, bet365odds_a = float(game[23]), float(game[24]), float(game[25])
ev_h = (home_win_prob * (bet365odds_h - 1)) - (1 - home_win_prob)
ev_d = (draw_win_prob * (bet365odds_d - 1)) - (1 - draw_win_prob)
ev_a = (away_win_prob * (bet365odds_a - 1)) - (1 - away_win_prob)
highestEV = max(ev_h, ev_d, ev_a)
if (ev_h == highestEV) and (ev_h > 0):
team_bet = home_team
ev_bet = ev_h
if home_goals > away_goals:
TOTAL_VALUE += (bet365odds_h - 1)
elif (ev_d == highestEV) and (ev_d > 0):
team_bet = 'Draw'
ev_bet = ev_d
if home_goals == away_goals:
TOTAL_VALUE += (bet365odds_d - 1)
elif (ev_a == highestEV) and (ev_a > 0):
team_bet = away_team
ev_bet = ev_a
if home_goals < away_goals:
TOTAL_VALUE += (bet365odds_a - 1)
if (team_bet != '') and (ev_bet != ''):
print ("Bet on '%s' (EV = %s)" % (team_bet, ev_bet))
dict[home_team]['home_goals'] += home_goals
dict[home_team]['home_conceded'] += away_goals
dict[home_team]['home_games'] += 1
dict[away_team]['away_goals'] += away_goals
dict[away_team]['away_conceded'] += home_goals
dict[away_team]['away_games'] += 1
for key, value in dict.items():
alpha_h = (dict[key]['home_goals'] / dict[key]['home_games']) / avg_home_goals
beta_h = (dict[key]['home_conceded'] / dict[key]['home_games']) / avg_away_goals
alpha_a = (dict[key]['away_goals'] / dict[key]['away_games']) / avg_away_goals
beta_a = (dict[key]['away_conceded'] / dict[key]['away_games']) / avg_home_goals
dict[key]['alpha_h'] = alpha_h
dict[key]['beta_h'] = beta_h
dict[key]['alpha_a'] = alpha_a
dict[key]['beta_a'] = beta_a
Use a deque to keep the 6 most recent items in memory; adding a new record will "push out" the oldest one.
import collections
import itertools
import csv
with open("foo.csv") as fh:
# Skip the first 44 rows
csv_read = islice(csv.reader(fh), 44, None)
# Initialize the deque with the next 6 rows
d = collections.deque(islice(csv_read, 6), 6)
for record in csv_read:
print(list(d)) # Rows 46-51, then 47-52, then 48-53, etc
Because you set the maximum length of the deque to 6, each append to a "full" deque pushes out the older one. On the first iteration, d.append pushes out row 45 and adds row 51. On the next iteration, adding row 52 pushes out row 46, etc.
In general, a deque is a data structure that is like a combination of a queue and a stack; you can add or remove items to either end efficiently, but accessing an arbitrary item or modifying the "middle" is slow. Here, we're taking advantage of the fact that appending to a full deque causes an implicit removal from the opposite end.
How about:
if seen_records == 200:
recs = list(csvRead)[seen_records - 6:seen_records + 1]
You can do something like this....
previous_index = 0
previous_max = 6 # max number of previous numbers to remember
previous = [None for _ in range(previous_max)]
csvFile = 'X.csv'
seen_records = 0
csvRead = csv.reader(open(csvFile))
# Enumerate over the records to keep track of the index of each one
for i, records in enumerate(csvRead):
if (i > 50):
seen_records =+ 1
if previous_index == previous_max:
previous_index = 0 # Reset to the beginning when we reach the end
# Store the record and increment the index to the next location
previous[previous_index] = record
previous_index += 1
This creates a very basic array of length previous_max and just stores the oldest data at index 0 and newest at previous_max -1.