How to drop multiple rows with datetime index? - python

I have the pandas data frame as below with a datetime index. The dataframe shows the data for the month of April and May. (The original dataframe has many more columns).
I want to remove all the rows for the month of May i.e. starting from index 2022-05-01 00:00:00 and ending at 2022-05-31 23:45:00. Currently, I am doing it by explicitly mentioning the index labels but I am sure that should be a more sophisticated way to do it without having to mention the index labels so that if the data changes and I want to remove the next month, I don't have to hard code it. I would appreciate help with this.
Current Code:
start_remove = pd.to_datetime('2022-05-01 00:00:00')
end_remove = pd.to_datetime('2022-05-01 23:45:00')
df = df.loc[(df.index < start_remove) | (df.index > end_remove)]
Sample Dataset:
date Open Close High Low
2022-04-30 23:30:00 10 11.4 10.2 10.7
2022-04-30 23:45:00 18 17.2 17.2 15.8
2022-05-01 00:00:00 24 24 24.8 24.8
2022-05-01 00:15:00 59 58 60 60.3
2022-05-01 00:30:00 43.7 43.9 48 48
2022-05-31 23:45:00 41.7 53.9 51 50

you may want to include the year when choosing month, to avoid deleting same month from other year
# assumption: date field is an index
# and is already converted to datetime using pd.to_datetime
df.drop(df.loc[df.index.strftime('%Y%m') == '202205'].index)
converting index to datetime


How to subtract dataframe with month index from dataframe with datetime index

I have two dataframes, one is called Clim and one is called O3_mda8_3135. Clim is a dataframe including monthly average meteorological parameters for one year of data; here is a sample of the dataframe:
avgT_2551 avgT_5330 ... avgNOx_3135(ppb) avgCO_3135(ppm)
Month ...
1 14.924181 13.545691 ... 48.216128 0.778939
2 16.352172 15.415385 ... 36.110385 0.605629
3 20.530879 19.684720 ... 20.974544 0.460571
4 23.738576 22.919158 ... 14.270995 0.432855
5 26.961927 25.779007 ... 11.087005 0.334505
6 32.208322 31.225072 ... 12.801409 0.384325
7 35.280124 34.265880 ... 10.732970 0.321284
8 35.428857 34.433351 ... 11.916420 0.326389
9 32.008317 30.856782 ... 15.236616 0.343405
10 25.691444 24.139874 ... 24.829518 0.467317
11 19.310550 17.827946 ... 36.339847 0.621938
12 14.186050 12.860077 ... 49.173287 0.720708
[12 rows x 20 columns]
I also have the dataframe O3_mda8_3135, which was created by first calculating the rolling 8 hour average of each component, then finding the maximum daily value of ozone, which is why all of the timestamps and indices are different. There is one value for each meteorological parameter every day of the year. Here's a sample of this dataframe:
date Temp_C_2551 ... CO_3135(ppm) O3_mda8_3135
12 2018-01-01 12:00:00 24.1 ... 0.294 10.4000
36 2018-01-02 12:00:00 26.3 ... 0.202 9.4375
60 2018-01-03 12:00:00 22.8 ... 0.184 7.1625
84 2018-01-04 12:00:00 25.6 ... 0.078 8.2500
109 2018-01-05 13:00:00 27.3 ... NaN 9.4500
... ... ... ... ...
8653 2018-12-27 13:00:00 19.6 ... 0.115 35.1125
8676 2018-12-28 12:00:00 14.9 ... 0.097 39.4500
8700 2018-12-29 12:00:00 13.9 ... 0.092 38.1250
8724 2018-12-30 12:00:00 17.4 ... 0.186 35.1375
8753 2018-12-31 17:00:00 8.3 ... 0.110 30.8875
[365 rows x 24 columns]
I am wondering how to subtract the average values in Clim from the corresponding columns and rows in O3_mda8_3135. For example, I would like to subtract the average value for temperature at site 2551 in January (avgT_2551 Month 1 in the Clim dataframe) from every day in January in the other dataframe O3_mda8_3135, column name Temp_C_2551.
avgT_2551 corresponds to Temp_C_2551 in the other dataframe
Is there a simple way to do this? Should I extract the month from the datetime and put it into another column for the O3_mda8_3135 dataframe? I am still a beginner and would appreciate any advice or tips.
I saw this post How to subtract the mean of a month from each day in that month? but there was not enough information given for me to understand what actions were being performed.
I figured it out on my own, thanks to Stack Overflow posts :)
I created new columns in both dataframes corresponding to the month. I had originally set the index in Clim to the Month using Clim = Clim.set_index('Month') so I removed that line. Then, I created a column for Month in the O3_mda8_3135 dataframe. After that, I merged the two dataframes based on the 'Month' column, then used the pd.sub function to subtract the columns I desired.
Here's some example code, sorry the variables are so long but this dataframe is huge.
O3_mda8_3135['Month'] = O3_mda8_3135['date'].dt.month
O3_mda8_3135_anom = pd.merge(O3_mda8_3135, Clim, how='left', on=('Month'))
O3_mda8_3135_anom['O3_mda8_3135_anom'] = O3_mda8_3135_anom['O3_mda8_3135'].sub(O3_mda8_3135_anom['MDA8_3135'])
These posts helped me answer my question:
python pandas extract year from datetime: df['year'] = df['date'].year is not working
How to calculate monthly mean of a time seies data and substract the monthly mean with the values of that month of each year?
Find difference between 2 columns with Nulls using pandas

How do I take the mean on either side of a value in a pandas DataFrame?

I have a Pandas DataFrame where the index is datetimes for every 12 minutes in a day (120 rows total). I went ahead and resampled the data to every 30 minutes.
Time Rain_Rate
1 2014-04-02 00:00:00 0.50
2 2014-04-02 00:30:00 1.10
3 2014-04-02 01:00:00 0.48
4 2014-04-02 01:30:00 2.30
5 2014-04-02 02:00:00 4.10
6 2014-04-02 02:30:00 5.00
7 2014-04-02 03:00:00 3.20
I want to take 3 hour means centered on hours 00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15 ,18, and 21. I want the mean to consist of 1.5 hours before 03:00:00 (so 01:30:00) and 1.5 hours after 03:00:00 (04:30:00). The 06:00:00 time would overlap with the 03:00:00 average (they would both use 04:30:00).
Is there a way to do this using pandas? I've tried a few things but they haven't worked.
Method 1
I'm going to suggest just change your resample from the get-go to get the chunks you want. Here's some fake data resembling yours, before resampling at all:
dr = pd.date_range('04-02-2014 00:00:00', '04-03-2014 00:00:00', freq='12T', closed='left')
data = np.random.rand(120)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=dr, columns=['Rain_Rate']) = 'Time'
2014-04-02 00:00:00 0.616588
2014-04-02 00:12:00 0.201390
2014-04-02 00:24:00 0.802754
2014-04-02 00:36:00 0.712743
2014-04-02 00:48:00 0.711766
Averaging by 3 hour chunks initially will be the same as doing 30 minute chunks then doing 3 hour chunks. You just have to tweak a couple things to get the right bins you want. First you can add the bin you will start from (i.e. 10:30 pm on the previous day, even if there's no data there; the first bin is from 10:30pm - 1:30am), then resample starting from this point
before = df.index[0] - pd.Timedelta(minutes=90) #only if the first index is at midnight!!!
df.loc[before] = np.nan
df = df.sort_index()
output = df.resample('3H', base=22.5, loffset='90min').mean()
The base parameter here means start at the 22.5th hour (10:30), and loffset means push the bin names back by 90 minutes. You get the following output:
2014-04-02 00:00:00 0.555515
2014-04-02 03:00:00 0.546571
2014-04-02 06:00:00 0.439953
2014-04-02 09:00:00 0.460898
2014-04-02 12:00:00 0.506690
2014-04-02 15:00:00 0.605775
2014-04-02 18:00:00 0.448838
2014-04-02 21:00:00 0.387380
2014-04-03 00:00:00 0.604204 #this is the bin at midnight on the following day
You could also start with the data binned at 30 minutes and use this method, and should get the same answer.*
Method 2
Another approach would be to find the locations of the indexes you want to create averages for, and then calculate the averages for entries in the 3 hours surrounding:
resampled = df.resample('30T',).mean() #like your data in the post
centers = [0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21]
mask = np.where(df.index.hour.isin(centers) & (df.index.minute==0), True, False)
df_centers = df.index[mask]
output = []
for center in df_centers:
cond1 = (df.index >= (center - pd.Timedelta(hours=1.5)))
cond2 = (df.index <= (center + pd.Timedelta(hours=1.5)))
output.append(df[cond1 & cond2].values.mean())
Output here is the same, but the answers are in a list (and the last point of "24 hours" is not included):
*You mentioned you wanted some points on the edge of bins to be included in both bins. resample doesn't do this (and generally I don't think most people want to do so), but the second method I used is explicit about doing so (by using >= and <= in cond1 and cond2). However, these two methods achieve the same result here, presumably b/c of the use of resample at different stages causing data points to be included in different bins. It's hard for me to wrap my around that, but one could do a little manual binning to verify what is going on. The point is, I would recommend spot-checking the output of these methods (or any resample-based method) against your raw data to make sure things look correct. For these examples, I did so using Excel.

Resample dataframe based on time ranges, ignoring date

I am trying to resample my data to get sums. This resampling needs to be based solely on time. I want to group the times in 6 hours, so regardless of the date I will get 4 sums.
My df looks like this:
2013-04-04 08:32:25 58
2013-04-04 18:43:11 1
2013-30-04 12:39:15 52
2013-14-05 06:51:33 99
2013-01-06 23:59:17 1
2013-03-06 19:37:25 42
2013-27-06 04:12:01 38
With this example data, I expect the get the following results:
00:00:00 38
06:00:00 157
12:00:00 52
18:00:00 43
To get around the date issue, I tried to keep only the time values:
df['time'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date_time']).time
new_df = df[['time', 'booking_bool']].set_index('time').resample('360min').sum()
Unfortunately, this was to no avail. How do I go about getting my required results? Is resample() even suitable for this task?
I don't think resample() is a good method to do this because you need to groupby based on hours independently of the day. Maybe you can try using cut using a custom bins parameter, and then a usual groupby
bins = np.arange(start=0, stop=24+6, step=6)
group = df.groupby(pd.cut(
bins, right=False,
labels=pd.date_range('00:00:00', '18:00:00', freq='6H').time)
# booking_count
# 00:00:00 38
# 06:00:00 157
# 12:00:00 52
# 18:00:00 44

Pandas DataFrame.resample monthly offset from particular day of month

I have a DataFrame df with sporadic daily business day rows (i.e., there is not always a row for every business day.)
For each row in df I want to create a historical resampled mean dfm going back one month at a time. For example, if I have a row for 2018-02-22 then I want rolling means for rows in the following date ranges:
2018-01-23 : 2018-02-22
2017-12-23 : 2018-01-22
2017-11-23 : 2017-12-22
But I can't see a way to keep this pegged to the particular day of the month using conventional offsets. For example, if I do:
dfm = df.resample('30D').mean()
Then we see two problems:
It references the beginning of the DataFrame. In fact, I can't find a way to force .resample() to peg itself to the end of the DataFrame – even if I have it operate on df_reversed = df.loc[:'2018-02-22'].iloc[::-1]. Is there a way to "peg" the resampling to something other than the earliest date in the DataFrame? (And ideally pegged to each particular row as I run some lambda on the associated historical resampling from each row's date?)
It will drift over time, because not every month is 30 days long. So as I go back in time I will find that the interval 12 "months" prior ends 2017-02-27, not 2017-02-22 like I want.
Knowing that I want to resample by non-overlapping "months," the second problem can be well-defined for month days 29-31: For example, if I ask to resample for '2018-03-31' then the date ranges would end at the end of each preceding month:
2018-03-01 : 2018-03-31
2018-02-01 : 2018-02-28
2018-01-01 : 2018-02-31
Though again, I don't know: is there a good or easy way to do this in pandas?
Given something like the following:
someperiods = 20 # this can be a number of days covering many years
somefrequency = '8D' # this can vary from 1D to maybe 10D
rng = pd.date_range('2017-01-03', periods=someperiods, freq=somefrequency)
df = pd.DataFrame({'x':}, index=rng) # x in practice is exogenous data
from pandas.tseries.offsets import *
df['MonthPrior'] = df.index.to_pydatetime() + DateOffset(months=-1)
For each row in df: calculate df['PreviousMonthMean'] = rolling average of all df.x in range [df.MonthPrior, df.index). In this example the resulting DataFrame would be:
Index x MonthPrior PreviousMonthMean
2017-01-03 3 2016-12-03 NaN
2017-01-11 11 2016-12-11 3
2017-01-19 19 2016-12-19 7
2017-01-27 27 2016-12-27 11
2017-02-04 4 2017-01-04 19
2017-02-12 12 2017-01-12 16.66666667
2017-02-20 20 2017-01-20 14.33333333
2017-02-28 28 2017-01-28 12
2017-03-08 8 2017-02-08 20
2017-03-16 16 2017-02-16 18.66666667
2017-03-24 24 2017-02-24 17.33333333
2017-04-01 1 2017-03-01 16
2017-04-09 9 2017-03-09 13.66666667
2017-04-17 17 2017-03-17 11.33333333
2017-04-25 25 2017-03-25 9
2017-05-03 3 2017-04-03 17
2017-05-11 11 2017-04-11 15
2017-05-19 19 2017-04-19 13
2017-05-27 27 2017-04-27 11
2017-06-04 4 2017-05-04 19
If we can get that far, then I need to find an efficient way to iterate that so that for each row in df I can aggregate consecutive but non-overlapping df['PreviousMonthMean'] values going back one calendar month at a time from the given DateTimeIndex....

to_datetime in pandas changes the date of my datetime data

I use the following code to extract the datetime of a .csv file:
house_data = 'test_1house_EV.csv'
house1 = pandas.read_csv(house_data)
time = pandas.to_datetime(house1["localminute"])
The datetime data to be extracted are the 1440 minutes of September 1, 2017.
However, after using to_datetime the minutes between 00:00 and 05:00 are placed on September 2.
e.g. the original data looks like this:
28 2017-09-01 00:28:00-05
29 2017-09-01 00:29:00-05
1411 2017-09-01 23:31:00-05
1412 2017-09-01 23:32:00-05
but the datetime data looks like this:
28 2017-09-01 05:28:00
29 2017-09-01 05:29:00
1410 2017-09-02 04:30:00
1411 2017-09-02 04:31:00
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Use this, as per #James' suggestion:
pd.to_datetime(house1["localminute"], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S-%f')
You can slice off the last three characters of the date string before converting.

