Python multiprocessing process hangs at the end of it - python

I have a python script driving me crazy.
Right now i have a infinite loop that checks a data and get into a function in a specific situation.
while true:
peso = getPeso()
if peso > 900:
processo = multiprocessing.Process(target=processo_automatico)
andare() #this is where it should go after the process.
The function works a lot of times but nondeterministically it hangs at the end of the process (literally finish and hangs there forever. How do i know this? i tried with logs).
So at the beginning I tried to terminate it with exit codes:
if processo.exitcode is None:
errore_cicalino() #this is just a warning for me
elif processo.exitcode != 0:
but this never worked. NEVER.
So i tried without the join(). Tried with is_alive().
if processo.is_alive():
and even like this, it never entered this if.
This is driving me crazy, i accept the fact that the process could fail but, after the timeout, i should be able to terminate it and carry on with the script.
The script is running on a Raspberry Pi 4 2 GB.
Any idea?
Minimal example:
while True:
processo = multiprocessing.Process(target=processo_automatico)
code randomly hangs at the end of the started process and cannot terminate in any way.
processo_automatico() is a function where the script get a picture from a camera and upload it in a DB thanks to another module.
def processo_automatico():
now = str(
now = now.replace(":", "-")
foto = CAMERA.read_camera()
cv2.imwrite("/var/www/html/" + now + ".png", foto)
DB.insert("/var/www/html/" + now + ".png", peso)
They don't create exceptions and i already tried to add to the end of the function a log info(executed even when the code hangs)

What was that?
Well, my focus was on the end of the process while the issue was right at the start.
See the function getPeso()? That one just gets values from the serial.
After a few hours of getting those values the raspberry py just starts to see random values and you gotta reboot to fix it.
I wasn't prepared for that. My function just became a recursive infinite function with no break.
My tip, do not use infinite cycles except if you really need to or at least think if it could get stuck somewhere and check it.


print information in a corner when using python/ipython REPL -- and quitting it while thread is running

I am using a python library I wrote to interact with a custom USB device. The library needs to send and receive data. I also need to interactively call methods. At the moment I utilize two shells, one receiving only and the other sending only. The latter is in the (i)python REPL. It works but it is clumsy, so I want to consolidate the two things in a single shell, which will have the advantage to have access to data structures from both sides in one context. That works fine. The problem is in the UI.
In fact, the receiving part needs to asynchronously print some information. So I wrote something like the following:
import threading
import time
import blessings
def print_time( thread_id, delay):
count = 0
while count < TOTAL:
count += 1
stuff = "Thread " + str(thread_id) + " " + str(time.ctime(time.time())) + " -- " + str(TOTAL - count) + " to go"
with t.location(t.width - len(stuff) - 1, thread_id):
print (stuff, end=None )
print("", end="") # just return the cursor
t1 = threading.Thread( target = print_time, args = (1, 2, ) )
print ("Thread started")
print ("Error: unable to start thread")
That is my file for the module. It somewhat works, but it has two problems:
While the thread is running, you cannot exit the REPL neither with CTRL-D nor with sys.exit() (that is the reason I am using TOTAL=5 above, so your life is easier if you try this code). This is a problem since my actual thread needs to be an infinite loop. I guess one solution could be to exit via a custom call which will cause a break into that infinite loop, but is there anything better?
The cursor does not return correctly to its earlier position
if I remove the end="" in the line with the comment # just return the cursor, it sort of works, but obviously print an unwanted newline in the place the cursor was (which messes us other input and/or output which might be happening there, in addition to add that unwanted newline)
if I leave the end="" it does not return the cursor, not even if I add something to print, e.g. print(".", end="") -- the dots . are printed at the right place, but the blinking cursor and the input is printed at the top
I know these are two unrelated problem and I could have asked two separate questions, but I need an answer to both, or otherwise it's a moot point. Or alternatively, I am open to other solutions. I thought of a separate GTK window, and that might work, but it's a subpar solution, since I really would like this to work in CLI only (to keep it possible in a ssh-without-X-tunneling setup).
Using blessed instead of blessing does not have the problem with the cursor not returning to the previous position, even without anything outside of the with context.
Making the thread a daemon solves the other problem.

Duration calculation and control in ROS - furthermore why does this script keep running even after pressing Ctrl-C?

I have written some code to make the turtlebot turn around. The code is working. What I want to know is how fast the turtlebot is running and how I can control it. Forexample, how can I ensure that the turtlebot turns 5 degrees in one minute?
Last part of the question. After pressing Ctrl-C, the turtlebot stops but the script keeps running. Why? and how can I stop that?
this post does not really help.
went through this post .Does that mean that the while loop below runs 5 times a second regardless of the values I put in the for loops? Or does it mean ROS tries its best to make sure that the loop runs 5 times a second to the best of my machine's ability?
Thank you very much.
# 5 HZ
angle = 5
r = rospy.Rate(5);
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
# code to turn
for x in range(0,100):
turn_cmd.angular.z = radians(angle)
new_angle = (angle + new_angle) % 360
# code to pause
for x in range(0,100):
turn_cmd.angular.z = radians(0)
def shutdown(self):
# stop turtlebot
rospy.loginfo("Stop turning")
According to ROS Wiki, the rospy.Rate convenience class makes a best effort to maintain the loop running at the specified frequency by considering the execution time of the loop since the last successful r.sleep(). This means in your case: as long as the code execution time within the loop does not exceed 1/5 seconds, rospy.Rate will make sure the loop runs at 5Hz.
Regarding the script not stopping when pressing Ctrl-C:
KeyboardInterrupt will be handled differently than in normal Python scripts when using rospy.
rospy catches the KeyboardInterrupt signal to set the rospy.is_shutdown() flag to true. This flag is only checked at the end of each loop, therefore if pressing Ctrl-C during the for-loop executions, the script cannot be stopped because the flag is not checked immediately.
A manual way to signal a shutdown of the node is to use rospy.signal_shutdown(). For this, the disable_signals option needs to be set to true when initializing the ROS node (see Section 2.3 here). Note that you will additionally have to manually invoke the correct shutdown routines to ensure a proper cleanup.

My script runs once, how do I code it to run always?

I'm new to python and programming in general. I made a small script that gives me a notification when the battery reaches 100% or goes below 25%. It runs fine for a single instance. I'm trying to get it to always run i.e. that it sits in the tray and popups up the notification as per the conditions. I tried putting the whole thing through a "while True:" loop but that does not seem to help. Could you guys help me out?
import psutil
from win10toast import ToastNotifier
while True:
def battery():
if percent<25 and power==False:
return ('We\'re low on power({}%),plug in the charger.'.format(percent))
elif percent>=100 and power==True:
return ('Fully charged ({}%),you can disconnect the charger now.'.format(percent))
You need to routinely call the battery() in while, nothing else.
So, for example, considering the rest of your code remains the same:
while True:

Add time delay between every statement of python code

Is there an easy way to execute time delay (like time.sleep(3)) between every statement of Python code without having to explicitly write between every statement?
Like in the below Python Script which performs certain action on SAP GUI window. Sometimes, the script continues to the next statement before the previous statement is complete. So, I had to add a time delay between every statement so that it executes correctly. It is working with time delay, but I end up adding time.sleep(3) between every line. Just wondering if there is a better way?
import win32com.client
import time
sapgui = win32com.client.GetObject("SAPGUI").GetScriptingEngine
session = sapgui.FindById("ses[0]")
def add_record(employee_num, start_date, comp_code):
session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/npa40"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtRP50G-PERNR").text = employee_num
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtRP50G-EINDA").text = start_date
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT/ctxtRP50G-WERKS[1,0]").text = comp_code
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT/ctxtRP50G-PERSG[2,0]").text = "1"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT/ctxtRP50G-PERSK[3,0]").text = "U1"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMP50ATC_MENU_EVENT").getAbsoluteRow(0).selected = True
return "Pass"
return "failed"
The right way to do what you asked for is almost certainly to use the debugger, pdb.
The right way to do what you want is probably something completely different: find some signal that tells you that the step is done, and wait for that signal. With problems like this, almost any time you pick will be way, way too long 99% of the time, but still too short 1% of the time. That signal may be joining a thread, or waiting on a (threading or multiprocessing) Condition, or getting from a queue, or awaiting a coroutine or future, or setting the sync flag on an AppleEvent, or… It really depends on what you're doing.
But if you really want to do this, you can use settrace:
def sleeper(frame, event, arg):
if event == 'line':
return sleeper
One small problem is that the notion of line used by the interpreter may well not be what you want. Briefly, a 'line' trace event is triggered whenever the ceval loop jumps to a different lnotab entry (see lnotab_notes.txt in the source to understand what that means—and you'll probably need at least a passing understanding of how bytecode is interpreted, at least from reading over the dis docs, to understand that). So, for example, a multiline expression is a single line; the line of a with statement may appear twice, etc.1
And there's probably an even bigger problem.
Sometimes, the script continues to next step before the previous step is fully complete.
I don't know what those steps are, but if you put the whole thread to sleep for 2 seconds, there's a good chance the step you're waiting for won't make any progress, because the thread is asleep. (For example, you're not looping through any async or GUI event loops, because you're doing nothing at all.) If so, then after 2 seconds, it'll still be just as incomplete as it was before, and you'll have wasted 2 seconds for nothing.
1. If your notion of "line" is closer to what's described in the reference docs on lexing and parsing Python, you could create an import hook that walks the AST and adds an expression statement with a Call to time.sleep(2) after each list element in each body with a module, definition, or compound statement (and then compiles and execs the result as usual).
Anything you want to happen in a program has to be explicitly stated - this is the nature of programming. This is like asking if you can print hello world without calling print("hello world").
I think the best advice to give you here is: don't think in terms of "lines", but think in term of functions.
use debugging mode and watch each and every line executing line by line.

Python 2.X / Tkinter needs print to run

Firstly, very much Py Newby!
I have written a program to import data from a file and display it as an image using tkinter. The loop that is misbehaving runs thus:
Get data and plot
for x in xrange(WIDE):
for y in xrange(HIGH):
dataPointLo =
dataPointHi =
pixelValue = ((ord(dataPointLo) + 256*(ord(dataPointHi)))-31500)
colour = rgb[pixelValue]
#print below makes prog run!
print pixelValue
img.put(colour, to=(x,y))
As suggested by the comment, leaving out the print stops it working, but it locks one core of the processor at 100% for as long as you leave it (well at least 20 mins!). This effect occurs both in IDLE and from the command line (Ubuntu 12.04). Of course, the print to the IDLE window slows the program down, so I would like to remove it! Any thoughts?
it sounds like the process you are running takes a long time to complete, i would suggest that the reason you think it stops is because the window doesn't update while the process is busy unless you tell it to. i suggest you add a function like the following to your code and call it once before you enter your loop:
def keep_alive(self):
self.after(100, self.keep_alive)
this way you are adding an event to update the window every 100ms(ish) to the event loop, which will keep the program responsive. you can adjust the timing to suit you, too often will slow your loop down, too far apart and the program will feel sluggish.

