how do I access this json data in python? - python

hi I'm pretty new at coding and I was trying to create a program in python that reads and save in another file the data inside a json file (not everything, just what I want). I googled how to parse data but there's something I don't understand.
that's a part of the json file:
"profileRevision": 548789,
"profileId": "campaign",
"profileChangesBaseRevision": 548789,
"profileChanges": [
"changeType": "fullProfileUpdate",
"profile": {
"_id": "2da4f079f8984cc48e84fc99dace495d",
"created": "2018-03-29T11:02:15.190Z",
"updated": "2022-10-31T17:34:43.284Z",
"rvn": 548789,
"wipeNumber": 9,
"accountId": "63881e614ef543b2932c70fed1196f34",
"profileId": "campaign",
"version": "refund_teddy_perks_september_2022",
"items": {
"8ec8f13f-6bf6-4933-a7db-43767a055e66": {
"templateId": "Quest:heroquest_loadout_constructor_2",
"attributes": {
"quest_state": "Claimed",
"creation_time": "min",
"last_state_change_time": "2019-05-18T16:09:12.750Z",
"completion_complete_pve03_diff26_loadout_constructor": 300,
"level": -1,
"item_seen": true,
"sent_new_notification": true,
"quest_rarity": "uncommon",
"xp_reward_scalar": 1
"quantity": 1
"6940c71b-c74b-4581-9f1e-c0a87e246884": {
"templateId": "Worker:workerbasic_sr_t01",
"attributes": {
"gender": "2",
"personality": "Homebase.Worker.Personality.IsDreamer",
"level": 1,
"item_seen": true,
"squad_slot_idx": -1,
"portrait": "WorkerPortrait:IconDef-WorkerPortrait-Dreamer-F02",
"building_slot_used": -1,
"set_bonus": "Homebase.Worker.SetBonus.IsMeleeDamageLow"
I can access profileChanges. I wrote this to create another json file with only the profileChanges things:
myjsonfile= open("file.json",'r')
for i in ciso:
with open("file2", "w") as outfile:
json.dump( ciso, outfile, indent=1)
the issue I have is that I can't access "profile" (inside profileChanges) in the same way by parsing the new file and I have no idea on how to do it

Access to JSON or dict element is realized by list indexes, please look at below example:
a = [
"friends": [
"id": 0,
"name": "Reba May"
"greeting": "Hello, Doris Gallagher! You have 2 unread messages.",
"favoriteFruit": "strawberry"
b = a['friends']['id] # b = 0

I've added a couple of closing braces to make your snippet valid json:
s = '''{
"profileRevision": 548789,
"profileId": "campaign",
"profileChangesBaseRevision": 548789,
"profileChanges": [
"changeType": "fullProfileUpdate",
"profile": {
"_id": "2da4f079f8984cc48e84fc99dace495d",
"created": "2018-03-29T11:02:15.190Z",
"updated": "2022-10-31T17:34:43.284Z",
"rvn": 548789,
"wipeNumber": 9,
"accountId": "63881e614ef543b2932c70fed1196f34",
"profileId": "campaign",
"version": "refund_teddy_perks_september_2022",
"items": {
"8ec8f13f-6bf6-4933-a7db-43767a055e66": {
"templateId": "Quest:heroquest_loadout_constructor_2",
"attributes": {
"quest_state": "Claimed",
"creation_time": "min",
"last_state_change_time": "2019-05-18T16:09:12.750Z",
"completion_complete_pve03_diff26_loadout_constructor": 300,
"level": -1,
"item_seen": true,
"sent_new_notification": true,
"quest_rarity": "uncommon",
"xp_reward_scalar": 1
"quantity": 1
"6940c71b-c74b-4581-9f1e-c0a87e246884": {
"templateId": "Worker:workerbasic_sr_t01",
"attributes": {
"gender": "2",
"personality": "Homebase.Worker.Personality.IsDreamer",
"level": 1,
"item_seen": true,
"squad_slot_idx": -1,
"portrait": "WorkerPortrait:IconDef-WorkerPortrait-Dreamer-F02",
"building_slot_used": -1,
"set_bonus": "Homebase.Worker.SetBonus.IsMeleeDamageLow"
d = json.loads(s)
This prints refund_teddy_perks_september_2022
d is a dict
d['profileChanges'] is a list of dicts
d['profileChanges'][0] is the first dict in the list
d['profileChanges'][0]['profile'] is a dict
d['profileChanges'][0]['profile']['version'] is the value of version key in the profile dict in the first entry of the profileChanges list.


JSON dump appending random characters to end of file

I am writing a parser that goes through a list of data that is roughly formatted:
"teachers": [
"fullName": "Testing",
"class": [
"className": "Counselor",
"school": {
"id": "2b6671cb-617d-48d6-b0b5-3d44ce4da21c"
The parser is supposed to check for duplicate names within this json object, and when it stumbles upon said duplicate name, append the class to the class array.
So for example:
"teachers": [
"fullName": "Testing",
"class": [
"className": "Counselor",
"school": {
"id": "2b6671cb-617d-48d6-b0b5-3d44ce4da21c"
"fullName": "Testing",
"class": [
"className": "Math 8",
"school": {
"id": "2b6671cb-617d-48d6-b0b5-3d44ce4da21c"
Would return
"teachers": [
"fullName": "Testing",
"class": [
"className": "Counselor",
"school": {
"id": "2b6671cb-617d-48d6-b0b5-3d44ce4da21c"
"className": "Math 8",
"school": {
"id": "2b6671cb-617d-48d6-b0b5-3d44ce4da21c"
My current parser works just fine for most objects, however for some reason it doesn't catch some of the duplicates despite the names being the exact same, and also is appending the string
to the end of the json document. I am not sure why it would do this considering I am just dumping the modified json (which only is modified within the array).
My parser code is:
i_duplicates = []
name_duplicates = []
def converter():
global i_duplicates
file = open("final2.json", "r+")
infinite = json.load(file)
for i, teacher in enumerate(infinite["teachers"]):
class_name = teacher["class"][0]["className"]
class_data = {
"className": class_name,
"school": {
"id": "2b6671cb-617d-48d6-b0b5-3d44ce4da21c"
d = {
"fullName": teacher["fullName"],
"index": i
c = {
"fullName": teacher["fullName"]
if c in name_duplicates:
infinite["teachers"][search(i_duplicates, c["fullName"])]["class"].append(class_data)
json.dump(infinite, file, indent=4)
def search(a, t):
for i in a:
if i["fullName"] == t:
return i["index"]
print(Fore.RED + "not found" + Fore.RESET)
I know I am going about this inefficiently, but I am not sure how to fix the issues the current algorithm is having. Any feedback appreciated.

How to flatten JSON response from Surveymonkey API

I'm setting up a Python function to use the Surveymonkey API to get survey responses from Surveymonkey.
The API returns responses in a JSON format with a deep recursive file structure.
I'm having issues trying to flatten this JSON so that it can go into Google Cloud Storage.
I have tried to flatten the response using the following code. Which works; however, it does not transform it to the format that I am looking for.
"per_page": 2,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"total_time": 0,
"collection_mode": "default",
"href": "",
"custom_variables": {
"custvar_1": "one",
"custvar_2": "two"
"custom_value": "custom identifier for the response",
"edit_url": "",
"analyze_url": "",
"ip_address": "",
"pages": [
"id": "73527947",
"questions": [
"id": "273237811",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "1842351148"
"text": "I might be text or null",
"other_id": "1842351149"
"id": "273240822",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "1863145815",
"row_id": "1863145806"
"text": "I might be text or null",
"other_id": "1863145817"
"id": "273239576",
"answers": [
"choice_id": "1863156702",
"row_id": "1863156701"
"text": "I might be text or null",
"other_id": "1863156707"
"id": "296944423",
"answers": [
"text": "I might be text or null"
"date_modified": "1970-01-17T19:07:34+00:00",
"response_status": "completed",
"id": "5007154325",
"collector_id": "50253586",
"recipient_id": "0",
"date_created": "1970-01-17T19:07:34+00:00",
"survey_id": "105723396"
"page": 1,
"links": {
"self": ""
answers_df = json_normalize(data=response_json['data'],
record_path=['pages', 'questions', 'answers'],
meta=['id', ['pages', 'questions', 'id'], ['pages', 'id']])
Instead of returning a row for each question id, I need it to return a column for each question id, choice_id, and text field.
The columns I would like to see are total_time, collection_mode, href, custom_variables.custvar_1, custom_variables.custvar_2, custom_value, edit_url, analyze_url, ip_address,,, pages.questions.0.answers.0.choice_id, pages.questions.0.answers.0.text, pages.questions.0.answers.0.other_id
Instead of the each Question ID, Choice_id, text and answer being on a separate row. I would like a column for each one. So that there is only 1 row per survey_id or index in data

Read a JSON file and select node like in Pandas dataframe

I need to read a JSON config file like the example below and change some of its values with a querying structure like in Pandas.
"_id": "5d1f5d0289725ba2c32695ac",
"index": 0,
"guid": "d1a8c2e2-1011-4db2-97a8-b68777c2d18b",
"isActive": false,
"name": {
"first": "Barnett",
"last": "Obrien"
"latitude": "-76.327744",
"longitude": "-131.003501",
"friends": [
"friend_id": 0,
"name": "Burnett Burke"
"friend_id": 1,
"name": "Lawrence Hunt"
"friend_id": 2,
"name": "Nola Benjamin"
"_id": "5d1f5d023ef4523b5e326ae2",
"index": 1,
"guid": "6b0ad8a7-2b10-4892-9b91-fc7445038aca",
"isActive": true,
"name": {
"first": "Valerie",
"last": "Preston"
"latitude": "27.995886",
"longitude": "170.930419",
"friends": [
"friend_id": 0,
"name": "Gretchen Hobbs"
"friend_id": 1,
"name": "Irene Fox"
"friend_id": 2,
"name": "Porter King"
Then I wanted to change the value for the friend_id == 1 and object with guid == 6b0ad8a7-2b10-4892-9b91-fc7445038aca from Irene Fox to something else.
With Pandas I can have something like this:
valerie = dataframe['guid'] == '6b0ad8a7-2b10-4892-9b91-fc7445038aca'
friend1 = dataframe['friend_1'] == 1
dataframe[valerie & friend1]['name'] = 'Karen Smith'
How can I achieve this without having to add Pandas dependency?
With simple loop:
import json
import sys
data = json.load(open('input.json'))
for d in data:
if d["guid"] == "6b0ad8a7-2b10-4892-9b91-fc7445038aca":
for f in d["friends"]:
if f["friend_id"] == 1:
f["name"] = "Karen Smith"
# break <- uncomment if only one match is implied
# replace sys.stdout with output file pointer
json.dump(data, sys.stdout, indent=4)
you may also break the outer for loop if items/dicts have unique guids.
The output (for demonstration):
"_id": "5d1f5d0289725ba2c32695ac",
"index": 0,
"guid": "d1a8c2e2-1011-4db2-97a8-b68777c2d18b",
"isActive": false,
"name": {
"first": "Barnett",
"last": "Obrien"
"latitude": "-76.327744",
"longitude": "-131.003501",
"friends": [
"friend_id": 0,
"name": "Burnett Burke"
"friend_id": 1,
"name": "Lawrence Hunt"
"friend_id": 2,
"name": "Nola Benjamin"
"_id": "5d1f5d023ef4523b5e326ae2",
"index": 1,
"guid": "6b0ad8a7-2b10-4892-9b91-fc7445038aca",
"isActive": true,
"name": {
"first": "Valerie",
"last": "Preston"
"latitude": "27.995886",
"longitude": "170.930419",
"friends": [
"friend_id": 0,
"name": "Gretchen Hobbs"
"friend_id": 1,
"name": "Karen Smith"
"friend_id": 2,
"name": "Porter King"

How to parse JSON in Python and Bash?

I need to parse via Bash and Python the JSON below. I am getting different errors.
From JSON I want to get name and ObjectID information and put it on array. But don't know how to do this.
Example of JSON :
"aliases": [],
"localizations": {},
"name": "Super DX-Ball",
"popularity": 0,
"objectID": "7781",
"_highlightResult": {
"name": {
"value": "Super DX-<em>Ba</em>ll",
"matchLevel": "full",
"fullyHighlighted": false,
"matchedWords": [
"aliases": [],
"localizations": {},
"name": "Katekyo Hitman Reborn! DS Flame Rumble X - Mirai Chou-Bakuhatsu!!",
"popularity": 0,
"objectID": "77522",
"_highlightResult": {
"name": {
"value": "Katekyo Hitman Reborn! DS Flame Rumble X - Mirai Chou-<em>Ba</em>kuhatsu!!",
"matchLevel": "full",
"fullyHighlighted": false,
"matchedWords": [
"aliases": [],
"localizations": {},
"name": "Bagitman",
"popularity": 0,
"objectID": "7663",
"_highlightResult": {
"name": {
"value": "<em>Ba</em>gitman",
"matchLevel": "full",
"fullyHighlighted": false,
"matchedWords": [
"aliases": [],
"localizations": {},
"name": "Virtual Bart",
"popularity": 0,
"objectID": "7616",
"_highlightResult": {
"name": {
"value": "Virtual <em>Ba</em>rt",
"matchLevel": "full",
"fullyHighlighted": false,
"matchedWords": [
I'm getting error due that few independends jsons. Here is an example :
cat /tmp/out | jq ".name"
parse error: Expected value before ',' at line 35, column 4
The input JSON looks like an array but lacks brackets. Try to add them:
$ (echo '['; cat /tmp/out; echo ']') | jq 'map({ name, objectID })'
"name": "Super DX-Ball",
"objectID": "7781"
"name": "Katekyo Hitman Reborn! DS Flame Rumble X - Mirai Chou-Bakuhatsu!!",
"objectID": "77522"
"name": "Bagitman",
"objectID": "7663"
"name": "Virtual Bart",
"objectID": "7616"

Python built JSON with mixed types

Actually I build Json object starting from a python object.
My starting JSON is:
responseMsgObject = {'Version': 1,
'Id': 'xc23',
'Local': "US"
'Type': "Test",
'Message' : "Message body" }
responseMsgJson = json.dumps(responseMsgObject, sort_keys=False )
Every things works but now I need to put the JSON below into "Message" field.
"DepID": "001",
"Assets": [
"Type": "xyz",
"Text": [
"Metadata": {
"V": "1",
"Req": true,
"Other": "othervalue"
"Check": "refdw321"
"Type": "jkl",
"Text": [
"Metadata": {
"V": "6"
"Check": "345ghsdan"
I built many other json (but simpler) but I'm in trouble with this json.
Thanks for the help.
try to replace true with True works fine for me
import json
responseMsgObject = {
'Version': 1,
'Id': 'xc23',
'Local': "US",
'Type': "Test",
'Message': {
"DepID": "001",
"Assets": [{
"Type": "xyz",
"Text": [
"Metadata": {
"V": "1",
"Req": True,
"Other": "othervalue"
"Check": "refdw321"
}, {
"Type": "jkl",
"Text": [
"Metadata": {
"V": "6"
"Check": "345ghsdan4"
responseMsgJson = json.dumps(responseMsgObject, sort_keys=False )
print("responseMsgJson", responseMsgJson)

