Python: Change one printed character - python

I'm making a game with a terminal UI, and the current code is as follows
from ast import Pass
from re import findall
from time import sleep
from ScrFX import invalidOption
from os import system
from getkey import getkey, keys
def main_menu():
hobo = "**********************************************\n" #ho horizontal, bo border
vebo = "** **\n" #ve vertical, bo border
op1 = "** 1) Start Game **\n"
op2 = "** 2) Load Game **\n"
op3 = "** 3) Quit Game **\n"
s = "\n"
mainmenuscreen = (hobo+(vebo*5)+op1+vebo+op2+vebo+op3+vebo+(vebo*5)+hobo)
print("Please choose an option\n")
def userkey():
usse = getkey() #us-er, se-lection
if usse == '1':
print("Start game")
elif usse == '2':
print("load game")
elif usse == '3':
elif usse == '0':
print("Secret Menu yay)")
Now, I want to be able to have a symbol (let's say ¤) that goes to before the option so something like this:
op1 = "** 1) Start Game **\n"
op2 = "** ¤ 2) Load Game **\n"
op3 = "** 3) Quit Game **\n"
I know I can theoretically bruteforce my way by just changing the printed text values, clearing the screen, and printing it again; but i'm looking for a more elegant way to do it; I remember in BASIC there was a set command to set a specific line in a grid to a specific character, maybe there's something like this in python?
Also, before you say I should use tkinter for GUI; I understand where you come from but learning tkinter is literally like learning to program all over again, having said that I know tkinter is not the best option so I'm open to other libs before starting to commit to one; yet not ready still to commit to one at all.


How to make "menus" without functions or not call them inside eachother?

Im learning python and I already know the basics. So i'm trying to make a simple program: "A note pad".
Im only using the console and I want to have the following menus
main menu, read note menu, write menu, etc. To do that i'm using a function for each menu, printing the menu, using input() to choose the next menu and then I call the function of the next menu.
But if I have a try / except block in a "a menu", and there's an error in another function called inside that block it will go back and execute the except block.
How can might I be able to avoid this, or is there any better way to make the menus?
Here's what I have:
noteList = [["Here goes the title", "Here goes the text", "Here goes the date"], ["Example", "Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text", "08/08/2020"]] # note list
#-------------Main Menu-------------
def mainMenu():
print(*"NOTES") # title
print('-The number of the note to read;')
print('-[N] to create a [N]ew note;')
print('-[D] to [D]elete a note;')
print('-[E] to [E]xit;')
# saved notes
if len(noteList) == 0: # no saved notes
print("\nYou have no notes.")
else: # display saved notes
print("\nSaved notes:")
for number in range(len(noteList)):
print(str(number + 1) + "-" + noteList[number][0])
# ask what action to do
action = input()
#-------------Action Chooser-------------
def actionChooser(action):
action = int(action) - 1 # action is int
if action == "N" or action == "n": # action is N
elif action == "D" or action == "d": # action is E
elif action == "E" or action == "e": # action is S
else: # invalid action
print("Invalid action.\n")
def readNote(noteNumber):
print(*"\n" + noteList[noteNumber][0].upper())
Thanks and my apologies if I have accedently broken one of your rules it's my first post here.
I will describe how I see it in pseudocode:
1. start program
2. defining processing functions
3. print instructions
4. endless loop
5. wait for input
6. action with try/except
7. exit program
And example program:
import sys
def action_howto():
'test' for action_test
'exit' for exit
def action_test():
print("action_test executed\n")
def action_exit():
def do_action(action):
"test": action_test,
"exit": action_exit
}.get(action.lower(), action_howto)()
except Exception as e:
def main():
while True:
action = input()
if __name__ == "__main__":

I'm trying to create a tkinter output window for a text based application

I have a script that continually takes in text and outputs text (its a text based game)
I would like to run it through a tkinter GUI as opposed to the console
Python : Converting CLI to GUI
This question perfectly answers how to convert "print" into a GUI insert.
The problem is that my game obviously runs through a ton of loops, and that screws up the "app.mainloop()" because it either never runs (and then the GUI never shows up) or you run it first, and it doesn't let anything else run.
I suppose I could try and and stagger these loops somehow, but that seems very hackish. I could also try to modify my entire codebase to run inside the app.mainloop(), but what I really think I need is multiple threads. Problem is, I have no idea how to make that work.
There are a few other questions, but they either don't work or don't make much sense:
Tkinter with multiple threads
Run process with realtime output to a Tkinter GUI
Edit: extremely simplified code:
def moveNorth():
print('You have moved north')
def interpreter(command):
if command == 'go north':
print('invalid command')
def listener():
playerchoice = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
return playerchoice
if __name__ == '__main__':
while playing:
I think you might be making it more complicated than it needs to be.
For Tkinter at least it is very simple change console interactions into a GUI interaction instead.
The simplest example I can give is to use an Entry field for user input and a Text widget for the output.
Here is a simple example of a console based game being moved to a GUI using Tkinter.
Console number guessing game:
import random
print("simple game")
random_num = random.randint(1, 5)
x = True
while x == True:
#Input for user guesses.
guess = input("Guess a number between 1 and 5: ")
if guess == str(random_num):
#Print answer to console.
print("You win!")
x = False
print("Try again!")
Here is the Tkinter GUI example of the same game:
import tkinter as tk
import random
root = tk.Tk()
entry_label = tk.Label(root, text = "Guess a number between 1 and 5: ")
entry_label.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
#Entry field for user guesses.
user_entry = tk.Entry(root)
user_entry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
text_box = tk.Text(root, width = 25, height = 2)
text_box.grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
text_box.insert("end-1c", "simple guessing game!")
random_num = random.randint(1, 5)
def guess_number(event = None):
#Get the string of the user_entry widget
guess = user_entry.get()
if guess == str(random_num):
text_box.delete(1.0, "end-1c") # Clears the text box of data
text_box.insert("end-1c", "You win!") # adds text to text box
text_box.delete(1.0, "end-1c")
text_box.insert("end-1c", "Try again!")
user_entry.delete(0, "end")
# binds the enter widget to the guess_number function
# while the focus/cursor is on the user_entry widget
user_entry.bind("<Return>", guess_number)
As you can see there is a bit more code for the GUI but most of that is the GUI design.
The main part that you need to change is the use of entry vs input for your answers and the use of insert vs print for your response. The rest is really just design stuff.
If you want to keep the questions on a continuous nature you can update the label with a new question or you could even use tkinters askstring function for each new question. There are many options.
the main thing is getting the value of the user answer, using that answer to test with the question, then printing the results to the text box.

Python program won't execute

I'm in the middle of making a small game involving hacking into people's computers, and stealing files and money in order to complete missions. Here is the code as of now:
#SICCr4k2: Broke
#Remember whenever you are printing a random ip address to add the "." in between each part of the ip (each random number)
## nullMain referenced before assignment
## make it so that you send a message through the prompt to get their ip, then it automatically puts the ip in the nodes
## window. Like you send the person a message, and then it gets the ip and puts it in the nodes window
## take away the buttons in the nodes window, just at labels where it points to the host's ip address.
import random
import time
import sys
import os
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
#def nodes():
# nodeWindow = tk.Tk()
# frame = tk.Frame(nodeWindow, width=700, height=400)
# frame.grid_propagate(0)
# frame.grid()
# nodeWindow.title("||| Nodes |||")
# nullIp = tk.Label(nodeWindow, text="Ip:")
# nullIp.grid(row=0, column=0)
# nullMain = tk.Button(nodeWindow, text="Null", function=nullMainCallback())
# nullMain.config(height=1, width=100)
# nullMain.grid(row=0, column=0)
# def nullMainCallback():
# nullMain.destroy()
# nullIp = tk.Label(nodeWindow, text="Ip:")
# nullIp.grid(row=0, column=0)
#def commands():
def numbers():
number1 = random.randint(1, 99)
number2 = random.randint(1, 99)
if number1 != number2:
if number1 == number2:
def ips():
nullIp = ('18.279.332')
def getIp():
x = random.randint(1, 222)
if x == 127:
x += 1
return '{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255))
def commandInput():
CommandInput = input(">>> ")
if CommandInput == ("myNodes()"):
def usernameCreation():
username = input(">>> ")
print("'" + username + "' is that correct?")
usernameInput = input(">>> ")
if usernameInput == ("yes"):
if usernameInput ==("no"):
def game():
def tutorial():
print('Welcome back.')
print('How was it?')
print('Being hacked for the first time?')
print("You're probably wondering who I am.")
print("Well, my name is Null.")
print("Only because I am well known for nothing.")
print("Other than not being alive.")
print("First thing's first, what shall I call you?")
print("Let's give you a bit of movement.")
print("""The first thing you will want to do would be to connect to my computer, but
to do that, you have to find my ip address. Here. I just uploaded new software to your computer.""")
print("""You will now be able to access my ip, nad many other's with a simple command. The command is
getIp(). Input that command below, but inside the parenthesis, you type in the screen name. For instance: getIp(Null).
type that command in to get my ip.""")
input(">>> ")
if ("getIp(Null)"):
print("""My ip was just added to your nodes, which you can access by typing myNodes().""")
I just want to note that when I run the program, it doesn't list any errors or anything, it just doesn't execute at all... Any ideas????
You define the function tutorial inside game (which you shouldn't really do – there's no point in defining it that way) but never call tutorial.
Inside of game you want to call tutorial:
def game():
def tutorial():
# code for tutorial
A better way to structure your code, however, is to use a main method (which is the standard way to start the execution of a program` and keep every other function separate. There's no need to nest functions as you've done.
So, for example:
def main():
# all other function definitions
def tutorial():
# code for tutorial
if __name__ == "__main__":
You never call tutorial() although you shouldn't nest functions like this.

Create a text menu in Python3x that is always available

I am new to python and learning quickly. Thank you all for the help.
I am attempting to create a text menu that will always run in the background of a storytelling text rpg. I have searched and cannot find an explanation of how to create an "always on" menu or how one would work.
I would like the player to be able to hit "m" at any time in the game and have the menu prompt show up.
So far, I have created a "userinput" function as well as a "menu" function that will be deployed each time the game prompts the user/player for input.
def menu():
print('Press "1" for map >>> "2" for stats >>> "3" for exit')
choice = input()
if choice == '1':
print('map needs to be made and shown')
elif choice == '2':
print('stats need to be made and assinged to choice 2 in def menu')
elif choice == '3':
print('You are exiting the menu. Press "M" at any time to return to the menu')
print('I did not recognize your command')
def userinput():
print('Press 1 to attack an enemy >>> 2 to search a room >>> 3 to exit game')
print('Press "M" for menu at any time')
inputvalue = input()
if inputvalue == 'm':
elif inputvalue == '1':
print('attack function here')
elif inputvalue == '2':
print('search function here')
elif inputvalue == '3':
This does not appear to be an ideal solution because the user cannot choose to view a map or exit the game at any time they want.
Is there a way to have a menu always running in the background?
I thought of using a while loop that would never close and all of the game would be held within that while loop but that doesn't seem economical by any means.
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
I took a stab at it. This is perhaps not the best structure for doing what you're looking for but I don't want my reply to get too complicated.
The "standard" approach for anything with a UI is to separate the model, the view and the control. Check out MVC architecture online. While it adds complexity at the start it makes life much simpler in the long run for anything with a non trivial UI.
Other points of note are:
you're not stripping whitespace from your input (potentially problematic "3 " won't do what you want)
you're input is case sensitive (you ask for "M" but check for "m") .. maybe use choice = choice.strip.lower()??
there's a difference between the way raw_input and input work between Python 2 and Python 3 which means your code doesn't work in python 2. What's the difference between raw_input() and input() in python3.x? I've changed my example to use raw_input. You may want to use this work around near the top of your code for portability.
Some code
# flag we set when we're done
finished = False
def finish():
# ask the user for confirmation?
global finished
finished = True
def handle_menu_input(choice):
handled = True
if choice == '1':
print('map needs to be made and shown')
elif choice == '2':
print('stats need to be made and assinged to choice 2 in def menu')
handled = False
return handled
def menu():
finished_menu = False
while not finished_menu:
print('Press "1" for map >>> "2" for stats >>> "3" for exit')
choice = raw_input() # NOTE: changes behaviour in Python 3!
if handle_menu_input(choice):
# done
elif choice == '3':
print('You are exiting the menu. Press "M" at any time to return to the menu')
finished_menu = True
print('I did not recognize your command')
def userinput():
print('Press 1 to attack an enemy >>> 2 to search a room >>> 3 to exit game')
print('Press "M" for menu at any time')
choice = raw_input() # NOTE: changes behaviour in Python 3!
if choice == 'm':
elif choice == '1':
print('attack function here')
elif choice == '2':
print('search function here')
elif choice == '3':
# elif handle_menu_input(choice):
# # delegate menu functions?? ..
# # do this if you want to see maps anytime without going through the menu?
# # otherwise comment this elif block out.
# # (Problem is 1, 2 etc are overloaded)
# pass
print('I did not recognize your command')
def main():
# main loop
while not finished:
if __name__ == "__main__":

Importing function in python

I am trying to create menu where user can choose which part of the program he/she wants to run. When I am importing function computer automatically runs it rather to wait for user input. What shall I do to run function only when called? My code:
import hangman
menu = raw_input("""Welcome to Menu, please choose from the following options:
1. Hangman game
4. Exit
if menu == 1:
elif menu == 2:
elif menu == 3:
elif menu == 4:
print "Goodbye"
print "Sorry, invalid input"
The code for looks like that:
import random
words = ["monitor", "mouse", "cpu", "keyboard", "printer",]
attempts = [] # Stores user input
randomWord = random.choice(words) # Computer randomly chooses the word
noChar = len(randomWord) # Reads number of characters in the word
print randomWord , noChar
print "Hello, Welcome to the game of Hangman. You have to guess the given word. The first word has", noChar, " letters."
def game():
guess = raw_input ("Please choose letter")
attempts.append(guess) # Adds user input to the list
print (attempts)
if guess in randomWord:
print "You have guessed the letter"
print "Please try again"
while True:
chance = raw_input ("Have a guess")
if chance == randomWord:
print "Congratulations, you have won!"
Without seeing, I would assume that it directly contains the code for running the hangman game, not wrapped in a function. If that's the case, you created a module, no function (yet).
Wrap that code in
def run_hangman():
# Your existing code, indented by 4 spaces
# ...
import it like this:
from hangman import run_hangman
and finally call the function like this:
So here is the start menu:
import hangman
option = raw_input('1) Start Normal\n2) Quick Start\n3) Default') # '\n' is a new line
if option == '1':
elif option == '2':
elif option == '3':
handman.run_hangman('Default User')
Inside your hangman code you want to have it modulated. You should have somthing like this:
def main():
stuff = raw_input('Starting new game. Please enter stuff to do things')
def run_hangman(options):
if options == 'SKIP':
important_values = 5
vales_set_by_user = 'Player 1'
values_set_by_user = options

