I've been using basic auth to log in to my outlook email with imap.
imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap-mail.outlook.com")
# authenticate
imap.login(username, password)
status, messages = imap.select("INBOX")
Now that Microsoft moved to oauth2 I'm getting "Login failed" messages even although the credentials are correct.
Can anyone share a code example that connects with oauth2?
I found this guide, but it only shows the steps on the account side, not the actual connection in the app.
This is my solution,
follow this guide to create an app with necessary permissions.
use the following code in your app.
imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_host, 993)
imap.debug = 4
access_token = get_access_token_to_authenticate_imap()
imap.authenticate("XOAUTH2", lambda x:generate_auth_string(
I have an old Python application that suing Imaplib to read email, download attachments from email in inbox folder, But using basic authentication like:
mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(SERVER)
mail.login(EMAIL, PASSWORD)
But, Microsoft is about to turn off Basic Authentication for IMAP that mean I must update to OAuth 2.0 for my application to continue working. But I've searched on internet and only find example of imaplib + OAuth2 for gmail or using win32com.client which only work on Windows (my application is running on Ubuntu).
I hope that I don't have to use other library because I have to change a lot in my code.So anyone know where to find an example about using imaplib + OAuth2.0 to access outlook mail box?
I am trying to write a script in Python to grab new emails from a specific folder and save the attachments to a shared drive to upload to a database. Power Automate would work, but the file size limit to save the attachment is a meager 20 MB. I am able to authenticate the token, but am getting the following error when trying to grab the emails:
Unauthorized for url.
The token contains no permissions, or permissions can not be understood.
I have included the code I am using to connect to Microsoft Graph.
(credentials and tenant_id are correct in my code, took them out for obvious reasons
from O365 import Account, MSOffice365Protocol, MSGraphProtocol
credentials = ('xxxxxx', 'xxxxxx')
protocol = MSGraphProtocol(default_resource='reporting.triometric#xxxx.com')
scopes_graph = protocol.get_scopes_for('message_all_shared')
scopes = ['https://graph.microsoft.com/.default']
account = Account(credentials, auth_flow_type='credentials', tenant_id="**", scopes=scopes,)
if account.authenticate():
mailbox = account.mailbox(resource='reporting.triometric#xxxx.com')
inbox = mailbox.inbox_folder()
for message in inbox.get_messages():
I have already configured the permissions through Azure to include all the necessary 'mail' delegations.
The rest of my script works perfectly fine for uploading files to the database. Currently, the attachments must be manually saved on a shared drive multiple times per day, then the script is run to upload. Are there any steps I am missing? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
Here are the permissions:
auth_flow_type='credentials' means you are using client credentials flow.
In this case you should add Application permissions rather than Delegated permissions.
Don't forget to click on "Grant admin consent for {your tenant}".
If you set auth_flow_type to 'Authorization', it will use auth code flow which requires the delegated permission.
I've been trying for some time now to connect to Outlook mailbox exchange using Python EWS client.
Problem is, I keep getting 401 authorisation errors when I connect.
I can successfully access the account on my browser via OWA by going to https://webmail.mydomain.com and logging in using some of the details below. But I've tried almost every permutation of user names, UPN etc, using autodiscover etc in my script but no luck :-( Any help would be greatly appreciated. p.s Merry Xmas :-)
Email: username#mydomain.com
UserName: username
Password: password
server: webmail.mydomain.com
from exchangelib import DELEGATE, IMPERSONATION, Account, Credentials, \
EWSDateTime, EWSTimeZone, Configuration, NTLM, CalendarItem, Message, \
Mailbox, Q
from exchangelib.folders import Calendar, ExtendedProperty, FileAttachment, ItemAttachment, \
config = Configuration( server='webmail.mydomain.com',
credentials=Credentials(username='username#mydomain.com', password='password'),
account = Account(primary_smtp_address='username#mydomain.com',
I had been told an incorrect MYWINDOMAIN. Used the correct one and it worked!
I am having trouble generating a refresh token using Python for the AdWords API & need some help. Here is the situation:
I have a client on AdWords that I want to pull reports for through the AdWords API (we have a developer token now for this). Let's say that, in AdWords, the clients account is 521-314-0974 (making this up). Here is where I am confused:
Below is the following code snippet needed to generate a refresh token that I am trying to get working:
"""Generates a refresh token for use with AdWords."""
__author__ = 'Nathaniel Payne'
import sys
import urllib2
from oauthlib import oauth2
# Your OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret. If you do not have an ID and Secret yet,
# please go to https://console.developers.google.com and create a set.
# You may optionally provide an HTTPS proxy.
# The AdWords API OAuth 2.0 scope.
SCOPE = u'https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords'
# This callback URL will allow you to copy the token from the success screen.
CALLBACK_URL = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
# The HTTP headers needed on OAuth 2.0 refresh requests.
OAUTH2_REFRESH_HEADERS = {'content-type':
# The web address for generating new OAuth 2.0 credentials at Google.
GOOGLE_OAUTH2_AUTH_ENDPOINT = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth'
GOOGLE_OAUTH2_GEN_ENDPOINT = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token'
def main():
oauthlib_client = oauth2.WebApplicationClient(CLIENT_ID)
authorize_url = oauthlib_client.prepare_request_uri(
print ('Log in to your AdWords account and open the following URL: \n%s\n' %
print 'After approving the token enter the verification code (if specified).'
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
post_body = oauthlib_client.prepare_request_body(
client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, code=code, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL)
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
post_body = bytes(post_body, 'utf8')
request = urllib2.Request(GOOGLE_OAUTH2_GEN_ENDPOINT, post_body,
request.set_proxy(HTTPS_PROXY, 'https')
raw_response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read().decode()
oauth2_credentials = oauthlib_client.parse_request_body_response(raw_response)
print ('Your access token is %s and your refresh token is %s'
% (oauth2_credentials['access_token'],
print ('You can cache these credentials into a yaml file with the '
'following keys:\nadwords:\n client_id: %s\n client_secret: %s\n'
' refresh_token: %s\n'
% (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, oauth2_credentials['refresh_token']))
if __name__ == '__main__':
1) Do I need to have a special project set-up for every AdWords customer in the console.developers.google.com, in order to pull from the AdWords Reporting API? Or, can I simply provide the client secret and ID for a generic account in the console?
2) Following from this, can someone please confirm what should go in place of the client_ID & Client_Secret in order to make the Python code block below work. What I mean is, I was using the client ID and client secret from https://console.developers.google.com ... for the analytics account that we have billing set-up on (and which I have used for BigQuery API access previously). Is that correct? I am not seeing clearly how this will be linked to the AdWords account for this client.
2) In the consent screen, I put my own e-mail, since I am owner of the project,. That said, when I run the code, I get the link to the URL that I need to run to generate the code. That said, when I sun this snippet:
print ('Log in to your AdWords account and open the following URL: \n%s\n' %
print 'After approving the token enter the verification code (if specified).'
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
I get an error. This is the message that I get in error:
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob did not match a registered redirect URI
Learn more
Request Details
I am puzzled here. Some folks suggested changing the e-mail address in the consent screen (which I did ... but was unsuccessful). Again, my simple goal is to be able to pull one report from tis clients through the AdWords API (which I will expand once I get there). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
After some work, I was able to successfully navigate through this issue. Here are the detailed steps that I took to get to the point where I could successfully pull data through the API. In my situation, I manage an AdWords MCC with multiple accounts. Thus, I went back to the beginning of many of the help manuals and did the following:
Create a new project called AdWords-API-XXXX.
In the credentials screen on the console, I created a new "Client ID for native application". This allowed me to generate my CLIENT_ID and the CLIENT_SECRET that I needed. Critically, it also generated a re-direct URI which was the source of my problem.
I took both of these values, added them to the main script, and ran the generate_refresh_token.py script. This allowed me to generate a working refresh token. I had to be signed into my AdWords account MCC, in order to make sure that OAuth2 provided me the ability to access all potential AdWord clientsinside my MCC. I got an authentication screen generated by URL for this process which asked me to confirm that permission was being granted for AdWords access.
Following this, I created a new googleads.yaml script and placed this in my c:\gsutil directory. This is the code in most Python programs where the program looks for the file googleads.yaml:
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
Once this was done, I was able to successfully run the script from my command line to generate the final output. The script was:
python download_criteria_report.py
Note of course that I have changed my path variable previously in order to run Python 2.7 from the command line. This script was run inside the directory of the download_criteria_report.py file. This script ran successfully and enabled me to pull data from the AdWords API for one of my test clients.
The next challenge will be working with the returned output from the API and putting it into a format that I can quickly use for analysis & storage.
I am using Google's Oauth 2.0 to get the user's access_token, but I dont know how to use it with imaplib to access inbox.
Below is the code for IMAP with oauth 2.0
email = 'k#example.com'
access_token = 'vF9dft4qmTc2Nvb3RlckBhdHRhdmlzdGEuY29tCg'
auth_string = 'user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1\1' % (email, access_token)
imap_conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com')
imap_conn.debug = 4
imap_conn.authenticate('XOAUTH2', lambda x: auth_string)
for more details see the library code.
Currently you can use OAuth 1.0 to access Gmail over IMAP and SMTP, but OAuth 2.0 is not yet supported. Here is a link to more information: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/gmail/oauth_overview
This is something I've been kicking around. I didn't want to juggle refreshing access tokens and what not myself -- I also found there was too much boilerplate code in the Google example. I decided just to write very simple wrappers that allow for OAuth2 IMAP and SMTP that utilize Credentials and Flow objects from google-api-python-client.
Hopefully this helps somebody.
IMAP does not support accessing inbox without password -> so imaplib doesnt