So I've cloned this
as I am looking for a working example of jqgrid with django.
I've been updating the code (as this seems like it was written for a version 2 of django and I'm workng on 4.1)
I'm completely stumped by the lines
from jqgrid import JqGrid
giving me this error
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jqgrid'
I cannot find a reference to jqgrid within pip and I cannot install one (jqgrid is not a python package)
I understand that jqgrid is a javascript component around jquery but how do I get that to work in Python
I have google for django-jqgrid and on youtube. None of the answers provide enough information to get a simple working example up. There seems to be an assumption that everything is installed and I'd like to understand what is required where and how to reference
What am I missing?
Simply you can install this library:
pip install js.jqgrid
And now your above error will solve
I have a question regarding h5pyViewer to view h5 files. I tried pip install h5pyViewer but that didn't work. I checked on Google and it states that h5pyViewer does not work for older versions of Python, but that there are a few solutions on GitHub. I downloaded this with pip install git+ which finally gave me a successful installation.
Yet, when I want to import the package with import h5pyViewer it gave me the following error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'h5pyViewer'. However when I tried to install it again it says:
Requirement already satisfied: h5pyviewer in c:\users\celin\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (-v0.0.1.15)Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
Any ideas how to get out of this loop or in what other way I could access an .h5 file?
There could be so many things wrong so it's hard to say what the problem is.
The actual package import has a lowercase "v": h5pyviewer (as seen in your error message).
Your IDE/python runner may not be using your Conda environment (you can select the environment in VSCode, and if you are running a script in the terminal make sure your Conda env is enabled in that terminal)
The GitHub package might be exported from somewhere else. Try something like from Eothred import h5pyviewer.
Maybe h5pyviewer is not even supposed to be imported this way!
Overall, I don't suggest using this package, it seems like it's broken on Python 3 and not well maintained. The code in GitHub looks sketchy, and very few people use it. A good indicator is usually the number of people that star or use the package, which seems extremely low. Additionally, it doesn't even have a real readme file! It doesn't say how to use it at all. Suggest you try something else like pandas. But if you really want to go with this, you can try the above debugging steps.
So I want to run a repo i cloned from github project that is used to segregate the medical reports data and categorise it using machine learning and an error occurred.
Here is the relevant code:
import modeladapter as ModelAdapter
VSCode screenshot:
This means that the module does not exist on your PC in the area where Python modules are installed. You should try to install the module using pip and it should resolve I think. I don't know what the module is though, I tried googling it and couldn't find anything, so maybe somewhere on the GitHub repo page it says what the required modules are and where to get them?
Trying to access the todoist api, and I copied some code from the api documentation. However, on my system I get an error stating:
Unable to import 'todoist.api'pylint(import-error).
I installed it with:
pip install todoist-python
as mentioned in the documentation
from todoist.api import TodoistAPI
I get my error on the very first line. How do I not get this?
You did everything right, so it's probably related to the way your installation is set.
Be sure you are using the same python you used to install the library. Check if the library is installed (pip list) and check if you're using the right Python when running the code. It's possible that the library was installed in one version and you're using the other.
I had the same problem, I solved it by following the GitHub instructions, but the name of the module to install using pip is todoist.
I'm using netbeans to write a simple python program which I need the requests module for, I've downloaded requests through terminal and it all seems to be fine there but netbeans can't seem to find it.
This is the error that it's throwing up:
import requests
ImportError: No module named requests
I've tried installing the requests library directly into the python folder but the folder won't let me paste anything into it.
There do seem to be answers on the netbeans forums but their server is down so won't let me on their website to my annoyance!
I've tried to run python install as per other answers on the website but had no luck.
have tried completely uninstalling python and requests to make sure it wasn't an installation error but still no luck.
This clearly looks like an error of installation of the request module to some other place than where your netbeans expects when running the code.
In your console run
which python
Check if this gives the same path as the one set in your netbeans. You can set your path by adding new platform using Tools > Python Platforms > New:
I would suggest that you learn bit more about sandboxed environments such as virtualenv. This article shows how you can use a virtualenv to install packages and use the same virtualenv for netbeans so that whatever packages you install in the virtualenv will be available in the netbeans for you to use. For this case, it could be requests.
In the end I gave up with requests, as I was using requests to get json data from an API I decided just to go back to the drawing board and start over rather than attempt to fix something that I couldn't work out. I am now using the urllib import and whilst this may not be the most efficient way it works which is the most important thing.
I've installed mesos 0.26 successfully on a vm machine.
The installation has been performed on an ubuntu trusty thar system
by following this manual:
So far so good. I wanted to write a tiny python framwork.
For this I need to install the eggs via easy_install:
(I've downloaded the eggs accordingly for the trusty thar ubuntu and the 0.26 mesos):
easy_install mesos-0.26.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
all went fine, however, if I start python in the shell
and type in
import mesos.interface
I get the message: ImportError: No module named interface
As someone suggested, it may be that there is no longer a binding for python, or that they have renamed the API calls. Well, I looked in the version updates here:
Since the transition from 0.19.x to 0.20.x there hasn't been any changes regarding the mesos.interface part, or at least they are not mentioning it here.
To increase the confusion I also get the following error message when I'm typing in python: import mesos.native
There I receive: ImportError: No module named interface.mesos_pb2. To put it into a nutshell: what is going wrong here, and how can it be fixed? And yes, I've googled various web pages, with terms such as "mesos python bindings", mesos +api +python, etc. And yes, I have also consulted the official mesos webpage. There are nice refences for Java and C++ but not for python, or at least they are very well hidden.
Thanks in advance for any hints.
Solved. For what reasons ever:
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
is required to set the PYTHONPATH. After that step it works like a charm.